Understand the core principles of fundamental analysis and how they drive the financial markets.
Fundamental analysis examines the underlying forces that affect the well being of the economy, industry groups, and companies. As with most analysis, the goal is to derive a forecast and profit from future price movements.
At the company level, fundamental analysis may involve examination of financial data, management, business concept and competition. At the industry level, there might be an examination of supply and demand forces for the products offered. For the national economy, fundamental analysis might focus on economic data to assess the present and future growth of the economy.
To forecast future stock prices, fundamental analysis combines economic, industry, and company analysis to derive a stock's current fair value and forecast future value. If fair value is not equal to the current stock price, fundamental analysts believe that the stock is either overvalued or undervalued and the market price will ultimately gravitate towards fair value.
Fundamentalists do not heed the advice of the random walkers and believe that markets are weak-form efficient. By believing that prices do not accurately reflect all available information, fundamental analysts look to capitalize on perceived price discrepancies.
Even though there is no clear-cut method, a breakdown is presented below in the order an investor might proceed. This method employs a top-down approach that starts with the overall economy and works down from industry groups to specific companies.
As part of the analyzing process, it is important to remember that all information is relative. Industry groups are compared against other industry groups and companies against other companies. Usually, companies are compared with others in the same group. For example, a telecom operator such as Verizon Communications (VZ) would be compared to another telecom operator such as AT&T, Inc. (T), not to an oil company like Chevron Corp. (CVX).
The first step in a top-down investment approach would be an overall evaluation of the general economy. Think of the economy as the tide and the various industry groups and individual companies as boats. When the economy expands, most industry groups and companies benefit and grow. When the economy contracts, most sectors and companies usually suffer.
Many economists link economic expansion and contraction to the level of interest rates. Interest rates are seen as a leading indicator for the stock market.
Below is a chart of the S&P 500 ($SPX) and the yield on the 10-year note over the last 30 years. Although not exact, there's a correlation between stock prices and interest rates.
When you have identified whether the overall economy is expanding or contracting, the next step would be to break down the economy into its various industry groups.
If the prognosis is for an expanding economy, then certain groups are likely to benefit more than others. An investor can narrow the field to those groups best suited to benefit from the current or future economic environment. If most companies are expected to benefit from an expansion, then risk in equities would be relatively low and an aggressive growth-oriented strategy might be advisable. A growth strategy might involve the purchase of technology, biotech, semiconductor, and cyclical stocks.
If the economy is forecast to contract, an investor may opt for a more conservative strategy and seek out stable income-oriented companies. A defensive strategy might involve the purchase of consumer staples, utilities, and energy-related stocks.
To assess an industry group's potential, an investor would want to consider the overall growth rate, market size, and importance to the economy. While the individual company is still important, its industry group is likely to exert just as much, or more, influence on the stock price. When stocks move, they usually move as groups; there are very few lone guns out there. Many times it is more important to be in the right industry than in the right stock!
The chart below shows that relative performance of five sectors over a seven-month timeframe. As the chart illustrates, being in the right sector can make all the difference.
Once the industry group is chosen, an investor would need to narrow the list of companies before proceeding to a more detailed analysis. Investors are usually interested in finding the leaders and the innovators within a group.
The first task is to identify the current business and competitive environment within a group and future trends. How do the companies rank according to market share, product position, and competitive advantage? Who is the current leader, and how will changes within the sector affect the current balance of power? What are the barriers to entry? Success depends on having an edge, be it marketing, technology, market share, or innovation. A comparative analysis of the competition within a sector will help identify those companies with an edge and those most likely to keep it.
With a shortlist of companies, an investor might analyze the resources and capabilities within each company to identify companies capable of creating and maintaining a competitive advantage. The analysis could focus on selecting companies with a sensible business plan, solid management, and sound financials.
The business plan, model, or concept forms the bedrock upon which all else is built. If the plan, model, or concepts are subpar, a business lacks hope. For a new business, you may want to look for answers to questions like: Does its business make sense? Is it feasible? Is there a market? Can a profit be made?
For an established business, the questions may be: Is the company's direction clearly defined? Is the company a leader in the market? Can the company maintain leadership?
To execute a business plan, a company requires top-quality management. Investors might look at management to assess their capabilities, strengths, and weaknesses. Even the best-laid plans in the most dynamic industries can go to waste with bad management. Alternatively, even in a mature industry, strong management can make for increased success. Some of the questions to ask might include: How talented is the management team? Do they have a track record? How long have they worked together? Can management deliver on its promises? If management is a problem, it is sometimes best to move on.
The final step in this analysis process would be to take apart the financial statements and devise a valuation method. Below is a list of potential inputs into a financial analysis.
Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Acid Ratio Amortization Assets - Current Assets - Fixed Book Value Brand Business Cycle Business Idea Business Model Business Plan Capital Expenses Cash Flow Cash on hand Current Ratio Customer Relationships Days Payable Days Receivable Debt Debt Structure Debt:Equity Ratio Depreciation Derivatives-Hedging Discounted Cash Flow Dividend Dividend Cover Earnings EBITDA Economic Growth Equity Equity Risk Premium Expenses
Good Will Gross Profit Margin Growth Industry Interest Cover International Investment Liabilities - Current Liabilities - Long-term Management Market Growth Market Share Net Profit Margin Pageview Growth Pageviews Patents Price/Book Value Price/Earnings PEG Price/Sales Product Product Placement Regulations R & D Revenues Sector Stock Options Strategy Subscriber Growth Subscribers Supplier Relationships Taxes Trademarks Weighted Average Cost of Capital
The list can seem quite long and intimidating. However, an investor will learn what works best after a while and develop a set of preferred analysis techniques. There are many valuation metrics, and much depends on the industry and stage of the economic cycle. A complete financial model can be built to forecast future revenues, expenses, and profits, or an investor can rely on the forecast of other analysts and apply various multiples to arrive at a valuation. Some of the more popular ratios are found by dividing the stock price by a key value driver.
Price/Book Value
ISP or Cable Company
Price/Page Views
This methodology assumes a company will sell at a specific multiple of its earnings, revenues, or growth. An investor may rank companies based on these valuation ratios. Those at the high end may be considered overvalued, while those at the low end may constitute relatively good value.
After all is said and done, an investor will be left with a handful of companies that stand out from the pack. Over the course of the analysis process, an understanding will develop of which companies stand out as potential leaders and innovators. In addition, other companies would be considered laggards and unpredictable. The final step of the fundamental analysis process is to synthesize all data, analysis, and understanding into selecting individual stock or securities.
Fundamental analysis is good for long-term investments based on very long-term trends. The ability to identify and predict long-term economic, demographic, technological or consumer trends can benefit patient investors who pick the right industry groups or companies.
Sound fundamental analysis will help identify companies that represent a good value. Some of the most legendary investors think long-term and value. Graham and Dodd, Warren Buffett, and John Neff are considered champions of value investing. Fundamental analysis can help uncover companies with valuable assets, a strong balance sheet, stable earnings, and staying power.
One of the most obvious, but less tangible, rewards of fundamental analysis is the development of a thorough understanding of the business. After such painstaking research and analysis, an investor will be familiar with the key revenue and profit drivers behind a company. Earnings and earnings expectations can be potent drivers of equity prices. Even some technical analysts will agree to that. A good understanding can help investors avoid companies that are prone to shortfalls and identify those that continue to deliver.
In addition to understanding the business, fundamental analysis allows investors to develop an understanding of the key value drivers and companies within an industry. A stock's price is heavily influenced by its industry group. By studying these groups, investors can better position themselves to identify opportunities that are high-risk (tech), low-risk (utilities), growth-oriented (computer), value-driven (oil), non-cyclical (consumer staples), cyclical (transportation) or income-oriented (high yield).
Stocks move as a group. By understanding a company's business, investors can better position themselves to categorize stocks within their relevant industry group. Business can change rapidly and with it the revenue mix of a company. This happened to many of the pure Internet retailers, which were not really Internet companies, but plain retailers. Knowing a company's business and being able to place it in a group can make a huge difference in relative valuations.
Fundamental analysis may offer excellent insights, but it can be extraordinarily time-consuming. Time-consuming models often produce valuations that are contradictory to the current price prevailing on Wall Street. When this happens, the analyst basically claims that the whole street has got it wrong. This is not to say that there are not misunderstood companies out there, but it seems quite brash to imply that the market price, and hence Wall Street, is wrong.
Valuation techniques vary depending on the industry group and specifics of each company. For this reason, a different technique and model is required for different industries and different companies. This can get quite time-consuming, which can limit the amount of research that can be performed. A subscription-based model may work great for an Internet Service Provider (ISP), but is not likely to be the best model to value an oil company.
Fair value is based on assumptions. Any changes to growth or multiplier assumptions can greatly alter the ultimate valuation. Fundamental analysts are generally aware of this and use sensitivity analysis to present a base-case valuation, an average-case valuation, and a worst-case valuation. However, even on a worst-case valuation, most models are almost always bullish, the only question is how much so. The chart below shows how stubbornly bullish many fundamental analysts can be.
Most of the information in the analysis comes from the company itself. Companies employ investor relations managers specifically to handle the analyst community and release information. As Mark Twain said, “There are lies, damn lies, and statistics.” When it comes to massaging the data or spinning the announcement, CFOs and investor relations managers are professionals.
Only buy-side analysts tend to venture past the company statistics. Buy-side analysts work for mutual funds and money managers. They read the reports written by the sell-side analysts who work for the big brokers. These brokers are also involved in underwriting and investment banking for the companies.
Even though there are restrictions to prevent a conflict of interest, brokers have an ongoing relationship with the company under analysis. When reading these reports, it is important to consider any biases a sell-side analyst may have. On the other hand, the buy-side analyst analyzes the company purely from an investment standpoint for a portfolio manager. If there is a relationship with the company, it is usually on different terms. In some cases, this may be as a large shareholder.
When market valuations extend beyond historical norms, there is pressure to adjust growth and multiplier assumptions to compensate. If Wall Street values a stock at 50 times earnings and the current assumption is 30 times, the analyst would be pressured to revise this assumption higher. There is an old Wall Street adage: the value of any asset (stock) is only what someone is willing to pay for it (current price). Just as stock prices fluctuate, so too do growth and multiplier assumptions. Are we to believe Wall Street and the stock price or the analyst and market assumptions?
It used to be that free cash flow or earnings were used with a multiplier to arrive at a fair value. In 1999, the S&P 500 typically sold for 28 times free cash flow. However, because so many companies were and are losing money, it has become popular to value a business as a multiple of its revenues. This would seem to be OK, except that the multiple was higher than the PE of many stocks! Some companies were considered bargains at 30 times revenues.
Fundamental analysis can be valuable, but it should be approached with caution. If you are reading research written by a sell-side analyst, it is important to be familiar with the analyst behind the report. We all have personal biases, and every analyst has some sort of bias. There is nothing wrong with this, and the research can still be of great value. Learn what the ratings mean and the track record of an analyst before jumping off the deep end. Corporate statements and press releases offer good information, but they should be read with a healthy degree of skepticism to separate the facts from the spin. Press releases don't happen by accident; they are an important PR tool for companies. Investors should become skilled readers to weed out the important information and ignore the hype.
John Murphy defines Technical Analysis as “the study of market action, primarily through the use of charts, for the purpose of forecasting future price trends.” Market action refers to price, volume, and open interest data. While analysis of this data can't make absolute predictions about the future, studying the past price movements on a chart can help technical analysts anticipate what is “likely” to happen to prices going forward.
John's famous ten (plus one) rules that everyone should know about charting and technical analysis.
StockCharts.com's Chief Technical Analyst, John Murphy, is a popular author, columnist, and speaker on the subject of Technical Analysis. John's essay, “Ten Laws of Technical Trading,” is a collection of recommendations John frequently offers to those who are new to Technical Analysis. They are based on questions and comments he has received over the years after speaking to various audiences. If you are confused about how to use Technical Analysis at a practical day-to-day level, these suggestions should help.
Which way is the market moving? How far up or down will it go? And when will it go the other way? These are the basic concerns of the technical analyst. Behind the charts and graphs and mathematical formulas used to analyze market trends are some basic concepts that apply to most of the theories employed by today's technical analysts.
John Murphy, StockCharts.com's Chief Technical Analyst, has drawn upon his thirty years of experience in the field to develop ten basic laws of technical trading: rules that are designed to help explain the whole idea of technical trading for the beginner and to streamline the trading methodology for the more experienced practitioner. These precepts define the key tools of technical analysis and how to use them to identify buying and selling opportunities.
In The Visual Investor, John demonstrates the essential visual elements of technical analysis. The fundamentals of John's approach to technical analysis illustrate that it is more important to determine where a market is going (up or down) rather than the reason behind its direction.
Study long-term charts. Begin a chart analysis with monthly and weekly charts spanning several years. A larger scale map of the market provides more visibility and a better long-term perspective on a market. Once the long-term has been established, then consult daily and intra-day charts. A short-term market view alone can often be deceptive. Even if you only trade the short term, you will do better if you're trading in the same direction as the intermediate- and longer-term trends.
Determine the trend and follow it. Market trends come in many sizes – long-term, intermediate-term and short-term. First, determine which one you're going to trade and use the appropriate chart. Make sure you trade in the direction of that trend. Buy dips if the trend is up. Sell rallies if the trend is down. If you're trading the intermediate trend, use daily and weekly charts. If you're day trading, use daily and intra-day charts. But in each case, let the longer range chart determine the trend, and then use the shorter term chart for timing.
Find support and resistance levels. The best place to buy a market is near support levels. That support is usually a previous reaction low. The best place to sell a market is near resistance levels. Resistance is usually a previous peak. After a resistance peak has been broken, it will usually provide support on subsequent pullbacks. In other words, the old “high” becomes the new low. In the same way, when a support level has been broken, it will usually produce selling on subsequent rallies – the old “low” can become the new “high.”
Measure percentage retracements. Market corrections up or down usually retrace a significant portion of the previous trend. You can measure the corrections in an existing trend in simple percentages. A fifty percent retracement of a prior trend is most common. A minimum retracement is usually one-third of the previous trend. The maximum retracement is usually two-thirds. Fibonacci Retracements (1) of 38% and 62% are also worth watching. Therefore, during a pullback in an uptrend, initial buy points are in the 33–38% retracement area.
Draw trend lines. Trend lines are one of the simplest and most effective charting tools. All you need is a straight edge and two points on the chart. Uptrend lines are drawn along two successive lows. Down trend lines are drawn along two successive peaks. Prices will often pull back to trend lines before resuming their trend. The breaking of trend lines usually signals a change in trend. A valid trend line should be touched at least three times. The longer a trend line has been in effect and the more times it has been tested, the more critical it becomes.
Follow moving averages. Price moves above or below moving averages provide objective buy and sell signals. They tell you if the existing trend is still in motion, and they help confirm trend changes. However, moving averages do not tell you in advance that a trend change is imminent. In stock trading, the three most important ones are the 20-day average for short-term trends, 50-day for intermediate trends, and 200-day for major trends. Crossings of two moving averages also provide trading signals. Three popular combinations are 5–20 days, 20–50 days, and 50–200 days. Exponential moving averages (EMAs) are usually more suitable for spotting moving average crossings.
Don't ignore volume. Volume is a very important confirming indicator. Volume precedes price. It's important to ensure that heavier volume is taking place in the direction of the prevailing trend. In an uptrend, heavier volume should be seen on up days. Rising volume confirms that new money is supporting the prevailing trend. Declining volume is often a warning that the trend is near completion. A solid price uptrend should always be accompanied by rising volume.
Technical analysis is a skill that improves with experience and study. Always be a student and keep learning.
- John Murphy
1) Leonardo Fibonacci was a thirteenth-century mathematician who “rediscovered” a precise and almost constant relationship between Hindu-Arabic numbers in a sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, etc. to infinity). The sum of any two consecutive numbers in this sequence equals the next higher number. After the first four, the ratio of any number in the sequence to its next higher number approaches .618. That ratio was known to the ancient Greek and Egyptian mathematicians as the “Golden Mean” which had critical applications in art, architecture and in nature.
Explore the foundational concepts of technical analysis, charting techniques, and analytical tools that empower traders and investors to navigate the financial markets with confidence.
Technical analysis has to do with forecasting future financial price movements based on past price movements. Think of technical analysis like weather forecasting—it doesn't result in absolute predictions. Instead, technical analysis can help investors anticipate what is “likely” to happen to prices over time.
Technical analysis can be applied to stocks, indexes, commodities, futures, or any tradable instrument where the price is influenced by supply and demand. Price data (or, as John Murphy calls it, “market action”) refers to any combination of the open, high, low, close, volume, or open interest for a given security over a specific timeframe. The timeframe can be based on intraday (1-minute, 5-minutes, 10-minutes, 15-minutes, 30-minutes, or hourly), daily, weekly, or monthly price data, lasting a few hours or many years.
Technical analysis can be applied to charts that show price action over time. The chart below shows a weekly chart of Alphabet Inc. (GOOGL). A weekly chart provides a long-term view of price movement. In the chart of GOOGL, you can see an uptrend and downtrend.
Below is a daily chart of GOOGL, which shows a shorter-term view of the stock's price action.
Technical analysis can be applied to securities where the price is influenced by the forces of supply and demand. When other forces influence the price of a security, technical analysis may not work well. To be successful, technical analysis makes three key assumptions about the securities that are being analyzed:
Liquidity. Heavily-traded stocks allow investors to trade quickly because there are many buyers and sellers. Thinly-traded stocks are more difficult to trade because there are few buyers or sellers. So, if you're trying to trade a thinly traded stock, you may have to change your entry or exit price considerably to make a trade. In addition, low-liquidity stocks often trade at a low price (sometimes less than a penny per share), which means that their prices are easier to manipulate. These outside forces acting on thinly-traded stocks make them unsuitable for technical analysis.
No Artificial Price Changes. Splits, dividends, and distributions are the most common “culprits” for artificial price changes. Though there's no difference in the value of the investment, artificial price changes can dramatically affect the price chart and make technical analysis difficult to apply. This kind of price influence from outside sources can be easily addressed by adjusting the historical data before the price change.
No Extreme News. Technical analysis cannot predict extreme events, such as a change in management, regulatory changes, and geopolitical events. When the forces of “extreme news” influence price, technicians have to wait patiently until the chart settles down and starts to reflect the “new normal” that results from such news.
It's important to determine whether or not a security meets these three requirements before applying technical analysis. That's not to say that analysis of any stock whose price is influenced by one of these outside forces is useless, but it will affect the accuracy of that analysis.
Price discounts everything
Price movements are not random
“What” is more important than “Why.”
Let's look at each of these.
This theorem is similar to the strong and semi-strong forms of market efficiency. Technical analysts believe that the current price fully reflects all information. Because all information is already reflected in the price, it represents the fair value and should form the basis for analysis. After all, the market price reflects the sum knowledge of all participants—investors, portfolio managers, buy-side analysts, sell-side analysts, market strategists, technical analysts, fundamental analysts, and many others. It would be folly to disagree with the price set by such an impressive array of people with impeccable credentials. Technical analysis utilizes the information captured by the price to interpret what the market is saying with the purpose of forming a view of the future.
Most technicians agree that prices trend. Yet, most technicians also acknowledge that there are times when prices don't trend. If prices were always random, it would be difficult to make money using technical analysis. In his book, Schwager on Futures: Technical Analysis, Jack Schwager states:
“One way of viewing the situation is that markets may witness extended periods of random fluctuation, interspersed with shorter periods of nonrandom behavior… The goal of the chart analyst is to identify those periods (i.e. major trends).” (p. 12)
A technical analyst believes that it's possible to identify a trend, invest, or trade based on the trend and make money as the trend unfolds. Because technical analysis can be applied to different timeframes, it's possible to spot short- and long-term trends.
The chart of ORCL illustrates Schwager's view on the nature of the trend. The broad trend is up, but it's also interspersed with trading ranges. In between the trading ranges are smaller uptrends within the larger uptrend. When the stock price breaks above the trading range, the uptrend is renewed. When the stock price breaks below the low of the trading range, a downtrend begins. In the chart above, price broke below the trading range, but it was a short-lived downtrend. The uptrend resumed until the next trading range.
What is the current price?
What is the history of the price movement?
The price of a security is the end result of the battle between the forces of supply and demand. The objective of the analysis is to forecast the direction of the future price. By focusing on price, technical analysis represents a direct approach. Fundamentalists are concerned with why the price is what it is. For technicians, the why portion of the equation is too broad and many times the fundamental reasons given are highly suspect. Technicians believe it's best to concentrate on what and never mind why. Why did the price go up? There were simply more buyers (demand) than sellers (supply). After all, the value of any asset is only what someone is willing to pay for it. Who needs to know why?
Many technicians apply a top-down approach that begins with broad-based market analysis, then narrows down to specific sectors/industries, and ultimately analyzes individual stocks.
The beauty of technical analysis lies in its versatility. Because the principles of technical analysis are universally applicable, each of these levels of analysis can be performed using the same theoretical background. You don't need an economics degree to analyze a market index chart. You don't need to be a CPA to analyze a stock chart. Charts are charts. It doesn't matter if the timeframe is two days or two years. It doesn't matter whether you're looking at a stock, market index, or commodity. The technical principles of support, resistance, trend, trading range, and other aspects can be applied to any chart. As simple as this may sound, technical analysis is far from easy. Success requires serious study, dedication, and an open mind.
Technical analysis can be complex or straightforward. It depends on how you use it. The example below shows some basic principles of chart analysis. Since you're probably interested in buying stocks, the focus will be on spotting bullish situations in this chart.
The final step is to synthesize the above analysis to ascertain the following:
Strength of the current trend.
Maturity or stage of the current trend.
Reward-to-risk ratio of a new position.
Potential entry levels for a new long position.
The example above analyzed the chart for an individual stock, but these techniques can be applied to sectors or broad market indexes.
Many technicians employ a top-down approach to technical analysis, starting with broad-based macro analysis and ending with a more focused/micro perspective:
Broad market analysis using major indices such as the S&P 500, Dow Industrials, NASDAQ and NYSE Composite.
Sector analysis to identify the strongest and weakest groups within the broader market.
Individual stock analysis to identify the strongest and weakest stocks within select groups.
For each segment (market, sector, and stock), an investor would analyze long-term and short-term charts to find those that meet specific criteria. Analysis will first consider the market in general, perhaps the S&P 500. If the broader market were considered to be in bullish mode, analysis would proceed to a selection of sector charts.
Those sectors that show the most promise would be singled out for individual stock analysis. Once the sector list is narrowed to 3-4 industry groups, individual stock selection can begin.
With a selection of 10-20 stock charts from each industry, a selection of 3-4 of the most promising stocks in each group can be made. How many stocks or industry groups make the final cut will depend on the strictness of the criteria set forth. Under this scenario, we would be left with 9-12 stocks from which to choose. These stocks could even be broken down further to find the 3-4 that are the strongest of the strong.
Many technicians use the open, high, low and close when analyzing the price action of a security. There is information to be gleaned from each bit of information. Separately, these will not be able to tell much. However, taken together, the open, high, low, and close reflect forces of supply and demand.
The annotated example above shows a stock that opened with a gap up. Before the open, the number of buy orders exceeded the number of sell orders and the price was raised to attract more sellers. Demand was brisk from the start. The intraday high reflects the strength of demand (buyers). The intraday low reflects the availability of supply (sellers). The close represents the final price the buyers and sellers agreed upon. In this case, the close is well below the high and much closer to the low. This tells us that even though demand (buyers) was strong during the day, supply (sellers) ultimately prevailed, forcing the price back down. Even after this selling pressure, the close remained above the open. Looking at price action over an extended period, you can see the battle between supply and demand unfold. In its most basic form, higher prices reflect increased demand, and lower prices reflect increased supply.
Simple chart analysis can help identify support and resistance levels. These are usually marked by periods of congestion (trading range) where the prices move within a confined range for an extended period, telling us that the forces of supply and demand are deadlocked. When prices move out of the trading range, it signals that either supply or demand has started to get the upper hand. If prices move above the upper band of the trading range, then demand is winning. If prices move below the lower band, then supply is winning.
Even if you are a tried and true fundamental analyst, a price chart can offer plenty of valuable information. The price chart is an easy-to-read historical account of a security's price movement over a period of time. Charts are much easier to read than a table of numbers. On most stock charts, volume bars are displayed at the bottom. With this historical picture, it is easy to identify the following:
Reactions prior to and after important events.
Past and present volatility.
Historical volume or trading levels.
Relative strength of a stock versus the overall market.
Technical analysis can help with timing a proper entry point. Some analysts use fundamental analysis to decide what to buy and technical analysis to decide when to buy. It is no secret that timing can play an important role in performance. Technical analysis can help spot demand (support) and supply (resistance) levels as well as breakouts. Simply waiting for a breakout above resistance or buying near support levels can improve returns.
It is also important to know a stock's price history. If a stock you thought was great for the last 2 years has traded flat for those two years, it would appear that Wall Street has a different opinion. If a stock has already advanced significantly, it may be prudent to wait for a pullback. Or, if the stock is trending lower, it might pay to wait for buying interest and a trend reversal.
Just as with fundamental analysis, technical analysis is subjective and our personal biases can be reflected in the analysis. It is important to be aware of these biases when analyzing a chart. If the analyst is a perpetual bull, then a bullish bias will overshadow the analysis. On the other hand, if the analyst is a disgruntled perma-bear, then the analysis will probably have a bearish tilt.
Furthering the bias argument is the fact that technical analysis is open to interpretation. Even though there are standards, many times two technicians will look at the same chart and paint two different scenarios or see different patterns. Both will be able to come up with logical support and resistance levels as well as key breaks to justify their position. While this can be frustrating, it should be pointed out that technical analysis is more like an art than a science, akin to economics. Is the cup half-empty or half-full? It is all in the eye of the beholder.
Even after a new trend has been identified, there is always another “important” level close at hand. Technicians have been accused of sitting on the fence and never taking an unqualified stance. Even if they are bullish, there is always some indicator or some level that will qualify their opinion.
Not all technical signals and patterns work. When you begin to study technical analysis, you will come across an array of patterns and indicators with rules to match. For instance: A sell signal is given when the neckline of a head and shoulders pattern is broken. Even though this is a rule, it is not steadfast and can be subject to other factors such as volume and momentum. In that same vein, what works for one particular stock may not work for another. A 50-day moving average may work great to identify support and resistance for IBM, but a 70-day moving average may work better for Yahoo. Even though many principles of technical analysis are universal, each security will have its own idiosyncrasies.
Technical analysts consider the market to be 80% psychological and 20% logical. Fundamental analysts consider the market to be 20% psychological and 80% logical. Psychological or logical may be open for debate, but when it comes to the price of a security, there's nothing to question. It's available for all to see. Nobody doubts its legitimacy. The price set by the market reflects the sum knowledge of all participants. We're not dealing with lightweights here. These participants have considered (discounted) everything under the sun and settled on a price to buy or sell. These are the forces of supply and demand at work. By examining price action to determine which force is prevailing, technical analysis focuses directly on the bottom line: What is the price? Where has it been? Where is it going?
Even though there are some universal principles and rules that can be applied, remember that technical analysis is more of an art form than a science. As an art form, it's subject to interpretation. However, it's also flexible in its approach, and each investor should use only that which suits his or her style. Developing a style takes time, effort, and dedication, but the rewards can be significant.
Can you really outperform the market? We compare the Random-Walk Theory of financial markets and its counterpart, the Non-Random Walk Theory, while considering how these competing concepts impact Tech
The great debate continues to rage between random walkers and non-random walkers. Two competing books best represent these theories. Originally written by Burton Malkiel in 1973, A Random Walk Down Wall Street has become a classic in investment literature. Malkiel, a Princeton Economist, argues that price movements are largely random and investors cannot outperform the major indices.
With “random walk”, Malkiel asserts that price movements in securities are unpredictable. Because of this random walk, investors cannot consistently outperform the market as a whole. Applying fundamental analysis or technical analysis to time the market is a waste of time that will simply lead to underperformance. Investors would be better off buying and holding an index fund.
Malkiel offers two popular investment theories that correspond to fundamental analysis and technical analysis. On the fundamental side, the “Firm-Foundation Theory” argues that stocks have an intrinsic value that can be ascertained by discounting future cash flows (earnings). Investors can also use valuation techniques to ascertain the true value of a security or market. Investors decide when to buy or sell based on these valuations.
On the technical side, the “Castle-in-the-Air Theory” assumes that successful investing depends on behavioral finance. Investors must determine the mood of the market - bull or bear. Valuations are not important because a security is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.
Random walk theory jibes with the semi-strong efficient hypothesis in its assertion that it is impossible to outperform the market on a consistent basis. This theory argues that stock prices are efficient because they reflect all known information (earnings, expectations, dividends). Prices quickly adjust to new information and it is virtually impossible to act on this information. Furthermore, price moves only with the advent of new information and this information is random and unpredictable.
In short, Malkiel attributes any outperformance success to lady luck. If enough people try, some are bound to outperform the market, but most are still likely to underperform.
A Non-Random Walk Down Wall Street is a collection of essays offering empirical evidence that valuable information can be extracted from security prices. Lo and MacKinlay used powerful computers and advanced econometric analysis to test the randomness of security prices. Although this book is a heavy read, the findings should be of interest to technical analysts and chartists. In short, this book documents the presence of predictable components in stock prices.
Just prior to this book, Andrew Lo wrote a paper for the Journal of Finance in 2000: Foundations of Technical Analysis: Computational Algorithms, Statistical Inference, and Empirical Implementation. Harry Mamaysky and Jiang Wang also contributed. The paper's opening remarks say it all:
Historic stock returns are not normally distributed. What does this mean? If one were to measure the height of 1000 people and plot the distribution, this distribution would form the classic bell curve. The most recurring height (value) would be in the middle and the remaining heights would be equally distributed on either side. Furthermore, 68.5% of all values would fall within ±1 standard deviation of the mean, 95.4% would fall within ±2 standard deviations and 99.7% would fall within ±3 standard deviations. The solid black line shows a typical bell curve with a normal distribution.
Statisticians have found that a distribution of stock returns forms a curve with “fat tails”. In a normal distribution, 99.7% of all these returns would be within ±3 standard deviations of the mean. This, however, is not the case for stock returns. Instead, the distribution has fat tails, shown in the dotted lines on the graphic above. This means a relatively high number of returns fall outside the normal distribution. Some are lower and some are higher. These abnormal returns provide evidence of extended moves, outsized moves or trends. Note that the image above is just a hypothetical example to illustrate a point.
Anyone who has followed the stock market for any length of time realizes that trends can and will take hold. To be fair, not all stocks trend and trends do not last forever. However, there are enough asset classes, major indices, sectors, industry groups or stocks out there to ensure that something is trending at some point. The challenge, as always, is to find that trend and ride it. The next three charts show some individual stocks with clear signals and trends. Identifying a simple double top and getting out of Citigroup (C) would have avoided a whole lot of pain. The same can be said for Enron, Worldcom and the few other debacles.
ExxonMobil (XOM) was choppy in 2009, down the first half of 2010 and then up sharply from July 2010 to February 2011. Catching this one big trend would have made up for quite a few losses.
Pfizer (PFE) shows an example of three sizable trends emerging over a two year period. The stock was up over 50% in 2009, down about 25% in the first half of 2010 and up around 50% from July 2010 to March 2011.
To be perfectly fair, the financial markets have random and non-random aspects. Stocks sometimes trend and react well to patterns or indicators. Stocks sometimes trade choppy and ignore pattern setups or indicator signals. It is the job of the technical analyst or chartist to separate the wheat from the chaff. Chartists must also be able to adapt to ever-changing conditions.
“The more creativity you bring to the investment process, the more rewarding it will be. The only way to maintain ongoing success, however, is to constantly innovate. That's much the same in all endeavors. The only way to continue making money, to continue growing and keeping your profit margins healthy, is to constantly come up with new ideas.”
Understand the stock market with this comprehensive guide on why analyzing securities is essential for any investor. Dive into the different analysis techniques and make informed investment decisions.
Wall Street has tons of analysts, strategists, and portfolio managers hired to do one thing: beat the market. Analysts are hired to find undervalued stocks. Strategists are hired to predict the direction of the market and various sectors. Portfolio managers are hired to put it all together and outperform their benchmark, usually the S&P 500 index. Granted, there are many studies and disputes raging on the performance of equity mutual funds, but it's safe to assume that about 75% of equity mutual funds underperform the S&P 500. With these kinds of stats, wouldn't individual investors be better off simply investing in an index fund rather than attempting to beat the market?
There are different ways to analyze the market. The added value of analysis is in the eye of the beholder:
So whom do you believe? Is fundamental analysis worth the time and effort? Are technicians a bunch of quacks? Or is it all a lesson in random futility? We can begin to answer these questions by looking at the efficient market hypothesis and seeing where the fundamentalists, technicians, and random walkers stand regarding market efficiency. After we have explored this area, we will then take a closer look at the random walk theory, fundamental analysis, and technical analysis.
The debate concerning the value of analysis begins with the question of market efficiency. What does the price of a stock or security represent? Is a security's current price an accurate reflection of its fair value? Do anomalies exist that allow traders and investors the opportunity to beat the market by finding undervalued or overvalued securities?
There are different definitions of an efficient market. Aswath Damodaran, of the Stern Business School at New York University defines an efficient market as one in which the market price is an unbiased estimate of the true value of the investment. That's true, but it's also an oversimplification. In an efficient market, the current security price fully reflects all available information and is the fair value.
In this ideal scenario, the price is the sum value of all views (bullish, bearish, or otherwise) held by market participants. As new information becomes available, the market assimilates the information by adjusting the security's price up (buying) and down (selling). So, the price is the fair value because the market agreed on a price to buy and sell the security. In an efficient market, deviations above and below fair value are possible, but these deviations are considered to be random. Over the long run, the price should accurately reflect fair value.
The hypothesis also asserts that if markets are efficient, then it should be virtually impossible to outperform the market on a sustained basis. Even though deviations will occur and there will be periods when securities are overvalued or undervalued, these anomalies will disappear as quickly as they appeared, thus making it almost impossible to profit from them.
From experience, most investors would agree that the market isn't perfectly efficient: anomalies exist, and some investors and traders outperform the market. There are varying degrees of market efficiency which have been broken down into three levels. These three levels also happen to correspond to the beliefs of fundamentalists, technicians, and random walkers.
The Strong Form of market efficiency theorizes that the current price reflects all information available. It doesn't matter if this information is available to the public or privy to top management; if it exists, it's reflected in the current price. Because all possible information is already reflected in the price, investors and traders will not be able to find or exploit inefficiencies based on fundamental information. Generally, pure technical analysts believe that the markets are Strong Form efficient and all information is reflected in the price.
The Semi-Strong form of market efficiency theorizes that the current price reflects all readily available information. This information will likely include annual reports, SEC filings, earnings reports, announcements, and other relevant information that can be readily gathered. Yet, all information isn't readily available to the public which means that all information isn't fully reflected in the price. This could be information held by insiders, competitors, contractors, suppliers, or regulators, among others. Anomalies exist when information is withheld from the public, and the only way to profit is by using information not yet known to the public. This is sometimes called insider trading. Once this information becomes public knowledge, prices adjust instantaneously, making it virtually impossible to profit from such news. The Random Walk theory is an example of the Semi-Strong Form of market efficiency.
The Weak Form of market efficiency theorizes that the current price doesn't reflect the fair value and is only a reflection of past prices. In addition, the future price can't be determined using past or current prices (sorry technical analysts). Fundamental analysts are champions of Weak Form market efficiency and believe that the true value of a security can be ascertained through financial models using information readily available. The current price will not always reflect fair value; these models will help identify anomalies.
Many in academia believe that security prices are semi-strong efficient. Recall that "semi-strong efficient" implies that all public knowledge is reflected in the price, and it's virtually impossible to exploit deviations from the true value based on public information. Only new information will affect the price.
Judging from the reaction of many stocks to news events, there seems to be evidence to support this case. The flow of information has become faster and new developments are factored in instantly. A surprise, positive or negative, can violently move the price of a security. A few examples include:
After announcing weak guidance during its earnings call on February 9, 2023 (after the close), Lyft shares fell from $16.22 to close at $10.31 the following trading day.
Even though NVDA reported slightly higher revenue and net income in their Q4 earnings report on February 22, 2023, strong guidance saw NVDA stock gap up from $207.50 to close at $236.60 the following trading day.
These are just a few examples but they demonstrate how new information can move the price of a security in non-random ways.
Welcome to ChartSchool, 's extensive educational resource for investors of all levels. Here, you can learn everything about investing and financial chart analysis.
A diverse collection of educational articles about investing and trading. This is a good place to start, especially if you're new to investing.
A deep dive into the different methods investors and traders can use to analyze financial charts.
Descriptions of technical indicators used to analyze the performance of stocks and other securities.
Descriptions of indicators that gauge the strength of the broader financial markets.
Explore the different ways you can analyze the financial markets.
Explore different trading strategies and systems you can apply to make better trading and investing decisions.
Documentation of the index symbols available in StockCharts.com.
Helpful definitions for common financial terminology
What's the “best” way to invest? We discuss the three types of market analysts and how you can understand investment from a “big picture” perspective.
What is Technical Analysis? We explain what Technical Analysis is, how it works, and the general steps one should take when using technical charts and indicators to analyze stocks.
We look at the theory behind Fundamental Analysis and the general steps fundamental analysts take when evaluating stocks, concluding with a look at the strengths and weaknesses of the fundamental approach.
Can you really outperform the market? We compare the Random-Walk Theory of financial markets and its counterpart, the Non-Random Walk Theory, while considering how these competing concepts impact Technical Analysis.
What's the best way to minimize your risk while trading? We look at how asset allocation can be combined with technical analysis to ensure a strong trading portfolio.
John's famous ten (plus one) rules that everyone should know about charting and technical analysis.
An easy-to-read introduction to Technical Analysis written by John Murphy, covering all the basics in John's easily accessible style.
A short course in the basic tenets of the field, designed to provide newcomers with a working background of technical analysis.
Describes the findings in Robert Shiller's behavioral finance book Irrational Exuberance, which looks at the cultural and psychological factors that influence the decision-making process when investing in stocks, using the 2000 stock market bubble as a case study.
A look at eleven of the most powerful and common cognitive biases faced by both the average individual throughout daily life and investors in today's financial markets.
StockCharts contributor Arthur Hill discusses how to approach financial market investing and trading in a must-read article for all StockCharts users.
Arthur gives his take on moving average crossover systems, discussing pros and cons as well as their uncanny ability to “predict the past.”
A look at how to avoid having two very similar signals on the same chart and the importance of doing so.
A collection of short articles by a successful technical trader about his tools, his routines and the lessons he has learned throughout his years in the market.
Wall Street veteran Bob Farrell of Merrill Lynch teaches investors to think outside the box with his 10 rules of investing.
The 18 stock trading rules that Richard lives by. “The rules are simple; adherence to the rules is difficult.”
20 trading guidelines developed by Richard Donchian, the father of trend following.
An explanation of why and how to use correlation to build a stronger, more diversified and stable portfolio.
Before joining StockCharts, John was the technical analyst for CNBC-TV for seven years on the popular show Tech Talk, and has authored three best-selling books on the subject: , , and .
Track oscillators. Oscillators help identify overbought and oversold markets. While moving averages confirm a market trend change, oscillators often help warn us that a market has rallied or fallen too far and will soon turn. The and are popular oscillators. They both work on a scale of 0 to 100. With the RSI, readings over 70 are overbought, while readings below 30 are oversold. The overbought and oversold values for Stochastics are 80 and 20. Most traders use 14 days or weeks for Stochastics and either 9 or 14 days or weeks for RSI. Oscillator divergences often warn of market turns. These tools work best in a trading market range. Weekly signals can be used as filters for daily signals. Daily signals can be used as filters for intra-day charts.
Trade the MACD indicator. The (developed by Gerald Appel) combines a moving average crossover system with the overbought/oversold elements of an oscillator. A buy signal occurs when the faster line crosses above the slower and both lines are below zero. A sell signal takes place when the faster line crosses below the slower from above the zero line. Weekly signals take precedence over daily signals. A MACD histogram plots the difference between the two lines and gives even earlier warnings of trend changes. It's called a “histogram” because vertical bars are used to show the difference between the two lines on the chart.
Use the ADX indicator. The helps determine whether a market is in a trending or trading phase. It measures the degree of trend or direction in the market. A rising ADX line suggests the presence of a strong trend. A falling ADX line suggests the presence of a trading market and the absence of a trend. A rising ADX line favors moving averages; a falling ADX favors oscillators. By plotting the direction of the ADX line, the trader is able to determine which trading style and which set of indicators are most suitable for the current market environment.
At the turn of the century, the laid the foundations for what would later become modern technical analysis. Dow Theory wasn't presented as one complete amalgamation but rather pieced together from the writings of Charles Dow over several years. Of the many theorems put forth by Dow, three stand out:
In his book, , Tony Plummer paraphrases Oscar Wilde by stating, “A technical analyst knows the price of everything, but the value of nothing”. Technicians, as technical analysts are called, are only concerned with two things:
Overall Trend. The first step is to identify the overall trend. You can do this with trend lines, , or peak/trough analysis. For example, as long as price remains above its upward-sloping trend line or specific moving averages, the trend is up. Similarly, the trend is up as long as higher lows form on pullbacks and higher highs form on advances.
. Congestion areas and previous lows below the current price mark the support levels. A break below support would be considered bearish and detrimental to the overall trend.
. Congestion areas and previous highs above the current price mark resistance levels. A break above resistance would be considered bullish and positive for the overall trend.
. Momentum is usually measured with an oscillator such as . If MACD is above its 9-day EMA () or positive, momentum will be considered bullish or at least improving.
Buying/Selling Pressure. For stocks and indices with volume figures available, an indicator that uses volume is used to measure buying or selling pressure. When the is above zero, buying pressure is dominant. Selling pressure is dominant when it is below zero.
Relative Strength. The is plotted as a line that divides the security by a benchmark. For stocks, the price is usually divided by the S&P 500. The relative strength plot indicates if the stock is outperforming (rising) or underperforming (falling) the major index.
If the objective is to predict the future price, then it makes sense to focus on price movements. Price movements usually precede fundamental developments. By focusing on price action, technicians are automatically focusing on the future. The market is considered a leading indicator and generally leads the economy by six to nine months. It makes sense to look directly at the price movements to keep pace with the market. More often than not, change is a subtle beast. Even though the market is prone to sudden knee-jerk reactions, hints usually develop before significant moves. A technician will refer to periods of as evidence of an impending advance and periods of as evidence of an impending decline.
Technical analysis has been criticized for being too late. By the time the trend is identified, a substantial portion of the move has already taken place. After such a large move, the reward to risk ratio is not great. Lateness is a particular criticism of .
Identify the overall trend. Is price trending up, down, or moving sideways? You can use trendlines, , or other tools and indicators to help determine how prices move.
Identify momentum, buying/selling pressure, and relative strength. Use indicators such as the , , and to identify these characteristics.
Written by Andrew W. Lo and A. Craig MacKinlay in 2001, the appropriately entitledprovides the counter-argument. Lo, an MIT Finance professor and MacKinlay, a Wharton Finance professor, argue that price movements are not all that random and that predictable components do indeed exist. Let the battle begin!
“Technical analysis, also known as charting, has been part of financial practice for many decades, but this discipline has not received the same level of academic scrutiny and acceptance as more traditional approaches such as fundamental analysis. One of the main obstacles is the highly subjective nature of technical analysis. The presence of geometric shapes in historical price charts is often in the eyes of the beholder. In this paper, we propose a systematic and automatic approach to technical pattern recognition using nonparametric kernel regression and apply this method to a large number of U.S. stocks from 1962 to 1996 to evaluate the effectiveness of technical analysis. By comparing the unconditional empirical distribution of daily stock returns to the conditional distribution conditioned on specific technical indicators, such as head-and-shoulders or double-bottoms, we find that over the 31-year sample period, several technical indicators do provide incremental information and may have some practical value.” This paper can be found at
There is also proof that one of the oldest systems around can outperform the market and reduce risk. seeks to buy when both the Dow Transports and the Dow Industrials record new reaction highs and sell or move into treasuries when both record new reaction lows. The move out of stocks and into treasuries greatly reduces risk because one is not exposed to riskier stocks. There have been a few big bad bear markets over the years and preserving capital is one of the keys to investment success.
Stephen Brown of New York University, William Goetzmann of Yale, and Alok Kumar of the University of Notre Dame published a study on Dow Theory in the . The Dow theory system was tested against buy-and-hold for the period from 1929 to 1998. Over the 70-year period, the Dow theory system outperformed a buy-and-hold strategy by about 2% per year. In addition, the portfolio carried significantly less risk. If compared using risk-adjusted returns, the margin of outperformance would be even greater. Over the 18 years from 1980 to 1998, the Dow theory system has underperformed the market by about 2.6% per year. However, when adjusted for risk, the Dow theory system significantly outperformed buy-and-hold over this timeframe. Keep in mind that 18 years is not a long time in the history of the market and this period was during one of the greatest bull markets in history (1982 to 2000).
Andrew Lo notes that beating the market is not easy, nor easy to maintain. Lo likens the pursuit of above-average returns to that of a company trying to maintain its competitive advantage. After introducing a hot new product, a company cannot just sit back and wait for the money to roll in. To remain above the competition, management must be flexible and look for ways to improve and innovate continuously; otherwise, the competition will overtake them. Money managers, traders, and investors who find ways to outperform the market must remain flexible and innovative. Just because a method works today does not mean it will work tomorrow. In an interview with , Lo sums it up by stating:
A believes that analyzing strategy, management, product, financial statistics, and many other readily and not-so-readily quantifiable numbers will help choose stocks that will outperform the market. They are also likely to believe that there's little-to-no value in analyzing past prices and that technical analysts would be better off stargazing.
The believes that the chart, volume, momentum, and an array of mathematical indicators hold the keys to superior performance. Technicians are just as likely to believe that fundamental data is complete hogwash.
And then there are the who believe that any attempt to try and outwit the market is futile.
The Stock Market Barometer William Hamilton
Far from Random Richard Lehman
A short course in the basic tenets of the field, designed to provide newcomers with a working background of technical analysis.
Below, you'll find a series of articles about the basics of technical analysis. If you are new to charting, these articles will give you the “big picture” behind the charts on our site. If you are an “old hand,” these articles will help ensure you haven't strayed too far from the basics. Enjoy!
This is the first part of a series of articles about technical analysis from a new course we're developing. If you are new to charting, these articles will give you the “big picture” behind the charts on our site. If you are an “old hand,” these articles will help ensure you haven't “strayed too far” from the basics. Enjoy!
Tip. See the entire series Technical Analysis 101
Technical analysis is the study of price and volume changes over time. Technical analysis usually involves using financial charts to help study these changes. Any person who analyzes financial charts can be called a Technical Analyst.
Despite being surrounded by data, charts, raw numbers, mathematical formulas, etc., technical analysts study human behavior, specifically the crowd's reaction to fear and greed. Investors who have any interest in a particular stock are considered to be “the market” for that particular stock, and the emotional state of those investors determines the price of that stock. If more investors feel the stock will rise, it will! If more feel that the stock will fall, then it will. Thus, a stock's price change over time is the most accurate record of the emotional state — fear and greed — of the market for that stock, and thus, technical analysis is, at its core, a study of crowd behavior.
When was the last time you saw a 100% accurate weather forecast for your area? Chances are that at least some of the weather predictions your local weather person tells you won't come to pass. In many cases, most of the predictions are wrong. So why do we keep listening to weather forecasts?
Weather forecasts are helpful because they help us prepare for what is likely. If the forecast calls for rain, we bring our umbrellas when we go out. If sunshine is predicted, we bring our sunglasses. We know that we might not need these things, but more than likely we will and we like to be prepared.
Technical analysis is very similar to weather forecasting. Good technical analysts know that T/A can prepare you for what is likely to happen but, just like many weather forecasts, things can change in unpredictable ways. Here are some other ways that technical analysis is like weather forecasting:
Weather forecasters measure temperature and air pressure and then use that data to determine more about the factors that cause weather changes - i.e., fronts, high pressure, low pressure, etc. Technical analysts use price and volume to determine more about the factors that cause market changes - i.e., fear and greed, trends, reversals, support, etc.
Despite huge quantities of weather data at their disposal, weather forecasters still use their experience and intuition when creating each forecast. Technical analysis also draws heavily from the experience and intuition of the person doing the analysis (you!).
Accurate weather forecasting requires local knowledge and experience. A forecaster from Florida that moves to Alaska will need time to become familiar with Alaska's weather patterns. Similarly, technical analysis requires experience and knowledge about the kinds of markets being charted - stocks are different from commodities, which are different from mutual funds, large stocks are different from small stocks, etc.
In the early days of weather forecasting, charlatans tried to convince people that they could somehow control the weather or that their predictions were always accurate. Unfortunately, even today, people are making similar claims about technical analysis.
Weather forecasts tend to be most accurate when things aren't changing. If it has been sunny for the past three days and no big weather systems are approaching, chances are it will be sunny again today. Technical analysis also works well when conditions aren't changing dramatically. Both disciplines have more trouble with predicting exactly when big changes will occur.
Both weather forecasting and technical analysis work well for the “mid-sized view.” While predicting the weather for a large city is possible, predicting things for a city block is very hard. Similarly, second-by-second technical analysis can be extremely tricky; daily and weekly analysis is more reliable. Conversely, predicting weather for the country as a whole (i.e., “It will be sunny in the US today”) and predicting the market as a whole (i.e., “This year stocks will go up”) are too broad to be useful.
It is easy to lose perspective on what technical analysis can and cannot do. Remember this comparison with weather forecasting to keep yourself aware of its benefits and limitations.
This is the second part of a series of articles about technical analysis from a new course we're developing. If you are new to charting, these articles will give you the “big picture” behind the charts on our site. If you are an “old hand,” these articles will help ensure you haven't “strayed too far” from the basics. Enjoy!
Tip. See the entire series Technical Analysis 101
The reason technical analysis has value is that directional price moves are often sustained for a period of time, allowing analysts to detect and profit from the change in price. Even though a technical analyst has many math-based tools to analyze price and volume movement, the process is ultimately an art in the study of human behavior.
Just as a meteorologist can never guarantee a weather forecast, a technical analyst can never be perfectly certain of future price movements since human behavior is involved.
All investors are faced with three basic questions about their investments. What to invest in, when to buy, and when to sell. Technical analysis provides a framework for investors to methodically select equities and pick times to buy and sell. Emotion, the investor's nemesis, is greatly reduced in these decisions since the investor can develop a list of “what and when” rules to follow. Rather than “buying and hoping for the best”, technical analysts always know how much risk they are taking and know when to “get out while the getting is good”.
Only historical price and volume data is used for technical analysis. The underlying premise of technical analysis is that all known information such as what a company does, its financial results, analyst's ratings, management performance, politics, news, etc. are reflected in the historical price and volume data. This is a powerful concept since it is impossible to gauge how these factors may influence future price separately.
It is important to understand that technical analysis can only be used to determine the likely direction of future prices. It cannot anticipate news events or how investors will respond to them.
The chart below displays a historical price chart for Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) for one year.
Notice how the stock price can move up, down, or sideways for months. Technical analysis uses methodologies to help indicate when prices are beginning to change direction. The goal of a technical analyst is to buy an equity when the price chart indicates prices are beginning to move up and then sell when the price chart indicates prices are beginning to move sideways or down.
Technical analysis works because price and volume often reveal the collective psychology (the “fear/greed balance”) of a market's participants. Technical charts can reveal changes in the fear/greed balance soon after those changes occur and that provides opportunities for profitable trades. Technical analysts work to identify charts where the fear/greed balance has recently changed in a predictable manner. They then place trades to try and profit from that change. Once they have bought a stock, technical analysts monitor price and volume for sell signals. Done correctly, trades based on technical analysis carry a higher-than-average chance of success; however, disciplined money management techniques must still be used to guard against unforeseen price movements.
While the basics of technical analysis are easy to learn, applying them correctly and successfully isn't easy. Because of this many people have lost money using technical analysis techniques and then concluded that chart analysis has no value. In addition, unfortunately, many unsuspecting investors have purchased technical “systems” that promise outlandish returns for little effort. By the time the buyer figures out that the system doesn't work, their money is long gone.
Technical analysis is just like any other money-making occupation - it takes time and energy and it involves risk. Anybody who says otherwise shouldn't be trusted. Here are ways technical analysis has been misused in the past:
One of the most common misconceptions about technical analysis is that a trading system (a set of buy and sell rules) can be devised that provides consistent profits with little to no risk.
There are several reasons that a “perfect system” cannot be sustained. Firstly, the market is made up of people with free will and guided by fear and greed. A perfect system requires prices to consistently move in predictable patterns. This will never be possible when people are involved. Secondly, many financial institutions monitor the market for patterns of systematic trading. Once detected, the financial institution can take advantage of the system (investing with or against it) which eventually compromises and defeats the “perfect system”. And finally, what motivation could someone have to share a “perfect system” at any price? Such a system would be invaluable to one person but worthless (for the second reason) if too many people or even one institution discovered it.
Investment charlatans and gurus have always been offering advice on how to profit in the market. These are the people who take financial advantage of new and uninformed investors by promising quick and profitable investment success. Claims of ultra-high rates of return or knowledge of future events for substantial fees are the best ways to identify such schemers.
Although a real guru is a spiritual guide or teacher, the title “Market Guru” is gladly accepted by advisers who have developed notoriety with fortuitous calls of major market changes or unusual approaches to investing. Today's TV media and the Internet enthrone new market gurus on a regular basis. There are precious few true market gurus like Warren Buffet who have proven their market savvy over decades. Most market gurus can only provide profitable guidance as long as the market is favoring their investment philosophy. As the market changes, new market gurus will emerge as their philosophies' agree with the new market dynamics.
While few people consciously believe that they can control a stock's price directly, subconsciously, chart analysis can give new investors a false sense of control, which will cause them to lose objectivity: “My stock just broke below my trend line today, but it will come back tomorrow since that is a really good trend line!”
The opposite response is just as damaging: “My stock broke my trend line! T/A is worthless!” Both responses are driven by emotion, something that technical analysis strives to eliminate.
In Part 3, we'll take a critical look at the assumptions that technical analysis makes about the markets.
This is the third part of a series of articles about technical analysis from a new course we're developing. If you are new to charting, these articles will give you the “big picture” behind the charts on our site. If you are an “old hand”, these articles will help ensure you haven't “strayed too far” from the basics. Enjoy!
Charts are created from data such as price data and index data.
Exchanges record the price and number of shares for each stock transaction, which is called tick data. Tick data is compiled over different periods of time to construct price bar data. Price bars show the beginning, highest, lowest, and ending prices for a chosen period. Individual price bar time periods can range from one minute to one year. Daily, weekly, and 60-minute price bars are other common examples.
Price bars less than a day long are known as intraday price bars. They range from one minute to one hour and are typically used in technical analysis by day traders who hold positions for minutes or hours.
A daily price bar is constructed of all the transactions during a full trading day. Investors who hold positions for days or years most often use daily price bars in technical analysis.
The number of shares traded in each transaction is called volume. Volume is recorded as tick data just like price. Volume tick data is added together to construct volume bars and are then charted with their corresponding price bars for technical analysis.
Data for hundreds of indices, published by financial service companies and the major exchanges, are provided to StockCharts.com through third party data providers. Indices are not tradable financial instruments. Indices represent domestic and foreign market averages, industries, commodities, currencies, bonds and many other price, volume, and breadth measurements of market activity. Examples of market indices include the Dow Jones Industrial Average ($INDU), NYSE Healthcare Index ($NYP) and the New Zealand Dollar ($NZD). The financial service companies are responsible for the accuracy of the indices they publish.
Breadth indices measure how many issues move within a particular market index. Breadth indices give analysts insight into investor sentiment. Examples of breadth indices include NASDAQ Advance-Decline Issues ($NAAD), NYSE Advance-Decline Volume ($NYUD) and AMEX Issues Unchanged ($AMADU).
There are three things that you must verify are true about a security before you can apply standard chart and/or indicator analysis to the security's chart. These three key assumptions are:
Liquidity is essentially volume. It means that shares have the ability to trade quickly without dramatically affecting prices. If someone buys 100 shares of Microsoft today, that trade by itself will have almost no effect on the price of the stock. Why? Because MSFT is extremely liquid with lots of buyers and selling at any given moment.
Low Liquidity is a trap that many amateur investors can fall into. When you buy a stock with low liquidity, you probably won't get it at the price you were quoted because there are no sellers at that price. The broker has to raise the price - often significantly - before a seller can be found. Similarly, when you sell a low liquidity stock, the broker will need to lower the price significantly to find a buyer.
In addition, these thinly-traded stocks are often very low priced - often less than 1 cent - and that means that their price can be manipulated by someone with lots of resources (and lots of time).
None of this is illegal or hidden or “wrong” in any way. It is just that the principles upon which Technical Analysis is based assume that only normal market forces move a stock's price - not the manipulation or issues with trading volumes that low liquidity stocks can have.
Similar to the reason for high liquidity, prices cannot be changed by forces other than the fear and greed that drives the market. Anything else that changes prices is considered “artificial” and needs to be eliminated before standard technical analysis techniques can be applied.
So what is an example of an “artificial” price change? Splits, dividends, and distributions are the most common “culprits.” When a stock splits, let's say 2-for-1, the market participants don't really care. They get double the shares at half the price - a net-zero transaction that doesn't change their opinion of the stock one way or the other.
However, consider what happens to the stock's chart. It now has a huge (50%) gap down on it. If you didn't know about the split, you'd be very worried about the stock. And, because technical indicators are dumb, they would all give bearish “sell” signals at that point.
For this reason, the effects of these “artificial” price changes must be removed from the data before standard technical analysis techniques can be used. Ironically, this is done by adjusting all of the data prior to the split downwards, thus eliminating the gap on the chart.
Technical Analysis cannot predict extreme events such as, for example, a company's CEO dying unexpectedly or the huge tragedy of 9/11. When “extreme news” happens, technicians have to wait patiently until the chart settles down and starts to reflect the “new normal” that results from such news.
This is not to say that charts are useless when one or more of these three things occur. It means that the philosophical underpinnings of the signals and chart patterns that traditional technical analysis uses are gone in those cases. Standard technical signals and predictions cannot be accurately used in those circumstances.
The security's price data is displayed on a price chart: a graph which shows how price and volume changes with time. This visual representation of price data is very helpful when using technical analysis techniques.
Price charts on StockCharts.com are called SharpCharts (Time-independent charting methods like Point & Figure charting will be discussed in detail later).
The example above illustrates the layout of a typical SharpChart. Price data, volume data and technical indicators are displayed on a SharpChart. A technical indicator is a mathematical expression of price and/or volume which can provide insight into future price movements. We will talk more about technical indicators later.
Price data and overlays are plotted in the Price Plot Area. Overlays are technical indicators that are normally expressed in terms of price. Non-price values of overlays are displayed on the left axis as shown above.
Technical indicators that cannot be expressed in terms of price are normally plotted in the Indicator Panels. Although only a single Indicator Panel is shown above, SharpCharts can be created with multiple Indicator Panels displayed above and below the Price Plot Area. Additional date/time axes can be added between the Indicator Panels if needed. The legend for both the Price Plot Area and Indicator Panel contain the information used to create the SharpChart.
In Part 4, we'll get into the specifics of line charts, OHLC Bar charts, and candlestick charts.
This is the fourth part of a series of articles about technical analysis from a new course we're developing. If you are new to charting, these articles will give you the “big picture” behind the charts on our site. If you are an “old hand”, these articles will help ensure you haven't “strayed too far” from the basics. Enjoy!
Line charts are created by plotting a line between the closing prices for each period set on the chart. On a daily chart, a line is plotted between the daily closing prices. Line charts are useful to help visualize the direction of prices. The extent of rallies and reactions in trends can also be quickly deduced.
A five-month price SharpChart of Apple, Inc. (AAPL) is plotted above in a line format. Higher highs and lows are annotated with green dashes and lower highs and lows with red dashes. Between March and mid-May 2008, the direction of prices is readily apparent with higher highs and lows. After mid-May 2008, prices began to make lower highs and lows.
A line chart is plotted by default when only end-of-day (closing) prices are available for a symbol. Examples of such symbols include all mutual funds and some market indices. However, weekly and monthly price bars can be charted for ticker symbols with only end-of-day (EOD) quotes.
Open-High-Low-Close (OHLC) bar charts provide volatility information that line charts lack. The attributes of an OHLC bar are shown below. The chartist can evaluate volatility by the height of the bars and the conviction of the buyers and sellers by the price range between the open and close marks.
For the left price bar, the CLOSE mark is above the OPEN mark indicating price ended higher for the day, known as an up day. This price bar is considered bullish. Bullish sentiment is present when greed for gain exceeds fear of loss and prices move higher.
With the price bar on the right, the OPEN is higher than the CLOSE indicating price ended lower for the day, known as a down day. This is a bearish price bar. Bearish sentiment is present when fear of loss is greater than greed for gain and prices move lower.
The SharpChart of AAPL above illustrates the OHLC format.
Notice how intraday price swings pass through the red and green reference marks made at the closing price levels on the previous Line chart. This illustrates why line charts are useful for visualizing price direction.
When the 'Color Prices' option is selected on the Chart Attributes workbench, the price bars will be colored black or red, depending on how a price bar's closing price relates to the previous day's closing price. If the closing price is higher than the previous day's closing price, the price bar will be black. If the closing price is lower than the previous day's, the price bar will be red. With this convention, it is possible to have a black price bar with the close being lower than the open.
Colored OHLC price bars are shown in the AAPL SharpChart above. As discussed earlier, the color of the price bar is only based on the previous day's closing price, not the current day's opening price. Up day and down day price bars are usually black and red respectively, but that is not always the case as shown in the chart above.
In part 5 we'll get into the specifics of candlestick charts.
This is the sixth part of a series of articles about technical analysis from a new course we're developing. If you are new to charting, these articles will give you the “big picture” behind the charts on our site. If you are an “old hand”, these articles will help ensure you haven't “strayed too far” from the basics. Enjoy!
Charts are created with one of two different kinds of vertical price scales. An arithmetic scale evenly spaces price along the right side of the chart. Arithmetic chart spacing between $10 and $20 is half as tall as the spacing between $20 and $40. A log scale evenly spaces price in percentage terms. Chart spacing between $10 and $20 has the exact same chart spacing as between $20 and $40 since they represent the same percentage increase.
The SharpCharts above illustrate the differences between the two scaling methods. On the arithmetic scale, three different trend lines were required to keep pace with the price advance. On the log scale, the trend line fits the price trend during the entire rally. Log scaling should be the first scaling choice when using trend lines, especially over long timeframes.
StockCharts.com provides several ways to plot volume data on a chart. The following price and volume SharpChart of AAPL illustrates how volume is typically plotted.
Volume can be plotted in an 'indicator panel' above or below the 'price plot area' or in the price plot area as an 'overlay.'
When the 'Color Volume' option is used, the volume bars are shown as black for up days and red for down days. Color volume bars allow the chartist to quickly see where heavy or weak buying and selling activity is happening.
CandleVolume charts are similar to candlestick charts except that each candle's width is proportional to its corresponding volume value. This charting style allows one to visualize the volume activity “in” rather than “below” price moves. Depending on the style of analysis, volume bars could be omitted to simplify the chart.
The time axis for these charts is not uniformly spaced as candlestick bar widths vary with volume values. As a result, trend line analysis using CandleVolume charts should always be confirmed with a standard candlestick or OHLC chart. The SharpChart of AAPL above shows how volume bars correlate to the candlestick widths.
That wraps up our look at how charts are constructed. In part 7 we're going to start to talk about how charts are analyzed - starting with Support and Resistance analysis.
This is the seventh part of a series of articles about technical analysis from a new course we're developing. If you are new to charting, these articles will give you the “big picture” behind the charts on our site. If you are an “old hand”, these articles will help ensure you haven't “strayed too far” from the basics. Enjoy!
Prices are driven by two of humanity's strongest emotions: Fear and Greed. When more investors are fearful that a stock will fall, it does! It will continue to decline until the balance between Fear and Greed is re-established. The same is true for greed and rising prices. This phenomenon is referred to as Market Psychology.
Support is the price level where “greedy” buyers enter the market to prevent prices from declining further. Support can develop at a specific price or, more commonly, in a price zone. Areas of support can exist for many months at a time.
The diagram above illustrates how market psychology causes the previous area of price support to turn into resistance. After breaking support, traders who bought in the zone of support are now holding losses and, in order to break even, want to sell as soon as prices approach their original purchase prices.
The Volume by Price overlay (volume traded in incremental price ranges) in the following SharpChart of Dover Corp. illustrates how strong support at 24 later became significant resistance as greed turned into fear.
The concept of resistance is opposite of the support as discussed above. Resistance is the price level where “fearful” sellers suddenly come into the market and prevent prices from advancing further. Like support, resistance can develop at a specific price or in a price zone and can be held for months at a time.
If resistance is broken, market psychology causes the previous area of price resistance to turn into support. The diagram above illustrates this market behavior. Stock holders who sold in the zone of resistance are now regretting selling and want to buy as soon as prices approach the level they sold at earlier. Prices that seemed too high before now look like a bargain. The following SharpChart of Parker Hannifin Corp. illustrates resistance later becoming support. Notice how Volume by Price indicates the potential number of previous sellers willing to buy again if given the opportunity.
In part 8 we'll discuss trend line analysis and trend channels.
This is the ninth part of a series of articles about technical analysis from a new course we're developing. If you are new to charting, these articles will give you the “big picture” behind the charts on our site. If you are an “old hand,” these articles will help ensure you haven't “strayed too far” from the basics. Enjoy!
Trending prices often form a channel where prices can be bounded above and below by parallel trend lines. When trend channels form, it is helpful to draw the top and bottom trend lines and monitor how well prices stay within the channel.
If prices in an uptrend fail to reach the upper channel line, the uptrend may be weakening and getting ready to reverse. Also, if prices suddenly break above the upper channel line, the uptrend may be either beginning to exhaust itself and reverse direction or be starting a new, steeper trend. Similar behavior also happens in downtrend price channels.
Trending prices can only go three directions: continue in the direction of the trend, change to a trading range, or reverse the direction of the trend. Trend changes are most easily recognized by watching the price peaks and troughs. An uptrend makes higher price peaks and troughs. A downtrend makes lower price peaks and troughs. In a trading range, price peaks and troughs are roughly equal over time.
A change in uptrend begins when a new price peak is similar to or lower than the previous price peak. The change is confirmed when the next price trough is similar to or lower than the last price trough.
Changes in downtrends and price ranges occur in the same way. New price peaks or troughs break the pattern of prior ones, with the next peak or trough confirming the change.
When a company pays out a dividend or a fund makes a distribution, it can affect the price of the underlying security. For example, after a company pays out dividends (ex-dividend date), the price of the stock drops by the dividend amount. Because of the change, price and volume data adjustments are necessary for technical indicators to be valid.
Technical analysts generally view charts with adjusted price data. In the Classic SharpCharts Workbench, if you'd like to view unadjusted price data, type an underscore symbol before the ticker symbol, i.e. _TSLA.
If you're using the New SharpCharts Workbench, and you want to view unadjusted price data on your chart, uncheck the Adjust For Dividends box (click the settings icon).
In part 10 we'll look at how volume can confirm trend-change signals.
This is the fifth part of a series of articles about technical analysis from a new course we're developing. If you are new to charting, these articles will give you the “big picture” behind the charts on our site. If you are an “old hand”, these articles will help ensure you haven't “strayed too far” from the basics. Enjoy!
Compared to traditional OHLC bar charts, many traders consider candlestick charts more visually appealing and easier to interpret. Each candlestick provides an easy-to-decipher picture of price action. An analyst can quickly understand the relationship between the opening and closing price as well as the high and low price.
The graphic above shows how candlesticks are constructed.
Candlesticks with hollow bodies indicate buying pressure and filled bodies indicate selling pressure. Long upper or lower shadows form when the market moves significantly in a particular direction during the day and then reverses before the end of the day. As a result, long lower shadows can infer bullishness while long upper shadows can infer a bearish market.
When the 'Color Prices' option is selected on the Chart Attributes workbench, the Candlestick's outline and body will be colored black or red, depending on the candlestick's opening and closing prices and the previous day's closing price.
If the closing price is higher than the opening price, the body will be displayed hollow. If the closing price is lower than the opening price, the body will be filled red with the following exception; if the closing price is higher than the previous day's closing price, the body will then be filled black.
The candlestick's shadows and body outline are colored black or red depending on the closing price compared to the previous day's closing price. If the closing price is higher than the previous day's, the candlestick's shadows and body outline will be colored black. If the closing price is lower than the previous day's, however, the candlestick's shadows and body outline will be red.
Market psychology is reflected in each of these candlestick formations in the following ways.
Up Day, Higher Close: Typically results from expectations of higher prices (greed) out weighing expectations of lower prices (fear). The length of the candlestick body shown indicates especially strong buying.
Down Day, Lower Close: Expectations of lower prices (fear) are stronger than those of higher prices (greed). As with the first candlestick, a longer candlestick body infers greater urgency of investors to sell their shares.
Down Day, Higher Close: A rare candlestick, this one begins with an opening gap up in price from the previous day's closing price but closes down for the day. A gap is defined as a price range where no trading takes place and is the result of a significant change in demand (gap up) or supply (gap down) before trading begins for the day. In this case, heavy buying at the beginning of the day reversed but still closed higher than the previous day. This is a bearish sign when it occurs well into an upward price move.
Up Day, Lower Close: Another rare candlestick, this one begins with an opening gap down in price from the previous day's closing price but closes up for the day. This price action can be considered bullish during a downward price move since initial strong selling in the day becomes exhausted and buyers push the price higher at close.
The SharpChart AAPL above illustrates the candlestick format. The up and down days are readily apparent with the use of candlestick charting. When the balance between buyers and sellers change, candlesticks often form recognizable patterns signaling the change. These candlestick patterns will be discussed in a later article.
Below, you can see how the three types of charts compare visually:
In part 6, we'll get into chart scaling, volume, and CandleVolume charts.
Tip. See the entire series
Tip. See the entire series
Tip. See the entire series
Tip. See the entire series
Tip. See the entire series
Tip. See the entire series
This is the eighth part of a series of articles about technical analysis from a new course we're developing. If you are new to charting, these articles will give you the “big picture” behind the charts on our site. If you are an “old hand”, these articles will help ensure you haven't “strayed too far” from the basics. Enjoy!
Tip. See the entire series Technical Analysis 101
The psychology of fear and greed of market participants ultimately determines the direction of prices in a market. Prices rise with greed (demand) and fall with fear (supply). A price trend is simply a sustained directional price move. It can be thought of as a tilted support/resistance zone.
A trend will continue as long as either fear or greed is in control of a market. Trends fade or change direction as the balance of fear and greed changes. The extent of fear and greed in a market can be seen by how quickly prices are trending down or up.
As stated earlier, a trend is a sustained, directional price move. Rising peaks and troughs constitute an uptrend; falling peaks and troughs constitute a downtrend. A trading range is characterized by horizontal peaks and troughs. Trends are generally classified into major (longer than six months), intermediate (one to six months), or minor (less than a month). Long term investors are most interested with identifying long-term trends where short-term investors are more interested in minor and intermediate trends. The following SharpChart shows examples of the different types and categories of trends.
A trend line is a straight line that connects two or more low or high price points and then extends into the future to act as a line of support or resistance. The first two points establish the trend line while additional points validate it.
The following SharpChart contains a real example of how an uptrend line is drawn with a trend change.
An uptrend line has a positive slope and is formed by connecting two or more low points. Uptrend lines act as support. As long as prices remain above the trend line, the uptrend is considered intact. A break below the uptrend line indicates that demand has weakened and a change in trend could be imminent.
A downtrend line has a negative slope and is formed by connecting two or more high points. Downtrend lines act as resistance. As long as prices remain below the downtrend line, the downtrend is intact. A break above the downtrend line indicates that supply is decreasing and that a change of trend could be imminent.
In part 9 we'll look at trend channels and trend changes.
An easy-to-read introduction to Technical Analysis written by John Murphy, covering all the basics in John's easily accessible style.
Chart analysis has become more popular than ever. One of the reasons for that is the availability of highly sophisticated, yet inexpensive, charting software. The average trader today has greater computer power than the major institutions had just a couple of decades ago. Another reason for the popularity of charting is the Internet. Easy access to Internet charting has produced a great democratization of technical information. Anyone can log onto the Internet today and see a dazzling array of visual market information. Much of that information is freely available at very low cost.
Another revolutionary development for traders is the availability of live market data. With the increased speed of market trends in recent years, and the popularity of short-term trading methods, easy access to live market data has become an indispensable weapon in the hands of technically oriented traders. Day-traders live and die with that minute-by-minute price data. And, it goes without saying, that the ability to spot and profit from those short-term market swings is one of the strong points of chart analysis.
Sector rotation has been especially important in recent years. More than ever, it's important to be in the right sectors at the right time. During the second half of 1999, technology was the place to be and that was reflected in enormous gains in the Nasdaq market. Biotech and high-tech stocks were the clear market leaders. If you were in those groups, you did great. If you were anywhere else, you probably lost money.
During the spring of 2000, however, a sharp sell off of biotech and technology stocks pushed the Nasdaq into a steep correction and caused a sudden rotation into previously ignored sectors of the blue chip market - like drugs, financials, and basic industry stocks - as money moved out of “new economy” stocks into “old economy” stocks. While the fundamental reasons for those sudden shifts in trends weren't clear at the time, they were easily spotted on the charts by traders who had access to live market information - and know how to chart and interpret it correctly.
That last point is especially important because having access to charts and data is only helpful if the trader knows what to do with them. And that's the purpose of this booklet. It will introduce to you the more important aspects of chart analysis.
Charts can be used by themselves or in combination with fundamental analysis. Charts can be used to time entry and exit points by themselves or in the implementation of fundamental strategies. Charts can also be used as an alerting device to warn the trader that something may be changing in the market's underlying fundamentals. Whichever way you choose to employ them, charts can be an extremely valuable tool - if you know how to use them. This booklet is a good place to start learning how.
– John J. Murphy
Successful participation in the financial markets virtually demands some mastery of chart analysis. Consider the fact that all decisions in various markets are based, in one form or another, on a market forecast. Whether the market participant is a short-term trader or long-term investor, price forecasting is usually the first, most important step in the decision-making process. To accomplish that task, there are two methods of forecasting available to the market analyst - the fundamental and the technical.
Fundamental analysis is based on the traditional study of supply and demand factors that cause market prices to rise or fall. In financial markets, the fundamentalist would look at such things as corporate earnings, trade deficits, and changes in the money supply. The intention of this approach is to arrive at an estimate of the intrinsic value of a market in order to determine if the market is over- or under-valued.
Technical or chart analysis, by contrast, is based on the study of the market action itself. While fundamental analysis studies the reasons or causes for prices going up or down, technical analysis studies the effect, the price movement itself. That's where the study of price charts comes in. Chart analysis is extremely useful in the price-forecasting process. Charting can be used by itself with no fundamental input, or in conjunction with fundamental information. Price forecasting, however, is only the first step in the decision-making process.
The second, and often the more difficult, step is market timing. For short-term traders, minor price moves can have a dramatic impact on trading performance. Therefore, the precise timing of entry and exit points is an indispensable aspect of any market commitment. To put it bluntly, timing is everything in the stock market. For reasons that will soon become apparent, timing is almost purely technical in nature. This being the case, it can be seen that the application of charting principles becomes absolutely essential at some point in the decision-making process. Having established its value, let's take a look at charting theory itself.
Chart analysis (also called technical analysis) is the study of market action, using price charts, to forecast future price direction. The cornerstone of the technical philosophy is the belief that all of the factors that influence market price - fundamental information, political events, natural disasters, and psychological factors - are quickly discounted in market activity. In other words, the impact of these external factors will quickly show up in some form of price movement, either up or down. Chart analysis, therefore, is simply a short-cut form of fundamental analysis.
Consider the following: A rising price reflects bullish fundamentals, where demand exceeds supply; falling prices would mean that supply exceeds demand, identifying a bearish fundamental situation. These shifts in the fundamental equation cause price changes, which are readily apparent on a price chart. The chartist is quickly able to profit from these price changes without necessarily knowing the specific reasons causing them. The chartist simply reasons that rising prices are indicative of a bullish fundamental situation and that falling prices reflect bearish fundamentals.
Another advantage of chart analysis is that the market price itself is usually a leading indicator of the know fundamentals. Chart action, therefore, can alert a fundamental analyst to the fact that something important is happening beneath the surface and encourage closer market analysis.
Markets move in trends. The major value of price charts is that they reveal the existence of market trends and greatly facilitate the study of those trends. Most of the techniques used by chartists are for the purpose of identifying significant trends, to help determine the probable extent of those trends, and to identify as early as possible when they are changing direction.
Figure 2-1: Daily Bar Chart This daily chart of Intel is a good example of an uptrend over a six-month period. Charts facilitate the study of trends. Important trends persist once they are established.
Click here for a live version of the chart.
Figure 2-2: Candlestick Chart A candlestick chart of Intel covering two months. The narrow wick is the day's range. The fatter portion is the area between the open and close. Open candles are positive; darker ones are negative. Click here for a live version of the chart.
The most popular type of chart used by technical analysts is the daily bar chart. Each bar represents one day of trading. Japanese candlestick charts have become popular in recent years. Candlestick charts are used in the same way as bar charts, but present a more visual representation of the day's trading. Line Charts can also be employed (see Figure 2-3). The line chart simply connects each successive day's closing prices and is the simplest form of charting.
A line chart of Intel for an entire year. A single line connecting successive closing prices is the simplest form of charting. Click here for a live version of the chart.
All of the above chart types can be employed for any time dimension. The daily chart, which is the most popular time period, is used to study price trends for the past year. For longer range trend analysis going back five or ten years, weekly and monthly charts can be employed. For short-term (or day-trading) purposes, intraday charts are most useful. [Intraday charts can be plotted for periods as short as 1-minute, 5-minute or 15-minute time periods.]
Price plotting is an extremely simple task. The daily bar chart has both a vertical and horizontal axis. The vertical axis (along the side of the chart) shows the price scale, while the horizontal axis (along the bottom of the chart) records calendar time. The first step in plotting a given day's price data is to locate the correct calendar day. This is accomplished simply by looking at the calendar dates along the bottom of the chart. Plot the high, low, and closing (settlement) prices for the market. A vertical bar connects the high and low (the range). The closing price is recorded with a horizontal tic to the right of the bar. (Chartists mark the opening price with a tic to the left of the bar.) Each day simply move one step to the right. Volume is recorded with a vertical bar along the bottom of the chart.
Figure 3-1: Construction of a Daily Bar Chart The construction of a daily bar chart is simple. The vertical bar is drawn from the day's high to the low. The tic to the left is the open; the tic to the right is the close. Volume bars are drawn along the bottom of the chart. Click here for a live version of the chart.
Two basic premises of chart analysis are that markets trends and that trends tend to persist. Trend analysis is really what chart analysis is all about. Trends are characterized by a series of peaks and troughs. An uptrend is a series of rising peaks and troughs. A downtrend shows descending peaks and troughs. Finally, trends are usually classified into three major categories: major, secondary, and minor. A major trend lasts more than a year; a secondary trend, from one to three months; and a minor trend, usually a couple of weeks or less.
There are two terms that define the peaks and troughs on the chart. A previous trough usually forms a support level. Support is a level below the market where buying pressure exceeds selling pressure and a decline is halted. Resistance is marked by a previous market peak. Resistance is a level above the market where selling pressure exceeds buying pressure and a rally is halted.
Figure 4-1: Support and Resistance An uptrend is marked by rising peaks and troughs. Each peak is called resistance; each trough is called support. The uptrend is continued when a resistance peak is exceeded. Click here for a live version of the chart.
Support and resistance levels reverse roles once they are decisively broken. That is to say, a broken support level under the market becomes a resistance level above the market. A broken resistance level over the market functions as support below the market. The more recently the support or resistance level has been formed, the more power it exerts on subsequent market action. This is because many of the trades that helped form those support and resistance levels have not been liquidated and are more likely to influence future trading decisions.
Figure 4-2: Role Reversal An example of role reversal. A broken resistance level usually becomes a new support level. In a downtrend, a broken support level becomes resistance. Click here for a live version of the chart.
The trendline is perhaps the simplest and most valuable tool available to the chartist. An up trendline is a straight line drawn up and to the right, connecting successive rising market bottoms. The line is drawn in such a way that all of the price action is above the trendline. A down trendline is drawn down and to the right, connecting the successive declining market highs. The line is drawn in such a way that all of the price action is below the trendline. An up trendline, for example, is drawn when at least two rising reaction lows (or troughs) are visible. However, while it takes two points to draw a trendline, a third point is necessary to identify the line as a valid trend line. If prices in an uptrend dip back down to the trendline a third time and bounce off it, a valid up trendline is confirmed.
Figure 4-3: Rising Trendline An example of a rising trendline. Up trendlines are drawn under rising lows. A valid trendline should be touched three times as shown here. Click here for a live version of the chart.
Trendlines have two major uses. They allow identification of support and resistance levels that can be used, while a market is trending, to initiate new positions. As a rule, the longer a trendline has been in effect and the more times it has been tested, the more significant it becomes. The violation of a trendline is often the best warning of a change in trend.
Channel lines are straight lines that are drawn parallel to basic trendlines. A rising channel line would be drawn above the price action and parallel to the basic trendline (which is below the price action). A declining channel line would be drawn below the price action and parallel to the down trendline (which is above the price action). Markets often trend within these channels. When this is the case, the chartist can use that knowledge to great advantage by knowing in advance where support and resistance are likely to function.
Figure 4-4: Channel Line An example of a channel line. During an uptrend, prices will often meet new selling along an upper channel line which is drawn parallel to the rising trendline. Click here for a live version of the chart.
One of the most useful features of chart analysis is the presence of price patterns, which can be classified into different categories and which have predictive value. These patterns reveal the ongoing struggle between the forces of supply and demand, as seen in the relationship between the various support and resistance levels, and allow the chart reader to gauge which side is winning. Price patterns are broken down into two groups - reversal and continuation patterns. Reversal patterns usually indicate that a trend reversal is taking place. Continuation patterns usually represent temporary pauses in the existing trend. Continuation patterns take less time to form than reversal patterns and usually result in resumption of the original trend.
The head and shoulders is the best known and probably the most reliable of the reversal patterns. A head and shoulders top is characterized by three prominent market peaks. The middle peak, or the head, is higher than the two surrounding peaks (the shoulders). A trendline (the neckline) is drawn below the two intervening reaction lows. A close below the neckline completes the pattern and signals an important market reversal.
Figure 5-1: Head and Shoulders Example of a head and shoulders bottom on a daily chart of Alaska Air Group (ALK). Click here for a live version of the chart.
Price objectives or targets can be determined by measuring the shapes of the various price patterns. The measuring technique in a topping pattern is to measure the vertical distance from the top of the head to the neckline and to project the distance downward from the point where the neckline is broken. The head and shoulders bottom is the same as the top except that is turned upside down.
Another one of the reversal patterns, the triple top or bottom is a variation of the head and shoulders. The only difference is that the three peaks or troughs in this pattern occur at about the same level. Triple tops or bottoms and the head and shoulders reversal pattern are interpreted in similar fashion and mean essentially the same thing.
Figure 5-2: Double Bottom Chart Example of a double bottom on the daily chart of General Electric (GE). Click here for a live version of the chart.
Double tops and bottoms (also called M's and W's because of their shape) show two prominent peaks or troughs instead of three. A double top is identified by two prominent peaks. The inability of the second peak to move above the first peak is the first sign of weakness. When prices then decline and move under the middle trough, the double top is completed. The measuring technique for the double top is also based on the height of the pattern. The height of the pattern is measured and projected downward from the point where the trough is broken. The double bottom is the image of the double top.
Figure 5-3: Double Top Reversal Pattern Two prominent peaks can be seen on the chart for LMT, forming a double top reversal pattern. Click here for a live version of the chart.
These two patterns aren't as common, but are seen enough to warrant discussion. The spike top (also called a V-reversal) pictures a sudden change in trend. What distinguishes the spike from the other reversal patterns is the absence of a transition period, which is sideways price action on the chart constituting topping or bottoming activity. This type of pattern marks a dramatic change in trend with little or no warning.
The saucer, by contrast, reveals an unusually slow shift in trend. Most often seen at bottoms, the saucer pattern represents a slow and more gradual change in trend from down to up. The chart picture resembles a saucer or rounding bottom - hence its name.
Figure 5-4: Spike Tops and Bottoms Two examples of a stock changing direction with little or no warning. Click here for a live version of the chart.
Figure 5-5: Saucer Bottom Some bottoms are a slow, gradual process and have a rounding shape like a saucer. This saucer bottom is Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) took almost a year to form. Click here for a live version of the chart.
Instead of warning of market reversals, continuation patterns are usually resolved in the direction of the original trend. Triangles are among the most reliable of the continuation patterns. There are three types of triangles that have forecasting value - symmetrical, ascending, and descending triangles. Although these patterns sometimes mark price reversals, they usually just represent pauses in the prevailing trend.
The symmetrical triangle (also called the coil) is distinguished by sideways activity with prices fluctuating between two converging trendlines. The upper line is declining and the lower line is rising. Such a pattern describes a situation where buying and selling pressure are in balance. Somewhere between the halfway and the three-quarters point in the pattern, measured in calendar time from the left of the pattern to the point where the two lines meet at the right (the apex), the pattern should be resolved by a breakout. In other words, prices will close beyond one of the two converging trendlines.
Figure 5-6: Symmetrical Triangle An example of a symmetrical triangle during the 1999 advance in Citigroup. The two lines converge, with the upper line falling and the lower line rising. Since this is a continuation pattern, the odds favored resumption of the bull trend. Click here for a live version of the chart.
The ascending triangle has a flat upper line and a rising lower line. Since buyers are more aggressive than sellers, this is usually a bullish pattern.
Figure 5-7: Ascending Triangle An example of an ascending triangle. The upper line is flat, while the lower line is rising. This is usually a bullish pattern and is completed when prices close above the upper line. Click here for a live version of the chart.
The descending triangle has a declining upper line and a flat lower line. Since sellers are more aggressive than buyers, this is usually a bearish pattern.
The measuring technique for all three triangles is the same. Measure the height of the triangle at the widest point to the left of the pattern and measure that vertical distance from the point where either trendline is broken. While the ascending and descending triangles have a built-in bias, the symmetrical triangle is inherently neutral. Since it is usually a continuation pattern, however, the symmetrical triangle does have a forecasting value and implies that the prior trend will be resumed.
These two short-term continuation patterns mark brief pauses, or resting periods, during dynamic market trends. Both are usually preceded by a steep price move (called the pole). In an uptrend, the steep advance pauses to catch its breath and moves sideways for two or three weeks. Then the uptrend continues on its way. The names aptly describe their appearance. The pennant is usually horizontal with two converging trendlines (like a small symmetrical triangle) The flag resembles a parallelogram that tends to slope against the trend. In an uptrend, therefore, the bull flag has a downward slope; in a downtrend, the bear flag slopes upward. Both patterns are said to “fly at half mast,” meaning that they often occur near the middle of the trend, making the halfway point in the market move.
Figure 5-8: Pennant An example of a pennant forming during the ascent of Apple Computer during November 1999. The pennant looks like a small symmetrical triangle, but normally doesn't last for more than two or three weeks. The breaking of the upper line signals resumption of the uptrend. Click here for a live version of the chart.
Figure 5-9: Flag An example of a bullish flag forming during December 2013. Bull Flags are short-term patterns that slope against the prevailing trend. The uptrend usually resumes after the upper line is broken. Click here for a live version of the chart.
In addition to price patterns, there are several other formations that show up on the price charts and that provide the chartist with valuable insights. Among those formations are price gaps, key reversal days, and percentage retracements.
Gaps are simply areas on the bar chart where no trading has taken place. An upward gap occurs when the lowest price for one day is higher than the highest price of the preceding day. A downward gap means that the highest price for one day is lower than the lowest price of the preceding day. There are different types of gaps that appear at different stages of the trend. Being able to distinguish among them can provide useful and profitable market insights. Three types of gaps have forecasting value- breakaway, runaway and exhaustion gaps.
Figure 6-1: Price Gaps Example of price gaps. Click here for a live version of the chart.
The breakaway gap usually occurs upon completion of an important price pattern and signals a significant market move. A breakout above the neckline of a head and shoulders bottom, for example, often occurs on a breakaway gap.
The runaway gap usually occurs after the trend is well underway. It often appears about halfway through the move (which is why it is also called a measuring gap since it gives some indication of how much of the move is left). During uptrends, the breakaway and runaway gaps usually provide support below the market on subsequent market dips; during downtrends, these two gaps act as resistance over the market on bounces.
The exhaustion gap occurs right at the end of the market move and represents a last gasp in the trend. Sometimes an exhaustion gap is followed within a few days by a breakaway gap in the other direction, leaving several days of price action isolation by two gaps. This market phenomenon is called the island reversal and usually signals an important market turn.
Another price formation is the key reversal day. This minor pattern often warns of an impending change in trend. In an uptrend, prices usually open higher, then break sharply to the downside and close below the previous day's closing price. (A bottom reversal day opens lower and closes higher).
The wider the day's range and the heavier the volume, the more significant the warning becomes and the more authority it carries. Outside reversal days (where the high and low of the current day's range are both wider than the previous day's range) are considered more potent. The key reversal day is a relatively minor pattern taken on its own merits, but can assume major importance if other technical factors suggest that an important change in trend is imminent.
Figure 7-1: Key Reversal Days Examples of key reversal days. The two downside reversal days are identified by higher openings and lower closings on heavy volume. The bigger the price range, the more significant is the reversal signal. Click here for a live version of the chart.
Market trends seldom take place in straight lines. Most trend pictures show a series of zig-zags with several corrections against the existing trend. These corrections usually fall into certain predictable percentage parameters. The best-known example of this is the fifty-percent retracement. That is to say, a secondary, or intermediate, correction against a major uptrend often retraces about half of the prior uptrend before the bull trend is again resumed. Bear market bounces often recover about half of the prior downtrend.
A minimum retracement is usually about a third of the prior trend. The two-thirds point is considered the maximum retracement that is allowed if the prior trend is going to resume. A retracement beyond the two-thirds point usually warns of a trend reversal in progress. Chartists also place importance on retracements of 38% and 62% which are called Fibonacci retracements.
Chartists employ a two-dimensional approach to market analysis that includes a study of price and volume. Of the two, price is the more important. However, volume provides important secondary confirmation of the price action on the chart and often gives advance warning of an impending shift in trend.
Figure 9-1: Price and Volume An example of price and volume moving in harmony during an uptrend. The price advance during January 2000 saw heavy trading. The February correction was on light volume. The resumption of the uptrend was on heavier volume again. That's what should happen during an uptrend. Click here for a live version of the chart.
Volume is the number of units traded during a given time period, which is usually a day. It is the number of common stock shares traded each day in the stock market. Volume can also be monitored on a weekly basis for longer-range analysis.
When used in conjunction with the price action, volume tells us something about the strength or weakness of the current price trend. Volume measures the pressure behind a given price move. As a rule, heavier volume (marked by larger vertical bars at the bottom of the chart) should be present in the direction of the prevailing price trend. During an uptrend, heavier volume should be seen during rallies, with lighter volume (smaller volume bars) during downside corrections. In downtrends, the heavier volume should occur on price selloffs. Bear market bounces should take place on a lighter volume.
Volume also plays an important role in the formation and resolution of price patterns. Each of the price patterns described previously has its own volume pattern. As a rule, volume tends to diminish as price patterns form. The subsequent breakout that resolves the pattern takes on added significance if the price breakout is accompanied by heavier volume. Heavier volume accompanying the breaking of trendlines and support or resistance levels lends greater weight to price activity.
Figure 9-2: Volume User in a Price Pattern An example of volume used in a price pattern. The chart shows ADM breaking a “neckline” of a head and shoulders top. The breaking of the neckline coincided with a burst in trading activity- which is usually a negative sign for the stock. Click here for a live version of the chart.
Market analysts have several indicators to measure trading volume. One of the simplest, and most effective, is on-balance volume (OBV). OBV plots a running cumulative total of upside versus downside volume. Each day that a market closes higher, that day's volume is added to the previous total. On each down day, the volume is subtracted from the total. Over time, the on-balance volume will start to trend upward or downward. If it trends upward, that tells the trader there's more upside than downside volume, which is a good sign. A falling OBV line is usually a bearish sign.
The OBV line is usually plotted along the bottom of the price chart. The idea is to make sure the price line and the OBV line are trending in the same direction. If prices are rising, but the OBV line is flat or falling, that means there may not be enough volume to support higher prices. In that case, the divergence between a rising price line and a flat or falling OBV line is a negative warning.
Figure 9-3: Price and OBV Lines An example of price and OBV lines not confirming each other. The March 2000 move to new highs by JDS Uniphase was accompanied by a flat OBV line. That was an early warning of a possible top. Click here for a live version of the chart.
During periods of sideways price movement, when the market trend is in doubt, the OBV line will sometimes break out first and give an early hint of future price direction. An upside breakout in the OBV line should catch the trader's eye and cause him or her to take a closer look at the market or stock in question. At market bottoms, an upside breakout in on-balance volume is sometimes an early warning of an emerging uptrend.
Figure 9-4: On-Balance Volume (OBV) Line An example of the OBV line giving a bullish warning. During the decline in the price of GE during the 1st quarter of 2000, the rising On-Balance Volume line hinted at the bottom. Click here for a live version of the chart.
There are many other indicators that measure the trend of volume - with names like Accumulation Distribution, Chaikin Oscillator, Market Facilitation Index, and Money Flow. While they're more complex in their calculations, they all the same intent- to determine if the volume trend is confirming, or diverging from, the price trend.
Bar chart analysis is not limited to daily bar charts. Weekly and monthly charts provide a valuable long-term perspective on market history that cannot be obtained by using daily charts alone. The daily bar chart usually shows up to twelve months of price history for each market. Weekly charts show almost five years of data, while the monthly charts go back over 20 years.
Figure 10-1: Weekly Bar Chart A demonstration of the importance of long-term perspective achieved by a weekly chart going back several years. The 1st upside breakout exceeded highs set a year earlier, which might have been spotted on a daily chart. The 2nd breakout, however, exceeded a peak set three years earlier- and would have been missed on a daily chart. Click here for a live version of the chart.
By studying these charts, the chartist gets a better idea of long-term trends, where historic support and resistance levels are located, and is able to obtain a clearer perspective on the more recent action revealed in the daily charts. These weekly and monthly charts lend themselves quite well to standard chart analysis described in the preceding pages. The view held by some market observers that chart analysis is useful only for short-term analysis and timing is simply not true. The principles of chart analysis can be used in any time dimension.
Daily and weekly charts are useful for intermediate- and long-term analysis. For short-term trading, however, intraday charts are extremely valuable. Intraday charts usually show only a few days of trading activity. A 15-minute bar chart, for example, might show only three or four days of trading. A 1-minute or a 5- minute chart usually shows only one or two days of trading respectively, and is generally used for day-trading purposes. Fortunately, all of the chart principles described herein can also be applied to intraday charts.
Figure 10-2: Intraday Chart Example of a 60-minute bar chart. Charting principles (like gaps, trendlines, and price formation) can be seen on these intraday charts and are extremely helpful for short-term trading. Click here for a live version of the chart.
As indispensable as the daily bar charts are to market timing and analysis, a thorough chart analysis should begin with the monthly and weekly charts- and in that order. The purpose of that approach is to provide the analyst with the necessary long-term view as a starting point. Once that is obtained on the 20- year monthly chart, the 5-year weekly chart should be consulted. Only then should the daily chart be studied. In other words, the proper order to follow is to begin with a solid overview and then gradually shorten the time horizon. (For even more microscopic market analysis, the study of the daily chart can be followed by the scrutiny of intraday charts).
The idea of beginning one's analysis with a broader view and gradually narrowing one's focus has another important application in the field of market analysis. That has to do with utilizing a “top-down” approach to analyzing the stock market. This approach utilizes a three-step approach to finding winning stocks. It starts with an overall market view to determine whether the stock market is moving up or down, and whether this is a good time to be investing in the market. It then breaks the stock market down into market sectors and industry groups to determine which parts of the stock market look the strongest. Finally, it seeks out leading stocks in those leading sectors and groups.
The intent of the first step in the “top-down” approach is to determine the trend of the overall market. The presence of a bull market (a rising trend) is considered a good time to invest funds in the stock market. The presence of a bear market (a falling trend) might suggest a more cautious approach to the stock market. In the past, it was possible to look at one of several major market averages to gauge the market's trend. That was because most major averages usually trended in the same direction. That hasn't always been the case in recent history, however. For that reason, it's important to have some familiarity with the major market averages, and to know what each one actually measures.
The traditional blue chip averages- like the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the NYSE Composite Index, and the S&P 500- generally give the best measure of the major market trend. The Nasdaq Composite Index, by contrast, is heavily influenced by technology stocks. While the Nasdaq is a good barometer of trends in the technology sector, it's less useful as a measure of the overall market trend. The Russell 2000 Index measures the performance of smaller stocks. For that reason, it's used mainly to gauge the performance of that sector of the market. The Russell is less useful as a measure of the broader markets which is comprised of larger stocks.
Since most of these markets are readily available in the financial press and on the Internet, it's usually a good idea to keep an eye on all of them. The strongest signals about market directions are given when all or most of the major market averages are trending in the same direction.
Figure 11-1: Major Market Average The best way to determine the trend of the stock market is to chart one of the major market averages. This example shows that the NYSE Composite Index has been rising several years. Click here for a live version of the chart.
The stock market is divided into market sectors which are sub-divided further into industry groups. There are ten market sectors, which include Basic Materials, Consumer Cyclicals, Consumer Non-Cyclicals, Energy, Financial, Healthcare, Industrial, Technology, Telecommunications, and Utilities. Each of those sectors can have as many as a dozen or more industry groups. For example, some groups in the Technology sector are Computers, the Internet, Networkers, Office Equipment, and Semiconductors. The Financial sector includes Banks, Insurance, and Securities Brokers.
The recommended way to approach this group is to start with the smaller number of market sectors. Look for the ones that seem to be the strongest. During most of 1999 and into the early part of 2000, for example, technology stocks represented the strongest market sector. Once you've isolated the preferred sector, you can then look for the strongest industry groups in that sector. Two leading candidates during the period of time just described were Internet and Semiconductor stocks. The idea is to be in the strongest industry groups within the strongest market sectors.
Figure 11-2: Strong Industry Group An example of a strong industry group. During the first quarter of 2000, semiconductor stocks were the strongest group in a strong technology sector. Click here for a live version of the chart.
For many investors, the search can stop there. The choice to be in a market sector or industry group can easily be implemented through the use of mutual funds that specialize in specific market sectors or industry groups. A wide range of Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) that trade throughout the trading day are even more suitable for sector rotation purposes
For those investors who deal in individual stocks, this is the third step in the “top-down” market approach. Having isolated an industry group that has strong upside potential, the trader can then look within that group for winning stocks. It's been estimated that as much as 50% of a stock's direction is determined by the direction of its industry group. If you've already found a winning group, your work is half done.
Another advantage of limiting your stock search to winning sectors and groups is that it narrows the search considerably. There are as many as 5,000 stocks that an investor can choose from. It's pretty tough doing a market analysis of so many markets. Some sort of screening process is required. That's where the three-step process comes in. By narrowing your stock search to a small number of industry groups, the number of stocks you have to study is dramatically reduced. You also have the added comfort of knowing that each stock you look at is already part of a winning group.
Figure 11-3: Individual Stocks Intel was one of the strongest semiconductor stocks during the first three months of 2000. Having started the search in a strong semiconductor group, the search for a winning stock is made a lot easier. Click here for a live version of the chart.
In the realm of technical indicators, moving averages are extremely popular with market technicians and with good reason. Moving averages smooth the price action and make it easier to spot the underlying trends. Precise trend signals can be obtained from the interaction between a price and an average or between two or more averages themselves. Since the moving average is constructed by averaging several days' closing prices, however, it tends to lag behind the price action. The shorter the average (meaning the fewer days used in its calculation), the more sensitive it is to price changes and the closer it trails the price action. A longer average (with more days included in its calculation) tracks the price action from a greater distance and is less responsive to trend changes. The moving average is easily quantified and lends itself especially well to historical testing. Mainly for those reasons, it is the mainstay of most mechanical trend-following systems.
In stock market analysis, the most popular moving average lengths are 50 and 200 days. [On weekly charts, those daily values are converted into 10- and 40-week averages.] During an uptrend, prices should stay above the 50-day average. Minor pullbacks often bounce off that average, which acts as a support level. A decisive close beneath the 50-day average is usually one of the first signs that a stock is entering a more severe correction.
In many cases, the breaking of the 50-day average signals a further decline down to the 200-day average. If a market is in a normal bull market correction, it should find new support around its 200-day average. [For short-term trading purposes, traders will employ a 20-day average to spot short-term trend changes].
These are trading bands plotted two standard deviations above and below a 20-day moving average. When a market touches (or exceeds) one of the trading bands, the market is considered to be over-extended. Prices will often pull back to the moving average line.
Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)
The MACD is a popular trading system. On your computer screen, you'll see two weighted moving averages (weighted moving averages give greater weight to the more recent price action). Trading signals are given when the two lines cross.
Oscillators are used to identify overbought and oversold market conditions. The oscillator is plotted on the bottom of the price chart and fluctuates within a horizontal band. When the oscillator line reaches the upper limit of the band, a market is said to be overbought and vulnerable to a short-term setback. When the line is at the bottom of the range, the market is oversold and probably due for a rally. The oscillator helps to measure market extremes and tells the chartists when a market advance or decline has become over-extended.
This is one of the most popular oscillators used by technical traders. The RSI scale is plotted from 0 to 100 with horizontal lines drawn at the 70 and 30 levels. An RSI reading above 70 is considered to be overbought. An RSI reading below 30 is considered to be oversold. The most popular time periods for the RSI are 9 and 14 days.
Figure 13-1: RSI Oscillator A 9-day RSI oscillator applied to the Dow Industrials. RSI readings over 70 often coincide with short-term pullbacks. Readings below 30 often identify market bottoms. Click here for a live version of the chart.
This oscillator is also plotted on a scale from 0 to 100. However, the upper and lower lines (marking the overbought and oversold levels) are at the 80 and 20 levels. In other words, readings above 80 are overbought, while readings below 20 are oversold. One added feature of Stochastics is that there are two oscillator lines instead of one. (The slower line is usually a 3-day moving average of the faster line). Trading signals are given when the two lines cross. A buy signal is given when the faster line crosses above the slower line from below 20. A sell signal is given when the faster line crosses beneath the slower line from above 80. The time period used by most chart analysts is fourteen days.
Figure 13-2: Stochastics Oscillator The 14-day stochastics oscillator applied to the S&P 500. The last two bottoms in the S&P were marked by oversold stochastic readings below 20. Readings over 80 coincided with several short-term peaks. Click here for a live version of the chart.
As is the case with most technical indicators, these oscillators can be employed in any time dimension. That means they can be used on weekly, daily and intraday charts. It's a good idea to use the same time span in all time dimensions. When plotting the stochastics lines, for example, use 14 weeks on the weekly chart, 14 days on the daily chart, and 14 hours on an hourly chart, etc.
Another reason for keeping the same numbers is that computers allow you to switch back and forth between weekly, daily and intraday charts with a keystroke. Using the same time spans in all time dimensions makes your work a lot easier.
Technical analysis can be applied to ratio charts. Trendlines and moving averages, for example, can help measure trends on ratios and can alert the user to changes in those trends. A close monitoring of the ratio charts can add a valuable dimension to market analysis.
Chapter 11 recommended using a “top-down” market approach to find winning sectors, industry groups, and individual stocks. That is done by applying ratio analysis to determine each market's relative strength. When choosing industry groups, for example, the common technique is to divide an industry index (like the Semiconductor Index) by a market benchmark like the S&P 500. When the ratio line is rising, that means the industry is outperforming the general market. When the ratio is falling, that industry is lagging behind the rest of the market. The idea is to concentrate your attention on groups with rising ratios and avoid those groups with falling ratios. That way you'll be buying only those industry groups that are showing superior relative strength.
Once you've identified a winning group, you can apply ratio analysis to the stocks in that group. Simply divide the individual stocks in the group by the group index itself. The stocks with rising ratio lines are the strongest stocks in the group. The idea here is to find the stocks in the group that are showing the greatest relative strength. That way you'll be buying the strongest stocks in the strongest groups.
Ratio analysis can also be used to compare major market averages. By dividing the Nasdaq Composite Index by the S&P 500, for example, you can determine if technology stocks are leading or lagging the rest of the market. You can use the Russell 2000 versus the S&P to gauge the relative strength (or weakness) of smaller stocks.
Figure 14-1: Ratios and Relative Strength The rising Nasdaq/S&P 500 ratio shows remarkable relative strength in the technology sector during the last quarter of 1999 and the first quarter of 2000. The breaking of the up trendlines, however, signaled new relative weakness in technology. Ratio charts are a good way to spot sector rotations within the stock market. Click here for a live version of the chart.
Options give the holder the right, but not the obligation, to purchase (in the case of a call) or sell (in the case of a put) an underlying market entity at a specific price within a specified period of time. In its simplest application, a trader who is bullish on a market can simply purchase a call; a trader who is bearish can simply purchase a put.
The main advantage in options trading is limited risk. The option trader pays a premium to purchase the option. If the market doesn't move as expected, the option simply expires. The maximum loss the option trader can suffer is the size of the premium.
There are countless option strategies that can be utilized by option traders. However, most option strategies require a market view. In other words, the option trader must first determine whether the market price of the underlying market contract is going to rise, fall, or stay relatively flat. This is because the major factor influencing the value of an option is the performance of its underlying market. In determining an appropriate option strategy, it's important to remember that the principles of market analysis are not applied to the option itself, but to the underlying market.
Therefore, it can be seen that the principles of chart analysis covered in the preceding pages and their application to the financial markets play an important role in options trading.
Trading activity in the options markets is used to generate a popular stock market sentiment indicator–called the put/call ratio. This ratio is actually a ratio of put volume divided by the call volume. It is generally applied to the S&P 100 (OEX) index option traded on the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) or the CBOE Equity put/call ratio, which uses option volume in individual stocks.
The S&P 100 or the CBOE Equity put/call ratio is a contrary indicator. In other words, a high put/call ratio is considered bullish for the market (because it shows too much bearish sentiment). In the same way, a low put/call ratio (which betrays strong bullish sentiment) is considered bearish for the market. The reasoning behind the put/call ratio being used as a contrary indicator is based on the idea that option traders get too bullish near market tops and too bearish near market bottoms.
CBOE Volatility (VIX) Index: This contrary indicator is based on the volatility of the S&P 500. Since it is a contrary indicator, a rising VIX implies greater volatility and growing concern about downside correction in the stock market. By contrast, a falling VIX implies less volatility and more confidence in the market. The VIX usually trades in a band between 20 and 40. Dips below 20 are usually associated with an over-extended stock market. Moves above 40 are usually associated with market bottoms.
The principle of confirmation holds that the more technical evidence supporting a given analysis, the stronger the conclusion becomes. In the study of an individual market, for example, all of the technical signs should be pointing in the same direction. If some signs are pointing up and the others down, be suspicious. Consult other stocks in the same group. A bullish analysis in a stock would be less than convincing if the other stocks in its group were trending lower. Since stocks in the same group tend to move together, make sure that the other stocks agree with the one being studied.
Look at the various technical indicators to see if they agree. Are the chart patterns being confirmed by the volume? Do the moving averages and oscillators confirm the chart analysis? What do the weekly and monthly charts show? While it is seldom that all of these technical factors will point in the same direction, it pays to have as many of them in your corner as possible.
We have provided here an introduction to technical analysis as it is applied to the financial markets. We've discussed briefly the major tools utilized by the chartists, including: basic chart analysis, the study of volume, moving averages, oscillators, ratios, weekly, and intraday charts. The successful trader learns how to combine all these elements into one coherent theory of market analysis.
The many software and Internet-based products available on the market today also provide powerful tools that make charting and technical analysis much easier –and far more accessible to general investors–than ever before. For example, many software and Internet-based products include a full suite of technical analysis tools that allow you to create charts easily, have instant access to historical data, and have the ability to create, backtest and optimize self-designed trading systems without any programming knowledge or experience.
Technical analysis provides an excellent vehicle for market forecasting, either with or without fundamental input. Where technical analysis becomes absolutely essential, however, is in the area of market timing. Market timing is purely technical in nature, so successful participation in the markets dictates some application of technical analysis.
It's not necessary to be an expert chartist to benefit from chart analysis. However, chart analysis will go a long way in keeping the trader on the right side of the market and in helping to pinpoint market entry and exit points, which are so vital to trading success. Whether the participant is a day trader or a long-term investor, it's to his or her advantage to learn about chart analysis.
From the book “Charting Made Easy” copyright © 2000. Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons. Inc.
This is the tenth part of a series of articles about technical analysis from a new course we're developing. If you are new to charting, these articles will give you the “big picture” behind the charts on our site. If you are an “old hand”, these articles will help ensure you haven't “strayed too far” from the basics. Enjoy!
Tip. See the entire series Technical Analysis 101
In an uptrend, volume should expand as the prices move higher and contract as the prices pull back. As long as this pattern continues, volume is confirming the uptrend. The opposite is true for downtrends. Volume should expand as prices decline and contract during rallies to confirm a downtrend.
Negative divergences can occur if new price highs in an uptrend take place on declining volume. This type of volume activity is an indication of diminishing buying pressure. If the volume also begins to pick up on price pull backs, prices may begin consolidating or reversing into a downtrend.
The same concept is true for positive divergences in downtrends. If volume begins to contract on new price lows but expands during rallies, prices may begin consolidating or reversing into an uptrend.
This is the end of our section on trends and trend lines. In part 11 we'll dive into some of the fundamental price patterns that result from when two trend lines are in effect at the same time.
This is the thirteenth part of a series of articles about technical analysis from a new course we're developing. If you are new to charting, these articles will give you the “big picture” behind the charts on our site. If you are an “old hand”, these articles will help ensure you haven't “strayed too far” from the basics. Enjoy!
Tip. See the entire series Technical Analysis 101
One of the most common reversal patterns is the Head and Shoulders pattern.
This pattern forms in an uptrend and its completion marks a trend reversal. The pattern contains three successive peaks with the middle peak (head) being the highest and the two outside peaks (shoulders) being lower. The reaction lows of each peak can be connected to form a line of support called a neckline. The top reversal pattern is completed when price breaks below the neckline.
While it is preferable that the left and right shoulders be symmetrical, it is not an absolute requirement. They can be different widths as well as different heights.
It's important to realize that up until the point where prices move back below the level of the left shoulder, things look like a normal, ongoing uptrend. It is only when the left shoulder's price level is violated that the bulls become fearful and the bears start to smell blood. The right shoulder forms as the bulls try to reestablish the uptrend and then fail - usually because many of the more skittish investors will take profits at that point.
As the Head and Shoulders top reversal pattern unfolds, volume plays an important role in confirmation. Buying volume (volume on up days) will slowly translate into selling volume (volume on down days) as the pattern develops. This is seen when volume that previously expanded on rallies begins to expand on declines and contract on rallies.
The Head and Shoulders bottom reversal pattern is just the reverse of the top reversal pattern with volume acting as a confirmation.
As with the Head and Shoulders top reversal pattern, volume action is helpful in confirming the trend reversal. Volume that was previously expanding on declines begins to expand on rallies and contract on declines as the trend reversal develops.
Traders begin noticing lighter selling volume on the declines and heavier buying volume on the rallies. This kind of price and volume action is quickly noticed by the market which results in additional buying volume supporting the trend reversal.
A couple of other comments about this pattern:
Sometimes several left shoulders will form before a true head appears. Sometimes several right shoulders appear before a true neckline break occurs.
When a neckline break occurs, the stock will often fall at least as much as the distance from the neckline to the top of the head.
Many of the technical analysis books out there will go on to talk about several other kinds of reversal patterns - the rounding bottom, the V-reversal, double tops, triple bottoms, and others. (We have many of them cataloged in our ChartSchool area.) Here's a trade secret - most of those are just variations of the Head and Shoulders reversal pattern that didn't form “perfectly” for some reason. For example, the Triple Top is a Head and Shoulders pattern where the head doesn't go above the left shoulder.
The key point here is this - don't worry about what type of reversal is occurring. Knowing it's a Triple Top instead of a Head & Shoulders won't make you more money. Focus on what the chart is telling you—the fear/greed ratio is changing—and react accordingly.
In part 14, we'll look at the question “How much is too much?"
This is the twelfth part of a series of articles about technical analysis from a new course we're developing. If you are new to charting, these articles will give you the “big picture” behind the charts on our site. If you are an “old hand”, these articles will help ensure you haven't “strayed too far” from the basics. Enjoy!
Tip. See the entire series Technical Analysis 101
When identifying potential price patterns on a chart, it is crucial to try and verify that the market psychology behind the price pattern is really happening at that point on the chart. One of the best ways to do that is to use volume to confirm things.
In the case of a rectangle pattern, volume should be decreasing while the rectangle is forming. There may be volume spikes whenever prices get near the top or bottom of the pattern, but in general, as a rectangle pattern continues to develop, volume should decrease. Volume will probably spike up heavily immediately after the breakout as people realize that the support or resistance line has been broken.
Triangle patterns should have a similar volume pattern - decreasing volume while the triangle is forming with a sharp increase in volume once a breakout is achieved.
Again, the diagrams above are idealized - the real-world is much messier. Consider this example:
Notice that EWG didn't have a smooth decrease in volume but instead had several mini-spikes that corresponded to changes in direction of the “coil.” The key, however, is that each mini-spike was smaller than the previous one (with the exception of October 30, but that was early in the coil's formation). Once that downward volume trend was well established, a big spike above that trend line would signal the breakout - just like on December 6.
So far, the two price patterns we've looked at - Rectangles and Triangles - are examples of Consolidation Patterns, also known as Continuation Patterns. They are called that because, in general, after the pattern completes, prices will usually continue whatever trend they were in prior to the pattern forming. In order words, if prices are in an uptrend prior to a rectangle pattern forming, prices will usually resume the uptrend once the rectangle pattern finishes. Basically, consolidation patterns are places where the bulls and the bears have another short-term argument about the stock, but it is a half-hearted one. The bigger picture doesn't really change.
Next, we are going to start looking at Reversal Patterns. These are where the fireworks occur. If consolidation patterns are skirmishes, reversal patterns are the big battles. When reversal patterns start to appear, the current trend is in real danger and lots of people start to pay attention.
In part 13 we'll look at the granddaddy of all reversal patterns - the Head and Shoulders reversal.
This is the eleventh part of a series of articles about technical analysis from a new course we're developing. If you are new to charting, these articles will give you the “big picture” behind the charts on our site. If you are an “old hand”, these articles will help ensure you haven't “strayed too far” from the basics. Enjoy!
Tip. See the entire series Technical Analysis 101
Price Patterns result when the market is not in agreement on the value of a stock. Essentially, they are the visual remains of a big battle between bulls and bears. In many ways, they are like weather patterns that you see on the nightly news. Often today's weather can be forecast by looking at yesterday's atmospheric data, but occasionally (frequently?) the forecast is wrong. Similarly, chart patterns often but not always indicate future price movements.
At their core, most price patterns are combinations of several trend lines. The simplest pattern is the Rectangle Pattern.
In a rectangle pattern, price moves between two horizontal lines of support and resistance. In order to qualify as a rectangle pattern, both support and resistance lines must be touched at least twice. Rectangle patterns have a narrow or wide price range and last from days to months. The pattern ends once the line of support or resistance is broken.
A price break through resistance may be anticipated if volume expands when prices rise and contracts when prices fall within the rectangle pattern. An imminent price break above resistance may exist if prices don't fall to the support line before rising again.
A price break through support may be anticipated if volume expands when prices fall and contracts when prices rise within the rectangle pattern. An imminent price break below support may exist if prices don't rise to the resistance line before falling again.
As illustrated above, as soon as the pattern breaks down, the top (or bottom) of the rectangle changes into a support (or resistance) line for the stock.
Rectangle patterns clearly show the battle between bulls and bears, with the bulls repeatedly buying when prices hit the support level, and bears repeatedly selling when prices hit the resistance level. At some point, one of those groups will win, and prices will break out of the pattern. The longer prices have been in the pattern, then the larger the breakout move will be and the more significant the new support/resistance line becomes.
Another common price pattern is the Triangle Pattern. The triangle pattern is very similar to the rectangle, except that the upper and/or lower trend lines that define the pattern are sloped instead of horizontal.
Go back to the rectangle diagram above and imagine that bearish sentiment about the stock was growing over time. What would that look like? Well, in that case, more and more sellers would not wait for prices to return to the level of the red resistance line before selling. Instead, they would sell sooner. That would cause the red resistance line to become a downward trend line forming a Descending Triangle Pattern.
Alternately, what if buyers started getting impatient and started buying before the stock got back to its green support line? Then a Rising Triangle Pattern would form.
And what if both the bulls became more bullish while at the same time, the bears became more bearish? Then both the red and green lines would be slanted and we'd have a Symmetric Triangle Pattern.
By the way, triangle patterns are also referred to as “coils.” Can you see why? As the upper and lower parts of the triangle get closer together, the battle between the bulls and the bears gets more intense and the suspense builds. Obviously, at some point, prices are going to move outside of the triangle's boundaries - but will they move higher or lower? Psychological energy coils up like a spring inside of the triangle and the closer the lines get, the bigger the inevitable breakout will be.
As you probably guessed, the diagrams above are not realistic. Typically, triangle patterns have a breakout well before the apex of the triangle is reached. It is the direction of the breakout that is the key question when watching a triangle form. Will the bulls win? Will the bears win?
A couple of clues can be found in the price action that precedes the triangle. If the stock was in an uptrend prior to the triangle, there is a good chance it will break out of the triangle pattern on the upside and continue the uptrend. In addition, rising triangles tend to break out to the upside while descending triangles often break lower. Symmetric triangles are usually not completely even, i.e., the support side may be stronger than the resistance side making the triangle point up or, if the support side is weaker, point down. In that case, the triangle often breaks in the direction it is pointing.
In part 12 we'll look at how to confirm these patterns with volume and examine some real-world examples.
This is the fifteenth part of a series of articles about technical analysis from a new course we're developing. If you are new to charting, these articles will give you the “big picture” behind the charts on our site. If you are an “old hand,” these articles will help ensure you haven't “strayed too far” from the basics. Enjoy!
Price charts often have blank spaces known as gaps. They represent times when no shares were traded within a particular price range. Gaps result from extraordinary buying or selling interest developing when the market is closed. When the market opens, the price is raised or lowered enough to satisfy all of the buying or selling orders.
For an up gap to form, the low price after market close on the day of the up gap must be higher than the high price of the previous day. Up gaps are generally considered bullish.
A down gap is just the opposite of an up gap; the high price of the down gap day after market close must be lower than the low price of the previous day. Down gaps are usually considered bearish.
Up and down gaps can form on daily, weekly or monthly charts and are considered significant when accompanied with higher than average volume.
A price chart with gaps almost every day is typical for very lightly traded securities and should be avoided. Prices often gap up or down at market open and then close the gap before market close. Such temporary intraday gaps should not be considered as having anything more significance than normal market volatility.
Many investors mistakenly believe that gaps influence future prices to the point of eventually filling the gap. Instances where gaps close within a few days of forming can be significant. However, gaps have little to no influence on price action weeks or months after forming.
Breakaway gaps signal a change in market psychology about the future prospect of a security, especially when accompanied by above average volume. A bullish breakaway gap forms when a security gaps up after an extended decline, extended base or a consolidation period. A bearish breakaway gap forms when a security gaps down after an extended advance, an extended top or a consolidation period.
Common gaps occur within a trading range or shortly after a sharp move as a reaction. These gaps do not reflect a change in market psychology, but rather represent price volatility or temporary imbalance of supply and demand. For instance, if a security has declined 20% in a week and gaps up, it would be considered a common gap and not likely to signify a change in trend. Or, if a trading range develops between $20 and $30, and a gap forms in the middle, it is probably a common gap.
Continuation gaps form near the middle of a short or intermediate trend in the same direction. These gaps signal a continuation of the preceding trend. Continuation gaps are also known as measuring or runaway gaps. These gaps can be triggered by news events that bring more market attention to a security.
Exhaustion gaps occur in the direction of extended trends. For an exhaustion gap to be considered valid, prices should reverse soon after the gap and close the gap. In the later stages of a trend, the extent of the trend becomes widely reported; eventually causing a surge in trading that cannot be sustained. These events often mark the end of the trend.
In part 16 we'll take a look at Candlestick Chart Patterns
This is the fourteenth part of a series of articles about technical analysis from a new course we're developing. If you are new to charting, these articles will give you the “big picture” behind the charts on our site. If you are an “old hand,” these articles will help ensure you haven't “strayed too far” from the basics. Enjoy!
How high is “too high?” How low is “too low?” Think back to any time that you've owned a stock and think about when you started to get worried about its performance. At what point did “your gut” start to tell you that you needed to sell? Chances are your gut started talking to you after the stock had moved up (or down) by 38.2%.
Wow, that's a really specific number - “38.2”! It seems kind of arbitrary, also. There's no way that could be correct, right? I mean, without knowing anything about the stock you were trading, or the amount of money involved, or the overall market conditions, or anything else - how can we stand here and tell you that you got nervous right at 38.2%?
The reason is because 38.2 appears to be programmed into the human psyche (as well as many other parts of nature). It's one of a set of numbers called “Fibonacci Percentages.” They are derived from the “Fibonacci Sequence” which is a list of numbers where each number equals the sum of the previous two, i.e.,
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610 etc.
The branching in trees, the arrangement of leaves on a stem, the flowering of artichokes, an uncurling fern and the arrangement of a pine cone - all these things exhibit Fibonacci characteristics. In addition, if you take any large Fibonacci number and divide it by the previous number, you'll get something very close to 1.6180339887 (the larger the number, the closer you'll get). Now, 1.6180 has been known for centuries as “The Golden Ratio,” mostly, because we humans tend to prefer things - art, sculpture, architecture, etc. - that have proportions that equal the golden ratio.
Which of these picture looks the most natural to you? The middle one has golden ratio proportions.
Getting back to stock charting, R.N. Elliott made the first well-known connection between price movements and the golden ratio. He noted that many reversals occurred around 61.8% or its complement 38.2% (i.e., 100 - 61.8). Combined with 50% and 100%, they make up the standard set of Fibonacci Percentages.
Regardless of how the numbers were arrived at, chart analysts have observed that prices often will reverse after moving up (or down) by one of those percentages. Basically, those percentages are where something tells many people that it is time to take action - and thus prices reverse. Strange but true. Check it out:
The Fibonacci Lines on this chart were created based on the move from Feb. 9th to May 30th - so just focus on the shaded blue area of the chart. Like a weatherman, the lines “forecast” that support for IBM would occur around 88.79 essentially because lots of people would probably feel that IBM had “fallen enough” and would start buying it again. That is precisely what happened at the end of June (red circle).
Unfortunately, many people have gone on to claim that Fibonacci lines (and their variants) have almost “magical powers” to predict price movements. Like most technical analysis tools, we think Fibonacci Lines are useful forecasting tools - but not magical.
You can add Fibonacci Lines to your charts using our ChartNotes annotation tool. To get started, simply click on the “Annotation” link below any SharpCharts.
If you hold down “CTRL” while drawing Fibonacci lines, we'll add the 23.6% and 161.8% lines as well.
In part 15, we'll cover Price Gaps.
Describes the findings in Robert Shiller's behavioral finance book Irrational Exuberance, which looks at the cultural and psychological factors that influence the decision-making process when investin
In his 2006 book Irrational Exuberance, Robert Shiller argues that high stock market valuations in 2000 and 2005 were unjustified. The text opens with Shiller examining the historic valuations (based on PE ratios) in the two periods, which were well above those seen at prior peaks in 1901, 1929 and 1966. This book, however, is not about valuation. Instead, the author identifies a series of factors that brought about these speculative excesses, focusing on 12 factors that facilitated big market moves from 1995 to 2000 and from 2002 to 2005. Shiller then goes on to explain the mechanisms that amplified these factors. The book also covers cultural and psychological influences that further contribute to irrational decision-making when it comes to making investments. Shiller, after explaining the human instinct to rationalize this irrational behavior, then offers some solutions to prevent future speculative bubbles.
Taking its title from Alan Greenspan's famous description of the stock market in 1996, Irrational Exuberance was first published in 2000 and coincided with the Nasdaq peak that same year. Needless to say, the timing was most prophetic. The second edition was published in 2005 with the S&P 500 up some 50% from its 2002 low. This advance continued another 30% before the financial crisis triggered a massive decline in 2008.
Many of the theories put forth in this book fall into the realm of behavioral finance or behavioral economics. Behavioral finance is considered a branch of technical analysis. (In fact, Irrational Exuberance was required reading for the Chartered Market Technician (CMT) exam in 2011.) Behavioral finance is an attempt to understand the behavior of investors and institutions when investing in stocks, bonds, real estate, tulips or other securities. What prompts individuals to buy or sell a security? How do investors handle risk or loss? Why do speculative bubbles appear and then burst? Is there such thing as the dumb money and the smart money? Shiller sheds light on the investing process by highlighting the key factors that led to Irrational Exuberance in the late 1990s.
Shiller identifies 12 structural factors that contributed to the unprecedented rise in stock prices from 1995 to 2000. Even after the big decline into the 2002 lows, valuations were again at relatively high levels a few years later.
1. The capitalist explosion and the ownership society encouraged stock investing. Societies built on communism and socialism opened up to capitalistic ways; Russia and China come to mind over the last 20 years. George W. Bush promoted the ownership society by advocating property and stocks for all. Corporate downsizing and the decline of labor unions prompted people to take their destiny into their own hands and spawned the entrepreneurial spirit. Corporations tied salaries to performance with stock options.
2. Cultural and political changes favor business success. There has been a significant rise in materialistic values over the years. Shiller reports that more people viewed money as important to success in the mid-90s than in the mid-70s. Society viewed successful businessmen more favorably than scientists or artists. The 1995 Republican Congress proposed cutting the capital gains tax and it was cut in 1997. Further cuts were proposed soon thereafter. These tax cuts, as well as the anticipation of future capital gains tax cuts, provided incentives to buy stocks.
3. New information technology appeared to herald a new era. The first cell phones appeared in the early 1980s, which is when the great bull market started. The Internet came of age in the mid-1990s and grew rapidly the next five years. Investors viewed this Internet revolution as a game changer that justified the stock market boom.
4. Monetary policy and the Greenspan put took perceived risk out of the equation. The Fed did nothing to stop the surging stock market from 1995 to 1999. Interest rates did not increase until August 1999. In addition to letting the bubble grow, the Fed indicated that it would be there to pick up the pieces should anything go wrong, just like in 1987 and 1998. Having the Fed on standby in the event of a market crash was like owning a put option.
5. The perceived effects of the baby boomer generation. There was indeed a baby boom after World War II and this boom resulted in a large number of people aged 35-55 in 2000. However, Shiller argues with data that there is no correlation between a baby boom and a surging stock market. Instead, Shiller argues that, as with the Internet, the public perceptions of the baby boom influence help inflate the stock market.
6. The 1990's surge in business media undoubtedly contributed to interest in the stock market. Not much explanation is needed here. Newspapers created big glossy business sections to attract readers. Good stories replaced hard news. Increased media exposure led to more advertising, which fed the public appetite for stocks. The media continued to pour it on, with the investment show Mad Money debuting in 2005.
7. Analysts' estimates were routinely over-optimistic in the late 1990s. Shiller notes that Zachs reported sell recommendations on 9.1% of stocks in 1989 and just 1% of stocks in late 1999. Analysts were hesitant to issue sell recommendations because many firms also had investment banking ties with the company. Analysts also did not want to offend the company because they might then be cut off from earnings guidance or key information.
8. Defined-Contribution Pension Plans grew and replaced many Defined-Benefit Plans. Among other things, the decline in unions and big manufacturing industries (autos) contributed to this trend. More people also wanted control over their retirement funds. Those with Defined-Benefit Plans must make their own investment choices and this increases the exposure to stocks.
9. The number of mutual funds surged. From 1982 to 1998, the number of mutual funds grew tenfold (340 to 3513). At one point, there were more mutual funds than stocks listed on the NYSE. Mutual funds became a regular part of 401K's. Money moving into these mutual funds from 401K's and individual investors found its way into the stock market to feed the bubble. Shiller also notes that widespread advertising compounded this growth and increased public awareness to new levels.
10. Benign inflation created the illusion of wealth and prosperity. After runaway inflation in the 1970s, the inflation outlook steadily improved from 1982. Shiller's research found that the public associates inflation with economic prosperity and social welfare. Such perceptions promote positive expectations for the economy and the stock market.
11. The explosion of trading volume kept the bid in the bubble. Increased interest in the stock market and a dramatic decline in commissions facilitated a surge in trading volume on the exchanges. The growth in online trading also facilitated increased interest and made it easy to trade more frequently.
12. There was an increase in gambling over the years. Government sanctioned gambling (lotteries) and commercial gambling grew in popularity over the years. Poker players became stars. Lottery jackpots were heavily promoted. Slick adverts portrayed gambling as sophisticated and increased one's propensity to take risks. Online gambling facilitated growth as well.
As if the structural factors listed above were not enough, Shiller argues that amplification mechanisms intensified the effects. First, there was a change in investor attitudes toward stocks. By the late 1990s stocks were considered a long-term investment that could not go wrong. Jeremy Siegel first published Stocks for the Long Run in 1994. Subsequent editions have appeared in 1998, 2002 and 2007. Stocks indeed performed well from 1995 until 2000, when the S&P 500 peaked around 1550. The S&P 500 then went on a 10-year stretch of underperformance. In fact, the S&P 500 was trading below its 2000 level in early 2011. This means 11 years of negative returns for buy-and-hold investors that bought in 2000.
Second, as inferred above, Shiller asserts that public attention to the stock market hit new levels in the 1990s. This heightened awareness made more money available for stocks. The media fed this infatuation with increased coverage. Dinner party conversations invariably turned to the stock market. Stock tips and advice were also readily shared among acquaintances.
Third, the consistent rise in stock prices provided a feedback loop that kept public attention on stocks. As the media reported the rise in the stock market, new money found its way into the stock market and pushed prices even higher. Higher prices led to more news and more news led to more investment money. A feedback loop evolved where price increases were feeding more price increases. Shiller calls these mechanisms naturally occurring Ponzi schemes because they feed on the perception of prior success.
The news media and new-era thinking are among the cultural factors cited by Shiller. Yes, the media seems to keep popping up in the book. Maybe that is why technical analysts only look at price charts!
The speculative bubble was clearly aided and abetted by the news media. Newspapers, television, radio and Internet media compete for public attention. Sensational stories with sound bites are more likely to attract attention than drab analysis with numbers and facts. Despite an inattention to detail, the news media was always there with specific reasons for a stock market move. The media always found the perfect excuse or news event to justify the move - after the fact. It is kind of like a solution in search of a problem.
Shiller notes that news of price changes is influential on investor behavior. In his survey after the crash on October 19th, 1987, Shiller listed all the recent news events that seemed relevant and asked respondents to rate the stories. News of the October 14th price decline was also included in this list. At the time, this was the single largest one-day point decline in the Dow Industrials. Surprisingly, the stories relating to the past price declines were deemed the most significant news events. In Shiller's words:
Thus it appears that the stock market crash had substantially to do with a psychological feedback loop among the general investing public from price declines to selling and thus to further price declines, along the lines of a negative bubble. The crash apparently had nothing particularly to do with any news story other than that of the crash itself, but rather with theories about other investors' reasons for selling and about their psychology.
New era economic thinking was also cited by Shiller as a cultural factor that contributed to the stock market bubble. New era thinking is not new. Stock market advances in the late 1800s, 1920s and 1960s were also facilitated by new era thinking. At the 1901 peak, new era thinking centered around railroads, big industrial trusts and the age of optimism. The roaring 20s were marked by the electrical age for big cities and the widening use of autos. The 1960s were punctuated by a baby boom, the proliferation of television and low inflation. And finally, the 1990s saw the Internet boom, low inflation, the new economy and the alleged end of the business cycle.
Shiller asserts that there is a human tendency towards “overconfidence in one's beliefs,” and that people often rely on intuition when making investment decisions. The decision process is not based on carefully considered facts backed by numbers and evidence. Instead, investors make investment decisions based on the opinion of others, stemming from the need to conform. Investors make decisions based on “good stories” or stories that seem logical. Because people get their information from the same sources, there is little or no evidence of independent behavior. Instead, individuals getting the same information react the same way to produce a herd mentality.
Shiller identified several credible factors that influenced investment decisions during the bubble years. Many of these factors exist today and his analysis provides food for thought when considering behavioral finance. Not all factors or influences are listed here. Shiller offers more factors and detailed evidence in the book. After examining efficient markets, random walks, bubbles and investor attitudes, Shiller also offers several remedies to contain “speculative volatility in a free society”.
Behavioral finance can help us understand what is happening, but understanding may not help with making money in the stock market. While the first edition coincided with the stock market peak in 2000, the stock market rose another 30% after the second edition was published in February 2005. There is an argument to be made for historical valuations, but markets can remain irrational a lot longer than traders can remain solvent. In other words, one would have left a lot of money on the table by selling in early 2005 or one would have gone broke shorting stocks in early 2005. To his credit, Shiller does provide evidence of past mispricing in the stock market. It can and does happen.
Furthermore, who is to say how much a stock is actually worth? The value of any asset is only what someone is willing to pay for it. Valuations are set every day as stocks change hands on Wall Street. Just as prices trend, valuations also trend from overvaluation to undervaluation. Sometimes these trends get extreme on both sides. Stocks were severely overvalued in early 2000 and severely undervalued in March 2009. It would appear that some sort of timing mechanism is needed to avoid the big declines and participate in the big advances. Hmm … sounds like technical analysis!
A look at eleven of the most powerful and common cognitive biases faced by both the average individual throughout daily life and investors in today's financial markets.
Central to the fields of both psychology and behavioral finance, cognitive biases describe the innate tendencies of the human mind to think, judge, and behave in irrational ways that often violate sensible logic, sound reason or good judgment. The average human – and the average investor – is largely unaware of these inherent psychological inefficiencies, despite the frequency with which they arise in our daily lives and the regularity with which we fall victim to them. While the complete list of cognitive biases is extensive, this article focuses on eleven of the most common tendencies, chosen for both their prevalence in human nature and their relevance to investing in the financial markets. The purpose of this article is to educate you on these psychological predispositions so that you can better recognize and overcome them in your own decision making.
Also referred to as focalism, anchoring is the tendency to be over-influenced by the earliest information presented to us when making decisions, thereby allowing oneself to be driven to a decision or conclusion that is biased towards that initial piece of information. This earliest piece of information is known as the “anchor,” the standard off of which all other alternatives are judged. Thus, subsequent decisions are made not on their own, but rather by adjusting away from the anchor.
For example, in price negotiations over a used car, the first price offered by the salesman sets the anchor point, from which all subsequent offers are based. By offering an initial price of, say, $30,000, a used-car salesman anchors the customer to that price, implementing a bias towards the $30,000 level in the subconscious of the other party. Even if the $30,000 offer is significantly above the true value of the car, all offers below that level appear more reasonable and the customer is likely to end up paying a higher price than he or she originally intended.
While the used car example may seem somewhat harmless, psychologists have captured the effects of the anchoring bias in other more significant settings. For example, researchers have shown that court decisions of judges can be swayed significantly by anchoring effects. In one setting, judges were presented with details of a court case and asked to award damages to the appropriate party. Some of the judges were provided with a low anchor (a low damage estimate) while others were provided no anchor. On average, damages awarded by judges who were given the low anchor were 29% less than those awarded by the non-anchored judges. In a similar study, judges were provided details of a case and asked to determine the duration of an appropriate prison sentence. The anchor given to the judges was set by rolling two dice on the table directly front of them. Even when the anchor was set completely randomly in this fashion and its source was witnessed by the judges, the study showed that their sentencing decisions were still subject to the anchoring effect and biased when a high dice number was rolled.
In a financial market setting, anchoring is at play anytime the estimates or expectations of another party are allowed to influence your own judgments. For example, if a price target for a stock that you are considering is set by a particularly vocal Wall Street analyst at $200.00, your own estimates for that security’s potential price movement can be easily swayed towards that figure, potentially blurring your clarity of thought, inflating your expectations and dragging you into a poor decision.
First demonstrated by prominent psychologists Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman, the concept of loss aversion refers to the human tendency to strongly prefer decisions that allow us to avoid losses over those that allow us to acquire gains. Loss aversion implies, for example, that the pain one will suffer from a loss of $500 is significantly greater than the satisfaction they will receive from a gain of $500. Many studies on loss aversion commonly suggest that the human perception of loss is twice as powerful as that of gain. This forms the basis of what is known as Prospect Theory, a behavioral economics concept that describes the way in which people choose between probabilistic alternatives that involve risk. At its core, Prospect Theory shows that a loss is perceived as more significant than an equivalent gain. When graphed, the Prospect Theory value function developed by Tversky and Kahneman forms the following curve, the asymmetrical shape of which demonstrates the unequal valuing of identical gains and losses:
Loss aversion is discussed at great length not only in psychological studies of how humans make decisions, but also in the field of economics. In economics, loss aversion is a core concept at work when considering how individuals act in scenarios that involve risk. Because individuals prefer avoiding losses to achieving gains, loss aversion drives us to be risk-averse when evaluating outcomes that involve similar gains and losses.
Loss aversion was first proposed by Kahneman and his colleagues in 1990 as an explanation for a strongly related concept known as the endowment effect. The endowment effect describes the human tendency to place greater value on a good that we own than that which we place on an identical good that we do not own. Together, loss aversion and the endowment effect lead to a violation of the basic economic principle known as the Coase Theorem, which says that “the allocation of resources will be independent of the assignment of property rights when costless trades are possible”. Research has shown that even when a trade involves no cost, ownership still creates disparities in perceived value between parties due to the endowment effect.
For example, researchers have demonstrated the endowment effect by distributing a coffee mug to each participant in a study and then offering them the opportunity to sell or trade the mug for an alternative good (in this case, pens) of equal value. On average, the compensation that the participants required to part with the mug (their willingness to accept) was nearly twice as high as the amount they were willing to pay for the mug (their willingness to pay). In just a few short minutes, those participants who received a mug had ascribed ownership to the object, raising their perception of its value. Another famous study on the endowment effect found that participants' hypothetical selling price for NCAA Final Four basketball tickets was an average of 14 times greater than participants' hypothetical purchase price. Even when entirely imaginary, ownership (endowment) of the tickets fosters greater perceived value of them.
Relating the concepts of loss aversion and the endowment effect back to the financial markets, it is easy to see how these tendencies can influence an investor. Loss aversion has a distinct impact on our risk tolerance both before and after executing a trade. Combined with other cognitive biases, our tendency to steer away from loss can lead to denial as losses build in a poor position, for example, causing us to ignore weakening positions in an attempt to diminish their emotional impact. Similarly, if the endowment effect leads us to ascribe greater value to a security simply because we feel a sense of ownership over it, then that emotional attachment can lead to clouded judgment when the time comes to sell.
The framing effect describes our tendency to react to, judge, or interpret the exact same information in distinctly different ways depending on how it is presented to us, or “framed” (most commonly, whether the information is framed as a loss or as a gain). Building off of the previously discussed concepts of loss aversion and Prospect Theory, people tend to avoid risk when information is presented in a positive frame but seek risk when information is presented in a negative frame.
The most commonly cited example of this is a 1981 Tversky and Kahneman study that asked participants to choose between two treatments, A and B, for 600 people affected by a deadly disease. Treatment A was predicted to result in a guaranteed total of 400 deaths, while treatment B had a 33% chance that no one would die but a 66% chance that everyone would die. The same two alternatives were then presented to the study's participants either under a positive frame (how many peoples' lives would be saved) or under a negative frame (how many people would die).
When the alternatives were framed positively, 72% of participants chose Treatment A (“saves 200 lives”). When the exact same alternatives were framed negatively, however, only 22% of participants chose Treatment A (now presented as “400 people will die”). Saving 200 of the 600 lives is the exact same outcome as letting 400 of the 600 die, but the manner in which this identical treatment option was framed resulted in a massive decrease in the number of participants who chose it. Under the positive frame, the majority of participants avoided risk by choosing the treatment that resulted in a sure saving of 200 lives. Under the negative frame, however, the majority of participants sought the riskier alternative treatment that offered a 33% chance of saving all 600 lives.
Another famous example that demonstrates the impact of framing is a study that found 93% of PhD students registered for classes early when a penalty fee for late registration was emphasized, but only 67% did so when the same number was presented as a discount for early registration.
It is no secret that investors in the financial markets are under a constant barrage of information from all different sides - bullish, bearish, and everything in between. The exact same information can be framed by multiple sources in many different ways, biasing your interpretation of it. As you filter the stream of news and financial data that comes your way, consider the manner in which those numbers, statistics or reports are framed and think about the impact that their presentation has on the opinions they lead you to form.
Confirmation bias is the tendency to overweight, favor, seek out, exaggerate or more readily recall information or alternatives in a way that confirms our preconceived beliefs, hypotheses or desires, while simultaneously undervaluing, ignoring or otherwise giving disproportionately less consideration to information or alternatives that do not confirm our preconceived beliefs, hypotheses or desires. This inherent flaw in our cognitive reasoning leads to misconstrued interpretations of information, errors in judgment, and poor decision making. The effects of confirmation bias have been shown to be much stronger for emotionally-charged issues or beliefs that are deeply entrenched. In addition to overvaluing information that confirms our preexisting beliefs, confirmation bias also includes our tendency to interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting existing positions, even if no true relationship exists. In short, this concept says that individuals are biased towards information that confirms their existing beliefs and biased against information that disproves their existing beliefs, leading to overconfidence in our opinions and our decisions even in the face of strong contrary evidence.
As an investor in the financial markets, it can be difficult to maintain a separation between informed estimates or expectations and emotional judgments based on hopes or desires. By causing us to overweight information that confirms such hopes or desires, confirmation bias can affect our abilities to make sound assessments and form well-reasoned opinions about, for example, a stock's upside potential. Awareness of our natural biases towards confirming information and, perhaps more importantly, our biases against disproving information is the first step in combating the unwanted effects of confirmation bias.
Hindsight bias describes our inclination, after an event has occurred, to see the event as having been predictable, even if there had been little to no objective basis for predicting it. This is the psychological tendency that causes us, after witnessing or experiencing the outcome of even an entirely unforeseeable event, to exclaim “I knew it all along!”
The discovery of hindsight bias emerged during the early 1970s as the field of psychology witnessed an expansion of investigations into heuristics and biases, largely led by Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman. Along with the uncovering of tendencies such as the hindsight bias came the discovery of the availability heuristic, a common mental shortcut that causes individuals to rely on immediate information or examples that come to mind first when evaluating a specific topic, concept, method or decision. According to the cognitive reasoning behind the availability heuristic, if something can be recalled, it must be important, or at least more so than alternatives that are not as readily recalled. As a result, individuals tend to more heavily weight recent or immediately-recalled information, creating a bias towards the latest news, events, experiences or memories.
The sunk cost fallacy rests on the economic concept of a sunk cost: a cost that has already been incurred and cannot be recovered. While theoretical economics says that only future (prospective) costs are relevant to an investment decision and that rational economic actors therefore should not let sunk costs influence their decisions, the findings of psychological and behavioral finance research show that sunk costs do in fact affect real-world human decision making. Because of our tendencies towards Loss Aversion and other cognitive biases, we fall victim to the sunk cost fallacy, which describes our irrational belief that sunk costs should be considered a legitimate factor in our forward decision making when, in fact, their consideration often leads us towards inefficient outcomes.
For example, let's say a gentleman named Fred is concerned about his weight and decides to go on a diet. As part of his cleanse, he empties his fridge of all tasty temptations. When he comes across an unopened tub of ice cream, however, he falls victim to the Sunk Cost Fallacy. Even though the $15.00 Fred spent on the ice cream is a sunk cost that has already been incurred and cannot be recovered, Fred convinces himself that he cannot let the ice cream go to waste because he previously spent his hard-earned dollars to buy it. Eating a full tub of ice cream is in no way in line with his current weight-loss objectives, as the calories he will take in by consuming it are many times the daily total target of his new diet. Still, despite the adverse consequences for his health goals, Fred is swayed into eating the ice cream because of the Sunk Cost Fallacy.
In an investment setting, the consequences of the sunk cost fallacy can be much more severe than some unwanted calories. As the share price of a security falls, investors often begin to employ the logic that “I've already lost $XXX, it's too late to sell now.” As prices keep falling further and losses grow, the investor's commitment to the sunk cost continues to escalate. “Now I’ve lost $XXXXX, there's no way I can sell now. It has to come back eventually. I'll just hold on to it.” Improper or irrational considerations of sunk costs can lead to poor decisions that continue to spiral out of control, simply because of an incorrect perception of an expense that is irrecoverable.
The gambler's fallacy, also known as the Monte Carlo Fallacy, is the mistaken tendency to believe that, if something happens more frequently than “normal” during a period of time, it must happen less frequently in the future, or that, if something happens less frequently than “normal” during a period of time, it must happen more frequently in the future. This tendency presumably arises out of an ingrained human desire for nature to be constantly balanced or averaged. In situations where the event being observed or measured is truly random (such as the flip of a coin), this belief, although appealing to the human mind, is false.
The gambler's fallacy is, rather obviously, most strongly associated with gambling, where such errors in judgment and decision making are common. It can, however, arise in many practical situations, including investing. Winning and losing trades are in many ways similar to the flip of a coin and thus subject to the same psychological biases. If an investor has a series of losing trades, for example, he or she can begin to erroneously believe that, since the statistics feel unbalanced, his or her probability of making a profitable trade increases. In reality, the probability of his or her next trade being profitable is unaffected by previous losses.
The hot-hand fallacy is the mistaken belief that an individual who has experienced success with a random event has a greater chance of continuing that success in subsequent attempts. This cognitive bias is most frequently applied to gambling (where individuals in games such as blackjack believe that the luck they have randomly stumbled upon is actually a “hot hand” and will continue indefinitely) and sports such as basketball (where “hot” shooters see a spike in confidence after making multiple shots in a row, fueling a belief that the trend will continue throughout the rest of the game). While previous success at a skill-based athletic task, such as making a shot in basketball, can change the psychological behavior and future success rate of a player, researchers continue to find little evidence for a true “hot hand” in practice. Similar to what was discussed with the gambler's fallacy, individuals often have trouble processing or believing statistically-acceptable deviations from the average, causing them to assume that forces other than normal statistics must be at play. As an investor, a series of winning trades can induce risky overconfidence one’s “hot hand” of the moment, leading to errors in judgment and poor decision making.
In economics and behavioral finance, the money illusion describes the tendency to think of currency in nominal terms rather than in real terms. In other words, humans commonly consider money in terms of its numerical or face value (nominal value) instead of considering it in terms of its real purchasing power (real value). Because modern currencies have no intrinsic value, the real purchasing power of money is the only true (and rational) metric by which it should be judged. Still, humans often struggle to do so because, derived from all the complex underlying value systems in both domestic and international economies, the real value of money is constantly changing. In the financial markets, many average investors commonly ignore the real value of their currency when valuing their investments or interpreting their appreciation, leading to incorrect perceptions of value and past performance.
This is the sixteenth article in our technical analysis series. If you are new to charting, these articles will give you the “big picture” behind the charts on our site. If you are an “old hand,” these articles will help ensure you haven't “strayed too far” from the basics. Enjoy!
A series of candlesticks often develop into recognizable patterns that can give a trader insight about the current market psychology and the likelihood of near-term price moves. Many of these 1, 2 or 3 candlestick patterns are used as warning signs for upcoming trend reversals.
Dozens of candlestick patterns have been identified dating back to the 1700s with Japanese rice futures traders. Japanese traders were able to quickly identify and communicate short-term supply and demand forces in the market with these recurring patterns of price action.
One candlestick that has significance by itself and in combination with other candlesticks is the doji candlestick shown above. Price moves above and below the opening price during the day and then closes at the same, or nearly so, price as it opened. This is an indication that buying and selling market forces were balanced even though investors had a roller-coaster ride in price swings during the day.
The SharpChart of ERIE above illustrates a doji candlestick. The intraday 10-minute SharpChart of this particular doji candlestick below shows the 2.2% price swing from high to low that investors endured during the day. Doji candlesticks are a sign of market indecision which often precedes a trend reversal.
With doji candlesticks, a long lower shadow is considered bullish since buying interest moved the price up from a deep intraday decline before market close. Long upper shadows are bearish for a similar reason; initial buying interest gives way to sellers by market close.
The candlestick patterns above are often present in trend changes. The doji in these patterns illustrate how market indecision often acts as a pivot in trend changes.
While there are literally hundreds of candlestick patterns out there, the following candlestick patterns have been found by Thomas N. Bulkowski to be six of the most reliable candlestick patterns based on testing on 4.7 million candle lines.
Note: The gray candlestick bodies in the diagrams indicate that the body color is not relevant for the subject pattern.
In part 17, we'll cover Comparison Charting.
This is the seventeenth article in our technical analysis series. If you are new to charting, these articles will give you the “big picture” behind the charts on our site. If you are an “old hand,” these articles will help ensure you haven't “strayed too far” from the basics. Enjoy!
Comparison charting allows the analyst to study individual price performance and performance relative to other stocks. John Murphy, who provides expert market commentary on StockCharts.com, uses comparison charting extensively in his market analysis.
The SharpChart above shows how the Performance plotting style can be used to monitor the year-to-date performance of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Once this chart is generated, the page can be bookmarked as a favorite in your browser for quick access in the future.
Multiple symbols can be plotted and compared in this manner by using the Price indicator and other ticker symbols as parameters with a Behind Price position setting. The SharpChart above shows the performance of AA compared with BA and IBM.
The SharpChart above illustrates how the performance between Boeing (BA) and the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) index can be compared in the Indicator Panel above the Price Plot Area. The relative performance indicator is displayed by selecting Price as an indicator on the workbench and inserting BA:$INDU as a parameter.
A positive slope of the indicator line shows that the first symbol in the ratio is outperforming the second symbol. A negative slope indicates the opposite; the first ticker symbol is underperforming the second ticker symbol. And a flat line indicates that both symbols have similar performance.
This information can be used in several ways. In the case of comparing a stock to a market index, the analyst can quickly determine whether or not a stock is outperforming the market. In the case of comparing two stocks, the analyst can easily determine how the stocks are performing relative to each other.
Tip. See the entire series
Tip. See the entire series
Grayson Roze is the author of "" (Wiley, 2017) and (Wiley, 2016). He currently serves as the Business Manager for StockCharts.com. Grayson also speaks regularly at various investment seminars throughout the country, including to organizations such as the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) and the Market Technicians Association (MTA). He is the co-founder of Stock Market Mastery, which provides functional investment education to individuals through multiple mediums, including live courses, books and DVDs (visit to learn more). Grayson holds a Bachelor's degree from Swarthmore College, where he studied Economics and Psychology.
Tip. See the entire series
Additional candlestick reliability information can be found in Bulkowski's book . While Greg Morris's book is a good general introduction to the topic.
Tip. See the entire series
to see how it was created with the “Performance” chart type setting.
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Investment Psychology Explained Martin J. Pring
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StockCharts contributor Arthur Hill discusses how to approach financial market investing and trading in a must-read article for all StockCharts users.
Before investing or trading, it is important to develop a strategy or game plan that is consistent with your goals and style. The ultimate goal is to make money (win), but there are many different methods to go about it.
As with many aspects of trading, many sports offer a good analogy. A football team with goals geared towards ball control and low-scoring games might adopt a conservative style that focuses on the run. Teams that want to score often and score quickly are more likely to pursue an aggressive style geared towards passing. Teams are usually aware of their goal and style before they develop a game plan. Investors and traders can also benefit by keeping in mind their goals and style when developing a strategy.
First and foremost are goals. The first set of questions regarding goals should center on risk and return. One cannot consider return without weighing risk. It is akin to counting your chickens before they hatch. Risk and return are highly correlated. The higher the potential return, the higher the potential risk. At one end of the spectrum are US Treasury bonds, which offer the lowest risk (so-called risk-free rate) and a guaranteed return. For stocks, the highest potential returns (and risk) center around growth industries with stock prices that exhibit high volatility and high price multiples (PE, Price/Sales, Price/Hope). The lowest potential returns (and risk) come from stocks in mature industries with stock prices that exhibit relatively low volatility and low price multiples.
After your goals have been established, it is time to develop or choose a style that is consistent with achieving those goals. The expected return and desired risk will affect your trading or investing style. If your goal is income and safety, buying or selling at extreme levels (overbought/oversold) is an unlikely style. If your goals center on quick profits, high returns, and high risk, then bottom-picking strategies and gap trading may be your style.
Styles range from aggressive day traders looking to scalp quarter- to half-point gains to investors looking to capitalize on long-term macroeconomic trends. In between, there are a whole host of possible combinations including swing traders, position traders, aggressive growth investors, value investors and contrarians. Swing traders might look for 1-5 day trades, position traders for 1-8 week trades, and value investors for 1-2 year trades.
Your style will depend not only on your goals, but also on your level of commitment. Day traders are likely to pursue an aggressive style with high activity levels. The goals would be focused on quick trades, small profits, and very tight stop-loss levels. Intraday charts would be used to provide timely entry and exit points. A high level of commitment, focus and energy would be required.
On the other hand, position traders are likely to use daily end-of-day charts and pursue 1-8 week price movements. The goal would be focused on short to intermediate price movements and the level of commitment, while still substantial, would be less than a day trader. Make sure your level of commitment jibes with your trading style. The more trading involved, the higher the level of commitment.
Once the goals have been set and the preferred style adopted, it is time to develop a strategy. This strategy would be based on your return/risk preferences, trading/investing style, and commitment level. Because there are many potential trading and investing strategies, I will focus on one hypothetical strategy as an example.
GOAL First, the goal would be a 20-30% annual return. This is relatively high and would involve a correspondingly high level of risk. Because of the associated risk, I would only allot a small percentage (5-10%) of my portfolio to this strategy. The remaining portion would go towards a more conservative approach.
STYLE Although I like to follow the market throughout the day, I cannot commit to day trading and the use of intraday charts. I would pursue a position trading style and look for 1-8 week price movements based on end-of-day charts. Indicators will be limited to three, with price action (candlesticks) and chart patterns carrying the most influence.
Part of this style would involve a strict money management scheme that would limit losses by imposing a stop-loss immediately after a trade is initiated. An exit strategy must be in place before the trade is initiated. Should the trade become a winner, the exit strategy would be revised to lock in gains. The maximum allowed per trade would be 5% of my total trading capital. If my total portfolio were 300,000, then I might allocate 21,000 (7%) to the trading portfolio. Of these 21,000, the maximum allowed per trade would be 1050 (21,000 * 5%).
STRATEGY The trading strategy is to go long stocks that are near support levels and short stocks near resistance levels. To maintain prudence, I would only seek long positions in stocks with weekly (long-term) bull trends and short positions in stocks with weekly (long-term) bear trends. In addition, I would look for stocks starting to show positive (or negative) divergences in key momentum indicators and signs of accumulation (or distribution). My indicator arsenal would consist of two momentum indicators (PPO and Slow Stochastic Oscillator) and one volume indicator (Accumulation/Distribution Line). Even though the PPO and the Slow Stochastic Oscillator are momentum oscillators, one is geared towards the direction of momentum (PPO) and the other towards identifying overbought and oversold levels (Slow Stochastic Oscillator). As triggers, I would use key candlestick patterns, price reversals, and gaps to enter a trade.
This is just one hypothetical strategy that combines goals with style and commitment. Some people have different portfolios that represent different goals, styles, and strategies. While this can become confusing and time-consuming, separate portfolios ensure that investment activities pursue a different strategy than trading activities. For instance, you may pursue an aggressive (high-risk) strategy for trading with a small portion of your portfolio and a relatively conservative (capital preservation) strategy for investing with the bulk of your portfolio. If a small percentage (~5-10%) is earmarked for trading and the bulk (~90-95%) for investing, the equity swings should be lower and the emotional strains less. However, if too much of a portfolio (~50-60%) is at risk through aggressive trading, the equity swings and the emotional strain could be large.
Let’s get this out on the table first off. Stock market stalking is analogous to a lion stalking prey, not the paparazzi stalking a movie star. Stalking is one stage that most investors transition through in a similar predictable path as they evolve from novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient and finally to expert investor. The simple truth is that novices have trouble limiting their sources of ideas and are then challenged again in how to winnow these infinite choices down to a few promising candidates upon which to focus.
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Unlock the power of moving average crossovers with Arthur Hill's expert insights. Learn how to leverage moving averages to make smarter trading decisions. Explore techniques and practical tips.
A popular use for moving averages is to develop simple trading systems based on moving average crossovers. A trading system using two moving averages would give a buy signal when the shorter (faster) moving average crosses above the longer (slower) moving average. A sell signal would be given when the shorter moving average crosses below the longer moving average.
The speed of the systems and the number of signals generated will depend on the length of the moving averages. Shorter moving average systems will be faster, generate more signals, and be nimble for early entry. However, they will generate more false signals than systems with longer moving averages.
In Apple, Inc.'s (AAPL) daily chart below, a 30/100 exponential moving average (EMA) crossover generated buy and sell signals.
A buy signal is generated when the 30-day EMA moves above the 100-day EMA. A sell signal is in force when the 30-day EMA falls below the 100-day EMA. A 30/100 differential plot is shown below the price chart using the Percentage Price Oscillator (PPO) set to (30,100,1). The 30-day EMA is greater than the 100-day EMA when the differential is positive. When negative, the 30-day EMA is less than the 100-day EMA.
As with all trend-following systems, the signals work well when the stock develops a strong trend but are ineffective when the stock is in a trading range. The one generated in Nov 2023 was a good entry point for a long position. However, the exit signal based on the moving average crossover generated on March 2024 would have given back some profits.
In the example below, a 20/60 EMA crossover system generated several buy and sell signals.
The plot below the price is the 20/60 EMA differential, shown as a percent and displayed using the PPO set at (20,60,1). The dashed blue lines above and below zero (the centerline) represent the buy and sell trigger points. Using zero as the crossover point for the buy and sell signals generated too many false signals. To reduce the number of signals, you can set the buy signal just above the zero line, say at +2%, and the sell signal just below the zero line, at -2%. A buy signal is in force when the 20-day EMA is more than 2% above the 60-day EMA. A sell signal is in force when the 20-day EMA is more than 2% below the 60-day EMA.
You can find many good signals, but you may also find some whipsaws. Although much would depend on the exact entry and exit points, you could have made profitable trades using this system, but some may not be large profits that are probably not enough to justify the risk.
If a stock fails to hold a trend, you'd have to place tight stop-losses to lock in profits. A trailing stop or use of the parabolic SAR might have helped lock in profits.
Moving average crossover systems can be effective but should be used with other aspects of technical analysis (patterns, candlesticks, momentum, volume, and so on). While it's easy to find a system that worked well in the past, there is no guarantee it will work in the future.
Learn More. Trading With Moving Averages
A look at how to avoid having two very similar signals on the same chart and the importance of doing so.
Multicollinearity is a statistical term referring to the unknowing use of the same type of information more than once. It is a common problem in technical analysis. Analysts need to be careful not to utilize technical indicators that reveal the same type of information.
Here is how John Bollinger puts it: “A cardinal rule for the successful use of technical analysis requires avoiding multicollinearity amid indicators. Multicollinearity is simply the multiple counting of the same information. The use of four different indicators all derived from the same series of closing prices to confirm each other is a perfect example.”
Multicollinearity is a serious issue in technical analysis when your money is at stake. It is a problem because collinear variables contribute redundant information and can cause other variables to appear to be less important than they are. One of the real problems is that, oftentimes, multicollinearity is difficult to spot.
Technical indicators should be arranged in categories to avoid using too many from the same category. Below is a table that categorizes the indicators available at StockCharts.com.
The best way to quickly determine if an indicator is collinear with another one is to chart it. Make sure you have enough data on the chart to get a good indication. If they rise and fall in the same areas, the odds are that they're collinear and you should just use one of them.
The first chart below shows some examples of indicators that are collinear. Notice that all three indicators are basically saying the same thing. If your analysis was that this was supportive information, you would be falling into the multicollinearity trap. Pick one of the indicators for your analysis and do not use the others.
Below are some examples of indicators that are not collinear. When interpreted correctly, each will give different information. The indicators can be used to confirm a trading signal.
If you are randomly selecting indicators to support your analysis, you will more than likely fall into the multicollinearity trap of using multiple indicators that are all saying the same thing. They are not giving you any additional information; in fact, they are restricting your overall view of the market. Don't search for supporting information among collinear indicators; though they can be appealing, they are ultimately misleading.
A collection of short articles by a successful technical trader about his tools, his routines and the lessons he has learned throughout his years in the market.
Each one of Gatis Roze's "Traders Journal" articles covers some aspect of one of his "10 Essential Stages of Stock Market Mastery." Together, those 10 stages make up Gatis' "Tensile Trading" methodology. Below is a curated list of Gatis' articles, organized according to their corresponding stage.
The bottom line: pick a chair close to the exit before you buy an equity and then sit down. As they say in the movie MARGIN CALL, "it's not panic selling if you are first out the door.”
No one can predict the stock market with 100% consistency, but a logical chart-based investment methodology will significantly shift the probabilities for your investment success towards that direction.
If the trend turns against you, the first loss is always the cheapest. Don’t wait for a gift wrapped invitation to the selling party! Monitoring is all about you, the investor.
Behavioral finance proves that it is possible to model particular behavioral and psychological attributes in order to actually incorporate these into one’s own style and enhance one’s own investment record. Don’t be intimidated by the fancy label the academics gave this study of the investor self which basically integrates cognitive psychology with investing. Its foundation is rooted on the premise that we make financial decisions based on a combination of facts and what we believe about those facts.
As I sip my 2008 Cabernet Sauvignon, I ponder all the similarities between myself, as an investor, and Marty Clubb –...
Volume Rate of Change Demand Index
Most individual investors seem to feel it isn't cool to talk about exits before even buying an equity. ...
In its most elemental form, selling is an inner struggle that deals with an investor’s ability to tame two wild...
I trust you read last week’s post, Part I on “The Art of Selling Well”. Those rules provide the foundation for what...
“I’m the only person I know that’s lost a quarter of a billion dollars in one year... It’s very character building.”...
We investors are imperfect creatures living in a complex world. We are destined to stumble and fall. ...
Investors beware or at least be aware. Over the past two years, I’ve had a number of significant...
As Oscar Wilde aptly said, “Memory is the diary that we all carry with us.” It’s July 4th, and I’m coaching...
As markets make new highs, investors often befriend a dangerous new companion. He’s the greedy little devil...
I’ve been teaching investors about Stage 9 – The Selling Stage – of the Tensile Trading methodology for over 15...
Make no mistake about it: these are internet days and news circles the globe at the speed of light. Couple...
Financial investment losses are the markets’ way of telling you to make adjustments and to correct your present...
We’ve all heard the cliche that “shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted” means one is late to action...
Don’t ever try to stand in front of a fire hydrant to quench your thirst – you’ll hurt yourself! The same...
A quarter century of investing yields one paramount conclusion. Venture capitalists have known this forever..
I doubled my money on the very first stock trade I ever made. With luck, this is something that everyone should do at least once in a lifetime.
Highly educated people are, for the most part, trained to ask the question “Why?” Engineers, accountants...
This phrase is most often heard in reference to lawmakers and bureaucrats in Washington, DC, but I think it’s an...
I attend investment seminars as half-monk, half-hit man. My time is a precious commodity, so if you are a...
A powerful profit-enhancing tool has just been refined and put on steroids. Back in December of 2013, I wrote...
If there was one mantra to embrace which would make you money it would be “let the probabilities work for you” or...
In one corner, you have investors. In the other corner, you have the stock market. When the two...
Here is how to tell if it’s a regular market pullback versus a serious bearish correction. I strongly disagree with...
Seventeen thousand money managers around the globe pay to use BlackRock’s Aladdin risk assessment platform to manage... Life hacking was a term first tossed around by computer programmers in the ‘80s as the label they used trying to get...
Have you ever met a famous investor at a cocktail party or event, taken his or her advice on a stock and lost money?...
The latest wave on Wall Street’s beach of complexity and opaqueness is a new type of ETF fund referred to as a Smart...
Profitable investing demands a unique type of profitable thinking. Once you’ve achieved this consistently in...
Read the Market Wizard books. These remarkable investors use proven off-the-shelf tools and indicators which...
The walls of advantage once held by institutional traders over individual investors have come crashing down...
The Harvard Business Review (November, 2014) just published its list of the Best Performing CEOs. This list...
Of the approximately 6,000 stars visible to the naked eye, only 58 are considered navigator stars. Since...
For over fifty years, Harvey Baraban has been an active stock market investor. For over twenty-five years, he...
This popular blog was first published over three years ago. I thought that a timely update was called for...
The motto in the news business seems to be “If it bleeds, it leads.” Investors must appreciate that our news...
Harvey Baraban is a Wall Street insider. As the former CEO of Baraban Securities, he managed...
A good friend of mine who is a professional money manager recently invited my family to hear former Federal Reserve...
A mongst investors these days, there are a number of lively debates going on. Fundamental analysis versus technical...
Highly educated people are, for the most part, trained to ask the question “Why?” Engineers, accountants...
My Thesaurus lists the same two words – enhance and augment – as synonyms for both words “improve” and “more”...
The walls of advantage once held by institutional traders over individual investors have come crashing down...
“Yesterday is a cancelled check, tomorrow is a promissory note, today is all about the equity in your hand so watch...
History matters because markets do indeed repeat themselves. John Kenneth Galbraith was interviewed in the PBS...
I’ll confess that my students have referred to me as tough, irreverent and leathery – and those are the kind...
You watch your equity position tear away on a 200% parabolic run and then you allow your greed and fantasies to kick...
"When Google’s co-founder, Larry Page, famously asked Steve Jobs for advice, Job’s reply was “Don’t get...
Fish swim in schools. Birds fly in flocks. Humans follow grouping principles too. Gestalt...
As any accomplished trader will tell you, investors should think of their equity positions as their children...
Be careful where you sit. I shared a table at Starbucks last week with two investors who became very animated...
It might be human nature, but it’s not a good thing. In my Tensile Trading seminars, investors study six...
I think of this weekly blog as a sort of view from the kitchen. Mine is not some candy-coated representation...
History matters because markets do indeed repeat themselves. John Kenneth Galbraith was interviewed in the PBS...
The average investor would be totally discombobulated if they witnessed the effortless manner in which money...
This is my collection of useful investing essentials that all of us need to remember and that all novices must adopt...
I'm not an investment arsonist! I won't try to convince you that stock market perfection is achievable. I will, however, ...
“Chains of habit are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken.” --Warren Buffet A few weeks...
Stock market mastery has many components, but the first step is to acknowledge that it all starts with you – the...
As many of you know, American composer extraordinaire Richard Rodgers collaborated with Oscar Hammerstein to produce...
Mastery is not achieved by knowing the Holy Grail of trading systems. Mastery is achieved by having the discipline...
I’d like to paraphrase a fishing analogy. Show someone how to invest by following a winning trading...
For those of you who pooh-pooh the lessons of history, listen up! I myself am guilty of being overly focused...
Art, history and life can parallel investing. This blog is my continuation from last week’s Part I where I...
I’d like to paraphrase a fishing analogy. Show someone how to invest by following a winning trading...
I stumbled into a gift shop full of tchotchkes today. It was one of those retailers with endless trinkets and...
“It matters not how strait the gait, How charged with punishments the scroll, I am the master of my fate, I am the...
A week doesn’t go by without some investor asking me “which one single indicator do you recommend above all others?”...
I attended a lecture last week given by Dr. Anthony Greenwald, a psychology professor at the University of...
Wrong is now right. What I once considered unreasonable is now considered reasonable (and I don’t mean just...
Over decades of training and teaching, it’s been my experience that the majority of both investors and traders are...
I wrote about this subject nearly two years ago from my own personal perspective, but now I want to expand on the...
I had breakfast the other day with a group of friends, and we spent the morning discussing what it meant to be ‘in...
Michael Jordan is probably the greatest basketball player I have ever seen. He wrote a book titled I..
Over 20 years ago, I had a pivotal year as an investor with a seismic shift in my performance. Some might call...
I was fortunate to spend a couple of days in San Francisco at the annual conference of the International Federation...
When the stock market ground below your feet begins to shift, metaphorically-speaking, and your charts turn into...
Jesse Livermore pointed out that stock market experience is the result of mistakes and that those mistakes have many...
There is only one Albert Einstein and only one Warren Buffett. There is only one race – the human race. ...
I have two things in common with Richard Sherman, the Seattle Seahawks’ Super Bowl star. We both graduated...
published on October 10, 2014 at 06:45 AM
The National Football League can prove statistically that top running backs, such as Marshawn Lynch of the Seattle...
Yes, the fountain of youth really does exist, and academic research is increasingly proving it to be found amidst...
At a recent seminar, I was asked by a sharp young investor how much trading rules had changed since I began trading...
General George Patton once said, “A good plan implemented today is better than a perfect plan implemented tomorrow.”...
More often than not, most successful investors will admit that while investing may seem relatively simple, it’s not...
Having traded the markets for over 25 years, I am still focused on ruthlessly driving mind-bending emotions from my...
I heard an insightful interview with a judge talking about the transformation she goes through in her chambers as...
As an individual investor, what you bring to the table in the way of intellectual, emotional and behavioral skills...
Far too many investors get it wrong, and perhaps no other group more so than the Millennials. In a recent...
Trading camaraderie provides inspiration and motivation, but it does not always emanate from fellow traders...
Years ago when I was a novice investor, I’d exhaust myself trying to figure out why things were happening in the...
Whether it’s life or investing, if you ignore the reality of correlations – be they positive or negative – you are...
I just read The Buy Side, Turney Duff’s book about his years as the biggest and most successful healthcare hedge...
To paraphrase P.J. O’Rourke, “Giving assets to a stock market plunger is like giving beer and car keys to teenage...
Pursuing a ‘driverless strategy’ – be it automobiles, hedge funds or individual investing – is counterfactual...
This past February, John Elway, General Manager of the Denver Broncos, achieved the pinnacle of success when his...
What does it take to succeed as an investor? That’s a broad question but nonetheless a supremely important...
As an investor, there is only one day a year that you are unable to do anything about the stock market’s behavior...
As many of you know, American composer extraordinaire Richard Rodgers collaborated with Oscar Hammerstein to produce...
Jonathan Wendel earned $454,544. He is very similar to us investors / traders in many ways despite being a...
Yes, the fountain of youth really does exist, and academic research is increasingly proving it to be found amidst...
Ninety percent (90%) of Americans believe that they are above average drivers. Multiple studies have...
I’ve seen this play out time and time again at seminars, conferences, lectures, and courses. Remarkably, the...
How does a return of 14% in six months sound to you? Last February, I wrote a blog about attending the unique...
In a recent moment of self-reflection, I was forced to arrive at the conclusion that I do not view the world the...
Look around you. Anywhere you see the pursuit of excellence happening, you discover the same set of recurring universal truths. Great athletes make greatness look effortless. Great traders make trading seem natural. The fact is that those who’ve achieved mastery make greatness look easy.
Tensile Trading: Stage #5 The Stairway to Reproducing Profits - Routines Look around you. Anywhere you see the pursuit of excellence happening, you discover the same set of recurring...
A Day in the Life of a Stock Market Trader: The First 3 Hours I’ve known a lot of great traders. Yes, they are out there. Some eventually became money managers, and...
A Day in the Life of a Stock Market Trader - Redux Some people meticulously prepare and perfectly execute a mountain ascent, catching the significance of both the...
A Day in the Life of a Stock Market Trader: Part III 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (NYC Time) I actually wear my office during the trading hours. “All work is social,” claims Larry Prusak, director of...
A Day in the Life of a Stock Market Trader: The Midday Pause Inevitably, there comes a time during the trading day or the trading week that I ask myself, “why am I doing...
A Day in the Life of a Stock Market Trader 1:00 - 2:30 PM (NYC Time) Some battles you stay and fight. Others you best walk away from. This is the part of my day when I...
A Day in the Life of a Stock Market Trader: The Last 90 Minutes The last trading hour in the markets is like “The Hour of Power” television show. It matters! The last...
Investing Routines: A Pillar of Any Successful Program Ever drive a bumper car at an amusement park? Remember how the bumper car headed off in one direction until it...
How Two Investors Warm-up Before Executing Any Trade Recently, I had a very personal conversation with my fellow trader, Harvey Baraban. I asked him what he did to...
Personal Productivity & Routines Have you heard the famous cliché about discipline? “You’ve got to do what you have to do before you can do...
A Trader's Discipline: How I Stay the Course Investors don’t always have the discipline to act like a Nike ‘Just do it’ advertisement.
The Secret Of Success Is... When I was a graduate student in business school, I had the privilege and good fortune of watching John Elway play...
Your Money Tree: The Tree of Color Most people call it Technical Analysis, but I prefer to think of it as “Visual Analysis”. Picture it as a tree with...
Powerful Parallels Yield Insights into Top Traders & Top Salespersons Knowing how top salespeople convert suspects into prospects into clients yields powerful insights as to how top...
How to be a Successful Investor Over All 12 Months Mark Twain once commented on the celebration of New Year’s and said something to this effect: Last week...
Staying Atop the Market The stock market is always one step ahead of you. The sooner you accept this fact, the better for your trading...
Compare Your Traders Journal to Mine I’ll show you mine, if you show me yours! What were you thinking? We are talking journals here...
Unique Insights From Dinner With An $8 Billion Investor I had the pleasure of having dinner with a mutual fund portfolio manager who manages over $8 Billion and who has the...
How Not to Lose Sight of the Forest (the Market) by Focusing on the Trees (Individual Equities) Have any of you ever found yourselves so overly focused on your individual positions that you are missing the...
You Said It Fred: A Leading VC On The Value Of Routines, Plus An Overview Of My Weekly Checklist Anytime I hear a successful, well-respected figure mention the importance of routines, my ears perk up. ...
“If past history was all there was to the game, the richest people would be librarians.” - Warren Buffet
My Pal Warren On The 10 Stages Of Investing I’m a big fan of pithy quotes. When I teach my college class “Tensile Trading”, I use quotes extensively to...
Investing Lessons & Trading Rules The stock market has always attracted a disproportionate number of exceptional intellectuals and uniquely...
3 Investors, 3 Blind Spots, 3 Solutions Picture this: I am at a cocktail party chatting with three people about investing. The first person...
The Teacher Becomes The Student “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Those are the words of...
Tell Us All You Know About Investing “Mr. Roze: we’d like to offer you 90 minutes to speak to our group and tell us all you know about...
How the Markets Have Changed Me Over the Past 25 Years: Part I As I’ve revisited my trading journals from many years ago, I’ve come to realize what an unbelievable transformative...
How the Markets Have Changed Me Over 25 Years: Part II “It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.” -- Ernest...
The Most Profitable Takeaways from 'The Traders Journal' After many years of writing The Traders Journal, I thought it was time to revisit how investors can best maximize...
Buffett-isms and Bezos-isms: Great Investing Insights “Rule #1: Never lose Money.” “Rule #2: Never forget Rule #1.”
The Triple Crown of Investing: Motivation, Confidence, Action As many of you know who’ve taken my Tensile Trading seminar or watched the DVD, the tenth stage of stock market...
Learning From Legends: Gerald Loeb's Timeless Investing Wisdom Stands The Test Of Time I’m sure you’ve heard the expression, “the more things change, the more they stay the same.” Gerald Loeb...
The Secrets I Learned from Jesse Livermore When seasoned traders get together, we have a sort of “secret handshake” that the uninitiated may not notice...
Peter Lynch: How He Helped My Evolution as an Investor Peter Lynch started managing the Fidelity Magellan Fund in 1978 with $20 Million in assets. When he retired in...
Pivotal Books in the 25-Year Trading Life of a Stock Market Investor I’ve always believed that an accurate way to take the measure of a person is to ascertain which books had the most...
Ten Trading Rules from This Trader's Own Journal Embrace the laws of nature. Springs produce either salt water or fresh water. Not both. I am...
The Essential Investor's Formula for the New Year: Psych, Prep, Perspire, Persevere, Persist Each year at this time, I become a trader of “change”. I take certain steps to tackle challenges I’ve...
Your Biological Passport To Profits: Use It With Care! Most professional athletes these days have biological passports. I submit to you that investors should apply...
What They Don't Teach You About Investing at Harvard and Stanford Business Schools I was recently discussing trading and investing with Carlos Obando, former portfolio manager and graduate of a...
This is How to Maximize Your Investor Benefits After writing this column for over three years, I was recently asked by a reader what he should expect to get out of...
This Investor's Take on the "Pyramid of Success" “Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the...
New Year's Resolutions for Investors Babylonians did it. Ancient Romans did it. Medieval knights pledged the “peacock vow” each New Year as...
How Individual Investors Can Use Data Mining to Grow Their Profits Schwab, Fidelity, TD Ameritrade and Google likely know more about most investors and their trading habits than the... PM
ETF Guru Retires: Leaves Us with Six Key Lessons This is a salute to Ben Johnson, the departing editor of Morningstar’s ETF Investor publication. Over the years...
Five Decades Of Personal Stock Market Passages, Tools, Lessons And Stories: Part 1 Successful investing calls for much the same prerequisites as those required to become a professional athlete. Fortunately, we investors have a much longer shelf life than pro athletes
Five Decades Of Personal Stock Market Passages, Tools, Lessons And Stories: Part 2 To start, I want to make two points. Investing successfully requires that you remain engaged and motivated. Just because you choose to ignore the markets, the markets won't reciprocate and ignore you.
Five Decades Of Personal Stock Market Passages, Tools, Lessons And Stories: Part 3 When I began investing full-time, my methodology's foundation was based on William O'Neil's CANSLIM® approach. It's a deeply researched and proven strategy.
Ten Timeless Tenets of Trading: A 2,500 Year Perspective For those of you who pooh-pooh the lessons of history, listen up! I myself am guilty of being overly focused on today’s web – obsessed with the latest hot stocks, investment technologies and trading methodologies.
Ten Timeless Tenets of Trading: A 2,500 Year Perspective Part II Art, history and life can parallel investing. This blog is my continuation from last week’s Part I where I encouraged readers to be open to a sort of borderless-type of thinking.
The 18 stock trading rules that Richard lives by. “The rules are simple; adherence to the rules is difficult.”
I must admit, I am not smart enough to have devised these ridiculously simple trading rules. A great trader gave them to me some 15 years ago. However, I will tell you, they work. If you follow these rules, breaking them as infrequently as possible, you will make money year in and year out, some years better than others, some years worse - but you will make money. The rules are simple. Adherence to the rules is difficult.
If I've learned anything in my decades of trading, I've learned that the simple methods work best. Those who need to rely upon complex Stochastics, linear weighted moving averages, smoothing techniques, Fibonacci numbers etc., usually find that they have so many things rolling around in their heads that they cannot make a rational decision. One technique says buy; another says sell. Another says sit tight while another says add to the trade. It sounds like a cliche, but simple methods work best.
The first and most important rule is - in bull markets, one is supposed to be long. This may sound obvious, but how many of us have sold the first rally in every bull market, saying that the market has moved too far, too fast? I have before, and I suspect I'll do it again at some point in the future. Thus, we've not enjoyed the profits that should have accrued to us for our initial bullish outlook, but have actually lost money while being short. In a bull market, one can only be long or on the sidelines. Remember, not having a position is a position.
Buy that which is showing strength - sell that which is showing weakness. The public continues to buy when prices have fallen. The professional buys because prices have rallied. This difference may not sound logical, but buying strength works. The rule of survival is not to “buy low, sell high”, but to “buy higher and sell higher”. Furthermore, when comparing various stocks within a group, buy only the strongest and sell the weakest.
When putting on a trade, enter it as if it has the potential to be the biggest trade of the year. Don't enter a trade until it has been well thought out, a campaign has been devised for adding to the trade, and contingency plans set for exiting the trade.
On minor corrections against the major trend, add to trades. In bull markets, add to the trade on minor corrections back into support levels. In bear markets, add on corrections into resistance. Use the 33-50% corrections level of the previous movement or the proper moving average as a first point in which to add.
Be patient. If a trade is missed, wait for a correction to occur before putting the trade on.
Be patient. Once a trade is put on, allow it time to develop and give it time to create the profits you expected.
Be patient. The old adage that “you never go broke taking a profit” is maybe the most worthless piece of advice ever given. Taking small profits is the surest way to ultimate loss I can think of, for small profits are never allowed to develop into enormous profits. The real money in trading is made from the one, two or three large trades that develop each year. You must develop the ability to patiently stay with winning trades to allow them to develop into that sort of trade.
Be patient. Once a trade is put on, give it time to work; give it time to insulate itself from random noise; give it time for others to see the merit of what you saw earlier than they.
Be impatient. As always, small losses and quick losses are the best losses. It is not the loss of money that is important. Rather, it is the mental capital that is used up when you sit with a losing trade that is important.
Never, ever under any condition, add to a losing trade, or “average” into a position. If you are buying, then each new buy price must be higher than the previous buy price. If you are selling, then each new selling price must be lower. This rule is to be adhered to without question.
Do more of what is working for you, and less of what's not. Each day, look at the various positions you are holding, and try to add to the trade that has the most profit while subtracting from that trade that is either unprofitable or is showing the smallest profit. This is the basis of the old adage, “let your profits run.”
Don't trade until the technicals and the fundamentals both agree. This rule makes pure technicians cringe. I don't care! I will not trade until I am sure that the simple technical rules I follow, and my fundamental analysis, are running in tandem. Then I can act with authority, and with certainty, and patiently sit tight.
When sharp losses in equity are experienced, take time off. Close all trades and stop trading for several days. The mind can play games with itself following sharp, quick losses. The urge “to get the money back” is extreme, and should not be given in to.
When trading well, trade somewhat larger. We all experience those incredible periods of time when all of our trades are profitable. When that happens, trade aggressively and trade larger. We must make our proverbial “hay” when the sun does shine.
When adding to a trade, add only 1/4 to 1/2 as much as currently held. That is, if you are holding 400 shares of a stock, at the next point at which to add, add no more than 100 or 200 shares. That moves the average price of your holdings less than half of the distance moved, thus allowing you to sit through 50% corrections without touching your average price.
Think like a guerrilla warrior. We wish to fight on the side of the market that is winning, not wasting our time and capital on futile efforts to gain fame by buying the lows or selling the highs of some market movement. Our duty is to earn profits by fighting alongside the winning forces. If neither side is winning, then we don't need to fight at all.
Markets form their tops in violence; markets form their lows in quiet conditions.
The final 10% of the time of a bull run will usually encompass 50% or more of the price movement. Thus, the first 50% of the price movement will take 90% of the time and will require the most backing and filling and will be far more difficult to trade than the last 50%.
There is no “genius” in these rules. They are common sense and nothing else, but as Voltaire said, “Common sense is uncommon.” Trading is a common-sense business. When we trade contrary to common sense, we will lose. Perhaps not always, but enormously and eventually. Trade simply. Avoid complex methodologies concerning obscure technical systems and trade according to the major trends only.
An explanation of why and how to use correlation to build a stronger, more diversified and stable portfolio.
In statistics, correlation measures the degree to which two (or more) variables move together. Positive correlation values indicate movement together in the same direction. Negative correlation values indicate movement in opposite directions. Correlation values range from -1.0 to +1.0, with a value of 0 indicating no relationship between the variables.
In finance and financial markets, correlation measures the relationship between two securities (stocks, bonds, ETFs, mutual funds, indexes, etc.) and the degree to which they move together. Securities with high positive correlation values move together in the same direction. Securities with high negative correlation values move in exactly opposite directions. Securities with very low correlation values (at or around 0) are unrelated with respect to the directions in which they move.
Correlation values can be used to construct a well-diversified portfolio, reducing risk while also improving returns. By building a portfolio that consists of a diverse set of securities across multiple asset classes, each with low correlation values, you can limit risk by reducing exposure to singular market shocks.
To use correlation to your advantage, balance the securities in your portfolio according to their correlation values, while ensuring that the correlation values against a common benchmark (such as the S&P 500) are not all clustered in a specific range. For example, if you have 10 stocks and funds in your portfolio, all with correlation values against the S&P 500 ranging from +0.87 to +0.98, the assets in your portfolio can be shown to move in very similar directions, increasing your risk exposure to singular market shocks. If, however, the set of stocks and funds in your portfolio is more diverse and the correlation values range from, for example, -0.79 to +0.95, your portfolio can be considered more broadly diversified and thus less exposed to singular market shocks.
A comprehensive guide to understanding and utilizing financial charts.
This section describes the different types of financial charts found at StockCharts.com. It covers the construction of various chart types and how they can be used to make informed investing decisions.
What Are Charts? Learn about charts—what they are, how to pick timeframes, how charts are formed, and the different types of price scaling.
Support and Resistance Understand support and resistance, where they are established, and the methods used to establish them.
Trend Lines What are trend lines, how are they used, and why are they important? You'll find answers to these questions, plus information about scale settings, validation, and angles.
Gaps and Gap Analysis Explore gaps (areas on price charts where no trades occur) and what they imply regarding the fundamentals or mass psychology surrounding a stock.
Introduction to Chart Patterns An overview of chart patterns and how you can recognize them.
Chart Patterns How many chart patterns are there? Here, you'll find a detailed explanation of the common chart patterns.
Arms CandleVolume A price chart that merges traditional candlesticks with EquiVolume boxes.
CandleVolume A price chart that merges traditional candlesticks with volume.
Elder Impulse System A charting system developed by Alexander Elder that colors price bars based on simple technical signals.
EquiVolume Price boxes that are sized based on their trading volume.
Heikin-Ashi A candlestick method that uses price data from two periods instead of one.
Kagi Charts A Japanese charting method based on volatility and reversal amounts.
Renko Charts A Japanese charting method where boxes rise and fall in 45-degree patterns.
Three Line Break Charts A Japanese charting method that ignores time and only represents change in terms of price movements.
MarketCarpets A charting tool used to visually scan large groups of securities.
Relative Rotation Graphs (RRG Charts) A visualization tool for relative strength and momentum analysis.
Seasonality Charts A unique StockCharts tool for identifying monthly seasonal patterns.
Yield Curve A visualization tool using bond yields to analyze market conditions and the economic cycle.
Introduction to Candlesticks We present an overview of candlesticks, including history, formation and key patterns.
Candlesticks and Traditional Chart Analysis We discuss how to use candlesticks with moving averages, volume and chart patterns.
Candlesticks and Support We examine how candlestick chart patterns can mark support levels.
Candlesticks and Resistance We examine how candlestick chart patterns can mark resistance levels.
Candlestick Bullish Reversal Patterns We describe common bullish reversal candlestick patterns in detail.
Candlestick Bearish Reversal Patterns We describe common bearish reversal candlestick patterns in detail.
Candlestick Pattern Dictionary We present a comprehensive list of common candlestick patterns.
Point and Figure Charts We discuss how to use and interpret Point and Figure Charts.
Andrews' Pitchfork We illustrate how to draw, adjust and interpret this trend channel tool.
Cycles We present the steps to finding cycles and using the Cycle Lines Tool.
Fibonacci Retracements We define Fibonacci retracements and show how to use them to identify reversal zones.
Fibonacci Arcs We show how Fibonacci Arcs can be used to find reversals.
Fibonacci Fans We explain what Fibonacci Fans are and how they can be used.
Fibonacci Time Zones We describe what Fibonacci Time Zones are and how they can be used.
Quadrant Lines We define Quadrant Lines and show how they can be used to find future support and resistance zones.
Raff Regression Channel We examine this channel tool based on two equidistant trend lines on either side of a linear regression.
Speed Resistance Lines We present how these retracement-based trend lines are used on charts.
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20 trading guidelines developed by Richard Donchian, the father of trend following.
First published in 1934, many of the 20 trading guidelines from Richard Donchian are as relevant today as they were during the golden age of technical analysis. Considered by many as the father of trend following, Donchian developed one of the first trend-following systems based on two different moving averages, which were cutting edge in the early thirties. Based on his experiences, Donchian developed 20 trading guidelines split into two groups: general and technical. The guidelines shown below have been paraphrased for a more straightforward explanation. The original guides are also shown in the bottom half of this page.
Even when the crowd is correct, excessive sentiment in one direction or another can delay a move.
Subsequent strength on higher volume is bullish, while subsequent weakness on higher volume is bearish.
This guideline overrides any other guideline.
Trading losses and whipsaws can be reduced by focusing on solid setups and robust signals.
Wait for a one-day reversal to improve the risk-reward ratio.
Stop-losses should be based on the trading pattern at work. A triangle pattern will have a different stop-loss structure than a rising wedge or head-and-shoulders pattern.
This assumes that the upswings will be larger than the downswings as a series of rising peaks and troughs evolves. A short position on a decline from 50 to 40 would produce a 20% profit, but a long position on an advance from 40 to 50 would make a 25% profit. The percentage gain on advances will be greater.
Use market orders when closing a position.
Sell securities that are in downtrends and show relative weakness. These two guidelines are subject to all other guidelines.
A broad market advance is suspect when transportation stocks lag.
The interpretation of this guideline is rather difficult because it is unclear what Donchian means with “capitalization”.
After this second advance, you can expect a counter move and decline back towards the consolidation. Similarly, a consolidation after an initial decline often leads to another decline of equal proportions. After this second decline, chartists can expect a counter move and advance back towards the consolidation.
Expect resistance or a bearish reversal when prices decline and then return to this level. A long sideways consolidation after a decline marks future support. Expect support or a bullish reversal when prices advance and then return to this level.
Conversely, look for selling opportunities when prices advance to a trend line on average or low volume. Be careful if prices stall around the trend line (hug) or if the trend line has been touched too often.
Repeated bumping of a trend line also increases the chances of a break.
When prices are above a major trend line (rising), use minor trend lines (falling) to define short pullbacks and generate buy signals with upside breaks. When prices are below a major trend line (falling), use minor trend lines (rising) to define short bounces and generate sell signals with downside breaks.
This means an ascending triangle is usually broken with an upside breakout, while a descending triangle is usually broken to the downside. Chartists must look for other clues to determine if a triangle signals accumulation or distribution.
An extended advance sometimes ends with a volume surge that marks a blow-off. Conversely, an extended decline sometimes ends with a volume surge that marks a selling climax.
Breakaway gaps signal the start of a new trend and are not filled. Continuation gaps mark a continuation of the existing trend and are not filled. Exhaustion gaps mark a trend reversal and are filled. Chartists should not count on a gap being filled unless they can determine the type of gap, which is easier said than done.
At least three themes emerge from these rules. First, the direction of the underlying trend determines position preference. Chartists should focus on long positions during an uptrend and short positions during a downtrend. Second, volume plays an important part in the analysis process. Price moves in the direction of the bigger trend should be on higher volume, while counter-trend moves should be on lower volume. However, note that volume climaxes can mark the end of an extended move. Third, trading ranges and consolidations are important chart patterns. Long consolidations can mark reversals and future support or resistance levels. Short consolidations often mark a rest in the ongoing trend.
Thomas Carr's Trend Trading for a Living shows traders how to trade in the direction of the underlying trend. This hands-on book will also show readers how to configure a bullish and bearish watchlist to set your entry and exit prices.
Michael Covel's Trend Following introduces the fundamental concepts and techniques for various trend-following systems, including a system made famous by the Turtles. Additionally, Covel's book shows why market prices contain all available information. Readers will learn how to interpret price movements and profit from trend following.
A version of Donchian's original guidelines can be found on the Trading Tribe website (www.seykota.com). Ed Seykota is an original “market wizard” from Jack Schwager's book of the same name. He is a trend-following disciple who credits Richard Donchian as a major influence in developing his trading philosophy.
1. Beware of acting immediately on a widespread public opinion. Even if correct, it will usually delay the move.
2. From a period of dullness and inactivity, watch for and prepare to follow a move in the direction in which volume increases.
3. Limit losses and ride profits, irrespective of all other rules.
4. Light commitments are advisable when the market position is not certain. Clearly defined moves are signaled frequently enough to make life interesting, and concentration on these moves will prevent unprofitable whip-sawing.
5. Seldom take a position in the direction of an immediately preceding three-day move. Wait for a one-day reversal.
6. Judicious use of stop orders is a valuable aid to profitable trading. Stops may be used to protect profits, limit losses, and take positions from certain formations, such as triangular foci. Stop orders are apt to be more valuable and less treacherous if used in proper relation to the chart formation.
7. In a market where upswings are likely to equal or exceed downswings, heavier positions should be taken for the upswings for percentage reasons - a decline from 50 to 25 will net only 50% profit, whereas an advance from 25 to 50 will net 100%.
8. In taking a position, price orders are allowable. In closing a position, use market orders.
9. Buy strong-acting, strong-background commodities and sell weak ones, subject to all other rules.
10. Moves in which rails lead or participate strongly are usually more worth following than moves in which rails lag.
11. A study of the capitalization of a company, the degree of activity of an issue, and whether an issue is a lethargic truck horse or a spirited racehorse is fully as important as a study of statistical reports.
12. A move followed by a sideways range often precedes another move of almost equal extent in the same direction as the original move. Generally, when the second move from the sideways range has run its course, a counter-move approaching the sideways range may be expected.
13. Reversal or resistance to a move is likely to be encountered upon reaching levels at which, in the past, the commodity has fluctuated for a considerable length of time within a narrow range or on approaching highs or lows.
14. Watch for good buying or selling opportunities when trend lines are approached, especially on medium or dull volume. Be sure such a line has not been hugged or hit too frequently.
15. Watch for “crawling along” or repeated bumping of minor or major trend lines and prepare to see such trend lines broken.
16. Breaking of minor trend lines counter to the major trend gives most other important position taking signals. Positions can be taken or reversed on stops at such places.
17. Triangles of ether slope may mean accumulation or distribution depending on other considerations, although triangles are usually broken on the flat side.
18. Watch for volume climaxes, especially after a long move.
19. Don't count on gaps being closed unless you can distinguish between breakaway gaps, normal gaps, and exhaustion gaps.
20. During a move, take or increase positions in the direction of the move at the market the morning following any one-day reversal, however slight the reversal may be, especially if volume declines.
Wall Street veteran Bob Farrell of Merrill Lynch teaches investors to think outside the box with his 10 rules of investing.
Bob Farrell is a Wall Street veteran who draws on 50 years of experience crafting his investing rules. After finishing a master's program at Columbia Business School, he launched his career as a technical analyst with Merrill Lynch in 1957. Even though Mr. Farrell studied fundamental analysis under Gramm and Dodd, he turned to technical analysis after realizing there was more to stock prices than balance sheets and income statements. He became a pioneer in sentiment studies and market psychology. His 10 rules on investing stem from personal decades of experience with dull markets, bull markets, bear markets, crashes, and bubbles. In short, Bob Farrell has seen it all and lived to tell about it.
Translation: Trends that get overextended in one direction or another return to their long-term average. Even during a strong uptrend or downtrend, prices often move back (revert) to a long-term moving average.
The chart below shows a 15-year chart of the S&P 500 with a 52-week exponential moving average (EMA). The blue arrows show several reversions to this moving average in uptrends and downtrends. The indicator window shows the Percentage Price Oscillator (1,52,1) reverting to the zero line.
Translation: Markets that overshoot on the upside will also overshoot on the downside, like a pendulum. The further it swings to one side, the further it rebounds to the other side. The chart below shows the Nasdaq bubble in 1999 and the Percent Price Oscillator (52,1,1) moving above 40%. This means the Nasdaq was over 40% above its 52-week moving average and overextended. This excess led to a similar one when the Nasdaq plunged in 2000–2001, and the Percent Price Oscillator moved below -40%.
Translation: There will be a hot group of stocks every few years, but speculation fads do not last forever. In fact, over the last 100 years, we have seen speculative bubbles involving various stock groups. Autos, radio, and electricity powered the roaring 20s. The nifty-fifty powered the bull market in the early 70s. Biotechs bubble up every 10 years or so and there was the dot-com bubble in the late 90s. “This time it is different” is perhaps the most dangerous phrase in investing. As Jesse Livermore puts it:
A lesson I learned early is that there is nothing new in Wall Street. There can't be because speculation is as old as the hills. Whatever happens in the stock market today has happened before and will happen again.
Translation: Even though a hot group will ultimately revert back to the mean, a strong trend can extend for a long time. Once this trend ends, however, the correction tends to be sharp. The chart below shows the Shanghai Composite ($SSEC) advancing from July 2005 until October 2007. This index was overbought in July 2006, early 2007 and mid-2007, but these levels did not mark a top as the trend extended with a parabolic move.
Translation: The average individual investor is most bullish at market tops and most bearish at market bottoms. The survey from the American Association of Individual Investors is often cited as a barometer for investor sentiment. In theory, excessively bullish sentiment warns of a market top, while excessively bearish sentiment warns of a market bottom.
Translation: Don't let emotions affect your decisions or your long-term plan. Plan your trade and trade your plan. Prepare for different scenarios so you will not be surprised by sharp adverse price movement. Sharp declines and losses can increase the fear factor and lead to panic decisions in the heat of battle.
Similarly, sharp advances and outsized gains can lead to overconfidence and deviations from the long-term plan. To paraphrase Rudyard Kipling, you will be a much better trader or investor if you can keep your head about you when all about are losing theirs. When the emotions are running high, take a breather, step back, and analyze the situation from a greater distance.
Translation: Breadth is important. A rally on narrow breadth indicates limited participation and the chances of failure are above average. The market cannot continue to rally with just a few large-caps (generals) leading the way. Small- and mid-caps (troops) must also be on board to give the rally credibility. A rally that lifts all boats indicates far-reaching strength and increases the chances of further gains.
Translation: Bear markets often start with a sharp and swift decline. Following this decline is an oversold bounce that retraces a portion of that decline. The decline then continues, but at a slower and more grinding pace as the fundamentals deteriorate. Dow Theory suggests that bear markets consist of three down legs with reflexive rebounds in between.
Translation: This rule fits with Farrell's contrarian streak. When all analysts have a buy rating on a stock, there is only one way to go (downgrade). Excessive bullish sentiment from newsletter writers and analysts should be viewed as a warning sign. Investors should consider buying when stocks are unloved, and the news is all bad. Conversely, investors should consider selling when stocks are the talk of the town, and the news is all good. Such a contrarian investment strategy usually rewards patient investors.
Translation: Wall Street and Main Street are more in tune with bull markets than bear markets.
Like all rules on Wall Street, Bob Farrell's 10 rules are not intended to be considered hard and fast or set in stone. There are exceptions to every rule. Nevertheless, these rules will benefit you as a trader or as an investor by helping you to look beyond the latest news headlines or your gut emotions. Being aware of sentiment can prevent traders from selling near the bottom and buying near the top, which often goes against our natural instincts. Human nature causes individual investors and traders to often feel most confident at the top of a market. At the same time, they often feel most pessimistic or cautious at market bottoms. Awareness of these emotions and their potential consequences is the first step towards conquering their adverse effects.
To read our investment psychology article about 11 of the most common cognitive biases affecting investors and traders in financial markets, click here.
Dive into StockCharts' comprehensive guide and learn how charts drive informed investment decisions.
In a nutshell, a price chart is a sequence of prices plotted over a specific timeframe. If you're into statistical terms, charts are called time series plots.
In the chart below, the y-axis (vertical axis) represents the price scale, and the x-axis (horizontal axis) represents the time scale. Prices are plotted from left to right across the x-axis, with the most recent plot being the furthest right. The price plot extends from August 24, 2018, to August 24, 2021.
Technicians, technical analysts, and chartists use charts to analyze various securities and forecast future price movements. "Security” refers to any tradable financial instrument or quantifiable index such as stocks, bonds, commodities, futures, or market indices. Any security with price data can be used to create a chart for analysis.
While technical analysts use charts almost exclusively, charts are not limited to technical analysis. Because charts provide an easy-to-read graphical representation of a security's price movement over time, they can also greatly benefit fundamental analysts. A graphical historical record makes it easy to observe a security's performance over time, whether it's trading near its highs, lows, or in-between. You can also see the effect of key events on price.
The timeframe for creating a chart depends on the compression of the data—intraday, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual. The less compressed the data, the more detail is displayed.
Below, you see an example of a daily and weekly chart.
Daily data consists of intraday data compressed to show each day as a single data point or period. Weekly data includes daily data that has been compressed to show each week as a single data point. A 100 data points (or periods) on the daily chart is equal to the last five months of the weekly chart (data marked in the red rectangle).
The more the data is compressed, the longer the timeframe possible for displaying the data. If the chart can display 100 data points, a weekly chart will hold 100 weeks (almost two years). A daily chart that displays 100 days would represent about five months. There are about 20 trading days in a month and about 252 trading days in a year. There's no right data compression and timeframe to use. It depends on the data available and your trading or investing style.
Traders usually concentrate on charts made up of daily and intraday data to forecast short-term price movements. The shorter the timeframe and the less compressed the data is, the more detail that is available. While long on detail, short-term charts can be volatile and contain a lot of noise. Large sudden price movements, wide high-low ranges, and price gaps can affect volatility, which can distort the overall picture.
Investors usually focus on weekly and monthly charts to spot long-term trends and forecast long-term price movements. Because long-term charts (typically one to four years) cover a longer timeframe with compressed data, price movements do not appear as extreme and there is often less noise.
Some investors might use a combination of long- and short-term charts. Long-term charts are good for analyzing the big picture to get a broad perspective of historical price action. After analyzing the general picture, you can use a short-term chart such as a daily chart to zoom in on a narrower range of time (e.g., the last few months).
There are different chart types. We will focus on the four most popular charting methods—line, bar, candlestick, and point & figure charts.
Some investors and traders consider the closing level to be more important than the open, high, or low. By focusing only on the close, you can ignore the intraday swings. Line charts are also used when open, high, and low data points aren't available. Sometimes only closing data are available for certain indices, thinly-traded stocks, and intraday prices.
Bar charts are popular among investors and traders. The high, low, and close form the price plot for each period of a bar chart. The high and low are represented by the top and bottom of the vertical bar and the close is the short horizontal line crossing the vertical bar (see chart below). On a daily chart, each bar represents the high, low, and close for a particular day. Weekly charts would have a bar for each week based on Friday's close and the high and low.
Bar charts can also display the open, high, low, and close (see chart below). The difference is the addition of the open price, which is displayed as a short horizontal line extending to the left of the bar. Whether or not a bar chart includes the open depends on the data available.
Bar charts can be effective for displaying a large amount of data. Line charts are less cluttered but don't offer as much detail (no high-low range). Each bar chart is relatively skinny, allowing users to fit more bars while keeping the chart comparatively neat.
If you are not interested in the opening price, bar charts are ideal for analyzing the close relative to the high and low. Bar charts that include the open tend to become cluttered. If you are interested in the opening price, candlestick charts probably offer a better alternative. But remember that when using candlestick charts, 200 data points can take up a lot of room, resulting in a cluttered chart.
Originating in Japan over 300 years ago, candlestick charts have become quite popular recently. The open, high, low, and close are required for a candlestick chart. A daily candlestick is based on the open price, the intraday high and low, and the close. A weekly candlestick is based on Monday's open, the weekly high-low range, and Friday's close.
Many traders and investors believe that candlestick charts are easy to read, especially the relationship between the open and the close. Hollow candlesticks form when the close is higher than the open, and filled candlesticks form when the close is lower. The rectangular area between the open and close is called the body (hollow body or filled body). The lines above and below are called shadows and represent the high and low.
Some candlestick charts use color to show the relationship between the close and the previous close. If the close is higher than the previous, you can choose to display the bar as green; if it is lower, you can choose to display the bar as red (see chart below).
See this ChartSchool article for more information about candlestick charts.
Learn More. Start your candlestick journey here.
All the charting methods mentioned above plot one data point for each period. Regardless of price movement, each day or week is represented by one point, bar, or candlestick along the time scale. Even if the price is unchanged from one day to the next or one week to the next, a dot, bar, or candlestick is plotted to mark the price action. Contrary to this methodology, point & figure charts are based solely on price movement and don't take time into consideration. There is an x-axis, but it doesn't extend evenly across the chart.
The beauty of point & figure charts is their simplicity. Little or no price movement is deemed irrelevant and, therefore, not duplicated on the chart. Only price movements that exceed specified levels are recorded. This focus on price movement makes identifying support and resistance levels, bullish breakouts, and bearish breakdowns easier.
Learn More. Know the basics, chart patterns, price objectives, and more about P&F charts.
There are two methods for displaying the price scale along the y-axis: arithmetic and logarithmic. An arithmetic scale displays 10 points (or dollars) as the same vertical distance regardless of the price level. Each unit of measure is identical throughout the entire scale. If a stock advances from 10 to 80 over six months, the move from 10 to 20 will appear to be the same distance as the move from 70 to 80. Even though this move is the same in absolute terms, it is not the same in percentage terms.
A logarithmic or log scale measures price movements in percentage terms. An advance from 10 to 20 would represent an increase of 100%. An advance from 20 to 40 would also be 100%, as would an advance from 40 to 80. All three advances would appear as the same vertical distance on a log scale. Most charting programs refer to the log scale as a semi-log scale because the time axis is still displayed arithmetically.
The charts below illustrate the difference between arithmetic and logarithmic scaling.
On the log scale version, the distance between 20 and 40 is the same as the distance between 40 and 80. However, on the arithmetic scale, the distance between 40 and 80 is significantly greater than the distance between 20 and 40.
Key points on the benefits of arithmetic scale charts include:
Arithmetic scales are useful when the price range is confined within a relatively tight range.
Arithmetic scales are useful for short-term charts and trading. Price movements (particularly for stocks) are shown in absolute dollar terms and reflect movements dollar for dollar.
Key points on the benefits of log scale charts include:
Log scales are useful when the price has moved significantly, be it over a short or extended timeframe
Trend lines tend to match lows better on log scale charts.
Log scale charts are useful when gauging the percentage movements over a long period. Large movements are put into better perspective.
Stocks and many other securities are judged in relative terms through the use of ratios such as PE, Price/Revenues and Price/Book. With this in mind, it also makes sense to analyze price movements in percentage terms.
Even though many different charting techniques are available, one method is not necessarily better than the other. The data may be the same, but each method will provide its unique interpretation with benefits and drawbacks. A breakout on the point & figure chart may not occur in unison with a breakout in a candlestick chart. Signals that are available on candlestick charts may not appear on bar charts. How the security's price is displayed, be it a bar chart or candlestick chart, with an arithmetic scale or semi-log scale, is not the most important aspect. After all, the data is the same, and price action is price action. It is the analysis of the price action that separates successful technicians from not-so-successful technicians. The choice of which charting method to use will depend on personal preferences and trading or investing styles. Once you have chosen a particular charting methodology, it is probably best to stick with it and learn how to read the signals. Switching back and forth may confuse and undermine the focus of your analysis. The chart rarely causes faulty analysis. Before blaming your charting method for missing a signal, look at your analysis.
The keys to successful chart analysis are dedication, focus, and consistency:
Dedication. Learn the basics of chart analysis, apply your knowledge regularly, and continue your development.
Focus. Limit the number of charts, indicators, and methods you use. Learn how to use them and how to use them well.
Consistency. Maintain your charts on a regular basis and study them often (daily if possible).
Learn how to use trend lines to identify trends effectively, make trading decisions, and enhance your market analysis skills.
Trend lines are straight lines that connect two or more price points on a chart to identify and confirm trends.
In technical analysis, trend lines are a fundamental tool that traders and analysts use to identify and anticipate the general pattern of price movement in a market. Essentially, they represent a visual depiction of support and resistance levels in any time frame.
The importance of trend lines in technical analysis lies in their ability to provide a clear visual representation of market trends and potential reversal points, which can help traders make informed trading decisions. They provide a simple yet effective means to identify and anticipate market behavior.
Many of the principles applicable to support and resistance levels can be applied to trend lines as well. It's important that you understand all of the concepts presented in our Support and Resistance article before continuing on.
An uptrend line has a positive slope and is formed by connecting two or more low points. The second low must be higher than the first for the line to have a positive slope. Note that at least three points must be connected before the line is considered a valid trend line.
Uptrend lines act as support and indicate that net demand (demand less supply) is increasing even as the price rises. A rising price combined with increasing demand is very bullish and shows a strong determination on the part of the buyers. As long as prices remain above the trend line, the uptrend is considered solid and intact. A break below the uptrend line indicates that net demand has weakened, and a change in trend could be imminent.
A downtrend line has a negative slope formed by connecting two or more high points. The second high must be lower than the first for the line to have a negative slope. Note that at least three points must be connected before the line is considered a valid trend line.
Downtrend lines act as resistance and indicate that net supply (supply less demand) is increasing even as the price declines. A declining price combined with increasing supply is very bearish and shows the strong resolve of the sellers. As long as prices remain below the downtrend line, the downtrend is solid and intact. A break above the downtrend line indicates that the net-supply is decreasing and that a trend change could be imminent.
For a detailed explanation of trend changes, which are different from trend line breaks, please see our article on the Dow Theory.
High and low points appear to line up better for trend lines when prices are displayed using a semi-log scale. This is especially true when long-term trend lines are being drawn or when there is a large change in price. Most charting programs allow users to set the scale as arithmetic or semi-log. An arithmetic scale displays incremental values (5,10,15,20,25,30) evenly as they move up the y-axis. A $10 movement in price will look the same from $10 to $20 or $100 to $110. A semi-log scale displays incremental values in percentage terms as they move up the y-axis. A move from $10 to $20 is a 100% gain and would appear to be much larger than a move from $100 to $110, which is only a 10% gain.
In the weekly chart of AMZN (see below), there were two false breaks above the downtrend line as the stock declined between 2000 and 2001. These false breakouts could have led to premature buying as the stock declined after each one. The stock lost 60% of its value three times over two years. The semi-log scale reflects the percentage loss evenly, and the downtrend line was never broken.
In the case of EMC, there was a large price change over a long period. While there were no false breaks below the uptrend line on the arithmetic scale, the ascent rate appears smoother on the semi-log scale. EMC doubled three times in less than two years. On the semi-log scale, the trend line fits all the way up. On the arithmetic scale, three trend lines were required to keep pace with the advance.
It takes two or more points to draw a trend line. The more points used to draw the trend line, the more validity is attached to the support or resistance level represented by the trend line. It can sometimes be difficult to find more than 2 points from which to construct a trend line. Even though trend lines are an important aspect of technical analysis, drawing trend lines on every price chart is not always possible. Sometimes, the lows or highs don't match up, and it is best not to force the issue.
A general trendline rule: It takes two points to draw a trend line, and the third one confirms the validity.
The chart of Microsoft (MSFT) below shows an uptrend line that has been touched four times. After the third touch in Nov-99, the trend line was considered a valid support line.
When the stock price bounced off the trend line level a fourth time, the soundness of the support level was enhanced even more. As long as the stock remains above the trend line (support), the trend will remain in control of the bulls. A break below would signal that net supply was increasing and that a change in trend could be imminent.
The lows used to form an uptrend line and the highs used to form a downtrend line should not be too far apart or close together. The most suitable distance apart will depend on the timeframe, the degree of price movement, and personal preferences.
If the lows (highs) are too close together, the validity of the reaction low (high) may be in question. If the lows are too far apart, the relationship between the two points could be suspect. An ideal trend line comprises relatively evenly spaced lows (or highs). The trend line in the above MSFT example represents well-spaced low points.
In the WalMart (WMT) example below, the second high point appears too close to the first high point for a valid trend line; however, it would be feasible to draw a trend line beginning at point 2 and extending down to the February reaction high.
As the steepness of a trend line increases, the validity of the support or resistance level decreases. A steep trend line results from a sharp advance (or decline) over a brief period. The angle of a trend line created from such sharp moves is unlikely to offer a meaningful support or resistance level. Even if the trend line is formed with three seemingly valid points, attempting to play a trend line break or to use the support and resistance level established will often prove difficult.
In the chart below, there were four trend line touches over five months. The spacing between the points is reasonable, but the steepness of the trend line could be more sustainable, and the price is more likely than not to drop below the trend line. However, trying to time this drop or make a play after the trend line is broken is a difficult task.
The amount of data displayed and the chart size can affect the angle of a trend line. When assessing the validity and sustainability of a trend line, keep in mind that short and wide charts are less likely to have steep trend lines than long and narrow charts.
Sometimes, you may see the possibility of drawing a trend line, but the exact points do not match up cleanly. The highs or lows might be out of whack, the angle too steep, or the points too close together. If one or two points were ignored, you could form a fitted trend line. But with market volatility, prices can overreact and produce spikes that distort the highs and lows. One method for dealing with over-reactions is to draw internal trend lines, which ignore these price spikes to a reasonable degree.
The long-term trend line for the S&P 500 ($SPX) extends up from the end of 1994 and passes through low points in July 1996, September 1998, and October 1998. These lows were formed with selling culminations and represented extreme price movements that protruded beneath the trend line. By drawing the trend line through the lows, the line appears at a reasonable angle, and the other lows match up well.
Sometimes, a price cluster with a high or low spike stands out. In a price cluster, prices are grouped within a tight range over time. You can ignore the price spikes by using the price cluster to draw the trend line.
The Coca-Cola (KO) chart below shows an internal trend line formed by ignoring price spikes and using price clusters instead.
KO formed a peak in October and November 1998, with the November peak just higher than the October peak (red arrow). If the November peak had been used to draw a trend line, the slope would have been more negative, and there would have appeared to be a breakout in December 1998 (gray line). However, this would have only been a two-point trend line because the May–June highs are too close together (black arrows). Once the December 1999 peak formed (green arrow), it would have been possible to draw an internal trend line based on the price clusters around the Oct/Nov 1998 and the Dec 1999 peaks (blue line). This trend line is based on three solid touches and accurately forecasts resistance in Jan 2000 (blue arrow).
Trend lines can offer great insight but, if used improperly, can also produce false signals. To validate trend line breaks, other tools, such as horizontal support and resistance levels or peak-and-trough analysis, should be employed.
Trend lines are popular analytical tools but are only one tool for establishing, analyzing, and confirming a trend. In the chart below, price touched the uptrend line four times and seemed to be a valid support level. Even though the trend line was broken in January 2000, the previous reaction low held and didn't confirm the trend line break. In addition, the stock recorded a new higher high before the trend line break.
Trend line breaks should not be the final arbiter, but should serve merely as a warning that a change in trend may be imminent. By using trend line breaks for warnings, investors and traders can pay closer attention to other confirming signals for a potential change in trend.
Learn about different types of gaps, their significance in market trends, and how to effectively incorporate gap analysis into your trading strategy.
Price charts often have blank spaces known as gaps, representing times when no shares were traded within a particular price range. Usually this occurs between the market close and the next trading day's open. There are two primary kinds of gaps—up gaps and down gaps.
For an up gap to form, the low price after the market closes must be higher than the high price of the previous day. Up gaps are generally considered bullish.
A down gap is the opposite of an up gap; the high price after the market closes must be lower than the low price of the previous day. Down gaps are usually considered bearish.
Gaps result from extraordinary buying or selling interests often developing while the market is closed. For example, if an unexpectedly strong earnings report comes out after the market has closed, a lot of buying interest will be generated overnight. This results in an imbalance between supply and demand. So, when the market opens the next morning, the stock price rises in response to the increased demand from buyers. If the stock price remains above the previous day's high throughout the day, then an up gap is formed.
Gaps can offer evidence that something important has happened to the fundamentals or psychology of the crowd that accompanies the price movement.
Up and down gaps can form on daily, weekly, or monthly charts and are considered significant when accompanied by above average volume.
Gaps appear more frequently on daily charts—every day presents an opportunity to create an opening gap. Gaps on weekly or monthly charts are rare. If you're looking at a weekly chart, the gap would have to occur between Friday's close and Monday's open. If you're looking at a monthly chart, the gap would have to be between the last day of the month's close and the first day of the next month's open for monthly charts.
A price chart with gaps that occur almost daily is typical for thinly-traded securities and should probably be avoided. Prices often gap up or down at market open, but the gap does not last until the market closes. Such temporary intraday gaps should not be considered as having any more significance than normal market volatility.
Gaps can be subdivided into four basic categories:
Common Gaps
Breakaway Gaps
Runaway Gaps, and
Exhaustion Gaps
This type of gap is sometimes referred to as a trading gap or an area gap. Common gaps are usually uneventful. They can be caused by a stock going ex-dividend when the trading volume is low. These gaps are common (get it?) and usually get filled fairly quickly.
“Getting filled” means that the price action at a later time (a few days to a few weeks) usually retraces, at the least, to the last day before the gap. This is also known as closing the gap. Below is a chart of three common gaps that have been filled. Notice how, following each gap, the price retraced to where the gap started. In other words, the gap has been filled.
A common gap usually appears in a trading range or congestion area, reinforcing the apparent lack of interest in the stock. This is often further exacerbated by low trading volume. Being aware of these types of gaps is good, but it's doubtful that they will produce trading opportunities.
Breakaway gaps are exciting. These occur when the price action is breaking out of a trading range or congestion area. To understand gaps, you have to understand the nature of congestion areas in the market.
A congestion area is a price range in which the market has traded for some time, usually a few weeks or so. The area near the top of the congestion area is usually a resistance area when approached from below. Likewise, the area near the bottom of the congestion area is a support area when approached from above. To break out of these areas requires market enthusiasm and either many more buyers than sellers for upside breakouts or many more sellers than buyers for downside breakouts.
Volume will (should) pick up significantly from the increased enthusiasm and also because many are holding positions on the wrong side of the breakout and will need to cover or sell them. It's better if the increase in volume happens after the gap occurs. This means that the new change in market direction has a chance of continuing. The point of the breakout now becomes the new support (if it's an upside breakout) or resistance (if it's a downside breakout). Avoid falling into the trap of thinking this type of gap, if associated with good volume, will be filled soon. It might take a long time for the gap to be filled. Instead, go with the thought that a new trend in the direction of the stock has taken place and trade accordingly.
Notice in the chart below how prices spent a few weeks consolidating. Prices broke above resistance at low volume and pulled back. The following breakaway gap took place with high volume, indicating a significant bullish shift in sentiment and triggering the start of a new uptrend.
Price gaps associated with classic chart patterns tend to be stronger than those that aren't. For example, an ascending triangle with a breakaway gap to the upside can be a much better trade than a breakaway gap without a good chart pattern.
Runaway gaps are best described as gaps caused by increased interest in the stock. Runaway gaps to the upside typically represent traders who didn't get in during the initial move of the up trend and, while waiting for a retracement in price, decided it would not happen. Increased buying interest happens suddenly, and the price gaps above the previous day's close. This type of runaway gap represents a near-panic state in traders. Also, a good uptrend can have runaway gaps caused by significant news events that cause new interest in the stock. In the chart below, note the significant increase in volume during and after the runaway gap.
Runaway gaps can also happen in downtrends. This usually represents increased stock liquidation by traders and buyers standing on the sidelines. Those holding the stock will eventually panic and sell. But sell to whom? The price has to continue to drop and gap down to find buyers. Not a good situation.
The term measuring gap is also used for runaway gaps. It isn't easy to find examples for this interpretation, but it's a way to help decide how much longer a trend will last. The theory is that the measuring gap will occur in the middle of, or halfway through, the move.
Sometimes, the futures market will have runaway gaps caused by trading limits imposed by the exchanges. Getting caught on the wrong side of the trend when you have these limit moves in futures can be horrifying. The good news is that you can also be on the right side of the trend. These are not common occurrences in the futures market, despite all the wrong information being touted by those who don't understand it (and are only repeating something they read from an uninformed reporter).
Exhaustion gaps happen near the end of a good up or downtrend. The gaps are often the first signal of the end of that move. They're identified by high volume and a large price difference between the previous day's close and the new opening price. They can easily be mistaken for runaway gaps if you overlook the exceptionally high volume.
It is almost a state of panic if the gap appears during a long down move where pessimism has set in. Selling all positions to liquidate holdings in the market is not uncommon. Exhaustion gaps are quickly filled as prices reverse their trend. Likewise, if they happen during a bull move, some bullish euphoria overcomes trades, and buyers cannot get enough of that stock. The prices gap up with huge volume; then, there is great profit taking, and the demand for the stock dries up. Prices drop, and a significant change in trend occurs (see chart below for an example of an exhaustion gap).
After the stock price jumped, it lost momentum, as bulls might have suspected that price was overvalued. This sentiment continued for two weeks, after which prices resumed trending upward.
Price gaps can be crucial indicators of shifts in trading activity. Gaps provide valuable insights into market sentiment and potential trading opportunities. Recognizing and understanding the different types of gaps can be an invaluable asset for traders at all levels. Each type signifies different market conditions, with implications for strategy and risk management.
The adage that all gaps eventually get filled might not always hold true, especially in the case of Breakaway and Runaway gaps. Waiting for breakout or runaway gaps to be filled can devastate your portfolio. Similarly, waiting for prices to fill a gap before getting on board a trend might make you miss a big move. So, instead of waiting for gaps to be filled, you may be better off focusing on the message gaps convey about market dynamics. Gaps are a significant technical development in price action and chart analysis. Japanese candlestick analysis is filled with patterns that rely on gaps to fulfill their objectives.
Learn More. Check out the Sample Scan Library page and run the different gap scans. You'll find them at the bottom of the Popular Bullish Scans and Popular Bearish Scans list.
Learn about the Double Bottom Reversal pattern in this comprehensive guide from StockCharts ChartSchool. Understand its formation, interpretation, and how to identify this bullish reversal pattern.
The Double Bottom Reversal is a bullish reversal pattern typically found on bar charts, line charts, and candlestick charts. As its name implies, the pattern comprises two consecutive troughs that are roughly equal, with a moderate peak in between.
Note: A Double Bottom Reversal on a bar or line chart is different from a Double Bottom Breakdown on a P&F chart. Double Bottom Breakdowns on P&F charts are bearish patterns that mark a downside support break.
Although there can be variations, the classic Double Bottom Reversal usually marks an intermediate or long-term change in trend. Many potential double bottom reversals can form during a downtrend, but until key resistance is broken, a reversal cannot be confirmed. To help clarify, let's look at the key points in the formation and then walk through an example.
Prior Trend. With any reversal pattern, there must be an existing trend to reverse. In the case of the Double Bottom Reversal, a significant downtrend of several months should be in place.
First Trough. The first trough should mark the lowest point of the current trend. The first trough is fairly normal, and the downtrend remains firmly in place.
Peak. Generally, after the first trough, an advance follows, ranging from 10 to 20%. Volume on the advance from the first trough is usually inconsequential, but an increase could signal early accumulation. The peak's high is sometimes rounded or drawn out a bit from the hesitation to go back down. This hesitation indicates that demand is increasing but still not strong enough for a breakout.
Second Trough. The decline of the reaction high usually occurs with low volume and meets support from the previous low. Support from the previous low should be expected. Even after establishing support, only the possibility of a Double Bottom Reversal exists and still needs to be confirmed. The time between troughs can vary from a few weeks to many months, with the norm being one to three months. While exact troughs are preferable, there is room to maneuver; typically, a trough within 3% of its predecessor is considered valid.
Advance From Trough. Volume is more important for the Double Bottom Reversal than the double top. There should be clear evidence that volume and buying pressure are accelerating during the advance off of the second trough. An accelerated ascent, perhaps marked with a gap or two, also indicates a potential change in sentiment.
Resistance Break. Even after trading up to resistance, the double top and trend reversal are still incomplete. Breaking resistance from the highest point between the troughs completes the Double Bottom Reversal. Like advances, these should occur with increased volume and/or an accelerated ascent.
Resistance Turned Support. Broken resistance becomes potential support, and sometimes, the first correction tests this newfound support level. Such a test can offer a second chance to close a short position or initiate a long one.
Price Target. To estimate a target, the distance from the resistance breakout to trough lows can be added to the price at which the breakout took place. This would imply that the bigger the formation, the larger the potential advance.
It's important to remember that the Double Bottom Reversal is an intermediate- to long-term reversal pattern that doesn't form in a few days. Although formation in a few weeks is possible, having at least four weeks between lows is preferable.
Bottoms usually take longer to form than tops; patience can often be a virtue. Give the pattern time to develop and look for the proper clues. The advance off of the first trough should be 10-20%. The second trough should form a low within 3% of the previous low, and volume on the ensuing advance should increase. Volume indicators such as Chaikin Money Flow (CMF), OBV, and Accumulation/Distribution can be used to look for signs of buying pressure. Just as with the double top, waiting for the resistance breakout is paramount. The formation is not complete until the previous reaction high is taken out.
After trending lower for almost a year, Pfizer, Inc. (PFE) stock formed a Double Bottom Reversal and broke resistance with an expansion in volume (see chart below).
From a high near $50 in April 1999, PFE declined to 30 in December 1999, a new 52-week low.
The stock advanced over 20% off its low and formed a reaction high of around $37.50. Volume expanded, and the January 13 advance (green arrow) occurred at the highest volume since November 5.
After a short pullback, another attempt to break above resistance failed. Even so, volume on advancing days was generally higher than on declining days. The stock's ability to remain in the mid-thirties for an extended period of time indicated some strengthening in demand.
The decline from $37.50 back to $30 was sharp, but downside volume didn't expand materially. There were two days when volume on a decline exceeded the 60-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA) of volume, and CMF dipped near -10% twice. However, money flows indicated accumulation throughout the decline by remaining mostly above zero with periodic movements above +10%.
The second trough formed with a low equal to the previous low ($30). The two lows were a little over two months apart.
The advance off the second low witnessed an accelerated move with a volume expansion. After the second low at $30, five of the next six advancing days saw volume well above the 60-day EMA. The CMF, which didn't weaken, moved above +20% within six days of the low.
Resistance at $37.50 was broken with a gap up on the open and another volume expansion. After running from $30 to $40 in a few weeks, the stock pulled back to the resistance break at $37.50, which now turned into support. There was a brief chance to put on a long position on the pullback. The stock quickly advanced past $45.
A broadening top is a chart pattern characterized by successive higher peaks and lower valleys. If you were to draw a trendline across the top and bottom of the price action, the pattern would resemble a megaphone or a reverse triangle.
Perhaps the most reliable indication that any broadening formation tells us—whether it’s a Broadening Top or a Broadening Bottom—is that there’s a volatile disagreement between bullish and bearish investors.
Bullish investors are bidding prices higher, while bearish investors sell (or sell short) the stock, causing it to fall. As a result, you see a series of consecutive higher highs (HHs) and lower lows (LLs).
While many long-term investors consider broadening tops to be bearish, as volatility and uncertainty tend to be bearish, the historical performance of this pattern makes it much less discernible:
Its historical performance as a bearish or bullish pattern is poor, as it tends to pull back into the pattern range over 60% of the time (meaning, if you trade the breakout, it will likely pull back in the opposite direction of your trade).
For a “topping” formation, its historical statistics tell us that it often tends to rise more than it falls, making it more of a continuation pattern than a reversal pattern.
Still, the pattern is tradable, but given its volatile characteristics, you might expect it to exhibit wide fluctuations (post-breakout) even if it eventually reaches your profit target.
How Do You Identify Broadening Tops? There are a couple of key characteristics to pay attention to when identifying a Broadening Top:
Number of Touches. There should be at least five touches in total. Three of these can be peaks or valleys that touch the associated trend line. Two or more touches should be of the other trendline. Bear in mind that a “touch” is different from an “approach” that comes close to the trend line but doesn’t touch. Ideally, the second touch should make contact with the trend line.
Filled Spaces. Prices should cross the pattern from one side to the other, filling the area with price movement. In short, there shouldn’t be wide “white spaces” in the pattern showing a lack of price activity.
Breakout Direction. A breakout can occur in any direction and happens when the price pierces a trendline or moves above/below the height of the formation.
One of the most common approaches to trading a Broadening Top would be to buy an upward breakout or sell a downward breakout.
Compute the height of the pattern. Calculate the difference between the highest peak and the lowest valley. This gives you the “height” of the pattern.
If the breakout is to the upside. Add the pattern's height to the top of the formation to get your potential price target. You can take profits when price reaches 100% of the pattern’s height or close to it.
If the breakout is to the downside. Subtract the height of the pattern from the bottom of the pattern to get your potential price target. You can take profits when price reaches 100% of the pattern’s height.
Place a stop loss at the opposite end of the pattern. In short, place it at the opposite swing high or swing low, depending on whether you’re going long or short.
Beware pullbacks. Once you open your position (long or short), prices tend to pull back into the pattern range over 60% of the time, meaning it will likely go beyond your entry point and in the opposite direction.
Warning. Swing traders may take the opposite direction within the formation (going long or short within the five-touch sequence). While this presents a tradable opportunity, it is a high-risk strategy, so proceed cautiously. What Other Indicators Might Help Me Trade a Broadening Top? The short answer: any indicator that can help you identify overbought and oversold levels. This includes the Relative Strength Index, Stochastic Oscillator, Bollinger Bands, and others.
Also, remember important support and resistance areas, which can be significant historical levels or projected levels such as those that Fibonacci Retracements can determine.
You will also want to pay attention to various volume indicators that can give you insight into buying and selling pressure (such as the Chaikin Money Flow) or the strength and momentum of a breakout (such as the Rate of Change).
IMPORTANT. Broadening formations (like Broadening Tops and Broadening Bottoms) often result from disagreements between market participants. These disagreements are usually fundamentally based and stem from broader economic (and sometimes political) risk perceptions. While you can trade them on a technical level, it might help you to be fully aware of the economic (or political) context driving the broader market.
A Broadening Top is a unique chart pattern resembling a reverse triangle or megaphone that signals significant volatility and disagreement between bullish and bearish investors. Though often seen as bearish due to its volatility and uncertainty, its historical performance makes it ambiguous.
Given the pattern's tendency for pullbacks, it's best to approach this pattern with prudence and a solid understanding of your risk tolerance. Additionally, while several technical indicators can aid in trading Broadening Tops, understanding the broader economic or political landscapes influencing the pattern can offer invaluable insights. In short, while the Broadening Top presents a trading opportunity, it's a pattern that demands both technical acumen and a finger on the pulse of the larger market narrative.
Discover how to recognize and interpret the Head and Shoulders Top pattern. Explore its anatomy, formation, and implications for traders with this in-depth guide from StockCharts ChartSchool.
Prior Trend. For this to be a reversal pattern, it is important to establish the existence of a prior uptrend. Without a prior uptrend to reverse, there cannot be a Head and Shoulders reversal pattern (or any reversal pattern, for that matter).
Left Shoulder. While in an uptrend, the left shoulder forms a peak that marks the high point of the current trend. After this peak, a decline ensues to complete the shoulder formation (1). The low of the decline usually remains above the trend line, keeping the uptrend intact.
Head. From the left shoulder's low, an advance begins that exceeds the previous high and marks the top of the head. After peaking, the low of the subsequent decline marks the second point of the neckline (2). The low of the decline generally breaks below the uptrend line, which jeopardizes the uptrend.
Right Shoulder. The advance from the low (2) forms the right shoulder. This peak is lower than the head (a lower high) and usually in line with the high of the left shoulder. While symmetry is preferred, sometimes the shoulders can be out of whack. The decline from the peak of the right shoulder should break the neckline.
Neckline. The neckline forms by connecting low points 1 and 2. Low point 1 marks the end of the left shoulder and the beginning of the head. Low point 2 marks the end of the head and the right shoulder's beginning. Depending on the relationship between the two low points, the neckline can slope up, down, or be horizontal. The slope of the neckline will affect the pattern's degree of bearishness—a downward slope is more bearish than an upward slope. In some cases, multiple low points can be used to form the neckline.
Neckline Break. The head and shoulders pattern isn't complete, and the uptrend is not reversed until the neckline support is broken. Ideally, this should also occur in a convincing manner, with an expansion in volume.
Support Turned Resistance. Once support is broken, it is common for this same support level to turn into resistance. Sometimes, but certainly not always, the price will return to the support break and offer a second chance to sell.
Price Target. After breaking neckline support, the projected price decline is found by measuring the distance from the neckline to the top of the head. This distance is then subtracted from the neckline to reach a price target. Any price target should serve as a rough guide, and other factors should also be considered. These factors might include previous support levels, Fibonacci retracements, or long-term moving averages.
Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) formed a Head and Shoulders Top reversal with a slightly upward-sloping neckline.
Key points include:
The low at $17.50 marked the end of the left shoulder and the beginning of the head (1).
During the advance to $20.50, volume was still high but not as high as during the left shoulder advance. However, volume tapered off significantly during the next advance to $20.
Volume continued to decline until the breaking of the neckline. (Note red line on volume bars.)
The decline from $20.50 to $17.50 formed the second low point (2).
During the decline of the right shoulder and neckline break, volume expanded (red oval), and Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) turned negative.
After the initial decline, there was a return to the neckline break (black arrow). Even during this decline, CMF remained negative. The subsequent decline took the stock below $11.
The measurement from the neckline to the top of the head was 3. With the neckline break at $17.50, this would imply a move to around $14.50. The July 1998 low was $13.50. After a decline from $20.50, at least, a short reaction rally could have been expected.
The head and shoulders pattern is one of the most common reversal formations. It is important to remember that it occurs after an uptrend and usually marks a major trend reversal when complete. While the left and right shoulders should be symmetrical, it's not an absolute requirement. They can be different widths as well as different heights. The most critical factor is identifying neckline support and volume confirmation on the break.
The support break indicates a renewed willingness for investors to sell at lower prices. Lower prices combined with a volume increase indicate an increase in supply. The combination can be lethal, and sometimes, there is no second chance return to the support break. Measuring the expected length of the decline after the breakout can be helpful, but don't count on it for your ultimate target. As the pattern unfolds, other aspects of the technical picture will likely take precedence.
While this article will focus on the falling wedge as a reversal pattern, it can also fit into the continuation category. As a continuation pattern, the falling wedge will still slope down, but the slope will be against the prevailing uptrend. As a reversal pattern, the falling wedge slopes down and with the prevailing trend. Regardless of the type (reversal or continuation), falling wedges are regarded as bullish patterns.
The following characteristics must be met for a pattern to be considered a falling wedge.
Prior Trend. To qualify as a reversal pattern, there must be a prior trend to reverse. Ideally, the falling wedge will form after an extended downtrend and mark the final low. The pattern usually forms over a three to six-month period, and the preceding downtrend should be at least three months old.
Upper Resistance Line. It takes at least two reaction highs to form the upper resistance line, ideally three. Each reaction high should be lower than the previous highs.
Contraction. The upper resistance line and lower support line converge to form a cone as the pattern matures. The reaction lows penetrate the previous lows, but this penetration becomes shallower. Shallower lows indicate a decrease in selling pressure and create a lower support line with a less negative slope than the upper resistance line.
Resistance Break. Bullish confirmation of the pattern is established once the resistance line is broken in a convincing fashion. It's sometimes prudent to wait for a break above the previous reaction high for further confirmation. Once resistance is broken, there can sometimes be a correction to test the newfound support level.
The chart below provides a textbook example of a falling wedge at the end of a long downtrend.
Prior Trend. The downtrend for FCX began in the third quarter of 1997. There was a brief advance in Mar-98, but the downtrend resumed, and the stock was trading at new lows by Feb-99.
Upper Resistance Line. The upper resistance line formed with four successively lower peaks.
Lower Support Line. The lower support line formed with four successive lower lows.
Contraction. The upper resistance line and lower support line converged as the pattern matured. Even though each low is lower than the previous low, these lows are only slightly lower. The shallowness of the new lows indicates that demand is stepping almost immediately after a new low is recorded. The supply overhang remains, but the slope of the upper resistance line is more negative than the lower support line.
Volume. After the large volume decline on 24-Feb (red arrow), upside volume began to increase. Above-average volume continued on advancing days and when the stock broke trend line resistance. Money flows confirmed the strength by surpassing their Nov-98 high and moving to their highest level since Apr-98.
After the trend line breakout, there was a brief pullback to support from the trend line extension. The stock consolidated for a few weeks and then advanced further on increased volume again.
The Falling Wedge is a bullish pattern that suggests potential upward price movement. This pattern, while sloping downward, signals a likely trend reversal or continuation, marking a potential inflection point in trading strategies. Falling wedges can develop over several months, culminating in a bullish breakout when prices convincingly exceed the upper resistance line, ideally with a strong increase in trading volume.
The Falling Wedge can be a valuable tool in your trading arsenal, offering valuable insights into potential bullish reversals or continuations. Because of its nuances and complexity, however, it's important for you to have a good understanding of this pattern in order to effectively leverage it in a live trading environment.
Discover how to recognize and interpret the Head and Shoulders Bottom reversal pattern. Explore its anatomy, formation, and implications with this in-depth guide from StockCharts' ChartSchool.
The price action that forms the Head and Shoulders Bottom is similar to the Head and Shoulders Top, but reversed. Volume action is the main difference between the two. Generally speaking, volume plays a larger role in bottom formations than top ones. While an increase in volume on the neckline breakout for a Head and Shoulders Top is welcomed, it is absolutely required for a bottom. We will look at each component of the pattern, keeping volume in mind. Then we'll put the parts together with some examples.
Prior Trend. For this to be a reversal pattern, it is important to establish the existence of a prior downtrend. Without a prior downtrend to reverse, there cannot be a Head and Shoulders Bottom formation.
Left Shoulder. While in a downtrend, the left shoulder forms a trough that marks a new reaction low in the current trend. After forming this trough, an advance ensues to complete the left shoulder formation (1). The high of the decline usually remains below any longer trend line, thus keeping the downtrend intact.
Head. From the high of the left shoulder, a decline begins that exceeds the previous low and forms the low point of the head. After making a bottom, the high of the subsequent advance forms the second point of the neckline (2). The high of the advance sometimes breaks a downtrend line, which calls into question the robustness of the downtrend.
Right Shoulder. The decline from the high of the head (neckline) begins to form the right shoulder. This low is always higher than the head and is usually in line with the low of the left shoulder. While symmetry is preferred, sometimes the shoulders can be out of whack, and the right shoulder will be higher, lower, wider, or narrower. When the advance from the low of the right shoulder breaks the neckline, the Head and Shoulders Bottom reversal is complete.
Volume levels during the first half of the pattern are less important than in the second half. Volume on the decline of the left shoulder is usually pretty heavy, and selling pressure is intense. The intensity of selling can continue during the decline that forms the low of the head. After this low, subsequent volume patterns should be watched carefully to look for expansion during the advances.
The advance from the low of the head should show an increase in volume and/or better indicator readings, e.g., Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) > 0 or a rise in OBV. After the reaction high forms the second neckline point, the right shoulder's decline should be accompanied by light volume. It's normal to experience profit-taking after an advance. Volume analysis helps distinguish between normal profit-taking and heavy selling pressure. With light volume on the pullback, indicators like CMF and OBV should remain strong. The most important moment for volume occurs on the advance from the low of the right shoulder. For a breakout to be considered valid, there needs to be a volume expansion on the price advance and during the breakout.
Neckline Break. The Head and Shoulders Bottom pattern is incomplete (and the downtrend is not reversed) until the neckline resistance is broken. For a Head and Shoulders Bottom, this must occur convincingly, with an expansion of volume.
Resistance Turned Support. Once resistance is broken, it is common for this same resistance level to turn into support. Often, the price will return to the resistance break and offer a second chance to buy.
Alaska Air Group, Inc. (ALK) formed a Head and Shoulders Bottom with a downward-sloping neckline.
Key points include:
The stock began a downtrend in early July and declined from $60 to $26.
The low of the left shoulder formed with a large spike in volume on a sharp down day (red arrows).
The decline from $42.50 to $26 (head) was quite dramatic, but volume did not get out of hand. CMF was mostly positive when the lows around $26 were forming.
After the reaction high around $39, the second point of the neckline could be drawn (2).
The decline from $39 to $33 occurred on light volume until the final two days when volume reached its highest point in a month. Even though there are two long black (down) volume bars, these are surrounded by above-average gray (up) volume bars. Also, notice how the trend line resistance near $35 became support around $33.
The advance off the right shoulder's low occurred with above-average volume. CMF was at its highest levels and surpassed +20% shortly after neckline resistance was broken.
After breaking neckline resistance, the stock returned to this newfound support with a successful test of around $35 (green arrow).
AT&T (T) formed a head and shoulders bottom with a flat neckline. The shoulders are slightly shallow, but the neckline and head are well-pronounced.
Key points include:
The stock established a six-month downtrend, with the trend line extending down from March 1998.
After a head fake above the trend line in late June, the stock fell from $66 to $50 with a sharp increase in volume to form the left shoulder.
The rally to $61 met resistance from the trend line, and the high reaction became the neckline's first point.
The advance from the low of the head broke above the trend line, extending down from March 1998, and met resistance around $61. This reaction high formed the second point of the neckline.
The right shoulder was relatively short and shallow. The low was recorded at $57 and CMF remained above +10% the whole time. Support was found from the trend line that offered resistance a few weeks earlier.
The stock advanced sharply off the lows that formed the right shoulder, and volume increased three straight days (blue arrow). This is a bit early, but volume remained just above average for the neckline breakout a few days later. Also, CMF remained above +10% the entire time.
After neckline resistance break, the stock tested this renewed support twice while consolidating recent gains. The power arrived a few weeks later with a strong move off the support and a massive increase in volume. The stock subsequently advanced from the low $60s to the low $80s.
Head and Shoulder Bottoms are among the most common and reliable reversal formations. It is important to remember that they occur after a downtrend and usually mark a major trend reversal when complete. While the left and right shoulders should be symmetrical, it is not an absolute requirement. Shoulders can be of different widths and heights.
Remember that technical analysis is more of an art than a science. Finding the perfect pattern may take a long time.
When analyzing the Head and Shoulders Bottom pattern, focus on correctly identifying neckline resistance and volume patterns, the two most important aspects of a successful read and, by extension, a successful trade. The neckline resistance breakout, combined with an increase in volume, indicates increased demand at higher prices. It means buyers are exerting greater force, which is affecting the price.
As the examples show, traders don't always have to chase a stock after the neckline breakout. Often, but not always, price will return to this new support level and offer a second chance to buy. Measuring the expected length of the advance after the breakout can be helpful, but don't count on it for your ultimate target. As the pattern unfolds, other aspects of the technical picture will likely take precedence. Technical analysis is dynamic, and your analysis should incorporate aspects of the long-, medium- and short-term picture.
Thomas Carr
Michael Covel
Martin J. Pring
Jon Markman
A Head and Shoulders Top reversal pattern forms after an uptrend. Its completion marks a trend reversal. The pattern contains three successive peaks, with the middle peak (head) being the highest and the two outside peaks (shoulders) being low and roughly equal. The reaction lows of each peak can be connected to form or a neckline (see chart below).
As its name implies, the Head and Shoulders reversal pattern consists of a left shoulder, head, right shoulder, and neckline. Other parts playing a role in the pattern are , the breakout, price target, and support turned resistance. We will look at each component of the pattern and then put them together with some examples.
Volume. As the Head and Shoulders pattern unfolds, volume plays an important role in confirmation. Volume can be measured as an indicator (, ) or simply by analyzing volume levels. Ideally, but not always, volume during the advance of the left shoulder should be higher than during the advance of the head. Together, the volume decrease and the head's new high serve as a warning sign. The next warning sign comes when volume increases on the decline from the peak of the head, then decreases during the advance of the right shoulder. Final confirmation comes when volume further increases during the right shoulder's decline.
The Falling Wedge is a bullish pattern that begins wide at the top and contracts as prices move lower. This price action forms a cone that down as the and converge. In contrast to , which have no definitive slope and no bias, falling wedges definitely slope down and have a bullish bias. However, this bullish bias can only be realized once a breakout occurs.
Lower Support Line. At least two reaction lows are required to form the lower line. Each reaction low should be lower than the previous lows.
Volume. While isn't particularly important on , it's an essential ingredient to confirm a falling wedge breakout. Without volume expansion, the breakout will lack conviction and be vulnerable to failure.
Like , the falling wedge can be one of the most difficult chart patterns to recognize and trade accurately. The security is trending lower when lower highs and lower lows form, as in a falling wedge. The falling wedge indicates a decrease in downside momentum and alerts investors and traders to a potential trend reversal. Even though selling pressure may diminish, demand wins out only when resistance is broken. As with most patterns, waiting for a breakout and combining other aspects of technical analysis to confirm signals is important.
Resistance Break. In contrast to the three previous lows, the late February low was flat and consolidated just above 9 for a few weeks. The subsequent breakout in March occurred with a series of strong advances. In addition, there was a positive in the .
The Head and Shoulders Bottom is a major reversal pattern that forms after a downtrend. A completion of the pattern marks a trend change. The pattern contains three successive troughs with the middle trough (head) being the deepest and the two outside troughs (shoulders) being shallower. Ideally, the two shoulders would be equal in height and width. The in the middle of the pattern can be connected to form resistance, or a neckline.
Neckline. The neckline forms by connecting reaction highs 1 and 2. Reaction High 1 marks the end of the left shoulder and the beginning of the head. Reaction High 2 marks the end of the head and beginning of the right shoulder. Depending on the relationship between the two reaction highs, the neckline can up, slope down, or be horizontal. The slope of the neckline will affect the pattern's degree of bullishness: an upward slope is more bullish than a downward slope.
Volume. While volume plays an important role in the Head and Shoulders Top, it plays a crucial role in the Head and Shoulders Bottom. Without the proper expansion of volume, the validity of any breakout becomes suspect. Volume can be measured as an indicator (, ) or simply by analyzing the absolute levels associated with each peak and trough.
Price Target. After breaking neckline resistance, the projected advance is found by measuring the distance from the neckline to the bottom of the head. This distance is then added to the neckline to reach a price target. Any price target should serve as a rough guide, and other factors should also be considered. These factors might include previous levels, Fibonacci , or long-term .
The reaction rally at around $42.50 formed the first point of the neckline (1). Volume on the advance was respectable, with many gray bars exceeding the 60-day EMA. (Note: Gray bars denote advancing days, black bars declining days, and the thin red horizontal is the 60-day ).
The advance off the low saw a significant volume expansion (green oval) and . The strength behind the move indicated that a significant low had formed.
The decline from $61 to $48 finished with a to form the head's low. Even though volume was heavy when the long black candlestick formed, the subsequent reversal occurred with even higher volume. This reversal was followed by several strong advances and up gaps. Also notice that CMF was above +10% when the low of the head formed.
Arms CandleVolume A price chart that merges traditional candlesticks with EquiVolume boxe
CandleVolume A price chart that merges traditional candlesticks with volume.
Elder Impulse System A charting system developed by Alexander Elder that colors price bars based on simple technical signals.
EquiVolume Price boxes that are sized based on their trading volume.
Heikin-Ashi A candlestick method that uses price data from two periods instead of one.
Kagi Charts A Japanese charting method based on volatility and reversal amounts.
Renko Charts A Japanese charting method where boxes rise and fall in 45-degree patterns.
Three Line Break Charts A Japanese charting method that ignores time and only represents change in terms of price movements.
MarketCarpets A charting tool used to visually scan large groups of securities.
Relative Rotation Graphs (RRG Charts) A visualization tool for relative strength and momentum analysis.
Seasonality Charts A unique StockCharts tool for identifying monthly seasonal patterns.
Yield Curve A visualization tool using bond yields to analyze market conditions and the economic cycle.
The Triple Top Reversal is a bearish reversal pattern typically found on bar charts, line charts and candlestick charts. There are three equal highs followed by a break below support. As major reversal patterns, these patterns usually form over a three to six month period.
Note: A Triple Top Reversal on a bar or line chart is different from a Triple Top Breakout on a P&F chart. Triple Top Breakouts on P&F charts are bullish patterns that mark an upside resistance breakout.
We will first examine the components of the pattern and then look at an example.
Prior Trend. With any reversal pattern, there should be an existing trend to reverse. In the case of the Triple Top Reversal, an uptrend should precede the formation.
Three Highs. All three highs should be reasonably equal, well-spaced, and mark clear turning points to establish resistance. The highs do not have to be equal but should be reasonably equivalent.
Volume. As the Triple Top Reversal develops, overall volume levels usually decline. Volume sometimes increases near the highs. After the third high, an expansion of volume on the subsequent decline and at the support break greatly reinforces the soundness of the pattern.
Support Break. As with many other reversal patterns, the Triple Top Reversal is not complete until a support break. The lowest point of the formation, which would be the lowest of the intermittent lows, marks this key support level.
Support Turns Resistance. Broken support becomes potential resistance, and sometimes, this newfound resistance level is tested with a subsequent reaction rally.
Price Target. The distance from the support break to the highs can be measured and subtracted from the support break for a price target. The longer the pattern develops, the more significant the ultimate break. Triple Top Reversals six or more months old represent major tops, and a price target is less likely to be effective.
Throughout the development of the Triple Top Reversal, it can start to resemble several other patterns. Before the third high forms, the pattern may look like a Double Top Reversal. Three equal highs can also be found in an ascending triangle or rectangle. Of these patterns mentioned, only the ascending triangle has bullish overtones; the others are neutral until a break occurs. Similarly, the Triple Top Reversal should be treated as a neutral pattern until a breakdown occurs. The inability to break above resistance is bearish, but the bears have not won the battle until support is broken. Volume on the last decline off of resistance can sometimes yield a clue. If there's a sharp increase in volume and momentum, then the chances of a support break increase.
When looking for patterns, it is important to remember that technical analysis is more art and less science. Pattern interpretations should be fairly specific but not overly exact to obstruct the pattern's spirit. A pattern may not fit the description of the letter, but that should not detract from its robustness. For example, finding a Triple Top Reversal with three equal highs can be difficult. However, if the highs are within reasonable proximity and other aspects of the technical analysis picture agree, it would embody the spirit of a Triple Top Reversal. The spirit is three attempts at resistance, followed by a breakdown below support, with volume confirmation. ROK illustrates an example of a Triple Top Reversal that does not fit exactly but captures the spirit of the pattern.
The stock was in an uptrend and remained above the trend line from Oct 1998 until the break in late August 1999.
For four months, the stock bounced off resistance around $23. The first attempt happened in May, the second in July, and the third in August.
The decline from the third high broke trend line support, and the stock continued to fall past support from the previous lows. Triple Top Reversal support should be drawn from the lowest low of the pattern, which would be the May low, around $19.80.
Volume expanded after the stock broke trend line support. The stock paused for a few days when support at $19.80 was reached, but volume accelerated when this support level was broken in late September (gray dotted vertical line). In addition, the Chaikin Money Flow turned negative and broke below -10%.
After the support break, the newfound resistance was tested a few weeks later. Money flows continued to indicate selling pressure, and volume expanded when the stock began to fall again.
The projected decline was 3.2 points, from $19.80 down to $16.60, and the stock reached this target soon after the resistance test.
The Rounding Bottom is a long-term reversal pattern best suited for weekly charts. It is also referred to as a saucer bottom. The chart pattern represents a long consolidation period that turns from a bearish to a bullish bias.
Prior Trend. For a reversal pattern to exist, there must be a prior trend to reverse. Ideally, the low of a rounding bottom will mark a new low or reaction low. In practice, there are occasions when the low is recorded many months earlier, and the security trades flat before forming the pattern. When the rounding bottom finally forms, its low may not be the lowest low of the last few months.
Decline. The first portion of the rounding bottom is the decline that leads to the pattern's low. This decline can take on different forms: some are quite jagged, with several reaction highs and lows, while others trade lower in a more linear fashion.
Low. The low of the rounding bottom can resemble a “V” bottom but shouldn't be too sharp. It should also take a few weeks to form. Because prices are in a long-term decline, the possibility of a selling climax exists that could create a lower spike.
Advance. The advance off the lows forms the right half of the pattern and should take about the same amount of time as the prior decline. If the advance is too sharp, a rounding bottom's validity may be questioned.
Breakout. Bullish confirmation comes when the pattern breaks above the reaction high (the beginning of the decline at the start of the pattern). As with most resistance breakouts, this level can become support. However, rounding bottoms represent a long-term reversal, and this new support level may not be that significant.
Volume. In an ideal pattern, volume levels will track the shape of the rounding bottom: high at the beginning of the decline, low at the end of the decline, and rising during the advance. Volume levels are not too important during the decline, but there should be an increase in volume on the advance and preferably on the breakout.
A rounding bottom could be thought of as a head and shoulders bottom without the identifiable shoulders. The head represents the low and is fairly central to the pattern. The volume levels throughout the pattern mimic those of the head and shoulders bottom; confirmation comes with a resistance breakout. While symmetry is preferable on the rounding bottom, the left and right sides don't have to be equal in time or slope. It's important to capture the essence of the pattern.
AMGN provides an example of a rounding bottom that formed after a long consolidation period. Throughout 1996, the stock traded in a tight range bound by $16.63 and $12.83. The trading range continued for the first half of 1997, and the stock broke support by falling to a low of $12 in August.
Prior Trend. With the break of support at 12.83, it appeared that a downtrend had begun. Even though the decline was not that sharp, the new reaction low represented a 52-week low. AMGN was not in an uptrend.
Decline. The stock declined from 17 to a low of 11.22 and a pair of hammers formed in October 1998 to mark the end of the decline (red arrow).
Low. Prior to the hammers, the stock traded around 12 for the previous 6 weeks. When the gap up with high volume followed the hammers, it appeared that a low had been formed. After a short rally, there was another test of the low, and a higher low formed at 11.66.
Advance. From the second low at 11.66, the advance began in earnest and volume started to increase. In March, there was a large advance with the highest volume in 4 months (green arrow).
May 1997 resistance at 17 represented the confirmation line for the pattern. The stock broke resistance in Jul-98 with a further expansion of volume. This breakout was also confirmed with a new high in OBV.
After breaking resistance, there was a test of support and the stock actually fell back below 17. The stock had advanced from 11.66 to 19.84 in 6 months and some sort of pullback could have been expected.
Explore the Double Top Reversal chart pattern and learn to identify, interpret, and trade this common bearish reversal pattern.
The Double Top Reversal is a bearish reversal pattern typically found on bar charts, line charts, and candlestick charts. As its name implies, the pattern has two consecutive roughly equal peaks, with a moderate trough in between.
Although there can be variations, the classic Double Top Reversal pattern marks at least an intermediate-term bullish to bearish trend change. The chart below is an example of a Double Top Reversal.
Note: A Double Top Reversal on a bar or line chart differs from a Double Top Breakout on a P&F chart. Double Breakouts on P&F charts are bullish patterns that mark an upside-resistance breakout.
Many potential Double Top Reversals can form along the way up, but until key support is broken, a reversal cannot be confirmed.
The following are key points in the Double Top formation:
Prior Trend. With any reversal pattern, there must be an existing trend to reverse. In the case of the Double Top Reversal, a significant uptrend of several months should be in place.
First Peak. The first peak should mark the highest point of the current trend. As such, the first peak is fairly normal, and the uptrend is not in jeopardy (or in question).
Trough. After the first peak, there is generally a 10-20% decline. Volume on the decline is usually inconsequential. The lows are sometimes rounded or drawn out a bit, which can signify tepid demand.
Second Peak. The advance from the trough usually occurs with low volume and rises to the previous high. Resistance from the previous high should be expected. Only after meeting resistance will a Double Top Reversal pattern be possible. It still needs to be confirmed. The time between peaks can vary from a few weeks to many months, with the norm being one to three months. While exact peaks are preferable, there is some leeway. Usually, a peak within 3% of the previous high is adequate.
Decline from Peak. The subsequent decline from the second peak should witness an expansion in volume and/or an accelerated descent, perhaps marked by a gap or two. Such a decline shows that demand forces are weaker than supply, and a support test is imminent.
Support Break. Even after trading down to support, the Double Top Reversal and trend reversal are still incomplete. Breaking support from the lowest point between the peaks completes the Double Top Reversal. This should occur with increased volume and/or an accelerated descent.
Support Turned Resistance. Broken support becomes potential resistance; sometimes, this newfound resistance level is tested with a reaction rally. Such a test can offer a second chance to exit a position or initiate a short.
Price Target. Subtract the distance from support break to peak to obtain a price target. This would infer that the bigger the formation is, the larger the potential decline.
Although the Double Top Reversal formation may seem straightforward, proper steps should be taken to avoid deceptive Double Top Reversals.
The peaks should be separated by about a month. If the peaks are too close, they could represent normal resistance rather than a lasting change in the supply/demand picture.
Ensure that the low between the peaks declines at least 10%. Declines under 10% may not indicate a significant increase in selling pressure. After the decline, analyze the trough for clues on the strength of demand. Demand could be drying if the trough drags on and has trouble moving back up. When the security does advance, look for a contraction in volume as a further indication of weakening demand.
Perhaps the most important aspect of a Double Top Reversal is to avoid jumping the gun. Wait for support to be broken with an expansion of volume.
You can apply a price or time filter to differentiate between valid and false support breaks. A price filter could require a 3% support break before validation. A time filter might require the support break to hold for three days before it is considered valid.
The trend is in force until proven otherwise. This applies to the Double Top Reversal as well. Until support is broken convincingly, the trend remains up.
In the chart below, the double top formation took five months to form. Even after the support break, there was another test of newfound resistance almost four months later.
Let's walk through the above chart.
Ford's stock price advanced from a low near 10 in March 1997 to 36 by December 1998. The trend line extending up from March 1997 is an internal trend line, and Ford held above it until the break in May 1999.
The stock declined around 15% from the first peak to form the trough.
After reaching a low near 30 1/2 in early February, the trough formed over the next two months. There wasn't a rally until early April. This long-drawn-out low suggested tepid demand.
The decline from $36.80 occurred with two gaps down and increased volume. Furthermore, the Chaikin Money Flow moved below -10%. The speed at which money flows deteriorated indicated a significant increase in selling pressure.
In late May and early June, the stock traded for about three weeks at support from the previous low. During this time, money flows declined below -20%. Even though the situation looked ominous, the double formation would not be complete until support was broken.
Support was broken in early June when the stock fell below $28.50. That's more than 3% below support at $30.50. This sharp drop was followed by an equally sharp advance and the stock price was back above the newfound resistance level. A test of broken support can happen, but typically not this early. The advance to $32 in late June may have triggered some short-covering by those who jumped in on the first support break. The stock fell to $25 and then began the retracement advance that would ultimately test support.
The chart below shows that $30.75 marked the support turned resistance level, and $31 marked a 50% retracement of the decline from $36.80 to $25. Combined with the price action in early June and early July, a resistance zone could probably be established between $31 and $32. The stock subsequently formed a lower high at $30 in Jan 2000 and declined to around $22 by mid-March.
Explore various chart patterns and learn how to analyze them effectively to make informed trading decisions.
Market participants buy and sell securities for many reasons: the hope of gain, fear of loss, tax consequences, short-covering, hedging, stop-loss triggers, price target triggers, fundamental analysis, technical analysis, broker recommendations, etc. Determining why investors buy and sell can take time and effort, so making sense of chart patterns can help.
Chart patterns put all buying and selling into perspective by consolidating the forces of supply and demand into a concise picture. This visual record of all trading provides a framework to analyze the battle between bulls and bears. More importantly, chart patterns and technical analysis help determine whether bulls or bears are winning the battle. This allows traders and investors to position themselves accordingly.
In many ways, chart patterns are more complex versions of trend lines. So before continuing, it's important to read and understand Support and Resistance levels and Trend Lines.
Chart pattern analysis can be used to make short-term or long-term forecasts. The data can be intraday, daily, weekly, or monthly, and the patterns can be as short as one day or as long as many years. Gaps and outside reversals may form in one trading session, while broadening tops and dormant bottoms may require many months to form.
The head and shoulders pattern in the chart below took seven months to form.
The pattern in CIENA Corp. (CIEN), on the other hand, formed in a single day.
Much of our understanding of chart patterns can be attributed to the work of Richard Schabacker. His 1932 classic, Technical Analysis and Stock Market Profits, laid the foundations for modern pattern analysis. In Technical Analysis of Stock Trends (1948), Edwards and Magee credit Schabacker for most of the concepts put forth in the first part of their book. We would also like to acknowledge Messrs. Schabacker, Edwards and Magee, and John Murphy as the driving forces behind these articles and our understanding of chart patterns.
Pattern analysis may seem straightforward, but it is no easy task. Schabacker states:
“The science of chart reading, however, is not as easy as the mere memorizing of certain patterns and pictures and recalling what they generally forecast. Any general stock chart is a combination of countless different patterns and its accurate analysis depends upon constant study, long experience and knowledge of all the fine points, both technical and fundamental, and, above all, the ability to weigh opposing indications against each other, to appraise the entire picture in the light of its most minute and composite details as well as in the recognition of any certain and memorized formula.”
Even though Schabacker refers to “the science of chart reading”, technical analysis can at times be less science and more art. In addition, pattern recognition can be open to interpretation, which can be subject to personal biases. To defend against biases and confirm pattern interpretations, other aspects of technical analysis should be employed to verify or refute the conclusions drawn. While many patterns may seem similar in nature, no two patterns are exactly alike. False breakouts, bogus reads, and exceptions to the rule are all part of the ongoing education.
Careful and constant study is required for successful chart analysis. In the earlier example of the head and shoulders reversal pattern in AMZN, the stock broke below the neckline of the head and shoulders. This is a bearish signal, but you must continue your analysis to confirm the bearish trend.
Some analysts might have labeled the pattern in the chart below as a head and shoulders pattern with neckline support around 17.50. Whether or not this is robust remains open to debate. Even though the stock broke neckline support at 17.50, it repeatedly moved back above its support break. This might be considered a sign of strength, which would warrant a reassessment of the pattern.
Two basic tenets of technical analysis are that prices trend and history repeats itself. An uptrend indicates the forces of demand (bulls) are in control, while a downtrend indicates the forces of supply (bears) are in control. But prices don't trend forever, and as the balance of power shifts, a chart pattern begins to emerge.
Certain patterns, such as a parallel channel, denote a strong trend (see chart below). However, most chart patterns fall into two main groups—reversals and continuations. Reversal patterns indicate a trend change and can be broken down into top and bottom formations. Continuation patterns indicate a pause in trend and that the previous direction will resume after some time.
Just because a pattern forms after a significant advance or decline does not mean it is a reversal pattern. Many patterns, such as a rectangle, can be classified as either reversal or continuation. Much depends on the previous price action, volume, and other indicators as the pattern evolves. This is where the science of technical analysis becomes the art of technical analysis.
For detailed explanations of specific continuation and reversal chart patterns, see the Chart Patterns page in ChartSchool.
As the name implies, the Bump and Run Reversal (BARR) is a reversal pattern that forms after excessive speculation drives prices up too far, too fast. Developed by Thomas Bulkowski, the pattern was introduced in the June-97 issue of Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities and included in his book, the Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns.
The pattern was originally named the Bump and Run Formation, or BARF. Bulkowski decided that Wall Street was not ready for such an acronym and changed the name to Bump and Run Reversal. Bulkowski identified three main phases to the pattern: lead-in, bump, and run. We will examine these phases and also look at volume and pattern validation.
Lead-in Phase. The first part of the pattern is a lead-in phase that can last one month or longer and forms the basis for drawing the trend line. The price advance will be orderly during this phase, and no excess speculation will exist. The trend line should be moderately steep. If it's too steep, the ensuing bump is unlikely to be significant enough. If the trend line is not steep enough, then the subsequent trend line break will occur too late. Bulkowski advises that an angle of 30 to 45 degrees is preferable. The angle size will depend on the scaling (semi-log or arithmetic) and the chart size. It's probably easier to judge the soundness of the trend line with a visual assessment.
Bump Phase. The bump forms with a sharp advance, and prices move further away from the lead-in trend line. Ideally, the angle of the trend line from the bump's advance should be about 50% greater than the angle of the trend line extending up from the lead-in phase. Roughly speaking, this would call for an angle between 45 and 60 degrees. If measuring the angles is impossible, then a visual assessment will suffice.
Bump Validity. The bump must represent a speculative advance that cannot be sustained for long. Bulkowski developed an “arbitrary” measuring technique to validate the level of speculation in the bump. The distance from the highest high of the bump to the lead-in trend line should be at least twice the distance from the highest high in the lead-in phase to the lead-in trend line. These distances can be measured by drawing a vertical line from the highest highs to the lead-in trend line. An example can be seen in the chart below.
Bump Rollover. After speculation dies down, prices peak, and a top forms. Sometimes, a small double top or a series of descending peaks forms instead. Prices decline toward the lead-in trend line, and the right side of the bump forms.
Volume. As the stock advances during the lead-in phase, volume is usually average and sometimes low. When the speculative advance begins to form the left side of the bump, volume expands as the advance accelerates.
Run Phase. The run phase begins when the pattern breaks support from the lead-in trend line. Prices will sometimes hesitate or bounce off the trend line before breaking through. Once the break occurs, the run phase takes over, and the decline continues.
Support Turns Resistance. After the trend line is broken, a retracement sometimes tests the renewed resistance level. Potential support-turned-resistance levels can also be identified from the reaction lows within the bump.
The Bump and Run Reversal pattern can be applied to daily, weekly, or monthly charts. As stated above, it is designed to identify long-term unsustainable speculative advances. Because prices rise quickly to form the bump's left side, the subsequent decline can be just as ferocious.
Level Three Communications (LVLT) formed a Bump and Run Reversal pattern after prices advanced in a speculative frenzy at the beginning of 2000. Prices advanced from 72 to 132 in 2 months and this advance ultimately proved unsustainable.
The lead-in phase formed over three months from early Oct 1999 to early Jan 2000. Volume during this phase was relatively subdued and declined during the November and December advance.
The trend line extending higher from the lead-in phase lows formed a 34-degree angle. A visual assessment also reveals that this trend line is neither too steep nor too flat.
The bump phase began in early January when the advance accelerated with a large increase in volume. A conservatively drawn trend line formed a 51-degree angle that was exactly 50% larger than the angle from the lead-in trend line.
The distance from the lead-in phase's highest high to the trend line was 13. The distance from the bump phase's highest high to the trend line was 38. This is almost three times larger and validates the speculative excesses in the bump.
After reaching a high of around $132, prices declined sharply and bounced off the lead-in trend line. A lower high formed around $115 (red arrow), and the trend line was soon broken.
The decline continued after the trend line break and reached $67 before a reaction rally began. The stock price advanced to around $95 during the reaction rally but fell just short of the horizontal support line before falling back to new lows.
Explore the fundamentals of support and resistance levels in stock chart analysis. StockCharts ChartSchool offers you the resources to empower you with the knowledge to navigate the stock market.
Support and resistance levels represent key junctures where supply and demand meet. In the financial markets, prices are driven by excesses of supply (down) and demand (up). Supply is synonymous with bearish, bears, and selling. Demand is synonymous with bullish, bulls, and buying. These terms are used interchangeably throughout this and other articles. As demand increases, prices advance, and as supply increases, prices decline. When supply and demand are equal, prices move sideways as bulls and bears slug it out to gain control.
Support is the price level at which demand is thought to be strong enough to prevent the price from declining further. The logic dictates that as the price declines towards support and gets cheaper, buyers become more inclined to buy and sellers become less inclined to sell. By the time the price reaches the support level, it is believed that demand will overcome supply and prevent the price from falling below support.
Support does not always hold, however, and a break below support signals that the bears have won out over the bulls. A decline below support indicates a new willingness to sell and/or a lack of incentive to buy. Support breaks and new lows signal that sellers have reduced their expectations and are willing sell at even lower prices. In addition, buyers could not be coerced into buying until prices declined below support or below the previous low. Once support is broken, another support level will have to be established at a lower level.
Support levels are usually below the current price, but it is not uncommon for a security to trade at or near support. As technical analysis is not an exact science, setting precise support levels can often be difficult. In addition, price movements can be volatile and briefly dip below support. For example, it does not seem logical to consider a support level broken if the price closes an eighth below the established support level. For this reason, some traders and investors establish support zones.
Resistance is the price level at which selling is thought to be strong enough to prevent the price from rising further. Logic dictates that, as the price advances towards resistance, sellers become more inclined to sell and buyers become less inclined to buy. By the time the price reaches the resistance level, it is believed that supply will overcome demand and prevent the price from rising above resistance.
Resistance does not always hold; a break above resistance signals that the bulls have won out over the bears. A break above resistance shows a new willingness to buy and/or a lack of incentive to sell. Resistance breaks and new highs indicate buyers have increased their expectations and are willing to buy at even higher prices. In addition, sellers could not be coerced into selling until prices rose above resistance or above the previous high. Once resistance is broken, another resistance level will have to be established at a higher level.
Resistance levels are usually above the current price, but it is not uncommon for a security to trade at or near resistance. In addition, price movements can be volatile and rise above resistance briefly. Sometimes it does not seem logical to consider a resistance level broken if the price closes 1/8 above the established resistance level. For this reason, some traders and investors establish resistance zones.
Support and resistance share enough common characteristics to be mirror images of each other.
Support can be established with the previous reaction lows, while resistance can be established by using the previous reaction highs.
The below chart of Halliburton (HAL) shows a large trading range between Dec-99 and Mar-00. Support was established with the October low around 31. In December, the stock returned to support in the mid-thirties and formed a low of around 33. Finally, in February, the stock again returned to the support scene and formed a low of around 32 1/2.
After each bounce off a support level, the stock traded up to resistance. Resistance was first established by the September support break at 42.5. After a support level is broken, it can turn into a resistance level. The stock advanced to the new support-turned-resistance level of around 42.5 from the October lows. The resistance level was confirmed when the stock failed to advance past 42.5. The stock traded up to 42.5 twice after that and failed to surpass resistance.
Another principle of technical analysis stipulates that support can turn into resistance and vice versa. Once the price breaks below a support level, the broken support level can turn into resistance. The break of support signals that the forces of supply have overcome the forces of demand. Therefore, if the price returns to this level, there is likely to be an increase in supply, hence resistance.
The other turn of the coin is resistance turning into support. As the price advances above resistance, it signals changes in supply and demand. The breakout above resistance proves that the forces of demand have overwhelmed the forces of supply; if the price returns to this level, demand will likely increase, and support will be found.
The NASDAQ 100 Index ($NDX) broke resistance at 935 in May-97 and traded just above this resistance level for over a month (see chart below). As the index remained above resistance, 935 was established as a new support level. The stock rose to 1150 but fell back to test support at 935. After the second test of support at 935, this level is well established.
In the chart below, you see that support can turn into resistance and then back into support. PeopleSoft found support at 18 from Oct-98 to Jan-99 (green oval) but broke below support in Mar-99 as the bears overpowered the bulls. When the stock rebounded (red oval), there was still overhead supply at 18, and resistance was met from Jun-99 to Oct-99.
Where does this overhead supply come from? Demand was obviously increasing around 18 from Oct-98 to Mar-99 (green oval). Therefore, there were a lot of bullish buyers of the stock around 18. When the price declined below 18 and fell to around 14, many of these (now unhappy) bulls were probably still holding the stock. This left a supply overhang (commonly known as resistance) around 18. When the stock rebounded to 18, many green-oval-bulls probably took the opportunity to sell and “escape” with little to no loss. When this supply was exhausted, the demand could overpower supply and advance above resistance at 18.
Trading ranges can be important in determining whether support and resistance function as turning points or continuation patterns. A trading range is when prices move within a relatively tight range. This signals that the forces of supply and demand are evenly balanced. When the price breaks out of the trading range, above or below, it signals that a winner has emerged. A break above is a victory for the bulls (demand), and a break below is a victory for the bears (supply).
After an extended advance from 27 to 64, WorldCom (WCOM) entered a trading range between 55 and 63 for about five months. There was a false breakout in mid-June when the stock briefly poked its head above 62 (red oval). This did not last long, and a gap down a few days later nullified the breakout (black arrow). The stock then proceeded to break support at 55 in Aug-99 and trade as low as 50.
The stock bounced off 55 two more times before heading lower (support turning to resistance). While this doesn't always happen, a return to the new resistance level offers a second chance for longs to get out and shorts to enter the fray.
In Nov/Dec-99, Lucent Technologies (LU) formed a trading range that resembled a head and shoulders pattern (red oval). When the stock broke support at 60, there was little or no time to exit. Even though a long black candlestick indicates an open at 59, the stock fell so fast that it was impossible to exit above 44. In hindsight, the support line could have been drawn as an upward-sloping neckline (blue line), and the support break would have come at 61. This is only one point higher; a trader must take action immediately to avoid a sharp fall. However, the lows match up nicely with the neckline, which is something to consider when drawing support lines.
After Lucent declined, a trading range was established between 40.5 and 47.5 for almost two months (green oval). The resistance level of the trading range was well-marked by three reaction peaks at 47.5. The support level was not as clearly marked but is between 40 and 41. Some buying interest began to become evident around 44 in mid-to-late February. Notice the many candlesticks with long lower shadows, or hammers, as they are known. The stock then formed two up gaps on 24-Feb and 25-Feb and finally closed above resistance at 48. This was a clear indication of demand winning out over supply. There were still two more opportunities (days) to get in on the action. On the third day after the breakout, the stock gapped up and moved above 56.
Because technical analysis is not an exact science, creating support and resistance zones is useful. This contradicts the strategy mapped out for Lucent Technologies (LU), but it is sometimes the case.
Each security has its characteristics, and analysis should reflect the intricacies of the security. Sometimes, exact support and resistance levels are best, and sometimes, zones work better. Generally, the tighter the range, the more exact the level. If the trading range spans less than two months and the price range is relatively tight, then more exact support and resistance levels are best suited. If a trading range spans many months and the price range is relatively large, it's best to use support and resistance zones. These are only general guidelines, and each trading range should be judged on its own merits.
Returning to the Halliburton (HAL) analysis, you can see that the November high of the trading range (32 to 44) extended more than 20% past the October low, making the range quite large relative to the price. Because the September support break forms the first resistance level, you're ready to set up a resistance zone after the November high is formed, probably around early December. However, it's difficult to tell if a large trading range will develop.
The subsequent low in December, which was just higher than the October low, offers evidence that a trading range is forming, and we are ready to set the support zone. As long as the stock trades within the boundaries set by the support and resistance zone, we will consider the trading range to be valid. Support may be looked upon as an opportunity to buy, and resistance as an opportunity to sell.
Identification of key support and resistance levels is an essential ingredient to successful technical analysis. Even though it's sometimes difficult to establish exact support and resistance levels, knowing their existence and location can greatly enhance analysis and forecasting abilities. If a security is approaching an important support level, it can serve as an alert to be extra vigilant in looking for signs of increased buying pressure and a potential reversal. If a security approaches a resistance level, it can act as an alert to signs of increased selling pressure and potential reversal. If a support or resistance level is broken, the relationship between supply and demand has changed. A resistance breakout signals that the bulls (demand) have gained the upper hand, and a support break signals that the bears (supply) have won the battle.
The Triple Bottom Reversal is a bullish reversal pattern typically found on bar charts, line charts and candlestick charts. There are three equal lows followed by a break above resistance. As major reversal patterns, these patterns usually form over a three to six-month period.
Note: A Triple Bottom Reversal on a bar or line chart is different from Triple Bottom Breakdown on a P&F chart. Triple Bottom Breakouts on P&F charts are bearish patterns that mark a downside support break.
We will examine the elements of the pattern and then look at an example.
Prior Trend. With any reversal pattern, there should be an existing trend to reverse. In the case of the Triple Bottom Reversal, a clear downtrend should precede the formation.
Three Lows. All three lows should be reasonably equal, well-spaced, and mark significant turning points. The lows do not have to be equal but should be reasonably equivalent.
Volume. As the Triple Bottom Reversal develops, overall volume levels usually decline. Volume sometimes increases near the lows. After the third low, an expansion of volume on the advance and at the resistance breakout greatly reinforces the soundness of the pattern.
Resistance Break. Like many other reversal patterns, the Triple Bottom Reversal is incomplete until a resistance breakout. The highest point of the formation, which would be the highest of the intermittent highs, marks resistance.
Resistance Turns Support. Broken resistance becomes potential support, and there is sometimes a test of this newfound support level with the first correction.
Price Target. The distance from the resistance breakout to lows can be measured and added to the resistance break for a price target. The longer the pattern develops, the more significant the ultimate breakout. Triple Bottom Reversals that are 6 or more months in duration represent major bottoms, and a price target is less likely to be effective.
As the Triple Bottom Reversal develops, it can start to resemble several patterns. Before the third low forms, the pattern may look like a Double Bottom Reversal. Three equal lows can also be found in a descending triangle or rectangle. Of these patterns mentioned, only the descending triangle has bearish overtones; the others are neutral until a breakout occurs. Similarly, the Triple Bottom Reversal should also be treated as a neutral pattern until a breakout occurs. The ability to hold support is bullish, but demand has not won the battle until resistance is broken. Volume on the last advance can sometimes yield a clue. If there is a sharp increase in volume and momentum, the chances of a breakout increase.
After a failed double-bottom breakout, ANDW formed a large Triple Bottom Reversal.
While the new reaction high (black arrow) and potential double bottom breakout seemed bullish, the stock fell back to support.
Technically, the downtrend ended when the stock formed a higher low in March 1999 and surpassed its Jan 1999 high by closing above $20 in July 1999 (black arrow). Even though the downtrend ended, it would have been difficult to label the trend bullish after the third test of support around $11.
Over 13 months, three relatively equal lows formed in Oct 1998, Mar 1999, and Nov 1999. When the Jul 2000 high surpassed the Jan-99 high, the possibility of a rectangle pattern was ruled out.
Resistance at $22.50 was broken in Jan 2000. The stock closed above this key level for five consecutive weeks to confirm the breakout.
Even though volume expanded near the second and third lows, the 10-day EMA of volume declined between the lows. The advance off of the third low saw a dramatic expansion of volume that lasted many weeks. The Accumulation/Distribution Line formed a positive divergence in 1999, breaking to new highs with the stock in Jan 2000.
After the resistance break, the stock fell below $22.50 twice over the next two months. Based on the Feb 2000 and Apr 2000 lows, a new support level was established at $20. Because upside movement was limited after the breakout (a high of $25.50), a pullback below $22.50 might have been expected. Based on Oct 1999 resistance, critical support could have been marked at $18.50.
ANDW built a base over 13 months. Although the pattern's height is relatively impressive, it pales in comparison to its length. The length of this pattern and subsequent breakout suggest a long-term change of sentiment.
Flags and Pennants are short-term continuation patterns that mark a small consolidation before the previous move resumes. These patterns are usually preceded by a sharp advance or decline with heavy volume and mark a midpoint of the move.
Sharp Move. To be considered a continuation pattern, evidence of a prior trend should exist. Flags and pennants require evidence of a sharp advance or decline in heavy volume. These moves usually occur on heavy volume and can contain gaps. This move usually represents the first leg of a significant advance or decline, and the flag/pennant is merely a pause.
Flagpole. The flagpole is the distance from the first resistance or support break to the high or low of the flag/pennant. The sharp advance (or decline) that forms the flagpole should break a trend line or resistance/support level. A line extending up from this break to the high of the flag/pennant forms the flagpole.
Flag. A flag is a small rectangle pattern that slopes against the previous trend. If the previous move was trending up, then the flag would slope down. If the move was trending down, then the flag would slope up. Because flags are usually too short in duration to have reaction highs and reaction lows, the price action needs to be contained within two parallel trend lines.
Pennant. A pennant is a small symmetrical triangle that begins wide and converges as the pattern matures (like a cone). The slope is usually neutral. Sometimes there will not be specific reaction highs and lows from which to draw the trend lines, and the price action should be contained within the converging trend lines.
Duration. Flags and pennants are short-term patterns lasting from one to 12 weeks. There is some debate on the timeframe, and some consider eight weeks to be pushing the limits for a reliable pattern. Ideally, these patterns will form between one and four weeks. Once a flag is over 12 weeks old, it would be classified as a rectangle. A pennant more than 12 weeks old would turn into a symmetrical triangle. The reliability of patterns that fall between eight and 12 weeks is debatable.
Break. For a bullish flag or pennant, a break above resistance signals that the previous advance has resumed. For a bearish flag or pennant, a break below support signals that the previous decline has resumed.
Volume. Volume should be heavy during the advance or decline that forms the flagpole. The heavy volume legitimizes the sudden and sharp move that creates the flagpole. An expansion of volume on the resistance (support) break lends credence to the validity of the formation and the likelihood of continuation.
Targets. The flagpole length can be applied to the resistance break or support break of the flag/pennant to estimate the advance or decline.
Even though flags and pennants are common formations, identification guidelines should not be taken lightly. Flags and pennants must be preceded by a sharp advance or decline. Without a sharp move, the formation's reliability becomes questionable, and trading could carry added risk. Look for volume confirmation on the initial move, consolidation, and resumption to augment the robustness of pattern identification.
HPQ provides an example of a flag that forms after a sharp and sudden advance.
Sharp Move. After consolidating for three months, HPQ broke above resistance at $28 to begin a sharp advance. The April 5 high and Feb 16 trend line marked resistance, and the breakout occurred with a volume expansion. The stock advanced from $28 to $38 in four weeks. (Note: It is also possible that a small pennant formed in early May with resistance around $31).
Flagpole. The distance from the breakout at $28 to the flag's high at $38 formed the flagpole.
Flag. Price action was contained within two parallel trend lines that sloped down.
Duration. The flag formed over 23 days—from a high of $38 to a breakout at $36.
Breakout. The first break above the flag's upper trend line occurred on June 21 without volume expansion. However, the stock gapped up a week later and closed strong with above-average volume (red arrows).
Volume. To recap, volume expanded on the sharp advance to form the flagpole, contracted during the flag's formation, and expanded right after the resistance breakout.
Targets. The flagpole length measured 10 points and was applied to the resistance breakout at $36 to project a price target at $46.
The ascending triangle is a bullish formation that usually forms as a continuation pattern during an uptrend. There are instances when ascending triangles form as reversal patterns at the end of a downtrend, but they are typically continuation patterns. Regardless of where they form, ascending triangles are bullish patterns that indicate accumulation.
Because of its shape, the pattern can also be referred to as a right-angle triangle. Two or more equal highs form a horizontal line at the top. Two or more rising troughs form an ascending trend line that converges on the horizontal line as it rises. If both lines were extended right, the ascending trend line could act as the hypotenuse of a right triangle. A right triangle would form if a perpendicular line were drawn extending down from the left end of the horizontal line.
Let's examine each part of the pattern and then look at an example.
Trend. To qualify as a continuation pattern, an established trend should exist. However, because the ascending triangle is a bullish pattern, the length and duration of the current trend are not as important as the robustness of the formation, which is paramount.
Top Horizontal Line. At least 2 reaction highs are required to form the top horizontal line. The highs do not have to be exact, but they should be within reasonable proximity. There should be some distance between the highs and a reaction low between them.
Lower Ascending Trend Line. At least two reaction lows are required to form the lower ascending trend line. These reaction lows should be successively higher, and there should be some distance between the lows. If a more recent reaction low is equal to or less than the previous reaction low, then the ascending triangle is not valid.
Duration. The pattern length can range from a few weeks to many months, with the average pattern lasting from one to three months.
Volume. As the pattern develops, volume usually contracts. When the upside breakout occurs, there should be an expansion of volume to confirm the breakout. While volume confirmation is preferred, it is not always necessary.
Return to Breakout. A basic tenet of technical analysis is that resistance turns into support and vice versa. When the horizontal resistance line of the ascending triangle is broken, it turns into support. Sometimes there will be a return to this support level before the move begins.
Target. Once the breakout has occurred, the price projection is found by measuring the widest distance of the pattern and applying it to the resistance breakout.
In contrast to the symmetrical triangle, an ascending triangle has a definitive bullish bias before the actual breakout. If you will recall, the symmetrical triangle is a neutral formation that relies on the impending breakout to dictate the direction of the next move.
On the ascending triangle, the horizontal line represents overhead supply that prevents the security from moving past a certain level. It's as if a large sell order has been placed at this level, and it's taking several weeks or months to execute, thus preventing the price from rising further. Even though the price cannot rise past this level, the reaction lows continue to rise. It's these higher lows that indicate increased buying pressure and give the ascending triangle its bullish bias.
Primus Telecom (PRTL) formed an ascending triangle over six-months before breaking resistance with an expansion of volume.
From a low of 8.88 in April, the stock established an uptrend by forming a higher low at 8.94 and advancing to a new reaction high in early June. (The beginning of the trend is not included on this chart.) After recording its highest price in 10 months, the stock met resistance at 24.
In June, the stock hit resistance at 23 several times and then again at 24 in July. The stock bounced off 24 at least three times in 5 months to form the horizontal resistance line. It was as if portions of a large block were being sold each time the stock neared 24.
The reaction lows were progressively higher and formed an ascending trend line. The first low, in May 1999, occurred with a large spike down to 12.25, but the trend line was drawn to connect the prices grouped around 14. The ascending trend line could have been drawn to start at 12.25, and this version is shown with the gray trend line. The important thing is that there are at least two distinct reaction lows that are consecutively higher.
The duration of the pattern is around six months, which may seem a bit long. However, all the key ingredients for a robust pattern were in place.
Volume declined from late June until early October. There was a huge expansion when the stock fell from 23.44 (point 6) to 19.38 on two heavy trading days in October. However, this was only for two days, and the stock found support around 20 to form a higher low. In keeping with the ideal pattern, the next expansion of volume occurred in early November when the stock broke resistance at 24. The stock traded at above average volume 7 of the 10 days surrounding the breakout, and all 7 were up days. Chaikin Money Flow dragged a bit from the two heavy down days, but recovered to +20% five days after the breakout.
The stock advanced to 30.75 before pulling back to around 26. Support was found above the original resistance breakout, and this indicated underlying strength in the stock.
The initial advance was projected to be 10 (24 -14 = 10) points from the breakout at 24, making a target of 34. This target was reached within 2 months, but the stock didn't slow down until reaching 50 in March (not shown). Targets are only meant to be used as guidelines, and other aspects of technical analysis should also be employed for deciding when to sell.
The descending triangle is a bearish formation. It generally forms during a downtrend and is a continuation pattern, although sometimes, a descending triangle forms a reversal pattern at the end of an uptrend. Regardless of where they form, descending triangles are bearish patterns that indicate distribution.
Because of its shape, the pattern can also be referred to as a right-angle triangle. Two or more comparable lows form a horizontal line at the bottom. Two or more declining peaks form a descending trend line above the horizontal line that converges with the horizontal line as it descends.
If both lines were extended right, the descending trend line could act as the hypotenuse of a right triangle. A right triangle would form if a perpendicular line were drawn extending up from the left end of the horizontal line.
Let's examine each part of the pattern and then look at an example.
There should be an existing trend. To qualify as a continuation pattern, an established trend should exist. However, because the descending triangle is a bearish pattern, the length and duration of the current trend are less important than the robustness of the formation.
Lower horizontal line. At least two reaction lows are required to form the lower horizontal line. The lows don't have to be exact but should be reasonably close. There should be some distance separating the lows with a reaction high between them.
Upper descending trend line. At least two reaction highs are required to form the upper descending trend line. These reaction highs should be successively lower, and there should be some distance between the highs. If a more recent reaction high equals or exceeds the previous reaction high, then the descending triangle is invalid.
Pattern duration. The length of the pattern can range from a few weeks to many months, with the average pattern lasting from one to three months.
Volume should decrease. As the pattern develops, volume usually contracts. But when the downside break occurs, ideally, there should be a volume expansion to confirm the pattern. The volume confirmation isn't necessary; it's preferred.
Return to breakout. A basic tenet of technical analysis is that broken support turns into resistance and vice versa. When the horizontal support line of the descending triangle is broken, it turns into resistance. Sometimes, there will be a return to this renewed resistance level before the down move begins in earnest.
Calculating a price target. Once the breakout has occurred, the price projection is found by measuring the widest distance of the pattern and subtracting it from the resistance breakout.
In contrast to the symmetrical triangle, a descending triangle has a definite bearish bias before the actual break. The symmetrical triangle is a neutral formation that relies on the impending breakout to dictate the direction of the next move.
Think of the descending triangle's horizontal line as a representation of demand that prevents the security from declining past a certain level. It's as if a large buy order has been placed at this level, and it's taking several weeks or months to execute, preventing the price from declining further. Even though price doesn't decline past this level, the reaction highs continue to decline. These lower highs indicate increased selling pressure and give the descending triangle its bearish bias.
Let's look at the Descending Triangle that formed in the chart of Nucor Corp. (NUE).
After recording a lower high just below $60 in December 1999, Nucor formed a descending triangle early in 2000. In late April 2000, the stock broke support with a gap down, sharp break, and increase in volume to complete the formation.
The stock declined from above $60 to the low $40s before finding some support and mounting a reaction rally. The rally stalled just below $50, and a series of lower reaction highs began to form. The long-term trend was down, and the resulting pattern was classified as a continuation.
Support at $45 was first established with a bounce in February. After that, the stock touched this level twice before breaking down. After the second touch in March (about a month later), the lower support line was drawn.
After each bounce off of support, a lower high formed. The reaction highs at points 2, 4, and 6 formed the descending trend line to mark the potential descending triangle pattern. Why potential? It's because the pattern isn't complete until support is broken.
The duration of the pattern was a little less than three months.
The last touch of support at $45 occurred in late April. The stock spiked down through support but closed above this key level. The final break occurred a few days later with a gap down, a considerable black candlestick, and an expansion in volume. How support is broken can offer insight into a security's general weakness. This wasn't a slight break but a convincing break. Volume jumped to the highest level in many months, and money flows broke below -10%.
After falling from $45 to $41, the stock mounted a feeble reaction rally that only lasted three days and produced two candlesticks with long upper shadows. Sometimes, there's a test of the renewed resistance level; sometimes, there isn't. A weak test of support can indicate acute selling pressure.
The initial decline was projected to be nine points (54 -45 = 9). If this is subtracted from the support break at $45, the downside projection is around $36. Even though the stock exceeded this target in late June, recent strength has brought it back near $36. Targets are meant to be used as guidelines; other aspects of technical analysis should also be employed to decide when to cover a short or buy.
The descending triangle is a notable technical analysis pattern that indicates a bearish market. It forms during a downtrend as a continuation pattern, characterized by a horizontal line at the bottom formed by comparable lows and a descending trend line at the top formed by declining peaks. The pattern's validity relies on factors such as an established trend, certain properties of the lower horizontal and upper descending trend lines, duration, and volume behavior.
When the pattern's breakout occurs, it's usually indicative of a bearish move. The breakout's direction and price projection, determined by the widest distance of the pattern subtracted from the resistance breakout, can serve as a crucial guideline. However, this target isn’t absolute and should be used with other technical analysis tools.
Last but not least, it's important to note that a descending triangle carries a distinct bearish bias, unlike the symmetrical triangle, which remains neutral until the breakout. This bias is highlighted by the pattern's lower highs, which reflect increasing selling pressure. In short, the descending triangle is an easily recognized pattern that can provide you with valuable insights into an asset’s forthcoming price movements.
The symmetrical triangle, which can also be referred to as a coil, usually forms during a trend as a continuation pattern. The pattern contains at least two lower highs and two higher lows. When these points are connected, the lines converge as they are extended, and the symmetrical triangle takes shape. You could also consider it a contracting wedge, wide at the beginning and narrowing over time.
While there are instances when symmetrical triangles mark important trend reversals, they more often mark a continuation of the current trend (see chart below).
Regardless of the nature of the pattern, continuation, or reversal, the direction of the next major move can only be determined after a valid breakout. Let's examine each part of the symmetrical triangle individually and then view an example.
Trend. An established trend (at least a few months old) should exist to qualify as a continuation pattern. The symmetrical triangle marks a consolidation period before continuing after the breakout.
Four (4) Points. At least two points are required to form a trend line, and two trend lines are required to form a symmetrical triangle. There needs to be a minimum of four points to consider a formation as a symmetrical triangle. The second high (2) should be lower than the first (1), and the upper line should slope down. The second low (2) should be higher than the first (1), and the lower line should slope up. Ideally, the pattern will form with six points (three on each side) before a breakout occurs.
Volume. The volume should diminish as the symmetrical triangle extends and the trading range contracts. This refers to the quiet before the storm or the tightening consolidation before the breakout.
Duration. The symmetrical triangle can extend for a few weeks or many months. The pattern is usually considered a pennant if it is less than three weeks. Typically, the time duration is about three months.
Breakout Timeframe. The ideal breakout point occurs 1/2 to 3/4 of the pattern's development or time span, which can be measured from the apex (convergence of upper and lower lines) back to the beginning of the lower trend line (base). A break before the 1/2 way point might be premature, and a break too close to the apex may be insignificant. After all, as the apex approaches, a breakout must occur sometime.
Breakout Direction. The future direction of the breakout can only be determined after the break has occurred. Sounds obvious enough, but attempting to guess the direction of the breakout can be dangerous. Even though a continuation pattern is supposed to breakout in the direction of the long-term trend, this is not always the case.
Breakout Confirmation. A break should be on a closing basis for it to be considered valid. Some traders apply a price (3% break) or time (sustained for 3 days) filter to confirm validity. The breakout should occur with an expansion in volume, especially on upside breakouts.
Return to Apex. After the breakout (up or down), the apex can turn into future support or resistance. The price sometimes returns to the apex or a support/resistance level around the breakout before resuming in the direction of the breakout.
Price Target. There are two methods to estimate the extent of the move after the breakout. First, the widest distance of the symmetrical triangle can be measured and applied to the breakout point. Second, a trend line can be drawn parallel to the pattern's trend line that slopes (up or down) in the direction of the break. The extension of this line will mark a potential breakout target.
In Technical Analysis of Stock Trends (1948), Edwards and Magee suggest that roughly 75% of symmetrical triangles are continuation patterns and the rest mark reversals. Reversal patterns can be especially difficult to analyze and often have false breakouts. Even so, we should not anticipate the direction of the breakout but rather wait for it to happen. Further analysis should be applied to the breakout by looking for gaps, accelerated price movements, and volume for confirmation. Confirmation is essential for upside breakouts.
Prices sometimes return to the breakout point of the apex on a reaction move before resuming in the direction of the breakout. This return can offer a second chance to participate with a better reward-to-risk ratio. Potential reward price targets found by measurement and parallel trend line extension are only meant to act as rough guidelines.
Technical analysis is dynamic, and you need to monitor your charts continually. In the chart above, SUNW may have fulfilled its target ($42) in a few months, but the stock showed no signs of slowing down and advanced above $100 in the following months.
Conseco (CNCEQ) formed a large symmetrical triangle over five months before breaking out on the downside.
The stock declined from $50 in March 1998 to $22 in Oct 1998 before beginning to firm and consolidate. The low at $22 was probably an overreaction, but the long-term trend was down and established for almost a year.
After the first four points formed, the lines of the symmetrical triangle were drawn. The stock traded within the boundaries for another two months to form the last two points.
After the gap up from point 3 to point 4, volume slowed over the next few months. There was some increase in volume in late June.
The red square marks the ideal breakout time span from 50% to 75% of the pattern. The breakout occurred a little over two weeks later but proved valid nonetheless. While having an ideal pattern develop is preferable, it's rare for that to occur.
After points 5 and 6 formed, the price action moved to the lower boundary of the pattern. Even at this point, the direction of the breakout was still a guess, and it was prudent to wait. The break occurred with an increase in volume and accelerated price decline. The Chaikin Money Flow declined past -30%.
After the decline from $29.50 to $25.50, the stock rebounded but failed to reach potential resistance from the apex. The weakness of the reaction rally foreshadowed the sharpness of the decline that followed.
The widest point on the pattern extended 10.50 points. With a break of support at $29.50, the measured decline was estimated to be around $19. By drawing a trend line parallel to the upper boundary of the pattern, the extension estimates a decline to around $20.
A Rectangle is a continuation pattern that forms during a pause in the trend. It is easily identifiable by two comparable highs and two comparable lows, which can be connected to form two parallel lines that make up the top and bottom of a rectangle. Rectangles are sometimes referred to as trading ranges, consolidation zones, or congestion areas.
The chart below is an example of a typical Rectangle pattern.
There are many similarities between the rectangle and the symmetrical triangle. While both are usually continuation patterns, they can also mark significant tops and bottoms in trends. As with the symmetrical triangle, the rectangle pattern is incomplete until a breakout occurs. Sometimes, you can find clues, but the direction of the breakout is usually not determinable beforehand. We will examine each component of the rectangle pattern followed by an example.
Trend. To qualify as a continuation pattern, a prior trend should exist. Ideally, the trend should be a few months old and not too mature. The more mature the trend, the less chance that the pattern marks a continuation.
Four (4) Points. At least two equivalent reaction highs are required to form the upper resistance line and two equivalent reaction lows to form the lower support line. They don't have to be exactly equal but should be reasonably close. Although not a prerequisite, it's preferable that the highs and lows alternate.
Volume. Unlike symmetrical triangles, rectangles don't exhibit standard volume patterns. Sometimes, volume will decline as the pattern develops. Other times, volume will be choppy as price bounces between support and resistance. Volume will rarely increase as the pattern matures. If volume declines, it's best to look for an expansion on the breakout for confirmation. If volume is choppy, assessing which movements (advances to resistance or declines to support) are receiving the most volume is best. This type of volume assessment could offer an indication of the direction of the future breakout.
Duration. Rectangles can extend for a few weeks or many months. If the pattern is less than three weeks, it's generally considered a flag, a continuation pattern. Ideally, rectangles will develop over three months. Generally, the longer the pattern, the more significant the breakout. A three-month pattern might be expected to fulfill its breakout projection. However, a six-month pattern might be expected to exceed its breakout target.
Breakout Direction. The direction of the next significant move can only be determined after the breakout. As with the symmetrical triangle, rectangles are neutral patterns dependent on the direction of the future breakout. Volume patterns can sometimes offer clues, but there's no confirmation until an actual break above resistance or below support.
Breakout Confirmation. For a breakout to be considered valid, it should be on a closing basis. Some traders apply a filter to price (3%), time (three days), or volume (expansion) for confirmation.
Return to Breakout. A basic tenet of technical analysis is that broken support turns into potential resistance and vice versa. After a break above resistance (below support), there is sometimes a return to test this newfound support level (resistance level). (For more detail, see our ChartSchool article on support and resistance.) A return to or near the original breakout level can offer a second chance to participate.
Target. The estimated move is found by measuring the rectangle's height and applying it to the breakout.
Rectangles represent a trading range that pits the bulls against the bears. Buyers step in and push the price higher as the price nears support. As the price nears resistance, bears take over and force the price lower. Nimble traders sometimes play these bounces by buying near support and selling near resistance. One group (bulls or bears) will exhaust itself, and a winner will emerge after a breakout. Again, it is important to remember that rectangles have a neutral bias. Even though clues can sometimes be gleaned from volume patterns, the actual price action depicts a market in conflict. Only when the price breaks above resistance or below support will it be clear which group has won the battle.
In the summer of 1999, Micron Electronics (MU) advanced from the high teens to the low forties. After meeting resistance around 42, the stock settled in a trading range between 40 and 30 to form a rectangle.
The advance from the high teens to the low forties established the prior intermediate trend as bullish. However, it was unclear at the time whether this trading range would be a reversal or a continuation pattern. The horizontal resistance line at $40 can be extended back to the February 1999 high and marked a serious resistance level.
The red resistance line at $40 was formed with three reaction highs. The first reaction high may be a bit suspect, but the second two are robust. The parallel support line at $30 was touched three times and established a solid support level. After the high at point 5 was reached, the rectangle was valid.
As the pattern developed, volume fluctuated, and there was no clear indication (bullish or bearish break) until mid-February. The first bullish clue came when the stock declined from $38 to $31, and Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) failed to move below -10%. Money flows held steady throughout the decline and turned positive when the stock turned back up. By the time the stock reached $39.75 (surpassing its previous reaction high), CMF was at +20%. Also, notice the strength behind the advance after a higher low.
The duration of the pattern was five months. Due to long-term overhead resistance at $40, the pattern needed more time to consolidate before a breakout. The longer consolidation made for bigger expectations after the breakout.
The breakout occurred with a large expansion in volume and a large move above resistance.
After the breakout, there was a slight pullback to around $46, but the volume behind the advance indicated a huge breakout. Stocks don't always return to the point of breakout. In the chart of LMT (first chart at the top of the page), you see that the stock price makes a classic return to the breakout. It's best to evaluate the setup and strength behind the breakout to determine the likelihood of a second chance opportunity.
The target advance of this breakout was 10 points, the width of the pattern. However, judging from the duration and strength of the breakout, volume expansion, and new all-time highs, it was apparent that this was no ordinary breakout; therefore, an ordinary target was useless. After an initial advance to $55.81, the stock pulled back to $46 and then moved above $70. Subsequently, another trading range developed with resistance in the low $70s and support in the upper $40s.
You can find an example of a Bearish Measured Move in the chart below.
Prior Trend. For the first decline to qualify as a reversal, there must be evidence of a prior uptrend to reverse. Because the Bearish Measured Move can occur as part of a larger advance, the length and severity of the prior decline may vary from a few weeks to many months.
Continuation Decline—Length. The distance from the high to the low of the first decline can be applied to the high of the consolidation/retracement to estimate the length of the next decline. Some technicians like to measure by points, others in percentage terms. If a security declines from $60 to $40 (20 points) and the consolidation/retracement rally returns the security to $50, then $30 would be the target of the second decline (50 - 20 = 30). Using the percentage method, the decline from 60 to 40 would be -33%, and the projected decline from $50 would be 16.50. (50 X 33% = 16.50; 50 - 16.5 = 33.50). Deciding which method to use will depend on the security in question and your analysis preferences.
Continuation Decline—Entry. If the consolidation/retracement forms a continuation pattern, then an appropriate second-leg entry point can be identified using traditional technical analysis rules. However, another signal must be sought if there's no identifiable pattern. Much will depend on your trading preferences, objectives, risk tolerance, and time horizon. One method might be to measure potential retracements (33%, 50%, or 62%) and look for short-term reversal patterns. Another method might be to look for a break below the reaction low set by the first decline as confirmation of continuation. This method would result in a late entry, but the Measured (bear) Move pattern would be confirmed.
A series of Bearish Measured Moves can form during multi-year bear markets (or bull markets). A bear move consisting of three down legs might include a reversal and decline for the first leg, a retracement, a decline for the second leg, a retracement, and finally, a third-leg decline.
While the projection targets for the continuation decline can be helpful, they should only be used as rough guidelines. Securities can overshoot their targets but also fall short. Technical assessments should be ongoing.
As illustrated in the chart below, the second decline of a Bearish Measured Move may not be as orderly as the first, especially when volatile stocks are involved.
Prior Trend. After a multi-year bull move, XIRC reached its all-time high at $69.69 on December 31, 1999.
Reversal Decline. The stock broke trend line support in January 2000, and a lower low was recorded when it dropped below $45 in February 2000. The decline took the stock to $29.13 in April 2000, for a total of 40.56 points down.
Consolidation/Correction. The stock recouped about 50% of its previous decline in April, May, and June with a retracement rally to $52.75. Including the spike high at $52.75, a parallel price channel formed (resembling a large flag pattern) with support marked by the lower trend line. Excluding the spike high, the interpretation could have been a rising wedge. Either way, support was marked by the lower trend line.
Continuation Decline—Length. The estimated length of the continuation decline was 40.56 points from the June high at $52.75, which would target $12.19. Percentage estimates can sometimes be more applicable to Measured (Bear) Moves, especially if the target appears unusually low. The decline from $69.69 to $29.13 was 58%. A 58% decline from $52.75 would mark a target of around $22.16 (52.75 x .58 = 30.59; 52.75 - 30.59 = 22.16).
Continuation Decline—Entry. Because the consolidation/retracement portion formed a continuation pattern, the entry could have been based on a break below the support trend line (red arrows).
Volume. Volume increased just before the trend line support break in January 2000 and again when the stock broke below its previous reaction low (blue arrows). Later, when the stock broke trend line support in July, volume also increased significantly (red arrows).
Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks are an offshoot from Japanese candlesticks. Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks use the open-close data from the prior period and the open-high-low-close data from the current period to create a combo candlestick. The resulting candlestick filters out some noise in an effort to better capture the trend.
In Japanese, Heikin means “average” and Ashi means “pace” (EUDict.com). Taken together, Heikin-Ashi represents the average pace of prices. Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks are not used like regular candlesticks. You won't find dozens of bullish or bearish reversal patterns consisting of one to three candlesticks. Instead, Heikin-Ashi candlesticks can be used to identify trending periods, potential reversal points, and classic chart patterns.
Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks are based on price data from the current open-high-low-close, current Heikin-Ashi values, and prior Heikin-Ashi values. Yes, it is a bit complicated. In the formula below, a “(0)” denotes the current period. A “(-1)” denotes the prior period. “HA” refers to Heikin-Ashi. Let's take each data point one at a time.
Before moving to a spreadsheet example, note that there's a chicken and egg dilemma. You need the first Heikin-Ashi candlestick before calculating future Heikin-Ashi candlesticks. Therefore, the first calculation uses data from the current open, high, low and close.
The first Heikin-Ashi close equals the average of the open, high, low and close ((O+H+L+C)/4). The first Heikin-Ashi open equals the average of the open and close ((O+C)/2). The first Heikin-Ashi high equals the high and the first Heikin-Ashi low equals the low. Even though this first Heikin-Ashi candlestick is somewhat artificial, the effects will dissipate over time (usually seven to 10 periods).
StockCharts.com starts its Heikin-Ashi calculations before the first price date, which is visible on each chart. Therefore, the effects of this first calculation will have already dissipated. The chart below shows examples of two normal candlesticks converting into one Heikin-Ashi Candlestick.
Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks are similar to regular candlesticks but differ in some key features. A Heikin-Ashi candlestick is hollow when the HA-close is above the HA-open; conversely, Heikin-Ashi candlesticks are filled when the HA-close is below the HA-open. This is similar to normal candlesticks, filled when the close is below the open and hollow when the close is above the open.
While traditional candlestick patterns don't exist with Heikin-Ashi candlesticks, chartists can derive valuable information from these charts. A long hollow Heikin-Ashi candlestick shows strong buying pressure over two days. The absence of a lower shadow also reflects strength.
A long, filled Heikin-Ashi candlestick shows strong selling pressure over two days. The absence of an upper shadow also reflects selling pressure. Small Heikin-Ashi candlesticks or those with long upper and lower shadows show indecision over the last two days. This often occurs when one candlestick is filled, and the other is hollow.
The chart below shows QQQ with Heikin-Ashi candlesticks over four months.
An indecisive market can sometimes foreshadow a trend reversal. The blue arrows show indecisive Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks formed with two normal candlesticks of opposite colors.
The red arrows show a strong decline marked by a series of Heikin-Ashi candlesticks without upper shadows. This means the Heikin-Ashi open marked the high, and the remaining data points were lower.
The green arrow shows a strong advance marked by a series of Heikin-Ashi candlesticks without lower shadows. The Heikin-Ashi open marked the low, and the remaining data points were higher.
Despite much movement from high to low, prices finish near their opening point for little change. This shows indecision that can foreshadow a reversal.
When using Heikin-Ashi candlesticks, a doji or spinning top in a downtrend should not immediately be considered bullish. It shows indecision within the downtrend. Indecision is the first indication of a change in trend direction. You need a confirmation of a directional change (trend reversal). For example, when you spot a doji or spinning top in a downtrend, set a resistance level to base a trend reversal.
The example below shows Caterpillar (CAT) with a spinning top forming in late May (1). The trend is down, so a resistance level is set to define a reversal breakout (confirmation). CAT broke this resistance level a few days later, but the breakout failed—a reminder that not all signals are perfect. The downtrend extended, and CAT then formed two dojis in mid-June. A resistance level was marked after the doji, and CAT broke resistance to confirm a reversal.
Prices extended higher until the stock stalled around 110 in July. Two doji and an indecisive candlestick formed in mid-July (3). Also, a clear support level was established. CAT broke support in late July to start a strong downtrend and confirm the trend reversal. A spinning top formed during this downtrend (4), but there was no upside follow-through or reversal. Confirmation of a trend reversal is important.
Classic chart patterns and trend lines can also be used on Heikin-Ashi charts. In contrast to normal candlesticks, Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks are more likely to trend with strings of consecutive filled candlesticks and hollow (white) candlesticks.
The chart below shows Apache (APA) falling with a string of filled candlesticks in late October. The Heikin-Ashi candlesticks formed a falling wedge, and APA broke resistance with a surge in early November. As the stock consolidated in November, a triangle consolidation took shape. The upside breakout signaled a continuation of the bigger uptrend.
The next chart shows Monsanto (MON) with a classic correction in June 2011. The Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks were more than adequate to identify this correction and subsequent breakout. Notice how a falling channel formed as the stock retraced around 61.80% of the prior decline. The big breakout in late June signaled an end to this correction and resumption of the advance.
In SharpCharts you can find Heikin-Ashi under Chart Attributes and Type. These candlesticks can be black and white or in color. Checking the color prices box will show red candlesticks for periods that closed lower and black candlesticks for periods that closed higher.
A red-filled candlestick means the close was below the open (filled) and the close was lower than the prior close (red). A black hollow candlestick means the close was above the open (hollow), and the close was higher than the prior close (black).
The chart below shows both candlestick types side-by-side. Sorry, dual colors are not a charting option. The chart was created by cutting and pasting from one chart to another.
Because the Bullish Measured Move cannot be properly identified until after the correction/consolidation period, it's categorized as a continuation pattern. The pattern is usually long-term and forms over several months.
The chart below shows an example of a Bullish Measured Move.
Prior Trend. For the first advance to qualify as a reversal, there must be evidence of a prior downtrend to reverse. Because the Bullish Measured Move can occur as part of a larger advance, the length and severity of the prior decline may vary from a few weeks to many months.
Continuation Advance—Length. The distance from the low to the high of the first advance can be applied to the low of the consolidation/retracement to estimate a projected advance. Some technicians like to measure by points, others in percentage terms. If the first advance was from $30 to $50 (a $20 move) and the consolidation/correction was to $40, then the target of the second advance would be $60 (50 - 30 = 20; 40 + 20 = 60). For those whoprefer percentages, if the first advance was from $30 to $50 (66%) and the consolidation/correction was to $40, then $66.40 would be the target of the second advance (40 X 66% = 26.40 : 40 + 26.40 = 66.40). The decision of which method to use will depend on the individual security and your analysis style.
Intel (INTC) broke out of a multi-year slump and began a Measured (Bull) Move.
Prior Trend. After a large downward-sloping trading range throughout most of 1997 and 1998, Intel broke above resistance in early November (blue arrows) and started the first leg of a Measured (Bull) Move.
Reversal Advance. The breakout occurred with a strong move above resistance at $22 with two weeks of strong volume (green arrows). The advance began at $17.44 and ended at $35.92.
Consolidation/Correction. After an extended advance, the stock declined within a set range that resembled a large descending flag. The decline retraced about 54% of the previous advance.
Continuation Advance—Length. The estimated length of the advance was 18.48 points from the June low at $25.94, which would target $44.42. The actual high was $44.75 for an $18.81 advance.
Continuation Advance—Entry. Because the consolidation/correction portion formed a continuation pattern, entry could have been based on a break above the resistance line (red arrow).
Volume. Volume increased in early November at the beginning of the reversal advance. There was a decrease from March to May 1999. Volume increased again at the beginning of the continuation advance (green arrows).
The chart below shows an example of a price channel.
Main Trend Line. It takes at least two points to draw the main trend line. This line sets the tone for the trend and slope. The main trend line extends up for a bullish price channel—at least two reaction lows are required to draw it. The main trend line extends down for a bearish price channel—at least two reaction highs are required to draw it.
Bullish Price Channel. The trend is considered bullish as long as prices advance and trade within the channel. The first warning of a trend change occurs when prices fall short of channel line resistance. A subsequent break below the main trendline support would indicate a trend change. A break above the channel line resistance would be bullish and indicate an acceleration of the price advance.
Bearish Price Channel. The trend is considered bearish as long as prices decline and trade within the channel. The first warning of a trend change occurs when price fails to reach channel line support. A subsequent break above the main trend line resistance would indicate a trend change. A break below channel line support would be bearish and indicate an acceleration of the decline.
In a bullish price channel, some traders look to buy when prices reach main trend line support. Conversely, some traders look to sell (or short) when prices reach main trend line resistance in a bearish price channel. As with most price patterns, other aspects of technical analysis should be used to confirm signals.
Because technical analysis is just as much art as science, there is room for flexibility. Even though exact trend line touches are ideal, it is up to you to judge the relevance and placement of the main trend and channel line. By that same token, a channel line parallel to the main trend line is ideal.
The price chart of Cisco Systems (CSCO) provides an example of an 11-month bullish price channel developed in 1999.
Main Trend Line. The January, February, and March reaction lows formed the beginning of the main trend line, which was confirmed by subsequent lows in April, May, and August.
Channel Line. Once the main trend line was in place, the channel line beginning from the January high was drawn. A visual assessment reveals that these trend lines look parallel. More precise analysts may want to test the slope of each line, but a visual inspection is usually enough to ensure the “essence” of the pattern.
Bullish Price Channel. Subsequent touches along the main trend line offered good buying opportunities in mid-April, late May, and mid-August.
The stock didn't reach channel line resistance until July (red arrow), marking a significant reaction high.
The September high (blue arrow) fell short of channel line resistance by a small margin that was probably insignificant.
The break above channel line resistance in December 1999 marked an acceleration of the advance. Some analysts might consider the stock overextended after this move, but the advance was powerful, and the trend never turned bearish. Price channels will not last forever, but the underlying trend remains until proven otherwise.
An EquiVolume box consists of three components—price high, price low, and volume. The price high forms the upper boundary, the price low forms the lower boundary, and volume dictates the width. EquiVolume boxes are black when the close is above the prior close and red when the close is below the prior close.
When calculating EquiVolume, note that volume is normalized to show it as a percentage of the look-back period. For a four-month daily chart, each day's volume would be divided by the total volume for the look-back period (four months). As such, the width of each box represents the percentage of total volume for the look-back period. Big-volume days occupy more space on the x-axis (horizontal) than low-volume days.
Because of the varying widths, the date axis is usually not uniform on EquiVolume charts. Some weeks will extend longer because of wide candlesticks, while others will be shorter because of narrow candlesticks.
The chart below shows a high-low-close bar chart with volume and a normal x-axis.
The chart below shows this same period using EquiVolume boxes.
The wide boxes show relatively high-volume days, while the thin boxes show relatively low-volume days.
The chart below shows Caterpillar (CAT) with two small breakouts followed by one big breakout. The stock formed a falling wedge into early July and broke the trend line with the widest EquiVolume box in over a month. A break above the late June high was followed by a gap and another wide EquiVolume box.
Buying pressure was slowly picking up steam. The final and biggest breakout occurred with another gap and moved above $38. This EquiVolume box is undoubtedly the widest in the last two months, so buying pressure was the strongest in two months. Volume confirmed these breakouts.
The chart below shows Intuit (INTU) breaking support with a wide EquiVolume box. This move showed strong selling pressure that broke the September lows.
High-volume moves can also signal the beginning of a trend. The chart below shows Alcoa (AA) trending lower from early January to early March 2009. The stock bottomed at just above $5 in March and then broke out with a wide EquiVolume box—by far the widest box in months. Strong buying pressure confirmed the reversal and foreshadowed a rally back to the January highs.
The Goldman Sachs (GS) chart below shows a reversal of an uptrend with three red EquiVolume boxes. The stock surged above $345 in late October but moved sharply lower with a long-red-wide EquiVolume box in early November. Two more long-red-wide EquiVolume boxes followed as the stock broke support at $210.
Together, these three EquiVolume boxes showed selling pressure intensifying. Goldman Sachs managed to bounce back above $235, but these EquiVolume boxes were narrower because of lower volume. Upside volume on the bounce was weaker than downside volume on the support break. Lacking conviction, this bounce failed and the stock moved to new reaction lows over the coming months.
EquiVolume boxes can be used to identify exceptionally high-volume periods that represent a volume climax. A typical selling climax involves a new price low, an intraday plunge, and a strong intraday recovery with good volume. An EquiVolume climax occurs with an exceptionally wide box. Often the box is wider than it is tall. This represents a period of relatively little price change with high volume, which shows indecision that can sometimes foreshadow a significant move.
The chart below shows Weatherford International (WFT) finding support at just above $9 from mid-January to early March. An exceptionally wide EquiVolume box was formed on February 25 to reinforce support and act as a volume climax. The subsequent breakouts at $11 and $13 opened the door to an extended advance.
The chart below shows Akamai Technologies (AKAM) had a big gap down and an exceptionally wide EquiVolume box that looks more like a square than a rectangle. This wide EquiVolume box represented a support level in the $16 to $17 area. AKAM firmed for a few days and then gapped higher with good volume.
After this short-term reversal and bounce, AKAM returned to the wide EquiVolume box and tested support here. Also, notice that a falling channel formed. The stock successfully tested support and broke channel resistance with a breakout. Admittedly, the breakout lacked a wide EquiVolume box for confirmation but held after a successful test at $10 in early October.
EquiVolume boxes put price action and volume together for easy visual analysis. EquiVolume boxes plot the high-low range for length and volume for width. Thin boxes show relatively low volume, while wide boxes show relatively high volume. Square or wide boxes reflect high volume with relatively little price movement. Chartists can easily spot traditional patterns, support/resistance breaks, and reversals, even with this added volume dimension.
SharpCharts users can find EquiVolume under Chart Attributes and Type. There is also a volume option directly underneath. Users can choose to have volume “off,” “separate,” or as an “overlay.” Volume can also be skipped (off) because it is reflected in the EquiVolume boxes.
EquiVolume is not available as an indicator for scans at StockCharts.com. However, the general idea behind EquiVolume boxes can be captured by scanning for certain price and volume relationships.
Volume determines the width of the candlestick. Wide candlesticks form when volume is high, while narrow candlesticks form when volume is low. The chart below shows basic black and white (filled and hollow) candlesticks based on CandleVolume. Wide and hollow candlesticks form when the close is well above the open and volume is high. Wide and filled candlesticks form when the close is well below the open and volume is high. Narrow candlesticks form when volume is relatively low.
You can also colorize candlesticks and volume bars to identify up and down periods. The chart below shows a colorized version of the chart of the same stock over the same period as the above chart.
In the Chart Attributes section below the chart, you can check the Color Prices and Color Volume box to colorize. A hollow candlestick still means the close was above the open, and a filled candlestick means the close was below the open. The red candlestick means the close was below the prior close, while a black candlestick means the close was above the prior close. The same applies to the red and green volume bars.
When calculating CandleVolume charts, note that volume is normalized to show it as a percentage of the look-back period. For a four-month daily chart, each day's volume would be divided by total volume for the look-back period (four months). As such, the width of each box represents the percentage of total volume for the look-back period. Big-volume days occupy more space on the x-axis (horizontal) than low-volume days.
The date axis is usually not uniform on CandleVolume charts with varying widths. Some weeks will extend longer because of wide candlesticks, while others will be shorter because of narrow candlesticks.
The chart below shows Pfizer (PFE) with normal candlesticks and a normal x-axis.
In the next chart (see below), the CandleVolume changes the x-axis because volume was much higher in June than in prior months.
CandleVolume charts can be used to validate candlestick reversal patterns. A candlestick reversal pattern on high volume carries more weight than one on low volume.
The first chart below shows Transocean (RIG) forming a wide hammer in mid-April. The second chart shows RIG forming a wide bearish engulfing in mid-May. The third chart shows price action after these patterns.
Volume is important in chart analysis, especially in validating support and resistance breaks. Volume is fuel—an upside breakout on high volume is more bullish than a breakout on low volume.
An upside breakout on high volume shows strong demand that is less likely to fade away. The chart below shows Google (GOOG) with a CandleVolume chart ending on April 19. Notice how the stock broke above resistance with a wide hollow candlestick. This shows high volume (strong demand) on the breakout. The second chart shows what happened next. Not all setups pay off quite this well, but CandleVolume can help separate the pretenders from the contenders.
In SharpCharts you can find CandleVolume under Chart Attributes and Type. There is also a volume option directly underneath. Choose to have volume off, separate, or as an overlay. Volume can also be skipped (off) because it's reflected on the CandleVolume chart.
The example below shows the check boxes for selecting Color Prices and Color Volume.
Green price bars show that the bulls are in control of trend and momentum as both the 13-day EMA and MACD-Histogram are rising. A red price bar indicates that the bears have taken control because the 13-day EMA and MACD-Histogram are falling. A blue price bar indicates mixed technical signals— neither buying nor selling pressure predominating.
The Elder Impulse System can be used across different timeframes, but trading should be in harmony with the bigger trend. Elder recommends setting your trading timeframe and then calling it intermediate; then multiply this intermediate timeframe by five to get your long-term timeframe.
Traders using daily charts for an intermediate timeframe can move to weekly charts for a long-term timeframe. The choice is not as clear-cut for smaller or longer timeframes. A little judgment is required.
Traders using 10-minute charts to chart their “intermediate” timeframe can use 60-minute charts for their “long-term” timeframe. Investors using weekly charts can base the bigger picture on monthly charts.
Once you've decided on your trading timeframe, you'd use the longer timeframe to identify the bigger trend. This can even be accomplished using one chart.
There are other methods for determining the weekly trend besides the MACD(1,65,1) zero crossover on the daily chart. For the sake of simplicity, the examples on this page apply the MACD.
A buy signal occurs when the long-term trend is deemed bullish, and the Elder Impulse System turns bullish on the intermediate-term trend. In other words, the weekly chart has to show a clear uptrend for a daily buy signal to be valid. Daily buy signals that occur when the weekly chart is not in a clear uptrend are ignored.
A sell signal occurs when the long-term trend is deemed bearish, and the Elder Impulse System turns bearish on the intermediate-term trend. For example, the weekly chart has to show a clear downtrend for a daily sell signal to be valid. Daily sell signals that happen when the weekly chart is not in a clear downtrend are ignored.
The daily chart below adds the MACD(1,65,1) indicator to show the weekly trend. If the MACD is above zero, the weekly trend is up. If it is below zero, the weekly trend is down.
The first three green arrows on the chart show valid daily buy signals (i.e., new clusters of green daily bars). Note, however, that the first few red bars on the chart are not valid sell signals in this case because the weekly trend is still positive (according to the MACD indicator). After the weekly trend turns down, the red arrow shows the first valid sell signal. Similarly, the weekly trend must turn positive again before valid buy signals are given (as indicated by the last three green arrows on the chart).
The Elder Impulse System is designed to catch relatively short price moves. Elder notes, "The Impulse System encourages you to enter cautiously but exit fast. This is the professional approach to trading, the total opposite of the amateur's style. Beginners jump into trades without thinking too much and take forever to get out, hoping and waiting for the market to turn their way.”
In addition to trading setups, the Elder Impulse System can prevent bad trades by consulting it before entering a trade. Use the Impulse System to confirm bullish or bearish setups. Traders can ignore bullish setups when the Impulse System is not in full-blown bull mode (green bars) and ignore bearish signals when the system is not in full-blown bear mode (red bars).
Arms CandleVolume charts are created by placing a candlestick inside an EquiVolume box. The EquiVolume box dictates the width based on relative volume. Let's look at each individually and then show the merged product.
An EquiVolume box consists of three components—price high, price low, and volume. The price high forms the upper boundary, the price low forms the lower boundary, and volume dictates the width. EquiVolume boxes are black when the close is above the prior close and red when the close is below the prior close.
When calculating EquiVolume charts, note that volume is normalized to show it as a percentage of the lookback period. For a four-month daily chart, each day's volume would be divided by the total volume for those four months. As such, the width of each Arms CandleVolume box represents the percentage of total volume for the lookback period. High-volume days occupy more space on the X-axis (horizontal) than low-volume days.
The varying width means the date axis will not be uniform. Some weeks will extend longer because of high volume, while others will be shorter because of low volume.
The chart below shows IPG with Arms CandleVolume over four months. Notice how October extends more than the other months. That's because the Arms CandleVolume boxes are wide during this month.
The next chart shows IPG with standard candlesticks for reference.
Traditional candlesticks capture the high-low range and the price movement from open to close. Four variations, using colored candlesticks, are shown in the chart below.
The price change from the close to the prior close determines the candlestick color. Candlesticks are black when the close is higher and red when the close is lower.
The price movement from open to close determines whether a candlestick is hollow or filled. The candlestick is hollow when the close is above the open and filled (solid) when the close is below the open.
The upper and lower shadows (the thin lines above and below the body) capture the high-low range and match the height of the Arms CandleVolume box.
The following three charts show how EquiVolume boxes and candlesticks merge to create Arms CandleVolume charts.
Chartists can use Arms CandleVolume charts to find candlestick reversal patterns and analyze volume flows to complement these patterns. The example below shows a chart of Costco (COST) with a high-volume bullish engulfing pattern on October 9. The candlestick is long and wide because volume surged to its highest level in over two months.
Arms CandleVolume captures the volume surge with the widest box on the chart. Volume validates the bullish engulfing pattern and affirms support from the late August low. Notice how the stock continued higher for three days as buying pressure remained. Subsequently, the stock advanced to 126 and recorded several new highs in November.
It is also worth noting two other features on this chart. First, COST broke out with a gap and wide Arms CandleVolume box on September 5. Second, a bearish engulfing on high volume marked the mid-September peak and the stock broke support closing on the low. Note, however, that the true width of Arms CandleVolume boxes is shown when the chart ends on that particular date. For example, COST broke out with a gap and wide Arms CandleVolume box on September 5 (see chart below). The width of this box is not finalized until after the market close on September 5.
In SharpCharts you can find Arms CandleVolume under Chart Attributes and Type. There is also a volume option directly underneath. You can choose to have volume off, separate, or as an overlay. Volume can also be skipped (off) because it is reflected on the Arms CandleVolume chart. The example below also shows the check boxes for selecting Color Prices and Color Volume which you can use to display the up and down days in different colors. You can choose your colors using Up Color and Down Color.
The reversal amount is the minimum price change required for the Kagi line to reverse direction. Let's start with an example using a close-only chart for the S&P 500 and a 20 point reversal amount. If the Kagi line is rising and the S&P 500 reaches 1951, the Kagi line will not reverse until the S&P 500 declines to 1931 or lower (20 or more points). Conversely, if the Kagi line is falling and the S&P 500 declines to 1900, the Kagi line will not reverse until the S&P 500 advances to 1920 or higher (20 or more points).
The example below shows the upside reversals with green arrows and downside reversals with red arrows. The last Kagi value (1951.27) is marked with the y-axis label. The S&P 500, however, is currently at 1943.89, which is below the high of the Kagi line. Again, the Kagi line will not reverse until the index moves below 1931 (20 points).
The chart below shows daily close-only prices for the S&P 500. Notice that the advance from 1870.85 to 1951.27 looks different because it extends from May 15 to June 11 (yellow area).
The Kagi line ignored the date changes and rose vertically because it is based purely on price. This price focus means the x-axis (date range) will be different and irregular on the Kagi chart. A line or bar chart has a uniform x-axis with daily price data. The date on the Kagi chart doesn't change until there's a reversal. If the S&P 500 falls to 1930, more than 20 points from the Kagi high, a small horizontal line would be drawn at 1951.27, and a down line would be drawn to 1930. This new line would then warrant a date marker on the x-axis.
The reversal amount can also be set as a percentage, a fixed amount that will not change as new data is incorporated into the chart. In other words, new price data is added every trading day, and the reversal amount will remain constant when using points or percentages.
The reversal amount is subject to change when using the ATR, a volatility measure. The default ATR is based on 14 periods and fluctuates along with price volatility. Also, note that the ATR value changes as new days and data points come into play.
When the chart is created, the reversal amount is based on the prevailing ATR value. Should the ATR value change in the following days or weeks, this new value would be used as the reversal amount. This means the look of the Kagi chart will also change. Also note that ATR values on a line or bar chart are based on the actual trading periods (14 days, 14 weeks, 14 months, etc.). Therefore, ATR values on a Kagi chart will not match ATR values on a chart with a uniform date axis.
The chart below shows a regular close-only chart ending on April 15.
The chart below shows a Kagi chart created on April 15, which is also the last date.
First, notice that the ATR value on the Kagi chart is different than the ATR value on the close-only chart. Second, notice that the ATR value from the close-only chart is used to set the reversal amount on the Kagi chart. If this Kagi chart were created in early January, the ATR reversal value would be around 12.5 and this chart would look different. Remember that ATR reversal amounts will change as new data is added to the chart. Reversal amounts based on points and percentages are fixed.
The prior Kagi charts used one color to focus on the reversals. The following Kagi charts show thick black lines for the yang lines and thin red lines for the yin lines. Note that a Kagi peak or trough forms whenever there's a reversal, marked by a small horizontal line. A yang line forms when a Kagi line breaks above the prior peak. A yin line forms when a Kagi line breaks below the prior trough.
The chart below shows some examples of yin and yang lines.
A peak can form with thick black or thin red lines. A thick black line (yang) remains in play until a break below the most recent trough. The thick black line turns into a thin red line at the break point. This thin red line (yin) remains in play until a break above the most recent peak. The thin red line then changes into a thick black line at the break point.
In Beyond Candlesticks, Steve Nison highlights several signals and setups using Kagi charts. These include buy on a new yang line, sell on a new yin line, buy rising shoulders, sell falling waists, multi-level breaks, double windows, trend line breaks, tweezers, three Buddha reversals and record sessions. Rather than cover every setup in his great book, this article will highlight a few setups with some chart examples.
The next three Kagi charts use percentage for reversal amount and the high-low range for the price field. A peak on a Kagi chart is also called a shoulder, while a trough is called a waist. Nison notes that a series of rising shoulders defines an advance, while a series of falling waists defines a decline.
The CVS chart below shows a steady advance in October–November and a decline in January. Notice how trend lines can be drawn on these charts. We can also use the troughs to mark support. The March–April waists (troughs) are used to mark a support zone.
The Humana chart below shows a pair of inverted three Buddha bottoms. As the name implies, these look like inverse head-and-shoulders patterns. The left waist forms the first low, the Buddha's head forms the middle low, and the right waist forms the third low. The Buddha low is the lowest of the three, while the other two are relatively equal. A break above resistance confirms the reversal.
Kagi peaks (shoulders) and troughs (waists) are also called levels. A series of shoulders can mark a resistance zone, while a series of waists can mark a support zone. You can look for a break of two or more levels to trigger a trend change.
The example below shows KLA-Tencor (KLAC) with a few trend line breaks and some multi-level breaks. Notice how the stock broke above three levels and broke the October trend line in February. After advancing above 71, the stock broke below the early February trend line and below three levels in early April. The far right side of the chart shows the stock breaking another trend line and moving above three levels with a surge above 64.
Like their Japanese cousins, Renko and Three Line Break, Kagi charts filter the noise by focusing on minimum price changes. Kagi lines do not reverse unless price changes by a minimum amount. Like Point & Figure charts, it is easy to spot important highs and lows, and identify key support and resistance levels. With this information, chartists can define uptrends with higher highs and higher lows or downtrends with lower lows and lower highs. As with all charting techniques, chartists should employ other technical analysis tools to confirm or refute their findings on Kagi charts.
Chartists can create Kagi charts by going to the Chart Attributes section and selecting Kagi as the chart Type. This section is just under the SharpChart on the left side. You can choose points, percentage, or ATR for the reversal amount. The field can be set at close or high-low range.
If you're looking for more sensitivity, choose the high-low range and if you're looking to focus on end-of-day price data, choose the close. Yin and yang line colors can also be changed using the “up color” and “down color” dropdown menus below the SharpChart.
Beyond Candlesticks, a book by Steve Nison, shows chartists advanced techniques for candlesticks and other technical analysis techniques that originated in Japan. Nison devotes an entire chapter to Kagi charts; additionally, he covers Three Line Break charts, Renko charts and explains how Japanese traders use moving averages.
The Cup with Handle is a bullish continuation pattern that marks a consolidation period followed by a breakout. It was developed by William O'Neil and introduced in his 1988 book How to Make Money in Stocks.
The chart below shows an example of a classic Cup With Handle pattern.
Trend. To qualify as a continuation pattern, a prior trend should exist. Ideally, the trend should be a few months old. If the trend is too mature, the less chance of the pattern marking a continuation. In other words, there's less upside potential.
Duration. The cup can last from one to six months, sometimes longer on weekly charts. The handle can last from one week to many weeks and is ideally completed within one to four weeks.
Volume. There should be a substantial increase in volume on the breakout above the handle's resistance.
Target. The projected advance after breakout can be estimated by measuring the distance from the right peak of the cup to the bottom of the cup.
As with most chart patterns, capturing the pattern's essence is more important than the particulars. The cup is a bowl-shaped consolidation, and the handle is a short pullback followed by a breakout with expanding volume. A cup retracement of 62% may not fit the pattern requirements, but a particular stock's pattern may still capture the essence of the Cup with Handle.
The chart below shows a Cup With Handle pattern in the chart of EMC.
Trend. EMC established the bull trend by advancing from around $10 to above $30 in about five months. The stock peaked in March and then began to pull back and consolidate its large gains.
Cup. The April decline was sharp, but the lows extended over two months to form the bowl that marked a consolidation period. Also, note that support was found from the February 1999 lows.
Cup Depth. The cup's low retraced 42% of the previous advance. After an advance in June and July, the stock peaked at $32.69 to complete the cup (red arrow).
Handle. Another consolidation period began in July to start the handle formation. A sharp decline in August caused the handle to retrace more than 1/3 of the cup's advance. However, there was a quick recovery, and the stock traded back up to the normal handle boundaries within a week. The essence of the formation remained valid after this sharp decline.
Duration. The cup extended for about three months, while the handle extended for about six weeks.
Target. The projected advance after the breakout was estimated at nine points from the breakout of around $32. EMC easily fulfilled this target over the next few months.
The Measured Move is a three-part formation that begins as a reversal pattern and resumes as a . The Bearish Measured Move consists of a reversal decline, consolidation/retracement and continuation decline. Because the Bearish Measured Move cannot be confirmed until after the consolidation/retracement period, it's categorized as a continuation pattern. The pattern is usually long-term and forms over several months.
Reversal Decline. The first decline usually begins near the established highs of the previous advance and extends for a few weeks or many months. Sometimes, this reversal pattern can mark the initial trend change; other times, a new downtrend is established by new or a break below . Ideally, the decline is fairly orderly and lengthy, with declining peaks and troughs that may form a . Less erratic declines are satisfactory but risk turning into a different pattern.
Consolidation/Retracement. After an extended decline, a consolidation or retracement can be expected. As a retracement rally (or ), prices could recoup 33% to 67% of the previous decline. Generally speaking, the bigger the decline is, the bigger the reaction rally. Some retracement formations might include an upward-sloping or . If the formation turns out to be a consolidation, then a continuation pattern, such as a rectangle or descending triangle, could form.
Volume. should increase during the reversal decline, decrease at the end of the consolidation/retracement, and increase again during the continuation decline. This is the ideal volume pattern, but volume confirmation is less important for bearish patterns than bullish patterns.
More than one pattern can exist within a Bearish Measured Move. A could mark the first reversal and decline; a price channel could form during this decline; a descending triangle could mark the consolidation, and another price channel could form during the continuation of the decline.
As with normal candlesticks, Heikin-Ashi doji and spinning tops can be used to foreshadow reversals. A Heikin-Ashi doji or Heikin-Ashi spinning top looks similar to a (see image below).
Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks are a versatile tool that can filter noise, foreshadow reversals, and identify classic chart patterns. In fact, all aspects of classical technical analysis can be applied to these charts. Chartists can use Heikin-Ashi Candlesticks to identify support and resistance, draw trend lines or measure retracements. Volume indicators and momentum oscillators also work well. for a live Heikin-Ashi chart.
The Measured Move is a three-part formation that begins as a and resumes as a . The Bullish Measured Move consists of a reversal advance, a correction/consolidation, and a continuation.
Reversal Advance. The first advance usually begins near the established lows of the previous decline and extends for a few weeks or many months. Sometimes, a reversal pattern can mark the initial trend change. Other times, the new uptrend is established by new or a break above . Ideally, the advance is fairly orderly and lengthy, with a series of rising peaks and troughs that may form a . Less erratic advances are satisfactory but run the risk of forming a different pattern.
Consolidation/Correction. After an extended advance, a consolidation or correction can be expected. As a consolidation, there could be a continuation pattern, such as a or . As a correction, there could be 33% to 67% retracement of the previous advance, and the possible patterns include a large downward-sloping or . Generally, the bigger the advance, the bigger the correction. A 100% advance may see a 62% correction, and a 50% advance may see only a 33% correction.
Continuation Advance—Entry. If the consolidation/correction comprises a continuation pattern, then second-leg entry points can be identified using the normal breakout rules. However, if there is no readily identifiable pattern, then some other continuation breakout signal must be sought. Much will depend on your trading style, objectives, risk tolerance, and time horizon. One method might be to measure potential retracements (33%, 50%, or 62%) and look for short-term reversal patterns for good entry points. Another method might be to wait for a break above the reaction high set by the first advance as confirmation of continuation. This method would make for a late entry, but the pattern would be confirmed.
Volume. should increase at the beginning of the reversal advance, decrease at the end of the consolidation/correction, and increase again at the beginning of the continuation advance.
The Bullish Measured Move can be made up of several patterns. There could be a to start the reversal advance, a price channel during the reversal advance, an to mark the consolidation, and another price channel to mark the continuation advance. A series of Bullish Measured Moves can form during multi-year bull markets (or bear markets). While the projections for the continuation advance can be helpful for targets, they should only be used as rough guidelines. Securities can overshoot their targets but can also fall short—technical assessments should be ongoing.
A price channel is a continuation pattern that up or down and is bound by an upper and lower trend line. The upper trend line marks , and the lower trend line marks . Price channels with negative slopes (down) are considered bearish, and those with positive slopes (up) are considered bullish. Consider a “bullish price channel” as a channel with a positive slope and a “bearish price channel” as one with a negative slope.
Channel Line. The line drawn parallel to the main trend line is called the channel line. Ideally, the channel line will be based on two or . However, after establishing the main trend line, some analysts draw the parallel channel line using only one reaction high or low. The channel line marks support in a bearish price channel and resistance in a bullish price channel.
Scaling. Even though it's a matter of personal preference, trend lines seem to match reaction highs and lows best when scales are used. Semi-log scales reflect price movements in percentage terms. A move from 50 to 100 will appear the same distance as one from 100 to 200.
Developed by Richard W. Arms Jr., EquiVolume is a price plot incorporating volume into each period. EquiVolume charts look similar to candlestick charts, but the candlesticks are replaced with EquiVolume boxes that can be square or rectangular. , still show up with the bonus of having volume built right into the pattern. Verifying volume for reversals, big moves, support/resistance breaks, and selling or buying culminations becomes easier.
Volume is important for validating a move, particularly or breaks. A break on low volume is not as convincing as a break on high volume. The low volume shows tepid interest and weak buying or selling pressure. In contrast, high volume reflects elevated interest and strong buying or selling pressure.
for a live EquiVolume chart.
As its name implies, CandleVolume charts merge volume into candlesticks. This allows chartists to analyze price action and volume with one look at the price chart. CandleVolume charts are similar to but offer more information because candlesticks are used instead of high-low boxes. This means chartists can see the open and close for each period, as well as the high and the low. CandleVolume charts can be used just like normal charts. Chartists can look for candlestick patterns and classical chart patterns, such as triangles and wedges, to generate signals.
A CandleVolume candlestick comprises five components—open, high, low, close, and volume. As with , the open and close form the candlestick's body, while the high and low form the upper and lower shadows.
CandleVolume charts put price action and volume together for easy visual analysis. Because these candlesticks share the same features as normal candlesticks, chartists can use them to validate candlestick patterns. CandleVolume charts can also be used to affirm a support test or validate a resistance level. A bounce off support with a wide candlestick is stronger than a bounce with a narrow candlestick. The same is true for a decline from resistance. Basically, almost anything done on normal candlestick charts can be applied to CandleVolume charts. for a live CandleVolume chart.
The Elder Impulse System was designed by Alexander Elder and featured in his book . According to Elder, “the system identifies inflection points where a trend speeds up or slows down.” The Impulse System is based on two indicators: a 13-day exponential moving average and the . The moving average identifies the trend, while the MACD-Histogram measures momentum. As a result, the Impulse System combines trend following and momentum to identify tradable impulses. This unique indicator combination is color coded into the price bars for easy reference.
The chart below shows daily bars with the Elder Impulse System and the 65-da (EMA), five times the 13-day EMA. The long-term trend is considered up when SPY is above the 65-day EMA or when or MACD (1,65,1) is positive.
The impulse system can also be used to anticipate patterns or reversals. If you think a is taking shape or support from a is near, the Impulse System can identify a short-term reversal for confirmation.
The Elder Impulse System can be accessed in SharpCharts by selecting Elder Impulse System from the Type dropdown menu under Chart Attributes. Overlays and indicators can be added to see how the Elder Impulse System works or to determine the longer trend. For example, you can add an EMA as an overlay or the MACD as an indicator. for a live example of the Elder Impulse System.
Arms CandleVolume charts merge candlesticks and EquiVolume to create a price chart that focuses on volume, the price range, and the candlestick. EquiVolume charts are the brainchild of Richard Arms, creator of the . Arms CandleVolume charts came about after a conversation between Richard Arms and Chip Anderson. In a nutshell, Arms was not entirely happy with CandleVolume charts because they did not emphasize the high-low range enough. Now, with just a glance, chartists can easily determine the relative volume level, the period's range and the price movement from open to close. Arms CandleVolume allows chartists to validate important candlestick patterns with volume and analyze the overall supply-demand dynamics on a chart.
Arms CandleVolume charts put candlestick action and volume together for easy visual analysis. Wide Arms CandleVolume boxes can also be used to affirm a support level or validate resistance. A bounce off support with a wide Arms CandleVolume box is stronger than a bounce with a narrow Arms CandleVolume box. The same is true for a decline from resistance. for a live chart featuring Arms CandleVolume.
Kagi charts are based strictly on price action. They ignore time. In this way, Kagi charts are similar to charts. According to Steve Nison, author of Beyond Candlesticks, Kagi charts were invented in the late 19th century in Japan. They are line charts that change direction when prices move by a required amount. There is also the added aspect of yin and yang as the lines change thickness when prices break above a prior high or below a prior low.
As Kagi charts are all about reversals, chartists must start by setting the reversal amount. This can be a fixed number of points, a set percentage or a variable (ATR). Note that this reversal amount can also be based on closing prices or the high-low range. The following examples will use closing prices for simplicity. (Chartists looking for more sensitivity and more reversals can opt for the high-low range.)
for a live example.
As its name implies, the pattern has two parts—the cup and the handle. The cup forms after an advance and looks like a bowl or . As the cup is completed, a trading range develops on the right-hand side, and the handle is formed. A subsequent breakout from the handle's trading range signals a continuation of the prior advance.
Cup. The cup should be U-shaped and resemble a bowl or rounding bottom. A V-shaped bottom would be considered too sharp of a reversal to qualify. The softer “U” shape ensures that the cup is a consolidation pattern with valid at the bottom of the “U.” The perfect pattern would have equal highs on both sides, but this is not always the case.
Cup Depth. Ideally, the depth of the cup should retrace 1/3 or less of the previous advance. However, the retracement could range from 1/3 to 1/2 with volatile markets and over-reactions. In extreme situations, the maximum retracement could be 2/3, which conforms with
Handle. After the high forms on the cup's right side, a pullback forms the handle. Sometimes, this handle resembles a or that slopes downward; other times, it's just a short pullback. The handle represents the final consolidation/pullback before the big breakout and can retrace up to 1/3 of the cup's advance, but usually not more. The smaller the retracement, the more bullish the formation and the more significant the breakout. Sometimes, it's prudent to wait for a break above the line established by the highs of the cup.
Volume. In early September 2000, the stock broke handle resistance with a gap up and volume expansion (green arrow). In addition, soared above +20%.
Candlestick Charting Explained Gregory Morris
Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques Steve Nison
The New Trading for a Living Alexander Elder
Come Into My Trading Room Alexander Elder
The New Sell and Sell Short Alexander Elder
Beyond Candlesticks Steve Nison
Renko charts originated in Japan. The charts ignore time and focus solely on price changes that meet a minimum requirement. In this regard, these charts are similar to Point & Figure charts. Instead of X-and O-Columns, Renko charts use price “bricks,” representing a fixed price move. These bricks are sometimes called “blocks” or “boxes.” They move up or down in 45-degree lines with one brick per vertical column. Bricks for upward price movements are hollow, while bricks for falling price movements are filled with a solid color (typically black).
Renko charts are based on bricks with fixed values that filter out smaller price movements. A regular bar, line, or candlestick chart has a uniform date axis with equally spaced days, weeks, and months. This is because there is one data point per day or week. Renko charts ignore the time aspect and only focus on price changes.
If the brick value is set at 10 points, a move of 10 points or more is required to draw another brick. Price movements less than 10 points would be ignored, and the Renko chart would remain unchanged.
For example, if you're using the S&P 500 10-point Renko chart and the S&P 500 advanced nine points (1840 to 1849), you wouldn't see a new Renko brick drawn on the chart. If the S&P 500 advanced to 1850 the next day, a new Renko brick would be drawn because the entire move was at least 10 points. This brick would extend from 1840 to 1850 and be hollow or white in this example. Alternatively, if the S&P 500 declined from 1840 to 1830, a new Renko brick would be drawn, and it would be solid or black.
The two charts below cover a six-month timeframe. The Renko chart sports an irregular date axis. The price action is less choppy because the S&P 500 Renko chart ignores price moves that are less than 10 points. It remains unchanged until there is a move of at least 10 points.
Renko charts can be based on closing prices or the high-low range using the “field” setting in SharpCharts. Closing price means there is one data point per period and less volatility. The high-low range puts two data points into play and increases the fluctuations, which results in added bricks.
The examples below show Renko charts for the S&P 500; the box size is 10 points for both. The first chart is based on closing prices, and the second is based on the high-low range. Notice that the Renko chart based on the high-low range fluctuates more than the close-only Renko chart.
Chartists can use the “box” settings to set brick size as a specific value or as the Average True Range (ATR). A specific point value means brick size will remain constant even as new data is incorporated into the chart. In other words, new price data is added every trading day, and the brick size will remain constant. The two charts above have a fixed value, and each brick represents ten points.
In contrast to fixed price bricks, using ATR values results in fluctuating brick sizes. The default ATR is based on 14 periods, and the ATR fluctuates over time. The brick size is based on the ATR value when the chart is created. Should the ATR value change the next day, the new ATR value will be used to set the brick size. Also note that ATR values are based on standard charts, such as close-only, bar, and candlestick. These charts have one data point per period and a uniform x-axis (date axis). The ATR value shown on these charts can differ from the ATR brick value on a Renko chart due to rounding issues.
The next two examples show how the ATR value changes when the ending chart date changes. The chart below ends on June 10, and the ATR value is 12.05, which is the value for each Renko brick.
The second example shown in the chart below ends on April 15, and the ATR value is 20.55, which is the value for each Renko brick. Notice how the brick value changed as the ATR value changed. The bricks on April 15 have a much higher value than those on June 10.
White bricks form when prices rise a certain amount, and black bricks form when prices decline a certain amount.
The image below shows a daily S&P 500 chart with 10-point bricks and a 10-period simple moving average. Note that a 10-period moving average calculation is based on the last 10 Renko values, not the last 10 trading days. An indicator on a Renko chart is based on Renko values and will differ from that on a bar chart. Chartists can typically use shorter moving averages on Renko charts because smaller price movements have been filtered out.
Troughs can mark support levels, and peaks can mark resistance levels. You can also look for a two-brick reversal to signal a trend change. Notice how the index fell with five black bricks in August and again in September-October. These declines looked like falling flags. A reversal occurred when two white bricks formed and broke above the short-term resistance level. Chartists can also apply the Fibonacci Retracements Tool to Renko charts.
Like their Japanese cousins (Kagi and Three Line Break), Renko charts filter the noise by focusing exclusively on minimum price changes. Renko bricks are not added unless price changes by a specific amount. As with Point & Figure charts, it is easy to spot important highs and lows, and identify key support and resistance levels.
With this information, chartists can identify uptrends with higher highs and higher lows or downtrends with lower lows and lower highs. As with all charting techniques, chartists should employ other technical analysis tools to confirm or refute their findings on Renko charts.
Chartists can create Renko charts by going to the “Chart Attributes” section and selecting Renko as the chart “Type”. This section is just under the SharpChart on the left side. Users will then be able to choose between points or ATR, and then set the parameters for these two options in the next box.
The “ATR” setting uses the Average True Range indicator from the symbol's underlying bar chart to determine an “Automatic” value for the Renko chart's box size. Note: This ATR value might change as prices change which can cause the Renko chart to change significantly whenever it is updated.
The “field” can be set at close or high-low range. Chartists looking for more sensitivity can choose the high-low range. Chartists looking to focus on end-of-day price data can choose the close. The brick colors can also be changed using the “up color” and “down color” drop down menus just below the SharpChart.
Note: If the phrase “AT LIMIT” appears at the top of a chart, it means that the box size specified would result in a chart that is too large for us to display. In that case, we increase the box size to the smallest size we can successfully display and add the “AT LIMIT” message to the top of the chart.
As the name implies, this book goes beyond candlesticks to show chartists other technical analysis techniques that originated in Japan. Nison devotes an entire chapter to Renko charts; additionally, he covers Three Line Break charts, Kagi charts and explains how Japanese traders use moving averages.
Explore the dynamics of yield curves with StockCharts' ChartSchool. Learn how to interpret different yield curve shapes and their implications for the economy and the financial markets.
The shape of the yield curve can impact your investment returns, which is why every investor should watch the yield curve.
In a nutshell, a yield curve is a graphical representation of yields on bonds with different maturities. The most common example is the government bond yield curve, but you can have a yield curve for other types of bonds, such as corporate bonds, high yield bonds, etc.
The government bond yield curve is often referred to as the benchmark yield curve; the left panel of the image above shows this curve for US government bonds as of November 4, 2019.
Analysis of the yield curve helps investors determine how bond markets are positioned and in what direction they are likely headed. This type of knowledge can help you to get a handle on where we are in the economic cycle, along with what the next phase will likely be.
Each day, the US Department of the Treasury (www.treasury.gov) reports the yields for various maturities of US government bonds, ranging from one month up to 30 years.
The table below shows these yield rates for early 2024. Please note that all these yields are annualized; for example, for a bond with a one-month maturity, you will receive 5.55% ÷ 12 = 0.46%.
While yield curves can be built using data for all these maturities, having so many shorter-term yields on the curve usually doesn't add much value. In general, yield curve charts will omit many of the shorter-term yields. The StockCharts Dynamic Yield Curve tool shows the rates for three months, two years, five years, seven years, 10 years, 20 years, and 30 years.
The vertical axis of a yield curve chart shows the yield, while the horizontal axis shows the maturity of the bonds (often converted into months to get a proper scaling on the chart). The rates for each of the different maturities are plotted on the chart. The yield curve itself is the line that connects each of these yield rates on the chart.
In general, the yield curve reflects what investors think about risk. In a normal situation, you would expect to receive a higher compensation (yield) for longer maturities. When you lend money to the government for 20 or 30 years, it makes sense to receive a higher compensation than when you lend it for only a few months or a year.
The yield curve reflects the yields for different maturities in an intuitive way. The shape of the yield curve line, and changes in that shape over time, can help investors to determine the current economic environment and signal changes in the economic climate.
Essentially, there are three possible shapes that we can see in the yield curve. A Normal curve has short-term rates lower than long-term rates; an Inverted curve has short-term rates that are higher than long-term ones; and a Flat curve has short- and long-term rates that are roughly the same.
In a normal yield curve, the yield on shorter maturities is lower than on higher maturities. The yield curve line curves gradually upward, with the increase of yield decreasing towards longer-dated bonds. The thinking is that the shorter the maturity, the less risk for the investor and, therefore, a lower yield (compensation) than for longer-dated bonds.
A normal-shaped yield curve is usually seen in an economic environment that shows normal growth and limited-to-no changes in inflation or available credit.
The chart below shows the March 12, 2010 yield curve, as the economy started recovering from the Great Recession.
The curve is fairly steep, which is common early in a recovery period. The S&P 500 chart on the right shows the stock market beginning to recover from its low point the previous year.
An inverted yield curve refers to a situation where the shorter-dated bonds offer a higher yield than the longer ones. Despite the name, an inverted yield curve doesn't have to be “completely” inverted. Sometimes only part(s) of the curve are inverted; this can cause humps or dents in the curve.
An inverted curve is usually seen as a signal that economic growth will soon stabilize or reverse, maybe even signaling the start of a recession. This is caused by investors thinking that the period of economic growth is or will soon be over, making them more likely to accept lower rates before they fall even further. This process can cause (partial) yield curve inversions.
Inverted yield curves are relatively rare, but they tend to attract considerable attention when they do occur.
The example below shows the inverted yield curve on August 24, 2000, during the burst of the dot-com bubble. The S&P 500 chart on the right shows the stock market began a major downturn when the yield curve was inverting (red vertical line).
When people talk about “the yield curve inversion,” they usually refer to the 10y-2y segment; the curve is considered inverted when the 10-year yield is lower than the 2-year yield. The yield curve chart above shows that this was the case on August 24, 2000.
Another way to show that relationship is to plot the difference between the 10-year and 2-year yields ($UST10Y-$UST2Y) as in the chart below.
When this relationship dips below 0, the 10-2 curve is inverted. The difference chart shows us that the yield curve was inverted for most of the year 2000, corresponding with the dot-com bubble bursting.
When the yield curve is “flat,” yields are (more or less) the same across all maturities. This means you will receive roughly the same compensation for lending your money out for two years vs. 30 years. You are not compensated for the longer (and, therefore, riskier) lending period.
As the economy expands and contracts and the yield curve moves from normal to inverted, the curve has to pass the flat shape in both directions. A flat curve can, therefore, be seen as a transition period in the economy from one phase to another.
The chart below shows a fairly flat yield curve on July 16, 2007, a precursor to the Great Recession. The S&P 500 chart on the right shows prices flattening as the economy transitions from recovery to recession.
Changes in the shape of the curve over time are measured by the slope of the yield curve. When there is a big difference between the short and the long end of the curve, it is considered to be a steep curve. When there is very little difference between the two ends, the curve is considered to be flat.
The changing of the curve from steep to flat is often referred to as “flattening”; similarly, the changing of the curve from flat to steep is called “steepening”.
This steepening and flattening of the curve can help investors to signal changes in the economic climate.
The yield curve is said to be flattening when long yields come down while short yields go up, decreasing the difference between the two and making the slope less steep. Flattening typically happens when the economy is in full recovery mode.
The chart below uses our Snapshot functionality to compare the yield curve on two dates. The darker red line is the yield curve in early 2010, while the bright red line is the curve in late 2018. As you can see, the yield on longer maturities came down while the yield on shorter maturities moved higher, changing a very steep curve in 2010 to a very flat curve in 2018.
The opposite situation, when the difference between the two ends of the curves is small but starting to increase, is called the steepening of the curve. Steep curves are generally seen at the beginning of a growth or expansion period.
The chart below shows an example of a steepening curve. In May 2007, the yield curve was very flat, with all maturities above 4.65%. From that point to August 2010, yields came down across the curve, but they came down much harder on the short end. This asymmetric decline caused a steepening of the curve.
This information on the direction of rates and the change in the shape of the curve is often used to determine where we are in the economic cycle (sometimes referred to as the business cycle). The table below shows how the yield curve behaves during each cycle segment.
The monthly chart of the S&P 500 index below goes back to the 1970s. The red and green dashed lines mark the start and end dates of expansions and contractions in the business cycle as defined by NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research). The area from a red to a green line marks a contraction period, while the area from green to red marks an expansion period.
The 10Y-2Y spread is plotted below the chart. Orange circles show dips below the zero line, which is where the yield curve is inverted. Notice that there is a yield curve inversion preceding every period of contraction since the late 1970s. As predicted by the table above, the yield curve is typically inverted or flat at the beginning of a recession.
It is not so much that the current shape of the yield curve can help us to solve the financial puzzle, but more so that the transition and the changing of the shape of the curve over time will provide us with clues to the potential future direction of the economy.
Combining the information that you can extract from the yield curve with the known behavior of the yield curve (in relation to the various stages of the business cycle) can help to determine where we are in the cycle, which will then help you decide between a risk-on or risk-off approach to your investments.
You can get a more granular view of the yield curve using the StockCharts Dynamic Yield Curve tool, allowing you to see the interaction between various segments.
The Dynamic Yield Curve chart below shows the yields for various US Treasury maturities, ranging from three months to thirty years.
The ticker symbols for the various maturities are shown in the table below the chart; you can use these as inputs in SharpCharts and other tools on the site for single-security analysis purposes.
StockCharts offers US Treasury yield data for maturities ranging from 1 month to 30 years. Click here for a complete list of available treasury yield symbols.
Since SharpCharts can use difference symbols, we can also chart a yield spread to show when the yield curve is inverted. Simply plot $UST10Y-$UST2Y on a SharpChart, as shown below. The curve is inverted when the line drops below zero, so adding a horizontal line at 0 on the chart is helpful.
The example below shows a brief and minimal inversion of the yield curve in August 2019.
Seasonality is the tendency for securities to perform better during some periods and worse during others. These periods can be days of the week, months of the year, six-month stretches, or even multi-year timeframes. For example, Yale Hirsh of the Stock Traders Almanac discovered the six-month seasonal pattern or cycle. Since 1950, the best six-month period for the S&P 500 extends from November to April. By extension, the worst six-month period runs from May to October, where the phrase “sell in May and go away” comes from. StockCharts offers a seasonality tool that chartists can use to identify monthly seasonal patterns. This article will explain how this tool works and show what chartists should look for when using our Seasonality Charts.
The seasonality tool calculates two numbers: the percentage of time the month is positive and the average gain/loss for the month. The calculations are pretty straightforward. Looking back over 19 years, there will be 228 months in total and 19 data points for each month. If a symbol advances nine times for one month, the seasonal bar will show 47% (9/19 = 0.47). If a symbol advances 15 times for a particular month, the bar will show 74% (15/19 = 74%).
The example below shows the seasonality tool in histogram format for the continuous contract ($GOLD). The number at the top shows the percentage of times $GOLD closed higher for that month. The number at the bottom shows the average gain/loss for those 19 months.
Astute chartists may have noticed that the slider at the bottom shows 20, which implies 20 years. This article was written in January 2014, which marks the beginning of the 20th year, hence the number 20 in the slider. The calculations from February to December are based on 19 years of data. The January calculation is based on 20 years of data and includes month-to-date performance for January 2014. The performance for January 2014 is subject to change until the month ends, which means the numbers in the histogram could change.
Note the current date when looking at a seasonality chart. If you are looking at a seasonal chart in mid-June, the seasonal numbers from January to May will be based on the number of years shown in the slider (i.e., 20). The seasonal numbers for June will also be based on the number of years in the slider, but these numbers are subject to change because June is still a work in progress. The numbers from July to December will be based on the number of years in the slider less one (i.e. 20 - 1 = 19).
Seasonality has to do with what happened in the past. It's a historical tendency. There is no guarantee that past performance will equal future performance, but traders can look for above-average tendencies to complement other signals.
On the face of it, a bullish bias is present when a security gains more than 50% of the time for a particular month. Conversely, a bearish bias is present when a security rises less than 50% of the time. You should look for more extreme readings than 50% since that would suggest a relatively strong tendency. For example, readings above 65% would show an above-average bullish bias, while readings below 35% would show an above-average bearish bias.
The example below shows Intel (INTC) with a strong bullish bias in April (84%) and October (79%). Also, the average gain is 6.3% in April and 6% in October.
On the bearish side, the stock moved higher only 32% of the time in September, which means it moved lower 68% of the time. The average loss in September is 4.5%, and traders would have been rewarded for waiting until October 1 to consider buying. Notice that the remaining eight months had no strong bias because they ranged from 42% to 58%.
Before leaving this example, Intel was up 58% of the time in June, with an average loss of 0.3%. Even though Intel moved higher more often than it moved lower, the losses during the declines outpaced the gains during the advances.
Another way to measure relative seasonality is by comparing the performance of one security against another. The option to add a "compare" symbol can be found just under the chart.
The example below shows the Russell 2000 relative to the S&P 500 over the last 20 years, which reflects the performance of small-cap stocks relative to large-cap ones.
Use relative seasonality to find stocks, sectors, or groups that outperform the market during certain months. As the chart above shows, the Russell 2000 shows a strong tendency to outperform the S&P 500 in December (74%). In addition, the Russell 2000 outperforms the S&P 500 by an average of two percentage points. This can be confirmed by looking at the individual seasonal charts for $RUT and $SPX. As of January 2014, the average gain for the S&P 500 was 1.6% in December, and the average gain for the Russell 2000 was 3.6%.
There are three different ways to view seasonality charts—line, same scale, and histogram. The examples above were shown in histogram format, which makes it easy to see aggregate performance for each month.
You can switch between viewing options by clicking the icons in the lower left-hand corner. The example below shows a line version for Merck (MRK) relative to the S&P 500 ($SPX). First, notice that January is still a work in progress because the red line has yet to reach the end of the month. This is because the chart was created on January 27, and the month was incomplete. Second, notice that there is no scale because we are only concerned with directional movement, i.e., whether the lines moved up or down. Notice how the lines tended to decline in May and rise in September.
The middle icon is to view charts with the same scale for all lines. This means all performance lines begin at zero percent, allowing you to compare monthly or yearly performance.
The chart below shows that 2013 was the best year of the four complete years. The fifth year, 2014, is still a work in progress because this chart was created in January 2014. 2010 was the worst year, with the smallest gain, which was barely positive.
The year icons at the chart's upper left are for hiding or showing the line for a particular year.
Seasonality is a tool that gives chartists a historical perspective on performance tendencies. Even though past performance does not guarantee future performance, chartists can use these seasonal patterns to increase their edge. Chartists can look for bullish setups when the seasonal patterns are strongly bullish and bearish setups when seasonal patterns are strongly bearish. As with all indicators and technical analysis tools, seasonal charts should be used with other analysis techniques.
Relative Rotation Graphs, commonly referred to as RRGs, are a unique visualization tool for relative strength analysis. Chartists can use RRGs to analyze the relative strength trends of several securities against a common benchmark, and against each other.
The real power of this tool is its ability to plot relative performance on one graph and show true rotation. We have all heard of sector and asset class rotation, but it's difficult to visualize this “rotation” sequence on linear charts. RRGs use four quadrants to define the four phases of a relative trend. True rotations can be seen as securities move from one quadrant to the other over time.
Note: “Relative Rotation Graphs®” and “RRG®” are registered trademarks of RRG Research.
RRGs were developed in 2004–2005 by Julius de Kempenaer, who would later become the Director of RRG Research. While working as a sell-side analyst for an investment bank in Amsterdam, he was confronted with two problems while producing technical and quantitative research on European sectors. First, institutional clients were much more interested in relative performance than directional forecasts; they wanted to know where to be overweight and where to be underweight in their equity portfolios. Second, these institutional investors faced an enormous information overload; they needed a tool that would clearly separate the leaders from the laggards. Enter Relative Rotation Graphs, which solved these problems with color-coded quadrants, a ranking table and an animation feature that make it easy for investors to keep an eye on the big picture.
Before looking at the construction of Relative Rotation Graphs, let's look at the two main inputs: JdK RS-Ratio and JdK RS-Momentum. Note that both input indicators are “normalized,” which means these indicators are expressed in the same unit of measure and fluctuate above/below the same level (100). This normalization process means RS-Ratio values for different securities can be compared, as long as the same benchmark is used.
RS-Ratio is an indicator that measures the trend for relative performance. Similar to the price relative, RS-Ratio uses ratio analysis to compare one security against another (usually the benchmark). It is designed to define the trend in relative performance and measure the strength of that trend.
The chart below shows the Technology SPDR (XLK) in the main window, the price relative (XLK:$SPX ratio) in the middle window and the RRG indicators in the bottom window. We will focus on RS-Ratio (red) first. RS-Momentum (green) will be covered in the next section.
RS-Ratio provides a clear tool to define the trend in relative performance. This indicator reflects an uptrend in relative performance when above 100 (relative strength) and a downtrend in relative performance when below 100 (relative weakness). The further the indicator is above 100, the stronger the uptrend in relative performance. The further the indicator is below 100, the stronger the downtrend in relative performance.
As with all trend-following indicators, such as moving averages, the trend-following model that powers RS-Ratio includes a lag period. This means there will already be upward movement in the price relative before RS-Ratio crosses above 100. Conversely, there will already be downward movement in the price relative before RS-Ratio crosses below 100.
Notice on the chart above how the price relative (XLK:$SPX ratio) peaked in early August, but RS-Ratio did not cross below 100 until mid-October. Similarly, the price relative bottomed in mid-July, but RS-Ratio did not cross above 100 until mid-September. This is typical for trend-following indicators that are designed to ignore the blips and focus on the trend.
The chart below shows the Consumer Discretionary SPDR (XLY) with another example.
Keep in mind that the values for RS-Ratio can be compared when using the same benchmark security. Let's assume we are comparing relative performance for four sector SPDRs against the S&P 500 and the RS-Ratio values are as follows: XLK=102.04, XLI=101.41, XLF=100.2, and XLV=103.66.
First, all four have RS-Ratios above 100 and this means all four show relative strength (against the S&P 500). Second, XLV shows the most relative strength because its RS-Ratio is the highest of the four. XLF is the weakest of the four because its RS-Ratio is the lowest.
Before looking at RS-Momentum in detail, let's review the concept behind momentum and how it relates to trend. As with price charts, keep in mind that momentum changes course before the trend reverses. Not all momentum moves, however, result in trend reversals.
Consider an example using price and a moving average. Price first moves towards the moving average and then crosses it if the move extends. Price, however, doesn't always cross the moving average to signal a trend reversal. Aggressive traders would more likely take a position as price moves towards the moving average because this means momentum is improving. Conservative investors would more likely wait for price to move above the moving average because the trend has not fully reversed.
RS-Momentum is an indicator that measures the momentum (rate-of-change) of RS-Ratio. As a momentum indicator, it leads RS-Ratio, and can be used to anticipate turns in RS-Ratio. Typically, RS-Momentum crosses above 100 when RS-Ratio is forming a trough and starting to move up. Conversely, RS-Momentum crosses below 100 when RS-Ratio is forming a peak and starting to move down.
The chart below shows the Utilities SPDR (XLU) with RS-Momentum in green and RS-Ratio in red. RS-Momentum crossed above 100 in mid-December and held mostly above 100 for four weeks. Notice how RS-Ratio bottomed as RS-Momentum moved above 100 and RS-Ratio crossed above 100 later in January.
Keep in mind that RS-Momentum is an indicator of an indicator (RS-Ratio). Furthermore, as a momentum indicator, it will move above/below the 100 level often. Chartists may want to focus on sustained moves above/below 100 to anticipate a similar cross in RS-Ratio.
The chart below shows the Biotech SPDR (XBI) with two examples highlighting the relationship between RS-Momentum and RS-Ratio. The gray shading shows RS-Momentum below 100 for four of six weeks in February-March. Even though the indicator popped above 100 briefly, this pop did not last long and quickly moved back below 100. This was a sign that momentum was turning negative for RS-Ratio and RS-Ratio ultimately crossed below 100 in the second half of March.
The blue shading shows RS-Momentum above 100 from mid-April until late May. RS-Ratio bottomed as RS-Momentum moved above 100, but did not cross above 100 until the end of May. Additionally, note that the cross above 100 in RS-Ratio came just before the early June surge in XBI.
Relative Rotation Graphs are plotted on a standard scatter-plot canvas with an x-axis (horizontal) and a y-axis (vertical). The JdK RS-Ratio indicator is the input for the horizontal axis, and the JdK RS-Momentum indicator is the input on the vertical axis. These axes cross at 100 to create four relative performance quadrants. The Relative Rotation Graph simply plots RS-Ratio and RS-Momentum values for each symbol. If the symbol universe is the nine sector SPDRs and the S&P 500 is the benchmark, we will see nine points on the Relative Rotation Graph (RRG) and each point represents that particular sector's RS-Ratio and RS-Momentum value.
The Relative Rotation Graph is shown above with four possible combinations. Let's assume we use the nine sector SPDRs as our universe and the S&P 500 as the benchmark.
A sector is in the leading quadrant (green) when RS-Ratio and RS-Momentum are above 100 (+/+). A positive RS-Ratio indicates an uptrend in relative performance, and positive momentum means this trend is still pushing higher.
A sector is in the weakening quadrant (yellow) when RS-Ratio is above 100, but RS-Momentum moves below 100 (+/-). A positive RS-Ratio indicates an uptrend in relative performance, but negative momentum means this uptrend is stalling or losing power.
A sector is in the lagging quadrant when RS-Ratio and RS-Momentum are below 100 (-/-). A negative RS-Ratio indicates a downtrend in relative performance, and negative momentum means this downtrend is still pushing lower.
A sector is in the improving quadrant when RS-Ratio is below 100, but RS-Momentum moves above 100 (-/+). A negative RS-Ratio indicates a downtrend in relative performance, but positive momentum means this downtrend is stalling or potentially reversing.
The arrows on the model Relative Rotation Graph above show the idealized rotation, which is clockwise. Suppose a sector is in the leading quadrant (green) and follows the idealized rotation. Remember, RS-Momentum is the leading indicator here, and it will be the first to turn. From the leading quadrant, relative momentum will start to level off, and RS-Momentum will move below 100, which will cause the sector to move into the lower right-hand quadrant (weakening). Extended weakness in relative momentum will ultimately affect the trend in relative performance, and RS-Ratio will also move below 100, which would put the sector into the lagging quadrant (red). Once in the lagging quadrant, the first sign of strength will be an improvement in relative momentum. When RS-Momentum crosses above 100, the sector will move into the improving quadrant (blue). A sector in this quadrant still has a downtrend in relative performance, but RS-Momentum is improving and this could foreshadow a move into the leading quadrant (green). Extended strength in relative momentum will ultimately affect the trend in relative performance, and RS-Ratio will move above 100. This will push the sector into the leading quadrant (green), and the cycle will start again.
Rotation comes alive with the historical trails. The chart below shows the nine sectors with 12-week trails; each sector is rotating from one quadrant to another. Each point marks one week, and the solid point with the symbol marks the most recent point. At the top, XLF moved from improving to leading. At the bottom, XLU moved from weakening to lagging. The blue line shows XLP moving from weakening to lagging and then from lagging to improving. The improving quadrant means RS-Momentum moved above 100, but RS-Ratio remains below 100. XLY moved into the leading quadrant when RS-Ratio and RS-Momentum were above 100.
Chartists can also glean information from the length of the trails and the thickness of the trail lines. All trail lines extend 12 weeks on this chart, but some are longer than others. The red XLU trail is the longest, meaning it has the biggest move and shows the most volatility. The green XLY line in the upper right is the shortest, which means it has the smallest move and is the least volatile.
The thickness of the lines depends on the distance from the benchmark, which is the crosshair on the RRG. The crosshair is also known as the origin where the x-axis (RS-Ratio) crosses the y-axis (RS-Momentum). Thicker lines will be further from the benchmark, and thinner lines will be closer to the benchmark. The further a security is from the benchmark, the bigger the move in relative performance (up or down). The closer a security is to the benchmark, the smaller the move in relative performance (up or down). In other words, the thicker lines represent bigger moves and the thinner lines represent smaller moves.
Users can change the trail length using the slider next to the Relative Rotation Graph. Chartists are encouraged to experiment with the trail length and the number of symbols on the graph. In general, chartists should shorten the trail length when there are a lot of symbols on the graph. This will help de-clutter and make the analysis easier. Longer trails are fine when just a few symbols are shown on the graph.
Before looking at some interpretation guidelines, bear in mind that Relative Rotation Graphs are not a trading system, and there are no predefined trading rules or signals. Look at RRGs as another type of charting method open to interpretation. Different people looking at the same chart will come up with different interpretations. Here are some rules of thumb you may want to follow:
RS-Ratio is more important than RS-Momentum. RS-Ratio is also the preferred metric for ranking a group of symbols.
The table below each RRG ranks the symbols by quadrant according to their distance from the benchmark (crosshair on the RRG). The leading quadrant (green) is first, the improving quadrant (blue) is second, the weakening quadrant (yellow) is third, and the lagging quadrant (red) is last. As the example below shows, XLK is the furthest from the benchmark in the leading quadrant, and XLE is the furthest from the benchmark in the lagging quadrant. This often coincides with tail length because the securities with the longest tails are often the furthest from the benchmark.
The rotational patterns are not always perfectly circular and will not always rotate through all four quadrants in a clockwise manner. These are, after all, financial markets driven by fear and greed.
A historical trail can remain on the right side of the RRG when there is a strong uptrend in relative performance. This means RS-Ratio is holding above 100, and RS-Momentum is fluctuating above/below 100.
Conversely, a historical trail can remain on the left side of the RRG when there is a strong downtrend in relative performance. This means RS-Ratio is holding below 100, and RS-Momentum is fluctuating above/below 100.
In general, a cross from the left half to the right half signals a new uptrend in relative performance. This means RS-Ratio has moved above 100. Conversely, a cross from the right half to the left half signals a new downtrend in relative performance. This means RS-Ratio has moved below 100.
As with normal bar charts, line movements on a weekly RRG can look much different than on a daily RRG. For example, the weekly RRG below shows the S&P Telecommunications Sector ($SPTS) in the lagging quadrant, which is red. In contrast, the daily RRG shows the sector rotating from the lagging quadrant to the leading quadrant. How can this be?
The chosen timeframe affects RRGs just like regular bar charts. In the example below, the left chart shows two months of daily data for the S&P 500, and the two-month trend is down. The chart on the right shows one year of weekly data and the overall trend is clearly up. The yellow shaded area highlights the two months shown on the daily chart to put this decline into perspective. Clearly, this is a short-term downtrend (pullback) within a long-term uptrend.
The chosen timeframe affects RRGs the same way. A sector moving into the weakening quadrant on the weekly timeframe, like the Telecom sector above, can be in the leading quadrant on the daily timeframe as the sector is going through a short-term positive rotation. This short-term rotation, however, is not powerful enough, yet, to influence the rotation on the weekly RRG.
This can be clarified a bit more by looking at RS-Ratio and RS-Momentum on bar charts. The first chart shows weekly RS-Ratio and RS-Momentum, which correspond to the weekly RRG plot. The second chart shows daily RS-Ratio and Momentum, which correspond to the daily RRG plot. Notice how the weekly indicators show negative momentum and a long-term downtrend in relative performance. The daily indicators, on the other hand, turned up and moved above 100.
Assuming that weekly rotations are stronger than daily and that a rotation will follow its normal clockwise course, one would expect the positive rotation on the daily timeframe to be temporary in nature. In a normal rotation, the sector would move through the leading quadrant, cross into the weakening quadrant and push into the lagging quadrant, thus keeping it solidly inside the lagging quadrant on the weekly timeframe! In other words, the daily move is a short-term “hiccup” within an otherwise falling relative trend on the weekly.
As with all aspects of technical analysis, it is a very good habit to study different timeframes to get a complete picture. The Telecom sector is clearly deep inside the lagging quadrant on the weekly RRG - and moving further into the red. The decrease in negative momentum, which can be seen by the leveling of the trail slope on the weekly RRG, translates into a quick positive rotation on the daily RRG.
Relative Rotation Graphs make it easy to separate the market leaders from the market laggards. In this regard, RRGs save time, and money, because they narrow the focus to parts of the market that deserve attention for further analysis. RRGs can be tailored to suit any trading or investing style because they measure both momentum and trend for relative performance. Momentum traders can focus on crosses into the improving quadrant or the weakening quadrant. Trend followers can focus on crosses into the leading quadrant or lagging quadrant. Keep in mind that these are relative performance indicators, and there is still a risk that the rotation turns back or even reverses. As with all technical tools, these relative performance indicators should be used in conjunction with other technical tools to give chartists a more complete picture.
Understanding what is happening in the market from a technical perspective can involve looking at lots of charts. There are charts of high-level composites and averages, sector indices and industry indices, not to mention the charts of individual stocks themselves. Stock scans can often reduce the number of charts that an analyst must look at, but they always leave you wondering, “Did the scan miss anything?”
StockCharts' MarketCarpet tool can help solve these problems. MarketCarpets provide a representation of what sectors, industries and stocks are hot at the moment. Think of it as a visual stock screening tool; simple to use, yet extremely powerful.
The MarketCarpet tool presents a large collection (universe) of securities as a “carpet” of colored squares. Each square represents a stock, mutual fund, exchange-traded fund (ETF), or index. Within the carpet, the squares may be arranged in sub-groups based on sector, industry group, or other characteristics.
There are may ways to view the MarketCarpet—by group, price and technical measurements, time, size, and color scheme. The squares are color-coded to tell you at a glance which stocks are performing well or poorly.
Note: The MarketCarpet tool offers several different color schemes to suit users' personal color preferences. In this article, we will use the default color scheme of Red to Green.
StockCharts offers several predefined MarketCarpets. You can find predefined MarketCarpets for various indexes, sectors, and mutual funds.
The color-coded performance of securities on the MarketCarpet is based on their price change by default, but the MarketCarpet can be configured to base performance on other indicators, including RSI, Bollinger Band Width, SCTR values and Full Stochastics.
Some indicators can operate by the change in latest value or over a specific period.
By default, the MarketCarpet will use price change values to color-code the squares, but there are several other indicators you can choose from. Below is a brief description of each indicator available for MarketCarpets, as well as interpretation guidelines for that indicator.
You would select this option if you want to view the percent increase or decrease in a stock's closing value over a specific time, i.e. one day, five days, one month, or a year. When viewing by Performance, select a time period from the dropdown menu in the Color By category. You can also select whether you want to view by Market Cap, Equal Weight, or Price.
Since the examples in this page use the Red to Green color scheme, stocks that have increased in price will be green, while those that have fallen will be red. The timeframe for the price change measurement is displayed below the chart.
As its name implies, this indicator counts the number of days a stock moves higher and then subtracts the number of days it moves lower during the specified timeframe. This measurement only works over specific timeframes. To get good results, use the five-day (5D Change) or longer choice.
This indicator is often the best for measuring overall market breadth and sector rotation effects. This measurement is helpful if you are interested in finding stocks with consistent increases or decreases.
The SCTR, or StockCharts Technical Rank, is a numerical score that ranks a stock against its peers using six different technical measurements. On the MarketCarpet, the SCTR values can be colored by latest value or different periods.
The SCTR score is calculated using a wide range of indicators covering several different timeframes, so it is an excellent summary of a stock's performance relative to its peers. When viewing performance by Latest Value, you can easily see which stocks have high and low SCTR scores. If you view performance for specified timeframes, you can find stocks with improving or worsening SCTR scores.
The RSI indicator, which ranges between 0 and 100, is described in detail in our ChartSchool article on the Relative Strength Index (RSI). The MarketCarpet computes the value of the 14-day RSI for every stock. If viewing in Latest Value mode, each square is colored based on the stock's RSI value for the date specified. For the Period modes, each square is colored based on the increase or decrease in the value of RSI over the selected timeframe.
RSI measures momentum by comparing the magnitude of a stock's gains on up days with the magnitude of its losses on down days. In a sense, it combines two other MarketCarpet Indicators (Price and Up Days-Down Days) into a single value. In Latest Value mode, this indicator shows stocks that consistently performed well during the previous 14 days. In Period mode, the carpet will point you to some potentially great turnaround plays.
The PPO indicator is described in detail in our ChartSchool article on the Percentage Price Oscillator (PPO). The PPO is similar to another popular indicator, the MACD; the difference is that the PPO is scaled to be price-independent. This means that you can compare the PPO value for a stock that is $90/share with the PPO value for a stock that is $3/share, which isn't possible with the MACD. On the MarketCarpet, the PPO indicator is calculated using the standard 12-26-9 parameters. The Latest Value and Period modes are supported.
Green boxes reflect positive PPO values, which means the 12-day EMA is above the 26-day EMA. The darker the green, the more significant the positive difference in the EMAs. Red boxes reflect negative PPO values, which means the 12-day EMA is below the 26-day EMA. The darker the red, the more significant the negative difference in the EMAs.
The Aroon Oscillator plots the difference between Aroon Up and Aroon Down. 25-day Aroon Up measures the number of days since a 25-day high, while 25-day Aroon Down measures the number of days since a 25-day low. You can use the Aroon Oscillator to spot strong or emerging trends with big moves. Positive values suggest an uptrend, with values above +50 pointing to a strong uptrend. Negative values indicate a downtrend, with values below -50 indicating a strong downtrend.
In Latest Value mode, symbols with an Aroon Oscillator value above zero will have green boxes, while those with a value below zero will be red. Dark green boxes show stocks with values above 50, and dark red boxes show values below -50. In Period mode, the dark green boxes show the most significant positive changes, and the dark red boxes show the most significant negative changes.
Bollinger Bands are two lines that are drawn two standard deviations above and below the 20-day moving average for a given stock. The distance between the upper and lower lines is the Bollinger BandWidth. (Our ChartSchool article on Bollinger BandWidth gives more details.) The distance between the upper and lower lines changes depending on the stock's volatility, meaning Bollinger BandWidth is a measure of a stock's volatility.
The MarketCarpet displays Bollinger BandWidth on a quasi-percentage basis so that stocks with different prices can be compared. In Latest Value mode, the squares are colored using the upper band's value minus the lower band's value, divided by the value of the central moving average, and multiplied by 100. The result is a value that ranges mostly between zero and 100 (although higher values are possible).
Low values correspond to low volatility, and high values correspond to high volatility. You can use Latest Value mode to find stocks with high (green) or low (red) volatilities on the specified date. Change mode will show you which stocks have become more volatile (green) or more stable (red).
Bollinger Bands, described in detail in our ChartSchool article on Bollinger Bands, center around the 20-day moving average for a given stock. The Bollinger Band Position indicator converts the area between the upper and lower bands into a range from +100 (the upper band) to -100 (the lower band), with 0 as the position of the central moving average. Note that if the stock is above the upper band, it will have a value above +100; if it's below the lower band, its value will be below -100.
In Latest Value mode, dark green stocks on a Bollinger Band Position MarketCarpet will indicate stocks near or above their upper Bollinger Band. Dark red stocks indicate the opposite. Remember that the indicator says nothing about the width of the bands; stocks with very narrow Bollinger Bands can result in misleading values. Always double-click the interesting squares to see the underlying SharpChart for those stocks.
StochRSI is an advanced indicator that combines the Stochastics and RSI oscillators. It ranges between 0 and 1. This indicator is quite sensitive and is prone to giving false signals, but will often give signals very early in important price movements. The indicator is described in detail in our ChartSchool article on StochRSI.
On the StochRSI MarketCarpet, Latest Value mode will show high (green) and low (red) StochRSI values on the specified day. In Period mode, the carpet will show stocks with significant increases (green) or decreases (red) in their StochRSI values over the specified time. Note that StochRSI is designed to move quickly from 1 to 0 and back again, so most squares on a StochRSI carpet will either be dark red or dark green.
The Full Stochastic Oscillator is a momentum indicator that fluctuates between zero and 100. This indicator measures the current price level relative to the high-low range over the lookback period (14 days). A reading above 90 means the current price is near the high end of the range, while a reading below 10 means price is near the low end. Readings below 20 suggest a short-term oversold condition, while readings above 80 indicate a short-term overbought condition.
In Latest Value mode, symbols with a Stochastic value above 50 have green boxes, and those below 50 have red boxes. The dark green boxes represent stocks trading near the high end of their 14-day range, while the dark red boxes highlight stocks trading near the low end. In Period mode, the dark green boxes show the most significant positive changes, and the dark red boxes show the most significant negative changes.
MarketCarpets can be used in several different ways to give you different perspectives on the market and individual stocks. Here are a couple of examples of how to use MarketCarpets for analysis.
MarketCarpets allows you to visually scan a large group of stocks, quickly finding the best buying or shorting opportunities.
The universe of stocks you choose will depend on your trading style: you can use the S&P 500 MarketCarpet to look for large-cap candidates or the Major Indexes MarketCarpet to find high-tech and blue-chip possibilities. The measurement you choose will also depend on your trading style.
The timeframe is vital in this type of short-term analysis. Since you're looking for stocks to invest in right now, you want to use a shorter timeframe for your analysis. Either choose the Latest Value mode (a snapshot of current values) or use Period mode with a reasonably brief timeframe.
In the sample MarketCarpet below, the Bollinger Band Position in Latest Value mode is applied to scan for investment opportunities in the Major Indexes MarketCarpet.
MarketCarpets are a great way to explore sector rotation within a group. In the past, analysts have tried using sector-oriented indexes or funds to represent the performance of each sector as a whole. The problem with this approach is that each sector index hides what is happening with each of the stocks that make up that index. One weak stock may cause the sector index to decline, even when all of the other stocks in the sector are healthy.
The StockCharts S&P Sector MarketCarpet avoids that problem by showing all the components that make up each S&P Sector index. By looking at the carpet as a whole, you can better understand each sector's true strengths or weaknesses.
Here are the steps to follow when using MarketCarpets for sector rotation analysis:
Since this is a longer-term analysis, use the Period mode and extend the timeframe. In this example, we'll use the Performance measurement with a one-month (1M Change) timeframe.
Explore the other timeframes, starting with the 1D change, to see the change over time. Look for areas of green and red to move about the MarketCarpet within the sectors.
Size by Market Cap and Equal Weight (where the squares are equally weighted) to see whether the sector rotation changes. Differences between these two may indicate that a few large stocks are skewing the performance of the index as a whole.
Once you have noted any apparent sector rotation with the Performance measurement, switch to Up Days-Down Days or the RSI indicator. Do these other MarketCarpet views confirm the sector rotation you saw with the Performance measurement?
The MarketCarpet below shows the Performance measurement set to a one-month timeframe sized by MarketCap. The Energy and Utilities sectors are the top performers and Real Estate and Health Care are struggling.
The second carpet shows the six-month change in performance. At that time, Industrials and Technology were the leading sectors. No sector was experiencing negative performance.
The sector rotation within five months is evident when viewing the MarketCarpets tool in StockCharts.com. You can see how investors rotated from offensive to defensive sectors, indicating that investors were becoming more fearful.
MarketCarpets are an excellent visual tool that represents the performance of all group members and offers different indicators to measure that performance. They can be used to select the best-performing stocks in a group and determine whether there is broad participation in a trend or whether a few members are skewing the index's performance.
MarketCarpets are highly configurable. A few examples have been presented here, but you should construct your own MarketCarpet to suit your investing style.
Three Line Break charts originated in Japan. They ignore time and only change when prices move a certain amount (similar to Point & Figure Charts). Three Line Break charts show a series of vertical white and black lines; the white lines represent rising prices, while the black lines portray falling prices. Prices continue in the same direction until a reversal is warranted. A reversal occurs when the closing price exceeds the high or low of the prior two lines.
Before looking at construction details, a couple of clarifications are needed.
The black and white bars on the price chart are called “lines”.
Line changes are based on closing prices, not the high-low range.
Three Line Break charts evolve based on price, not time.
The first chart below shows 85 candlesticks or trading days from March 21 to July 20. A Three Line Break chart condenses this price action into 44 black and white lines. This technique filters the noise to focus only on price movements that are deemed significant.
Each new closing price produces three possibilities.
A new line of the same color is drawn when the price extends in the same direction.
A new line in the opposite color is drawn when the price change is enough to warrant a reversal.
No new lines are added when the price doesn't extend the trend or the change is insufficient to warrant a reversal.
The high or low of the prior two lines sets the reversal point. If the most recent line is black (down), the high of the last two lines marks the reversal point. A close above this high would call for a white line to denote a price reversal. Remember that only the most recent line must be black (down). The line just before this black line can be white (up) or black (down). It is the low of these two lines that dictate the reversal point.
The chart below shows Dell Inc. (DELL) with three two-line reversals; the first two formed with two black lines, while the third formed with a white line and a black line. The horizontal red lines mark the reversal point, which the white line exceeds to forge the reversal.
If the most recent line is white (up), then the low of the last two lines marks the reversal point. A close below this low would call for a black line to note a price reversal. Only the most recent line must be white (up). The line just before this white line can be white (up) or black (down); the low of these two decides the reversal point.
The chart below shows United Parcel (UPS) with three 2-line reversals. The first and third reversals feature a black line/white line combination, while the middle reversal shows two white lines. The horizontal green lines mark the lows or reversal points, which the subsequent black line exceeds to forge the reversal.
As the name implies, the Three Line Break Chart is about breaking three lines. Two-line reversals can occur in a trading range or as a continuation of the bigger trend. A Three Line Break, on the other hand, denotes a stronger move that can signal a trend reversal. A bullish trend reversal occurs when three black lines form and a single white line breaks the high of these lines. A bearish reversal occurs when three white lines form and a single black line breaks the low of these three lines.
The chart below shows the Russell 2000 ETF (IWM) moving from a downtrend to an uptrend and back to a downtrend.
The downtrend starts with the first black line on June 6. A new black line will not be drawn unless prices move below this low. Notice how the date moved from June 6 to June 8 without a line in between (1).
June 7 is not shown because prices didn't move enough to justify a new black line or a white reversal line. Prices moved to a new low on June 8 to justify a new black line. This downtrend continued until the closing price exceeded the high of the prior three black lines (2). This 3-Line Break signaled the start of a new uptrend on June 21. Prices traded within the range of this white line until June 28 (3). On June 28th, five trading days later, prices exceeded this high to justify a new white line. Prices continued higher for the next six trading days as new white lines were added daily. The uptrend reversed when prices moved below the low of the prior three white lines (4). This 3-Line Break justified a new black line to signal the start of a downtrend.
Three Line Break Charts produce clear reaction highs and lows upon which to base resistance and support. Chart analysis works the same way as on a bar or candlestick chart.
The example below shows Constellation Energy (CEG) with a clear resistance zone marked by three reaction highs. The stock broke resistance with a surge in early April and continued much higher. Also, notice that a falling flag or channel formed in February.
Double Bottom, Double Top, Head-and-Shoulders Patterns, Triangles, and others can form on Three Line Break charts. The chart below shows Vulcan Materials (VMC) with a large Symmetrical Triangle forming from January to May. The stock broke the lower trend line and support with a sharp decline in early May.
Like their other Japanese cousins (Kagi and Renko), Three Line Break charts filter out the noise by focusing exclusively on price changes. The lines don't change unless price changes by a specific amount.
In contrast to Point & Figure charts, which used a fixed box size, this amount depends on the range of the last two lines. This range can vary. The ability to filter noise makes these charts especially useful for determining the underlying trend. It's easy to spot important highs and lows. With this information, chartists can identify uptrends with higher highs and higher lows or downtrends with lower lows and lower highs. As with all charting techniques, consider employing other technical analysis tools to confirm or refute your findings on Three Line Break charts.
Three Line Break Charts can be drawn in SharpCharts by selecting Three Line Break for Type under Chart Attributes. Check the color prices box to see red lines for the down periods.
As the name implies, this book goes beyond candlesticks to show chartists other technical analysis techniques that originated in Japan. Nison devotes an entire chapter to Three Line Break charts; additionally, he covers Renko charts, Kagi charts and explains how Japanese traders use moving averages.
Single candlesticks and candlestick patterns can confirm or mark resistance levels. Such a resistance level could be new after an extended advance or an existing resistance level confirmed within a trading range. In a trading range, candlesticks can help identify entry points to sell near resistance or buy near support levels. The list below contains some, but not all, of the candlesticks and candlestick patterns that can be used to identify or confirm resistance levels. The bearish reversal patterns are marked with an (R).
Bearish Harami (R)
Dark Cloud Cover (R)
Doji (Normal, Long Legged, Dragonfly)
Hanging Man (R)
Long Black Candlestick or Black Marubozu
Shooting Star (R)
Bearish reversal candlesticks and patterns suggest that buying pressure was suddenly overturned and selling pressure prevailed. Such a quick reversal of fortune indicates overhead supply, suggesting a resistance level could form.
The hanging man, long black candlestick, and black marubozu signify increased selling pressure rather than an actual reversal. After an advance, the hanging man's long lower shadow indicates intra-session selling pressure that was overcome by the end of the session. Even though the security finished above its low, the ability of sellers to drive prices lower raises a yellow flag. The long black candlestick and black marubozu signify sustained selling pressure that moved prices significantly lower from beginning to end. Such intense selling pressure signals buyer weakness, and a resistance level may be established.
The doji and spinning top show indecision and are generally considered neutral. These non-reversal patterns indicate decreased buying pressure but no noticeable increase in selling pressure. New buyers must be willing to pay higher prices for an advance to continue. As noted by the spinning top and doji, a standoff shows a lack of conviction among buyers and a possible resistance level.
In late May, Veritas (VRTS) advanced from $90 to $140 in about two weeks. The final jump came with a gap up and two doji. These doji marked a sudden stalemate between buyers and sellers; subsequently, a resistance level formed. After a resistance test in mid-June, another doji formed to indicate that buyers lacked conviction. This led to a decline and subsequent reaction rally in early July. The advance carried the stock from $105 to $140, where another doji formed to confirm the resistance set in early June.
Lucent (LU) traded in a range between $53 and $42 for about four months (see chart below). Resistance was first established in late April with a shooting star and dark cloud cover. These bearish reversals were confirmed with a gap down two days later and a resistance test at $52.
As the stock neared support at $42, candlesticks with long lower shadows started to form, and a reversal occurred at the end of May. After a sharp advance, resistance was met and another dark cloud cover formed at resistance in early June. Buyers clearly lacked conviction near $53, and sellers were too eager to unload their stock. A final resistance test occurred in mid-July. After a breakout above $53, the stock reversed course and closed back below $52. The rest is history.
After a spring advance, Delta Air Lines (DAL) first established resistance at $57 in early April with the high of a shooting star (see chart below). The stock declined sharply but rebounded to test resistance at $57 again in May. While at resistance in May, a slew of shooting stars formed, as did the odd spinning top and long-legged doji.
The decline that broke below 56 confirmed these as bearish and the stock tested support around 50. After another advance to 57, the stock appeared to be on the verge of a breakout. However, a small white candlestick formed in mid-July (black circle). The gap up may have been a positive, but the lack of followthrough signaled by the small white candlestick raised the yellow flag. The subsequent gap down formed a bearish evening star and the stock fell back to support again.
Have you read our previous article on Candlesticks and Support?
You may also be interested in our next article on Candlestick Bullish Reversal Patterns.
Reference Tool: Candlestick Pattern Dictionary
Learn how candlestick charts identify buying and selling pressure and discover patterns signaling market trends. This StockCharts ChartSchool comprehensive guide covers it all.
The Japanese began using technical analysis to trade rice in the 17th century. While this early version of technical analysis was different from the US version initiated by Charles Dow around 1900, many of the guiding principles were very similar:
The “what” (price action) is more important than the “why” (news, earnings, and so on).
All known information is reflected in the price.
Buyers and sellers move markets based on expectations and emotions (fear and greed).
Markets fluctuate.
The actual price may not reflect the underlying value.
According to Steve Nison, candlestick charting first appeared sometime after 1850. Much of the credit for candlestick development and charting goes to a legendary rice trader named Homma from the town of Sakata. It is likely that his original ideas were modified and refined over many years of trading, eventually resulting in the system of candlestick charting that we use today.
To create a candlestick chart, you must have a data set that contains open, high, low and close values for each time period you want to display. The hollow or filled portion of the candlestick is called “the body” (also referred to as “the real body”). The long thin lines above and below the body represent the high/low range and are called “shadows” (also referred to as “wicks” and “tails”). The high is marked by the top of the upper shadow and the low by the bottom of the lower shadow.
If the stock closes higher than its opening price, a hollow candlestick is drawn with the bottom of the body representing the opening price and the top of the body representing the closing price. If the stock closes lower than its opening price, a filled candlestick is drawn with the top of the body representing the opening price and the bottom of the body representing the closing price.
Compared to traditional bar charts, many traders consider candlestick charts more visually appealing and easier to interpret. Each candlestick provides a simple, visually appealing picture of price action; a trader can instantly compare the relationship between the open and close and the high and low.
The relationship between the open and close is considered vital information and forms the essence of candlesticks. Hollow candlesticks, where the close is greater than the open, indicate buying pressure. Filled candlesticks, where the close is less than the open, indicate selling pressure.
Generally speaking, the longer the body is, the more intense the buying or selling pressure. Conversely, short candlesticks indicate little price movement and represent consolidation.
Long white candlesticks show strong buying pressure. The longer the white candlestick is, the further the close is above the open. This indicates that prices advanced significantly from open to close and buyers were aggressive. While long white candlesticks are generally bullish, much depends on their position within the broader technical picture. After extended declines, long white candlesticks can mark a potential turning point or support level. If buying gets too aggressive after a long advance, it can lead to excessive bullishness.
Long black candlesticks show strong selling pressure. The longer the black candlestick is, the further the close is below the open. This indicates prices declined significantly from the open and sellers were aggressive. After a long advance, a long black candlestick can foreshadow a turning point or mark a future resistance level. After a long decline, a long black candlestick can indicate panic or capitulation.
Even more potent long candlesticks are the Marubozu brothers, black and white. Marubozu bars don't have upper or lower shadows and the high and low are represented by the open or close (see image below).
A white Marubozu forms when the open equals the low and the close equals the high. This indicates that buyers controlled the price action from the first trade to the last trade. Black Marubozu form when the open equals the high and the close equals the low. This indicates that sellers controlled the price action from the first trade to the last trade.
The upper and lower shadows on candlesticks can provide valuable information about the trading session. Upper shadows represent the session high and lower shadows the session low. Candlesticks with short shadows indicate that most of the trading action was confined near the open and close. Candlesticks with long shadows show that prices extended well past the open and close.
Candlesticks with a long upper shadow and short lower shadow indicate that buyers dominated during the session, bidding prices higher, but sellers ultimately forced prices down from their highs. This contrast of strong high and weak close resulted in a long upper shadow. Conversely, candlesticks with long lower shadows and short upper shadows indicate that sellers dominated during the session and drove prices lower. However, buyers later resurfaced to bid prices higher by the end of the session; the strong close created a long lower shadow.
Candlesticks with a long upper shadow, long lower shadow, and small real body are called spinning tops (see image below). One long shadow represents a reversal of sorts.
Spinning tops represent indecision. The small real body (whether hollow or filled) shows little movement from open to close, and the shadows indicate that bulls and bears were active during the session.
Even though the session opened and closed with little change, prices moved significantly higher and lower in the meantime. Neither buyers nor sellers could gain the upper hand and the result was a standoff.
After a long advance or long white candlestick, a spinning top indicates weakness among the bulls and a potential change or interruption in trend. After a long decline or long black candlestick, a spinning top indicates weakness among the bears and a potential change or interruption in trend.
Doji represent an important type of candlestick, providing information on their own and as components of many important patterns. Doji form when a security's open and close are virtually equal. The length of the upper and lower shadows can vary, with the resulting candlestick looking like a cross, inverted cross, or plus sign. Alone, doji are neutral patterns. Any bullish or bearish bias is based on preceding price action and future confirmation. The word “doji” refers to both the singular and plural form.
Ideally, but not necessarily, the open and close should be equal. While a doji with an equal open and close would be considered more robust, it is more important to capture the essence of the candlestick. Doji convey a sense of indecision or tug-of-war between buyers and sellers. Prices move above and below the opening level during the session, but close at or near the opening level. The result is a standoff. Neither bulls nor bears were able to gain control and a turning point could be developing.
Different securities have different criteria for determining the robustness of a doji. A $20 stock could form a doji with a 0.125 point difference between open and close, while a $200 stock might form one with a 1.25 point difference. Determining the robustness of the doji will depend on the price, recent volatility, and previous candlesticks.
Relative to previous candlesticks, the doji should have a very small body that appears as a thin line (see image below).
Steven Nison notes that a doji that forms among other candlesticks with small real bodies would not be considered important. However, a doji that forms among candlesticks with long real bodies would be deemed significant.
The relevance of a doji depends on the preceding trend or preceding candlesticks. After an advance, or long white candlestick, a doji signals that the buying pressure is starting to weaken. After a decline, or long black candlestick, a doji signals that selling pressure is starting to diminish.
Doji indicate that the forces of supply and demand are becoming more evenly matched and a change in trend may be near. On their own, doji are not enough to mark a reversal. You'll need further confirmation.
After an advance or long white candlestick, a doji signals that buying pressure may be diminishing and the uptrend could be nearing an end. To sustain an uptrend, there needs to be continued buying pressure. A security can decline in price if there aren't enough buyers. Therefore, a doji may be more significant after an uptrend or long white candlestick (see image below).
Even after the doji forms, further downside is required for bearish confirmation. This may come as a gap down, long black candlestick, or decline below the long white candlestick's open. After a long white candlestick and doji, traders should be alert for a potential evening doji star.
After a decline or long black candlestick, a doji indicates that selling pressure may be diminishing and the downtrend could be nearing an end. Even though the bears are starting to lose control of the decline, further strength is required to confirm any reversal. Bullish confirmation could come from a gap up, long white candlestick, or advance above the long black candlestick's open. After a long black candlestick and doji, traders should be on the alert for a potential morning doji star.
Long-legged doji have long upper and lower shadows almost equal in length. They reflect the market's indecision.
Long-legged doji indicate that prices traded well above and below the session's opening level but closed virtually even with the open. After a whole lot of yelling and screaming, the result showed little change from the initial open.
Dragonfly doji form when the open, high, and close are equal, and the low creates a long lower shadow. The resulting candlestick looks like a “T” due to the lack of an upper shadow. Dragonfly doji indicate that sellers dominated trading and drove prices lower during the session. By the end of the session, buyers resurfaced and pushed prices back to the opening level and the session high.
The reversal implications of a dragonfly doji depend on previous price action and future confirmation. The long lower shadow provides evidence of buying pressure, but the low indicates that plenty of sellers still loom. After a long downtrend, long black candlestick, or at support, a dragonfly doji could signal a potential bullish reversal or bottom. After a long uptrend, long white candlestick, or at resistance, the long lower shadow could foreshadow a potential bearish reversal or top. Bearish or bullish confirmation is required for both situations.
Gravestone doji form when the open, low, and close are equal, and the high creates a long upper shadow. The resulting candlestick looks like an upside-down “T” due to the lack of a lower shadow. Gravestone doji indicate buyers dominated trading and drove prices higher during the session. However, by the end of the session, sellers resurfaced and pushed prices back to the opening level, and the session low.
As with the dragonfly doji and other candlesticks, the reversal implications of gravestone doji depend on previous price action and future confirmation. Even though the long upper shadow indicates a failed rally, the intraday high provides evidence of some buying pressure. After a long downtrend, long black candlestick, or at support, the focus turns to the evidence of buying pressure and a potential bullish reversal. After a long uptrend, long white candlestick, or at resistance, the focus turns to the failed rally and a potential bearish reversal. Bearish or bullish confirmation is required for both situations.
A candlestick depicts the battle between bulls (buyers) and bears (sellers) over a given period. An analogy to this battle can be made between two football teams, which we can also call the Bulls and the Bears. The candlestick's bottom (intra-session low) represents a touchdown for the Bears, and the top (intra-session high) a touchdown for the Bulls. The closer the close is to the high, the closer the Bulls are to a touchdown. The closer the close is to the low, the closer the Bears are to a touchdown. While there are many variations, let's narrow the field to six types of games (or candlesticks).
Long white candlesticks indicate that the Bulls controlled the ball (trading) for most of the game.
Long black candlesticks indicate that the Bears controlled the ball (trading) for most of the game.
Small candlesticks indicate that neither team could move the ball, and prices finished about where they started.
A long lower shadow indicates that the Bears controlled the ball for part of the game but lost control by the end, and the Bulls made an impressive comeback.
A long upper shadow indicates that the Bulls controlled the ball for part of the game but lost control by the end, and the Bears made an impressive comeback.
A long upper and lower shadow indicates that both the Bears and the Bulls had their moments during the game, but neither could put the other away, resulting in a standoff.
Candlesticks don't reflect the sequence of events between the open and close. They only reflect the relationship between the open and close. The high and the low are obvious and indisputable, but candlesticks (and bar charts) cannot tell us which came first.
With a long white candlestick, the assumption is that prices advanced most of the session. However, based on the high/low sequence, the session could have been more volatile. The example above depicts two possible high/low sequences forming the same candlestick.
The first sequence shows two small moves and one large move—a small decline off the open to form the low, a sharp advance to form the high, and a small decline to form the close. The second sequence shows three sharp moves—a sharp advance off the open to form the high, a sharp decline to form the low, and a sharp advance to form the close.
The first sequence portrays strong, sustained buying pressure and would be considered more bullish. The second sequence reflects more volatility and some selling pressure. These are just two examples; there are hundreds of potential combinations that could result in the same candlestick.
Candlesticks still offer valuable information on the relative positions of the open, high, low, and close. However, the trading activity that forms a particular candlestick can vary.
In his book Candlestick Charting Explained, Greg Morris notes that, for a pattern to qualify as a reversal pattern, there should be a prior trend to reverse. Bullish reversals require a preceding downtrend, and bearish reversals require a prior uptrend. The direction of the trend can be determined using trend lines, moving averages, peak/trough analysis, or other aspects of technical analysis. A downtrend might exist if the security was trading below its downtrend line, below its previous reaction high, or below a specific moving average. The length and duration will depend on individual preferences. However, because candlesticks are short-term, it is usually best to consider the last 1-4 weeks of price action.
A candlestick that gaps away from the previous candlestick is said to be in star position. The first candlestick usually has a large real body, but not always, and the second candlestick in the star position has a small real body.
Depending on the previous candlestick, the star position candlestick gaps up or down and appears isolated from the previous price action. The two candlesticks can be any combination of white and black. Doji, hammers, shooting stars, and spinning tops have small, real bodies and can form in the star position. There are also several two- and three-candlestick patterns that utilize the star position.
A candlestick that forms within the real body of the previous candlestick is in Harami position. Harami means pregnant in Japanese; appropriately, the second candlestick is nestled inside the first.
The first candlestick usually has a large real body, and the second a smaller real body than the first. The second candlestick's shadows (high/low) do not have to be contained within the first, though it is preferable if they are. Doji and spinning tops have small real bodies, meaning they can form in the harami position as well. There are also several two- and three-candlestick patterns that utilize the harami position.
There are two pairs of single candlestick reversal patterns: a small real body, one long shadow, and one short or non-existent shadow. Generally, the long shadow should be at least twice the length of the real body, which can be black or white. The location of the long shadow and preceding price action determine the classification.
The first pair, Hammer and Hanging Man, consists of identical candlesticks with small bodies and long lower shadows. The second pair, Shooting Star and Inverted Hammer, also contains identical candlesticks but with small bodies and long upper shadows. Only preceding price action and further confirmation determine the bullish or bearish nature of these candlesticks. The Hammer and Inverted Hammer form after a decline and are bullish reversal patterns, while the Shooting Star and Hanging Man form after an advance and are bearish reversal patterns.
The Hammer and Hanging Man look identical but have different implications based on the preceding price action. Both have small real bodies (black or white), long lower shadows, and short or non-existent upper shadows. As with most single and double candlestick formations, the Hammer and Hanging Man require confirmation before action.
The Hammer is a bullish reversal pattern that forms after a decline. In addition to a potential trend reversal, hammers can mark bottoms or support levels. After a decline, hammers signal a bullish revival. The low of the long lower shadow implies that sellers drove prices lower during the session. However, the strong finish indicates that buyers regained their footing to end the session on a strong note. While this may seem like enough to act on, hammers require further bullish confirmation. The low of the hammer shows that plenty of sellers remain. Further buying pressure, and preferably on expanding volume, is needed before acting. Such confirmation could come from a gap up or long white candlestick. Hammers are similar to selling climaxes, and heavy volume can serve to reinforce the validity of the reversal.
The Hanging Man is a bearish reversal pattern that can also mark a top or resistance level. Forming after an advance, a Hanging Man signals that selling pressure is starting to increase. The low of the long lower shadow confirms that sellers pushed prices lower during the session. Even though the bulls regained their footing and drove prices higher by the finish, the appearance of selling pressure raised the yellow flag. As with the Hammer, a Hanging Man requires bearish confirmation before action. Such confirmation can be a gap down or a long black candlestick on heavy volume.
The Inverted Hammer and Shooting Star look identical but have different implications based on previous price action. Both candlesticks have small real bodies (black or white), long upper shadows and small or nonexistent lower shadows. These candlesticks mark potential trend reversals but require confirmation before action.
The Shooting Star is a bearish reversal pattern that forms after an advance and in the star position, hence its name. A Shooting Star can mark a potential trend reversal or resistance level. The candlestick forms when prices gap higher on the open, advance during the session, and close well off their highs. The resulting candlestick has a long upper shadow and small black or white body. After a large advance (the upper shadow), the ability of the bears to force prices down raises the yellow flag. To indicate a substantial reversal, the upper shadow should be relatively long and at least 2 times the length of the body. Bearish confirmation is required after the Shooting Star and can be a gap down or a long black candlestick on heavy volume.
The Inverted Hammer looks exactly like a Shooting Star, but forms after a decline or downtrend. Inverted Hammers represent a potential trend reversal or support levels. After a decline, the long upper shadow indicates buying pressure during the session. However, the bulls were not able to sustain this buying pressure and prices closed well off of their highs to create the long upper shadow. Because of this failure, bullish confirmation is required before action. An Inverted Hammer followed by a gap up or long white candlestick with heavy volume could act as bullish confirmation.
Candlestick patterns are made up of one or more candlesticks and can be blended to form one candlestick. This blended candlestick captures the essence of the pattern and can be formed using the following:
The open of the first candlestick
The close of the last candlestick
The high and low of the pattern
By using the open of the first candlestick, close of the second candlestick, and high/low of the pattern, a Bullish Engulfing Pattern or Piercing Pattern blends into a Hammer. The long lower shadow of the Hammer signals a potential bullish reversal. As with the Hammer, the Bullish Engulfing Pattern and Piercing Pattern require bullish confirmation.
Blending the candlesticks of a Bearish Engulfing Pattern or Dark Cloud Cover Pattern creates a Shooting Star. The long, upper shadow of the Shooting Star indicates a potential bearish reversal. As with the Shooting Star, Bearish Engulfing, and Dark Cloud Cover Patterns require bearish confirmation.
More than two candlesticks can be blended using the same guidelines: open from the first, close from the last, and high/low of the pattern. Blending Three White Soldiers creates a long white candlestick and blending Three Black Crows creates a long black candlestick.
StockCharts.com maintains a list of all stocks that currently have common candlestick patterns on their charts in the Predefined Scan Results area. To see these results, click here and scroll down until you see the “Candlestick Patterns” section. The results are updated throughout each trading day.
Candlestick charts have merits as a charting system, but they also confirm signals generated by other technical analysis tools. We will examine how candlesticks interact with moving averages, breakout signals, head and shoulders patterns, and volume, and how they form mutually beneficial relationships that strengthen investor confidence when analyzing charts.
A key feature provided by candlestick patterns is the ability to confirm moving average signals. In the chart below, the two highlighted areas show two separate candlestick patterns—spinning top and doji—followed by a long white (hollow) candlestick. The interpretation of these candlestick patterns adds bullish confirmation of the 200-day moving average at support levels around October 10 and February 5. In addition, those same Japanese candlestick patterns confirmed the 30 level on the Relative Strength Index (RSI) as an oversold condition.
Candlesticks can also confirm breakouts from traditional chart patterns found within congestion zones. When a bullish or bearish candlestick pattern occurs within the vicinity of a traditional breakout, it adds validity to the direction of that breakout. An example is shown in the chart below, where the eventual breakout is to the downside.
The top line of the triangle is touched twice by spinning-top candlesticks, which indicates indecision. Then, just before the downward breakout from the triangle, there appears a bearish harami candlestick pattern, followed by another down day to provide confirmation. Once the price action gaps down below the ascending triangle, it does so with a long-filled candlestick. All of this information adds up to an overall bearish picture.
An ascending triangle is traditionally recognized as a bullish chart pattern. But, in this case, the evolving bearish behavior was identified using candlestick pattern analysis.
The OHLC bar chart below is based on the same data as the candlestick chart but contains less useful information. The ascending triangle is easily recognizable. However, without candlestick analysis, it's more difficult to evaluate the potential direction of the breakout before it occurs.
One limitation of using candlestick patterns alone is that they do not provide potential price targets. However, this can be achieved by combining candlesticks with other technical analysis techniques.
The following chart shows a head & shoulders pattern with an eventual breakout to the downside. During the development of the right shoulder, there is a bearish harami pattern followed by two long bearish candles. These add confirmation to the breakout when it occurs. However, without identification of the head & shoulders pattern, the bearish harami would not give any inclination of a potential price target. Using the traditional price target calculation of a head & shoulders pattern makes it possible to calculate a price target—take the distance from the top of the head to the neckline and subtract it from the neckline breakout.
Using both types of analysis gives a potentially clearer picture than using either type in isolation. After all, technical analysis is not an exact science; you must look for confirming signals to build evidence to support a likely outcome. A good corroborating signal gives you more confidence in your trading decisions.
Volume can be used to confirm candlestick patterns. The following chart is the same XOM chart as the one shown previously. The only difference is the addition of volume below the price chart.
Volume begins to increase and crosses above the 200-day moving average of volume during the formation of the bearish harami pattern. It then increases dramatically at the breakout of the ascending triangle and slowly decreases throughout the gradual bullish correction following the downside breakout. As the price action turns down again, volume also increases. After a second brief correction, a doji is formed on huge volume (green arrows), and the sell-off in Exxon Mobil continued.
As the previous examples demonstrated, candlestick patterns can be helpful in identifying potential changes in market direction. When used with traditional technical analysis, candlestick patterns can add confirmation to those signals. In general, the more supporting information you can add to your analysis of chart patterns, the more conviction you will have in your trading decisions.
The other advantage of using candlestick pattern analysis with other technical analysis tools is they provide conflicting signals. When you get conflicting signals, it gives you the opportunity to decide if the weight of the evidence is strong enough to proceed with your trading decision or if you should skip the trade altogether and look for better opportunities.
Technical analysis techniques work best when used with confirming techniques. The more evidence you can gather to support your analysis, the more likely you are to make informed decisions and the more likely to know when you are wrong and should get out of a losing position. Candlestick analysis is an excellent tool to help provide extra evidence for your trading and investing decisions. As a result, Japanese Candlesticks have become a vital asset to modern technical analysts worldwide.
A bullish reversal candlestick pattern signals a potential change from a downtrend to an uptrend. It's a hint that the market's sentiment might be shifting from selling to buying.
There are dozens of bullish reversal candlestick patterns. We have elected to narrow the field by selecting the most popular for detailed explanations. Below are some of the key bullish reversal patterns with the number of candlesticks required in parentheses.
Before moving on to individual patterns, certain guidelines should be established:
Most patterns require bullish confirmation.
Bullish reversal patterns should form within a downtrend.
Other aspects of technical analysis should be used as well.
Each reaction peak and trough is lower than the previous.
The security is trading below its trend line.
These are just examples of possible guidelines to determine a downtrend. Some traders may prefer shorter downtrends and consider securities below the 10-day EMA. Defining criteria will depend on your trading style and personal preferences.
After a decline, the second white candlestick begins to form when selling pressure causes the security to open below the previous close. Buyers step in after the open and push prices above the previous open for a strong finish and potential short-term reversal. Generally, the larger the white candlestick and the greater the engulfing, the more bullish the reversal. Further strength is required to provide bullish confirmation of this reversal pattern.
In January 2000, Sun Microsystems (SUNW) formed a pair of bullish engulfing patterns that foreshadowed two significant advances (see chart below). The first formed in early January after a sharp decline that took the stock well below its 20-day EMA. An immediate gap up confirmed the pattern as bullish, and the stock raced ahead to the mid-forties.
The piercing pattern comprises two candlesticks, the first black and the second white. Both candlesticks should have relatively large bodies, and the shadows are usually, but not necessarily, small or nonexistent. The white candlestick must open below the previous close and close above the midpoint of the black candlestick's body. A close below the midpoint might qualify as a reversal but would not be considered bullish.
Like the bullish engulfing pattern, selling pressure forces the security to open below the previous close, indicating that sellers still have the upper hand on the open. However, buyers step in after the open to push the security higher and it closes above the midpoint of the previous black candlestick's body. Further strength is required to provide bullish confirmation of this reversal pattern.
In late March and early April 2000, Ciena (CIEN) declined from above $80 to around $40. The stock first touched $40 in early April with a long lower shadow. After a bounce, the stock tested support around $40 again in mid-April and formed a piercing pattern. The piercing pattern was confirmed the next day with a strong advance above $50.
The bullish harami is made up of two candlesticks. The first has a large body, while the second has a small body encompassed by the first. There are four possible combinations: white/white, white/black, black/white and black/black.
All harami look the same, whether they are bullish reversal or bearish reversal patterns. Their bullish or bearish nature depends on the preceding trend. Harami are considered potential bullish reversals after a decline and potential bearish reversals after an advance. No matter what the color of the first candlestick, the smaller the body of the second candlestick is, the more likely the reversal. If the small candlestick is a doji, the chances of a reversal increase.
After a decline, a black/black or black/white combination can still be regarded as a bullish harami. The first long black candlestick signals that significant selling pressure remains, which could indicate capitulation. The small candlestick immediately following forms with a gap up on the open, indicating a sudden increase in buying pressure and potential reversal.
Micromuse (MUSE) declined to the mid-sixties in April 2000 and began to trade in a range bound by $33 and $50 over the next few weeks (see chart below). After a six-day decline back to support in late May, a bullish harami (red oval) formed. The first day formed a long white candlestick, while the second formed a small black candlestick that could be classified as a doji. The next day's advance provided bullish confirmation, and the stock rose to around $75.
The hammer is made up of one candlestick, white or black, with a small body, long lower shadow, and small or nonexistent upper shadow. The size of the lower shadow should be at least twice the length of the body and the high/low range should be large relative to range over the last 10-20 days.
After a decline, the hammer's intraday low indicates that selling pressure remains. However, the strong close shows buyers are starting to become active again. Further strength is required to provide bullish confirmation of this reversal pattern.
Nike (NKE) declined from the low 50s to the mid-30s before starting to find support in late February. After a small reaction rally, the stock declined back to support in mid-March and formed a hammer. Bullish confirmation came two days later with a sharp advance.
The morning star consists of three candlesticks:
A long black candlestick.
A small white or black candlestick that gaps below the close of the previous candlestick. This candlestick can also be a doji, in which case the pattern would be a morning doji star.
A long white candlestick.
The black candlestick confirms that the decline remains in force and selling dominates. When the second candlestick gaps down, it provides further evidence of selling pressure. However, the decline ceases or slows significantly after the gap, and a small candlestick forms. The small candlestick indicates indecision and a possible trend reversal. If the small candlestick is a doji, the chances of a reversal increase. The third long white candlestick provides bullish confirmation of the reversal.
After declining from above $180 to below $120, Broadcom (BRCM) formed a morning doji star and advanced above $160 in three days. These are strong reversal patterns and do not require further bullish confirmation beyond the long white candlestick on the third day. After the advance above $160, a two-week pullback followed, and the stock formed a piecing pattern (red arrow) that was confirmed with a large gap up.
The bullish abandoned baby resembles the morning doji star and also consists of three candlesticks:
A long black candlestick.
A doji that gaps below the low of the previous candlestick.
A long white candlestick that gaps above the high of the doji.
The main difference between the morning doji star and the bullish abandoned baby is the gaps on either side of the Doji. The first gap down signals that selling pressure remains strong. However, selling pressure eases, and the security closes at or near the open, creating a doji. Following the doji, the gap up and long white candlestick indicate strong buying pressure, and the reversal is complete. Further bullish confirmation is not required.
In April, Genzyme (GENZ) declined below its 20-day EMA and began to find support in the low thirties (see chart below). The stock began forming a base as early as April 17, but a discernible reversal pattern failed to emerge until the end of May. The bullish abandoned baby formed with a long black candlestick, doji, and long white candlestick. The gaps on either side of the doji reinforced the bullish reversal.
Candlesticks provide an excellent means to identify short-term reversals but should not be used alone. Other aspects of technical analysis can and should be incorporated to increase reversal robustness. Below are three ideas on combining traditional technical analysis with candlestick analysis.
Want to take it one step further? Combine all three aspects for the ultimate signal. Look for a bullish candlestick reversal in securities trading near support with positive divergences and signs of buying pressure.
In the chart below, many signals came together for IBM in early October. After a steep decline since August, the stock formed a bullish engulfing pattern (red oval), confirmed by a strong advance three days later. The 10-day Slow Stochastic Oscillator formed a positive divergence and moved above its trigger line just before the stock advanced. Although not in the green yet, CMF showed constant improvement and moved into positive territory a week later.
We’ve outlined some of the most common bullish reversal candlestick patterns, their structures, and the market conditions needed for them to form and be considered valid. While these patterns are vital tools in predicting market turnarounds, it is essential to combine them with other technical analysis methods such as support and resistance levels, momentum oscillators, and volume-based indicators for more robust and reliable trading signals. When interpreted correctly, these patterns can provide excellent opportunities for you to enter the market at the initial stages of a new uptrend. However, as with any form of technical analysis, use these patterns cautiously and in conjunction with other tools and risk management strategies.
Bullish reversal candlesticks and patterns indicate that buying pressure overcame early selling pressure for a strong finish. This bullish price action suggests enough strong demand for support to be established.
The inverted hammer, long white candlestick, and Marubozu show increased buying pressure rather than an actual price reversal. With its long upper shadow, an inverted hammer signifies intra-session buying interest that faded by the finish. Even though the security finished well below its high, the ability of buyers to push prices higher during the session is bullish. The long white candlestick and white Marubozu signify sustained buying pressure in which prices advanced sharply from open to close. Signs of increased buying pressure bode well for support.
The doji and spinning top denote indecision and are generally considered neutral. These non-reversal patterns indicate a decrease in selling pressure but not necessarily a revival of buying pressure. After a decline, the appearance of a doji or spinning top denotes a sudden letup in selling pressure. A stand-off has developed between buyers and sellers, and a support level may form.
In the chart below, Electronic Data Systems (EDS) traded within a range between $58 and $75 for about four months at the beginning of 2000.
Support at $58 was established in early January, followed by resistance at $75 in late January. The stock declined to its previous support level in early March, forming a long-legged doji and later a spinning top (red circle). Notice that the doji formed immediately after a Marubozu (long black candlestick without upper or lower shadows). This doji marked a sudden decrease in relative selling pressure and support held. Support was tested again in April, and this test was marked by a long-legged doji (blue arrow).
Broadcom (BRCM) formed a bullish engulfing pattern to mark a new support level below $210 (green oval) in late July 2000. A few days later, a long white candlestick formed and engulfed the previous four candlesticks.
The combination of the bullish engulfing and long white candlestick reinforced the validity of support around $208. The stock has since tested support around $208 once in early September and twice in October. A piercing pattern (red arrow) formed in early October, and a large hammer in late October.
Medtronic (MDT) established support around $46 in late February with a spinning top (red arrow) and early March with a harami.
A bearish reversal candlestick pattern is a sequence of price actions or a pattern, that signals a potential change from uptrend to downtrend. It's a hint that the market sentiment may be shifting from buying to selling.
It is important to remember the following guidelines relating to bearish reversal patterns:
Most patterns require further bearish confirmation.
Bearish reversal patterns should form within an uptrend.
Other aspects of technical analysis should be used as well.
Bearish reversal patterns can form with one or more candlesticks; most require bearish confirmation. The reversal indicates that selling pressure overwhelmed buying pressure for one or more days, but it remains unclear whether or not sustained selling or lack of buyers will continue to push prices lower.
The security is trading above its 20-day exponential moving average (EMA).
Each reaction peak and trough is higher than the previous.
The security is trading above a trend line.
These are just three possible methods. Some traders may prefer shorter uptrends and qualify securities that are trading above their 10-day EMA. Defining criteria will depend on your trading style, time horizon, and personal preferences.
The bearish abandoned baby resembles the evening doji star and also consists of three candlesticks:
A long white candlestick.
A doji that gaps above the high of the previous candlestick.
A long black candlestick that gaps below the low of the doji.
The main difference between the evening doji star and the bearish abandoned baby are the gaps on either side of the doji. The first gap up signals a continuation of the uptrend and confirms strong buying pressure. However, buying pressure subsides after the gap up and the security closes at or near the open, creating a doji. Following the doji, the gap down and long black candlestick indicate strong and sustained selling pressure to complete the reversal. You don't need additional bearish confirmation.
Delta (DAL) formed an abandoned baby to mark a sharp reversal that carried the stock from $57.50 to $47.50. Although the open and close aren't equal, the small white candlestick in the middle captures the essence of a doji. Indecision is reflected in the small body and equal upper and lower shadows. In addition, the middle candlestick is separated by gaps on either side, which adds emphasis to the reversal.
The bearish engulfing pattern consists of two candlesticks: the first is white and the second black. The size of the white candlestick is relatively unimportant, but it should not be a doji, which would be relatively easy to engulf. The second should be a long black candlestick. The bigger it is, the more bearish the reversal. The black body must totally engulf the body of the first white candlestick. Ideally, the black body should engulf the shadows as well, but this is not a requirement. Shadows are permitted, but they are usually small or nonexistent on both candlesticks.
After an advance, the second black candlestick begins to form when residual buying pressure causes the security to open above the previous close. However, sellers step in after this opening gap up and begin to drive prices down. By the end of the session, selling becomes so intense that prices move below the previous open. The resulting candlestick engulfs the previous day's body and creates a potential short-term reversal. Further weakness is required for bearish confirmation of this reversal pattern.
The bearish harami is made up of two candlesticks. The first has a large body, and the second a small body encompassed by the first. There are four possible combinations: white/white, white/black, black/white, and black/black. Whether a bullish reversal or bearish reversal pattern, all harami look the same. Their bullish or bearish nature depends on the preceding trend. Harami are considered potential bearish reversals after an advance and potential bullish reversals after a decline. No matter the color of the first candlestick, the smaller the body of the second candlestick is, the more likely the reversal. If the small candlestick is a doji, the chances of a reversal increase.
A white/black or white/white combination can still be regarded as a bearish harami and signal a potential reversal. The first long white candlestick forms in the direction of the trend. It signals that significant buying pressure remains, but could also indicate excessive bullishness. Immediately following, the small candlestick forms with a gap down on the open, indicating a sudden shift towards the sellers and a potential reversal.
In the chart below, after a gap up and rapid advance to $30, a bearish harami (red oval) formed. This harami consists of a long black candlestick and a small black candlestick. The decline two days later confirmed the bearish harami and the stock fell to the low 20s.
In the chart below, you see a bearish harami with a long white candlestick and a small black candlestick (red oval).
The long white candlestick confirmed the direction of the current trend. However, the stock gapped down the next day and traded in a narrow range. The decline three days later confirmed the pattern as bearish.
The dark cloud cover pattern is made up of two candlesticks; the first is white and the second black. Both candlesticks should have fairly large bodies and the shadows are usually small or nonexistent, though not necessarily. The black candlestick must open above the previous close and close below the midpoint of the white candlestick's body. A close above the midpoint might qualify as a reversal, but would not be considered as bearish.
Just as with the bearish engulfing pattern, residual buying pressure forces prices higher on the open, creating an opening gap above the white candlestick's body. However, sellers step in after the strong open and push prices lower. The intensity of the selling drives prices below the midpoint of the white candlestick's body. Further weakness is required for bearish confirmation of this reversal pattern.
In the chart below, after a sharp advance from $37.50 to 40.50, which took two weeks, a dark cloud cover pattern formed (red oval). This pattern was confirmed with two long black candlesticks and marked an abrupt reversal around $40.50.
The evening star consists of three candlesticks:
A long white candlestick.
A small white or black candlestick that gaps above the close (body) of the previous candlestick. This candlestick can also be a doji, in which case the pattern would be an evening doji star.
A long black candlestick.
The long white candlestick confirms that buying pressure remains strong and the trend is up. When the second candlestick gaps up, it provides further evidence of residual buying pressure. However, the advance ceases or slows significantly after the gap, and a small candlestick forms, indicating indecision and a possible trend reversal. If the small candlestick is a doji, the chances of a reversal increase. The third long black candlestick provides bearish confirmation of the reversal.
The chart below shows an evening star (red oval) formed after the stock advanced from $68 to $91.
The shooting star is made up of one candlestick (white or black) with a small body, long upper shadow, and small or nonexistent lower shadow. The size of the upper shadow should be at least twice the length of the body, and the high/low range should be relatively large. Large is a relative term and the high/low range should be large relative to the range over the last 10-20 days.
The chart below shows a shooting star (red oval) candlestick above $90. This was after an advance in the stock price that was punctuated by a long white candlestick. The bearish reversal pattern was confirmed with a gap down the following day.
Candlesticks provide an excellent means to identify short-term reversals but should not be used alone. Other aspects of technical analysis can and should be incorporated to improve the robustness of bearish reversal patterns.
In January 2000, Nike (NKE) gapped up over five points and closed above $50. A candlestick with a long upper shadow formed, and the stock subsequently traded down to $45. This established a resistance level of around $53.
Combine all three aspects for the ultimate signal to take it one step further. Look for a bearish candlestick reversal in securities trading near resistance with weakening momentum and signs of increased selling pressure. Such signals would be relatively rare but could offer above-average profit potential.
Many signals came together for RadioShack (RSH) in early October 2000 (see chart below). The stock traded up to resistance at $70 for the third time in two months and formed a dark cloud cover pattern (red oval). In addition, the long black candlestick had a long upper shadow to indicate an intraday reversal.
Bearish confirmation came the next day with a sharp decline. The negative divergence in the MACD and extremely weak money flows also provided further bearish confirmation.
A bearish reversal candlestick pattern is a vital tool in technical analysis, allowing traders to predict a potential downturn in an existing upward trend. These patterns, however, require further bearish confirmation. And it’s important to remember that all of them should form within an existing uptrend. Although they provide an excellent means to identify short-term reversals, they should be used in conjunction with other aspects of technical analysis such as resistance, momentum, and money flows. Understanding these patterns, alongside other market indicators and trends, can significantly enhance your trading strategy and help you make better-informed trading decisions.
Are you waiting for a stock to break out to the upside so you can add it to your portfolio? Point & Figure (P&F) charts make it easier to visualize breakouts and give you more confidence in making investment or trading decisions.
If you're accustomed to using bar or candlestick charts, P&F charts may look unusual with their X and O columns. However, once you understand them, they can be used as a confirming or complementary chart type.
One of the first aspects you’ll notice about P&F charts—besides the X and O columns—is that there’s no time on the x-axis, unlike the traditional bar or candlestick charts. But as you become more familiar with P&F charts, you’ll get a feel for how the charts can be more precise than other chart types. P&F charts are especially helpful in identifying support and resistance levels and recognizing breakouts and trend signals.
The P&F chart below is overlaid with trendlines. This makes it easy to identify where price broke out of a downward-sloping trendline. After the breakout, there was a long X-column, indicating price continued increasing. That would have been an ideal time to enter a long position. Missed that opportunity? There could be another one if there's an upside breakout in the prevailing X column.
P&F charts are also flexible because you can change box values and the number of boxes required for a reversal. This can be changed depending on the security you’re analyzing. Make them more sensitive or less sensitive, depending on the security you’re analyzing or the time frame you’re using.
Like other chart types, there are many ways to apply P&F charts to your analysis. A good starting place is to understand the basics.
Explore the comprehensive Candlestick Pattern Dictionary from StockCharts' ChartSchool. Master the art of candlestick patterns and make confident trading decisions.
The StockCharts Candlestick Pattern Dictionary provides brief descriptions of many common candlestick patterns.
A rare reversal pattern characterized by a gap followed by a Doji, which is then followed by another gap in the opposite direction. The shadows on the Doji must completely gap below or above the shadows of the first and third day.
A bearish reversal pattern that continues the uptrend with a long white body. The next day opens at a new high, then closes below the midpoint of the body of the first day.
Doji form when the open and close of a security are virtually equal. The length of the upper and lower shadows can vary, and the resulting candlestick looks like either a cross, inverted cross, or a plus sign. Doji convey a sense of indecision or tug-of-war between buyers and sellers. Prices move above and below the opening level during the session but close at or near the opening level.
A continuation pattern with a long, black body followed by another black body that has gapped below the first one. The third day is white and opens within the body of the second day, then closes in the gap between the first two days, but does not close the gap.
A Doji where the open and close price are at the high of the day. Like other Doji days, this one normally appears at market turning points.
A three-day bearish reversal pattern similar to the Evening Star. The uptrend continues with a large white body. The next day opens higher, trades in a small range, then closes at its open (Doji). The next day closes below the midpoint of the body of the first day.
A bearish reversal pattern that continues an uptrend with a long white body day followed by a gapped up small body day, then a down close with the close below the midpoint of the first day.
A bearish continuation pattern. A long black body is followed by three small body days, each fully contained within the range of the high and low of the first day. The fifth day closes at a new low.
A doji line develops when the Doji is at, or very near, the low of the day.
Hammer candlesticks form when a security moves significantly lower after the open but rallies to close well above the intraday low. The resulting candlestick looks like a square lollipop with a long stick. If this candlestick forms during a decline, it is called a Hammer.
Hanging Man candlesticks form when a security moves significantly lower after the open but rallies to close well above the intraday low. The resulting candlestick looks like a square lollipop with a long stick. If this candlestick forms during an advance, it is called a Hanging Man.
A two-day pattern that has a small body day completely contained within the range of the previous body, and is the opposite color.
A two-day pattern that's similar to the Harami. The difference is that the last day is a Doji.
A one-day bullish reversal pattern. In a downtrend, the open is lower, then it trades higher, but closes near its open, therefore looking like an inverted lollipop.
A large price move from open to close, i.e., the length of the candle body is long.
This candlestick has long upper and lower shadows with the Doji in the middle of the day's trading range, clearly reflecting the indecision of traders.
Candlesticks with a long upper shadow and short lower shadow indicate that buyers dominated during the first part of the session, bidding prices higher. Conversely, candlesticks with long lower shadows and short upper shadows indicate that sellers dominated during the first part of the session, driving prices lower.
A candlestick with no shadow extending from the body at the open, close, or both. The name means close-cropped or close-cut in Japanese, though other interpretations refer to it as Bald or Shaven Head.
A three-day bullish reversal pattern that's similar to the Morning Star. The first day is in a downtrend with a long black body. The next day opens lower with a Doji with a small trading range. The last day closes above the midpoint of the first day.
A three-day bullish reversal pattern consisting of three candlesticks—a long-bodied black candle extending the current downtrend, a short middle candle that gapped down on the open, and a long-bodied white candle that gapped up on the open and closed above the midpoint of the body of the first day.
A bullish two-day reversal pattern. The first day, in a downtrend, is a long black day. The next day opens at a new low, then closes above the midpoint of the body of the first day.
A bullish continuation pattern in which a long white body is followed by three small body days, each fully contained within the range of the high and low of the first day. The fifth day closes at a new high.
A single-day pattern that can appear in an uptrend. It opens higher, trades much higher, and then closes near its open. It looks just like the Inverted Hammer, except it's bearish.
A short day represents a small price move from open to close, where the length of the candle body is short.
Candlestick lines that have small bodies with upper and lower shadows that exceed the length of the body. Spinning tops signal indecision.
A candlestick that gaps away from the previous candlestick is said to be in a star position. Depending on the previous candlestick, the star position candlestick gaps up or down and appears isolated from the previous price action.
A bullish reversal pattern with two black bodies surrounding a white body. The closing prices of the two black bodies must be equal. A support price is apparent, and the probability for prices to reverse is high.
A bearish reversal pattern consists of three consecutive long black bodies where each day closes at or near its low and opens within the body of the previous day.
A bullish reversal pattern consisting of three consecutive long white bodies. Each should open within the previous body, and the close should be near the high of the day.
A three-day bearish pattern that only happens in an uptrend. The first day is a long white body followed by a gap open with the small black body. The gap remains above the first day after the close. The third day is also a black candlestick with a body larger than the second day and engulfs it. The last day's close is still above the first long white day.
A continuation pattern with a long white body followed by another white body that has gapped above the first one. The third day is black and opens within the body of the second day, then closes in the gap between the first two days but does not close the gap.
Point & Figure charts consist of columns of X's and O's that represent filtered price movements. X-Columns represent rising prices and O-Columns represent falling prices. Each price box represents a specific value that price must reach to warrant an X or an O. Time is not a factor in P&F charting; these charts evolve as prices move. No movement in price means no change in the P&F chart.
The 3-box Reversal Method is the most popular P&F charting method. In classic 3-box reversal charts, column reversals are further filtered requiring a 3-box minimum to reverse the current column. Articles in the StockCharts.com ChartSchool are based on this method.
P&F charts provide a unique look at price action that has several advantages. P&F charts:
Filter insignificant price movements and noise
Focus on important price movements
Remove the time aspect from the analysis process
Make support/resistance levels much easier to identify
Provide automatic and subjective trend lines
P&F charting has a long history. One of the first references to Point & Figure charting came from an anonymous writer named “Hoyle”, who wrote The Game in Wall Street and How to Successfully Play It in 1898. Early Point & Figure Charts were drawn using numbers. Hence, they were simply referred to as “Figure Charts”. These figure charts evolved into charts with X's and a few numbers. A.W. Cohen is credited with the classic 3-Box Reversal P&F charts with X's and O's. Cohen wrote several books on this “Three-Point Reversal Method” and became the editor of ChartCraft.
Before computers, P&F charts were popular because it was simple to maintain a large collection of charts. Using just a pencil, a newspaper and some graph paper, P&F chartists were able to update and analyze 50 or more charts every day in less than an hour. This classic paper and pencil-based method was largely put aside as technology made charting easier. However, StockCharts.com still offers Point & Figure charting as well as the ability to scan thousands of stocks for specific P&F patterns.
On a P&F chart, price movements are represented with rising X-Columns and falling O-Columns. Each column represents an uptrend or a downtrend of sorts. Each X or O occupies what is called a box on the chart. Each chart has a setting called the Box Size, which defines the price range for each box.
Each chart has a second setting called the Reversal Amount, which determines the amount a stock needs to move in the opposite direction to warrant a column reversal. Whenever this reversal threshold is crossed, a new column is started right next to the previous one, but moving in the opposite direction.
The “reversal distance” is the box size multiplied by the reversal amount. A box size of one and the reversal amount of three would require a three-point move to warrant a reversal (1 x 3). An X-Column extends as long as price does not move down more than the “reversal distance.” Similarly, a stock in a downtrend will cause a descending O-Column to appear. Only when the stock changes direction by more than the reversal distance will a new X-column be added to the chart.
The P&F charts at StockCharts.com allow users to select traditional, percentage, dynamic (ATR), or user-defined box scaling.
Percentage box scaling uses box sizes that are a fixed percentage of the stock's price. For example, if a chart used 5% scaling and the stock's price is $100, the box size for that part of the chart will be $5.00.
User-defined box scaling allows users to set the box size. A larger box size will result in more filtered price movements and fewer reversals. A smaller box size will result in less filtered price movements and more reversals.
P&F charts do not show time linearly. In contrast to bar charts, the spacing between price changes will not be symmetrical. The chart evolves only when there is a price change big enough to warrant a new X, a new O, or a new reversal column. Chartists can view the passage of time on a monthly basis. Numbers and letters on the chart indicate when a new month has begun. For instance, the number “2” shows where February started. The letters “A,” “B,” and “C” are used to indicate the beginning of October, November, and December.
There are two pricing methods available: the High-Low Method and the Close Method. Each method only uses one price point. Obviously, the Close Method uses the closing price only. The High-Low Method uses the high or the low, but not both. Sometimes both are ignored. Here are the rules for the High-Low method.
When the current column is an X-Column (rising):
Use the high when another X can be drawn and then ignore the low.
Use the low when another X cannot be drawn and the low triggers a 3-box reversal.
Ignore both when the high does not warrant another X and the low does not trigger a 3-box reversal.
When the current column is an O-Column (falling):
Use the low when another O can be drawn and then ignore the high.
Use the high when another O cannot be drawn and the high triggers a 3-box reversal.
Ignore both when the low does not warrant another O and the high does not trigger a 3-box reversal.
A P&F Box does not represent a single price, but rather a price range that depends on the box scaling method chosen, as well as the direction of the current column. The range rises for a rising X-Column and falls for a falling O-Column. In the following simple example, assume the user has chosen user-defined box scaling with a box size of 1.0 for their P&F chart. For a rising X-Column on that chart, a box marked with a 12 would range from 12 to 12.99 and a box with a 13 would range from 13 to 13.99. Prices would remain in the 12 box as long as they ranged from 12 to 12.99. A move to 13 would warrant another X in the 13 box. In fact, a price anywhere between 13 and 13.99 would warrant another X.
It works a little differently when the current column is a falling O-Column. A move to 12 would warrant an O in the 12 box. This O would remain as long as prices range from 11.01 to 12. Notice that this range is different from the range for a rising X-Column. A price of 11 would then warrant an O in the 11 box. Anything between 10.01 and 11 would warrant an O in the 11 box.
To fully understand P&F chart dynamics, it is helpful to walk through the construction process with a few simple examples. The key points to remember are:
X-Columns represent rising prices (demand)
O-Column represent falling prices (supply)
Columns can contain X's or O's - not both
Change requires a move equal to or greater than the reversal distance
This example will use the High-Low Method, with user-defined scaling and a box size of 1.0. Here are the first numbers:
Day 1 High = 15.50; Low = 12.90. The chart has to start somewhere. We will assume prices are falling and plot O's in the 15, 14, and 13 boxes.
Day 2 High = 12.20; Low = 11.70. Using the High-Low Method, we have to choose one number. Since the current column is an O-Column, we first check the low. Is it low enough to warrant another O? Yes. Since we can draw another O, we will ignore the high.
Day 3 High = 12.60; Low = 10.90. Again, we look to see if the low moves lower by at least the box amount. It does. So we add O in the 11 box (11 - 10.01). Once we plot an O, the high is ignored even if a 3-box reversal is warranted.
Day 4 High = 14.10; Low = 11.95. The current column is an O-Column and the price is in the 11 box (10.01 to 11). Since we are still in an O-Column, we check the low first. It does not move to 10 or lower and therefore does not warrant a new O in the 10 box. We then see if the high is greater than or equal to current box value (11) plus the reversal distance (3). The high is 14.10, which is greater than the current box value plus the reversal distance (11 + 3 = 14). This means a three box reversal is warranted and we add three X's starting one above the low of the previous column.
Day 5 High = 15.99; Low = 13.80. The current column is a rising X-Column and the price is in the 14 box (14 to 14.99). Since we are in an X-Column, we check the high first. Anything between 15 and 15.99 would warrant a new X in the 15 box. The high is 15.99 and thus warrants an X in the 15 box. Because we drew a new X, the low is completely ignored - even if it is low enough to warrant a 3-box reversal.
Day 6 High = 15.90; Low = 12.00. The current column is a rising X-Column and the price is in the 15 box (15 to 15.99). Since we are in an X-Column, we check the high first. Anything between 16 and 16.99 would warrant a new X in the 16 box. The high is 15.90, and this does not warrant a new X.
Now let's turn to the low. See if the low is less than or equal to current box value (15) less the reversal distance (3). The low is 12.00, which is less than the current box value less the reversal distance (15 - 3 = 12). This means a three-box reversal is warranted and we add three O's starting one below the high of the previous column.
Over time, our chart might look something like this:
Is it important to remember that P&F charts do not show time in a linear fashion. Each column can represent one day, or many days, depending on the price movement. Because P&F charts filter out the noise associated with more traditional charting methods, every mark on the chart is significant.
There are four things to look for on a Point & Figure chart:
Support levels
Resistance levels
Upward trend lines
Downward trend lines
Support is the price level at which demand is thought to be strong enough to prevent the price from declining further. Support levels are easy to spot on P&F charts. In particular, a sequence of O-Columns with equal lows marks a clear support level.
Resistance is the price level at which selling is thought to be strong enough to prevent the price from rising further. Resistance levels are also easy to spot on P&F charts. In particular, a sequence of X-Columns with equal highs marks a clear resistance level.
Trend lines are drawn automatically on the Point & Figure charts. An upward-sloping trend line is called a Bullish Support Line, while a downward-sloping trend line is called a Bearish Resistance Line. Bullish Support Lines slope up at 45 degrees and start from an important low. At a minimum, it takes a column sequence of 5-3-5-3-5-3 to produce an advance steep enough to maintain this angle. X-Columns need to be at least 5 boxes with O-Columns a maximum of 3 boxes. An X-Column greater than 5 would allow for an O-Column greater than 3.
Bearish Resistance Lines slope down at 135 degrees (180 - 45 = 135) and start from an important high. A similar ratio is needed to maintain the slope of a Bearish Resistance Line. A column sequence of 5-3-5-3-5-3 is needed to maintain the slope. O-Columns need to be at least 5 boxes with X-Columns a maximum of 3 boxes. An O-Column greater than 5 would allow for an X-Column greater than 3.
There are many specific chart patterns for 3-box Reversal charts. These are detailed in the ChartSchool articles below.
Chartists may also wish to calculate Price Objectives using the Horizontal or Vertical Count. These are more involved, but there are detailed articles about them in ChartSchool:
Point & Figure Charting by Thomas Dorsey starts with the basics of P&F charting and then proceeds to the key patterns. Dorsey keeps his P&F analysis simple and straightforward, much like the work of P&F pioneer A.W. Cohen. As a relative strength disciple, Dorsey devotes a complete chapter to relative strength concepts using P&F charts. These concepts are tied in with market indicators and sector rotation tools to provide investors with all they need to construct a portfolio. There is also a section on using P&F charts with ETFs.
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Steve Nison
The Dynamic Yield Curve tool allows you to create snapshots to easily compare yields from two different dates, as well as animating changes in the curve over time. For more information on this tool, please see our in the Support Center.
Access Seasonality Charts by clicking on Charts & Tools at the top of any web page at StockCharts. Enter a symbol in the Seasonality section of the Charts & Tools page and click Go. Our in the Support Center describes how to use all the controls.
Chartists can access RRG Charts by clicking on “Charts & Tools” at the top of any web page at StockCharts. Simply click the “Launch RRG Chart” button in the Relative Rotation Graphs section of the Charts & Tools page. Our article in the Support Center describes how to use all the controls.
This section provides a brief introduction to the capabilities of the MarketCarpet tool. For more detailed information on creating and configuring MarketCarpets, please see .
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Steve Nison
Gregory Morris
Steve Nison
The hammer and inverted hammer were covered in the article . This article will focus on the other six patterns. For a complete list of bullish (and bearish) reversal patterns, see Greg Morris' book, .
Patterns can form with one or more candlesticks; most require bullish confirmation. The actual reversal indicates that buyers overcame prior selling pressure, but it remains unclear whether new buyers will bid prices higher. Without confirmation, these patterns would be considered neutral and merely indicate a potential level at best. Bullish confirmation means further upside follow through and can come as a , long white candlestick or high volume advance. Because candlestick patterns are short-term and usually effective for only 1 or 2 weeks, bullish confirmation should come within 1 to 3 days after the pattern.
To be considered a bullish reversal, there should be an existing downtrend to reverse. A at new highs can hardly be considered a bullish reversal pattern. Such formations would indicate continued buying pressure and could be considered a continuation pattern.
In the Ciena example below, the pattern in the red oval looks like a bullish engulfing, but formed near after about a 30 point advance. The pattern shows strength, but is more likely a continuation at this point than a reversal pattern.
The existence of a downtrend can be determined by using , peak/trough analysis or . A security could be deemed in a downtrend based on one of the following:
The security is trading below its 20-day exponential moving average ().
The bullish engulfing pattern consists of two candlesticks, the first black and the second white. The size of the black candlestick is not that important, but it should not be a which would be relatively easy to engulf. The second should be a long white candlestick – the bigger it is, the more bullish. The white body must totally engulf the body of the first black candlestick. Ideally, though not necessarily, the white body would engulf the shadows as well. Although shadows are permitted, they are usually small or nonexistent on both candlesticks.
After correcting to , the second bullish engulfing pattern formed in late January. The stock declined below its 20-day EMA and found support from its earlier gap up. This also marked a 2/3 correction of the prior advance. A bullish engulfing pattern formed and was confirmed the next day with a strong follow-up advance.
Note: The Bullish Engulfing candlestick pattern is similar to the , but does not require the entire range (high and low) to be engulfed, just the open and close.
Even though there was a setback after confirmation, the stock remained above support and advanced above $70. Also, note the in late May.
In his book , Steve Nison asserts that any combination of colors can form a harami but that the most bullish are those that form with a white/black or white/white combination. Because the first candlestick has a large body, it implies that the bullish reversal pattern would be stronger if this body were white. The long white candlestick shows a sudden and sustained resurgence of buying pressure. The small candlestick afterward indicates consolidation. White/white and white/black bullish harami are likely to occur less often than black/black or black/white.
To increase robustness, look for bullish reversals at support levels. Support levels can be identified with moving averages, previous , trend lines, or retracements.
Use to confirm improving momentum with bullish reversals. Positive divergences in , , , , StochRSI, or would indicate improving momentum and increase the robustness behind a bullish reversal pattern.
Volume-based indicators can help identify buying and selling pressure. Candlesticks can be used with (OBV), (CMF), and the . Strength in any of these would increase the robustness of a reversal.
StockCharts.com maintains a list of stocks that currently have common candlestick patterns on their charts in the area. To see these results, and then scroll down until you see the “Candlestick Patterns” section. The results are updated throughout each trading day.
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Reference Tool:
History and formation of Candlesticks
In addition to their own merits as a charting system, Japanese candlesticks can function as confirmation for signals generated by other technical analysis techniques.
This list contains candlesticks and candlestick patterns that can be used with support levels.
This list contains candlesticks and candlestick patterns that can be used to identify or confirm resistance levels.
A bullish reversal candlestick pattern signals a potential change from a downtrend to an uptrend. It's a hint that the market's sentiment might be shifting from selling to buying.
A bearish reversal candlestick pattern is a sequence of price actions or a pattern that signals a potential change from uptrend to downtrend. It's a hint that the market sentiment may be shifting from buying to selling.
Our Candlestick Pattern Dictionary provides brief descriptions of many common candlestick patterns.
Single candlesticks and candlestick patterns can confirm or mark levels. Such a support level could be formed after an extended decline or confirm a previous support level. In a trading range, candlesticks can help choose entry points for buying near support and selling near . The list below contains some, but not all, of the candlesticks and candlestick patterns that can be used together with support levels. The bullish reversal patterns are marked with an (R).
Doji (, , )
Long White candlestick or White
or (R)
The stock declined sharply in April, and a hammer was formed to confirm support at $46 (first green arrow). After a to resistance around $57, the stock declined sharply and again found support around $46 (blue arrow).
There are dozens of bearish reversal patterns. We have elected to narrow the field by selecting a few of the most popular patterns for detailed explanations. For a complete list of bearish and bullish reversal patterns, see Greg Morris' book, . Below are some of the key bearish reversal patterns, with the number of candlesticks required in parentheses.
Without confirmation, many of these patterns would be considered neutral and merely indicate a potential level at best. Bearish confirmation means further downside follow through, such as a , long black candlestick, or high decline. Because candlestick patterns are short-term and usually effective for 1-2 weeks, bearish confirmation should come within 1-3 days.
Time Warner (TWX) advanced from the upper fifties to the low seventies in less than two months (see chart below). The long white candlestick that took the stock above $70 in late March was followed by a in the position. A second long-legged doji immediately followed and indicated that the uptrend was beginning to tire. The (red oval) increased these suspicions and bearish confirmation was provided by the long black candlestick (red arrow).
To be considered a bearish reversal, there should be an existing uptrend to reverse. It does not have to be a major uptrend, but should be up for the short term or at least over the last few days. A dark cloud cover after a sharp decline or near new lows is unlikely to be a valid bearish reversal pattern. Bearish reversal patterns within a downtrend would simply confirm existing selling pressure and could be considered .
There are many methods available to determine the trend. An uptrend can be established using , peak/trough analysis or trend lines. A security could be deemed in an uptrend based on one or more of the following:
After meeting around $30 in mid-January, Ford (F) formed a bearish engulfing pattern (red oval). It was immediately confirmed with a decline and subsequent support break.
Note: The Bearish Engulfing candlestick pattern is similar to the , but does not require the entire range (high and low) to be engulfed, just the open and close.
In his book, , Steve Nison asserts that any combination of colors can form a harami, but the most bearish are those that form with a black/white or black/black combination. Because the first candlestick has a large body, it implies that the bearish reversal pattern would be stronger if this body were black. This would indicate a sudden and sustained increase in selling pressure. The small candlestick afterwards indicates consolidation before continuation. After an advance, black/white or black/black bearish harami are not as common as white/black or white/white variations.
The middle candlestick is a , indicating indecision and possible reversal. The gap above $91 was reversed immediately with a long black candlestick. Even though the stock stabilized in the next few days, it never exceeded the top of the long black candlestick and fell below $75.
For a candlestick to be in star position, it must gap away from the previous candlestick. In , Greg Morris indicates that a shooting star should from the preceding candlestick. However, in , Steve Nison provides a shooting star example that forms below the previous close. There should be room to maneuver, especially when dealing with stocks and indices, which often open near the previous close. A gap up would enhance the robustness of a shooting star, but the essence of the reversal should not be lost without the gap.
After an advance back to resistance at $53, the stock formed a pattern (red oval). Bearish confirmation came when the stock declined the next day, gapped down below $50, and broke its short-term trend line two days later.
Use oscillators to confirm weakening momentum with bearish reversals. Negative in , , , , or indicate weakening momentum and can increase the robustness of a bearish reversal pattern. In addition, bearish moving average crossovers in the PPO and MACD can provide confirmation, and trigger line crossovers for the Slow Stochastic Oscillator.
Use volume-based indicators to assess selling pressure and confirm reversals. (OBV), , and the can be used to spot negative divergences or simply excessive selling pressure. Signs of increased selling pressure can improve the robustness of a bearish reversal pattern.
StockCharts.com maintains a list of all stocks that currently have common candlestick patterns on their charts in the area. To see these results, and then scroll down until you see the “Candlestick Patterns” section. The results are updated throughout each trading day.
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A reversal pattern that can be bearish or bullish, depending upon whether it appears at the end of an uptrend (bearish engulfing pattern) or a downtrend (bullish engulfing pattern). The first day is characterized by a small body, followed by a day whose body completely engulfs the previous day's body and closes in the opposite direction of the trend. This pattern is similar to the , but does not require the entire range (high and low) to be engulfed, just the open and close.
StockCharts.com maintains a list of stocks with common candlestick patterns on their charts in the area. To see these results, and scroll down until you see the Candlestick Patterns section. The results are updated throughout each trading day.
Traditional box scaling uses a predefined table of price ranges to determine what the box size should be. The table was originally created by the people at ChartCraft and later popularized by Tom Dorsey in his book .
Dynamic (ATR) scaling bases the box size on the daily Average True Range (ATR). The default is set at 20 days. However, one should take care with this setting because it changes as the ATR changes. Prior signals may disappear as ATR changes the box size. You can read more on Average True Range in our
Learn More. Chartists should experiment with various box sizes and reversal amounts to find their best fit. For more details, see our on scaling and timeframes.
Learn More. For more information on other box scaling methods, see our on scaling and timeframes.
P&F Pattern Alerts are at the end of the . These are based on daily data. StockCharts.com provides daily alerts for over 15 P&F patterns on various exchanges, including the TSX and LSE. Some of these are shown in the image below. Note that there were over 100 NYSE stocks with Triple Top Breakouts.
Chartists can also scan for specific P&F patterns using daily data and the drop-down menu for P&F Patterns on the . Over 20 P&F patterns and criteria are included in this drop-down menu. Users can combine these P&F patterns with other non-P&F criteria to create truly unique scans.
StockCharts.com computes Price Objectives based on specific Point & Figure charts. Here is a link to an article with more details on the found on the charts.
Candlestick Charting Explained Gregory Morris
Point & Figure Charting Thomas Dorsey
What's the best way to minimize your risk while trading? We look at how asset allocation can be combined with technical analysis to ensure a strong trading portfolio.
The term “asset allocation” describes the money management strategy that designates how capital should be distributed within an investment portfolio. Generally, this involves identifying how much of the portfolio should be distributed into various asset classes or broad investments such as stocks, bonds, commodities, and cash.
Asset allocation aims to optimize the mix of the investments into different asset classes to maximize the return of the investment portfolio while minimizing the potential risk. This optimization is based on your timeframe, risk tolerance, and long-term investment goals. Evidence suggests that certain asset classes perform better or worse depending on economic conditions, market forces, government policy, and political influence. An asset allocation strategy aims to identify these conditions and allocate resources appropriately.
A concept that is closely associated with asset allocation is “diversification.” In practice, these terms are often used interchangeably.
Asset allocation is principally concerned with allocating capital into different asset classes. For example, a typical asset allocation strategy might dictate that your portfolio should have 50% invested in stocks, 30% in bonds, 10% in commodities, and 10% in cash.
Diversification is typically associated with allocating capital within asset classes such as stocks, bonds, and commodities. For example, within the stock allocation of a portfolio, you could allocate 50% to large-cap stocks, 20% to mid-cap stocks, 10% to small-cap stocks, 10% to international stocks, and 10% to emerging market stocks. The concept of diversification involves the distribution of assets within individual asset classes. Because risk is distributed among the asset classes of the overall portfolio, diversification reduces risk within each asset class.
Below is a hypothetical example of asset allocations in a typical vs a diversified portfolio.
Utilizing asset allocation strategies as risk management is not a new concept. The idea of “not putting all of your eggs in one basket” is something we learn as children and has been around for thousands of years. Yet, the term asset allocation did not exist within the investment community until recently. Even before the advent of modern financial markets, people understood that one's assets should be divided among different classes, such as land, ownership of a business, and reserves (cash). That conception of asset allocation as a fact of life stayed relatively unchanged until the middle of the 20th Century.
The diagram below represents early forms of portfolio diversification.
So, what changed to create the asset allocation models we are familiar with today? In 1952, an American economist named Harry Markowitz wrote a paper in the Journal of Finance entitled “Portfolio Selection,” in which he developed the first mathematical model emphasizing volatility reduction in a portfolio by combining investments with different patterns of returns. This paper was the basis for the standard in portfolio management known as “Modern Portfolio Theory.”
Before Markowitz's contribution to portfolio asset allocation, diversification focused on the return and risk characteristics of individual securities irrespective of how the returns correlated with one another. After Markowitz created his mathematical models for portfolio construction, his ideas quickly became accepted in academic circles. Much research was published verifying the benefits of asset allocation, and it rapidly became popular among financial professionals.
In 1974, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) was enacted as a federal law establishing minimum standards for investment allocations in pension plans. After ERISA became law, asset allocation and modern portfolio theory became standard practices for portfolio managers required to be in compliance with the Act when allocating investor capital in pension plans.
Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) has significantly impacted how portfolio managers construct investment portfolios. The concept of MPT is reasonably straightforward. However, it requires the investor to make several assumptions about the financial markets; additionally, the mathematical equations used to calculate correlation and risk can be somewhat complex.
The basic premise of MPT is simple: by combining securities from different asset classes together that are not highly correlated, you can reduce the volatility of the portfolio and increase risk-adjusted performance. In other words, combining assets that aren't correlated will produce the most efficient portfolio, one that delivers the greatest return for a given amount of risk.
Asset returns don't have to be negatively correlated or non-correlated to provide diversification benefits. They just cannot be perfectly correlated. For example, in the chart below, international stocks (represented by the iShares MSCI EAFE Index) are compared to US domestic stocks (represented by the S&P 500 index). Using the Correlation Coefficient indicator, you can see that the correlation is positive for most of the five-year period. However, it isn't perfectly correlated (a correlation coefficient of 1.0).
There are periods of low correlation and even negative correlation within this period. So, suppose you invested in US domestic stocks and international stocks. In that case, the overall volatility of your portfolio can be decreased since correlation varies enough between the two asset classes to provide meaningful diversification.
The concept of MPT illustrates that adding a volatile asset to a portfolio can still decrease overall volatility if the returns have differences in correlation. This is an intriguing concept—that overall portfolio volatility can be decreased by combining asset classes that have returns with higher volatility.
The assumption is that by combining asset classes that aren't perfectly correlated, when one asset is declining in value, another asset in the portfolio increases in value over the same period. So even if all asset classes are highly volatile by themselves, when combined together in one portfolio, the volatility is reduced.
The following chart shows an extreme example of negative correlation: the US Dollar Index ($USD) compared to the price of Gold ($GOLD) over the last five years. If an investor invested in both these volatile assets, the portfolio's overall volatility would have been lowered significantly due to the negative correlation.
As mentioned earlier, MPT requires that the investor make certain assumptions about the financial markets in order to calculate the theory's potential benefits. The principal assumptions are:
Financial markets are efficient.
Market returns are randomly distributed.
Investors are rational.
These assumptions are necessary for accurately calculating standard deviation and correlation using a normal distribution or bell curve.
Using a normal distribution function (which defines risk as the standard deviation of returns), risk and correlation can be mathematically calculated for individual assets and portfolios. However, if, in reality, markets are not entirely efficient, then asset returns don't necessarily follow a normal distribution, and the correlation and risk calculations used in MPT may be flawed. With the extreme market volatility seen during the “dot-com” bubble of the early 2000s and the financial crisis of 2008–2009, the assumptions used in MPT have been highly scrutinized.
Although the assumptions of Modern Portfolio Theory are most likely flawed to a certain extent, asset allocation using MPT is still a proven method for reducing volatility in an investment portfolio. A simple example using two separate investors can help explain the value of diversification.
Our first investor, investor A, has his entire portfolio invested in just one company's stock. By comparison, investor B has her portfolio invested equally in the stocks of 30 different companies. Both investors carry the risk that the entire stock market could go down and negatively affect their respective portfolios. However, investor A also has risks associated with the one company whose stock he owns. If something specific happens to that one company (i.e., an earnings disappointment, product recall, investor fraud, etc.), investor A could lose a significant portion of his investment.
In contrast, if this exact scenario happened to one of the thirty stocks in investor B's portfolio, it would not be devastating to the value of the whole portfolio. In a worst-case scenario, investor A could lose his entire investment if the company goes out of business. Investor B would only lose 1/30th of her portfolio.
The preceding example identifies the two types of risk associated with investing in the financial markets. The first type of risk is associated with the entire market or systematic risk. Systematic risk affects all of the stocks in the entire market together, as a whole, and cannot be diversified away within that market. For example, if the entire U.S. economy is weakening, it will affect all stocks within the S&P 500 to some extent. Diversifying your portfolio with other stocks within the S&P 500 will not significantly decrease the overall risk in the portfolio because other stocks share the same characteristic of being stocks.
The other type of risk is the risk specifically associated with the individual security, or non-systematic risk. Non-systematic risk is easily diversifiable, as shown by the earlier example of diversification. If you had invested equally in the stocks of 30 different companies, and one of those companies went out of business, the loss to the overall portfolio would only be 3.3%.
Asset Allocation can be applied to portfolio management in different ways. Most asset allocation techniques fall within two distinct strategies—strategic asset allocation and tactical asset allocation.
This is a more traditional approach to asset allocation that utilizes the tenets and assumptions of Modern Portfolio Theory in a passive investment style. The goal of strategic asset allocation is to create a portfolio based on the investor's investment goals and risk tolerances. Changes in the investment portfolio are usually only made when the portfolio becomes “unbalanced” due to fluctuations in the market or the investor's risk/reward profile changes, requiring an adjustment in the allocation.
Making changes to the portfolio when it becomes “unbalanced” is consistent with a “value investing” philosophy that chooses investments due to their perceived low valuation versus an estimated intrinsic value. For example, if the international stock allocation of the portfolio underperforms the domestic stock allocation, then, over time, the international allocation will make up a smaller portion of the overall portfolio because fewer unrealized gains are contributing to the total dollar investment. To reallocate the portfolio and return to the original asset mix percentages, you must sell some domestic stock and purchase more international stock. This is consistent with value investing, as you would buy stock that is out of favor (possibly undervalued) while selling stock that is in favor (perhaps overvalued).
This is similar to strategic asset allocation but with a few noteworthy differences. Like strategic asset allocation, tactical asset allocation is based on the assumptions of Modern Portfolio Theory. However, unlike strategic asset allocation, it uses a more active investment approach involving the concepts of relative strength, sector rotation, and momentum. Instead of reallocating the portfolio when it becomes unbalanced due to market fluctuations, the allocation is purposely over-weighted in market sectors that outperform the overall market.
A tactical asset allocation strategy differs from value investing in that instead of buying underperforming stocks, you purchase or add to positions that are outperforming the broad market. So, in a tactically allocated portfolio based on relative strength, you can be significantly concentrated in particular market sectors. The idea behind this type of asset allocation is to remain somewhat diversified but concentrate more of the portfolio on improving areas of the economy. Studies have shown that when one sector of the economy is outperforming the overall market, there is a tendency for that sector to outperform for an extended period.
The following chart shows the performance of the 11 sector ETFs (representing the 11 S&P 500 sectors) compared to the performance of the S&P 500 index over a one-year timeframe.
The top-performing sectors are Communication Services and Technology. The two worst-performing sectors are Real Estate and Staples. An investor using a tactical asset allocation strategy can use this information to choose investments that outperform the broader market and avoid investments that underperform the broader market.
Even with all of its benefits, asset allocation as a risk management strategy has limitations. Awareness of these limitations will help investors realize when other tools may be used to minimize portfolio risk.
One major criticism of asset allocation is that “black swan” events (unexpected events with catastrophic consequences) seem to occur more often in the financial markets than would be statistically expected if the markets followed a normal distribution. If this is true, using standard deviation as a measure of risk may be misleading, and statistical correlation between asset classes may be distorted. Also, correlation tends to increase between asset classes during a crisis period, which would make asset allocation less useful as a risk management strategy precisely when it is needed most.
Another criticism of asset allocation is that it does not tell the investor when to buy or sell a security. Buy and sell decisions are based on reallocating the portfolio (usually arbitrarily) when it appears to need rebalancing due to the investor's risk parameters, without regard to changing market conditions. Tactical asset allocation strategies can address some of the timing of buy and sell decisions, which are usually not part of strategic asset allocation investment decisions.
Finally, asset allocation as a risk management tool does not address the risk of portfolio drawdown. Drawdown is defined as the minimum value of a single investment or investment portfolio reached following a previous peak in value. During secular bear markets, portfolio drawdown can be significant. Simply spreading one's investments across multiple asset classes may not provide adequate risk protection.
Many technical analysis tools can be used with asset allocation strategies to provide a comprehensive risk management plan for an investment portfolio. Fortunately, utilizing protection strategies available through technical analysis can minimize many of the shortcomings of traditional asset allocation.
One of the most valuable tools available for risk management is the protective stop. Stops are used to exit a position when a predefined profit target is achieved, or a predefined loss limit is reached. Using stops eliminates many of the pitfalls of asset allocation since it minimizes drawdown to a predefined amount, no matter what effect outside influences have on the portfolio.
For example, the correlation between different asset classes became uncharacteristically high during the recent financial crisis. Due to this increase in correlation, traditional asset allocation strategies were ineffective from a risk management perspective. However, protective stops placed at predetermined levels would protect investors from a catastrophic loss.
Stops placed before the severe downturn in the market would have been executed at levels acceptable to the investor ahead of time and provided the risk management needed to keep the portfolio drawdown from being excessive.
The chart below shows how a simple moving average stop loss strategy would have worked well as a risk management tool during the last two major bear markets. This hypothetical example shows the S&P 500 SPDRS (SPY) with a 20-period simple moving average over 20 years. If an investor had sold or decreased his position (stopped out) when it went below the 20-period moving average and then bought it back when it went back above the 20-period moving average, portfolio drawdown would have decreased significantly.
Another valuable use of Technical Analysis is to calculate potential trade entry and exit points before you enter the position. Predefining where entry and exit points should be can provide information on the potential reward and risk of each position. This helps the investor identify attractive trade setups and investment opportunities prior to committing capital.
One question often asked is how much capital you should risk in each position. Using a fundamental asset allocation approach, you would diversify across multiple asset classes based on individual timeframes and risk tolerance. After deciding on an appropriate asset mix, the portfolio would remain fully invested throughout the determined period, regardless of changing market conditions. Using this passive strategy, the portfolio could simply “ride out” the corrections in the market and hopefully regain any losses during market advances.
Many methods are available to determine individual position size for actively managed portfolios. These include comprehensive methods such as the Kelly criterion (or Optimal f) and the Risk of Ruin Formula, or a simple rule of thumb like not risking more than 2% of the entire portfolio on any one position. For example, if you have a $250,000 portfolio, no more than $5,000 should be invested in any one security under the 2% max position size rule.
Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) are another excellent tool for investors who want to actively manage their investment portfolios. ETFs can be traded like individual securities. However, they contain a basket of securities that provides diversification within the ETF. When choosing ETFs, due diligence is required by the investor since some ETFs are well diversified and others can be highly concentrated in a few positions. Also, some ETFs carry other risks, such as leverage and tracking errors.
One last consideration on risk is deciding how much of the portfolio should be actively traded and how much should simply be allocated to passive, long-term investments. This is why developing a rules-based trading system and maintaining a trading journal to track your performance are essential components of active trading or investing. If you are just starting out, you should only trade the amount of your portfolio you are willing and able to lose. Once you gain confidence as a trader and can quantify your abilities with a bona fide track record, you may begin managing an increasingly larger portfolio segment.
One of the most difficult aspects of trading is managing your emotions and objectively critiquing your own trading abilities. If you cannot consistently outperform a buy-and-hold strategy, actively managing a larger portion of your portfolio is probably not a good idea. If you do not enjoy trading and cannot separate your emotions from your trading, then it may make more sense to let a professional manage your investments or invest passively using mutual funds or ETFs.
Being honest will also help you develop a trading strategy that fits your personality. Each individual trader or investor is different, and while one style of trading may be appropriate for one person, it may not be appropriate for another. A key component to developing a strategy is that it should be easy for the trader to conceptualize and follow the trading plan. Most of all, it needs to be enjoyable for the trader and not conflict with his or her core values.
A description of common chart patterns
In the financial market, prices are determined by supply and demand forces. Are the buyers winning or the sellers winning? Chart patterns provide a visual representation of the battle between buyers and sellers so you see if a market is trending higher, lower, or moving sideways. Knowing this can help you make your buy and sell decisions.
There are tons of chart patterns. Most can be divided into two broad categories—reversal and continuation patterns. Reversal patterns indicate a trend change, whereas continuation patterns indicate the price trend will continue after a brief consolidation.
In the StockCharts platform, you can scan for various chart patterns in the Predefined Scans available in the Scan Workbench.
Below is a list of common chart patterns useful in technical analysis. If you'd like more details on using chart patterns when analyzing a chart, you may find Introduction to Chart Patterns helpful. Note that the chart patterns have been classified based on whether they're typically reversal or continuation patterns. Remember that many of these patterns can indicate either a reversal or continuation, depending on the circumstances.
You can explore the chart patterns in the list below and learn how to use them in trading.
While chart patterns can help decide if a stock is trending higher or lower, whether buyers or sellers are in control, and if it's a good time to get into a trade, they have limitations. Sometimes, a chart pattern may fail to do what you expect. Other times, you may have to exercise patience while waiting for a specific pattern to develop. Chart patterns are subjective and can be misinterpreted. Because of these caveats, you must practice looking at chart patterns by viewing charts of longer timeframes.
Did a similar pattern form in the past? If so, how did the forces of supply and demand react? How often did price reach its expected target? How often did it fail?
Analyzing chart patterns and understanding how specific securities react to price patterns can help you determine whether the bulls or bears are in control. This, in turn, can help you strategize your trades by identifying entry points, exit points, and stops.
The Rising Wedge is a bearish pattern that begins wide at the bottom and contracts as prices move higher and the trading range narrows. In contrast to symmetrical triangles, which have no definitive slope and no bullish or bearish bias, rising wedges definitely slope up and have a bearish bias.
While though this article will focus on the rising wedge as a reversal pattern, the pattern can also fit into the continuation category. As a continuation pattern, the rising wedge will still slope up, but the slope will be against the prevailing downtrend. As a reversal pattern, the rising wedge will slope up and with the prevailing trend. Regardless of the type (reversal or continuation), rising wedges are bearish.
Prior Trend. To qualify as a reversal pattern, there must be a prior trend to reverse. The rising wedge usually forms over a three to six month period and can mark an intermediate or long-term trend reversal. Sometimes the current trend is totally contained within the rising wedge; other times the pattern will form after an extended advance.
Upper Resistance Line. It takes at least two reaction highs to form the upper resistance line, ideally three. Each reaction high should be higher than the previous high.
Lower Support Line. At least two reaction lows are required to form the lower support line. Each reaction low should be higher than the previous low.
Contraction. The upper resistance line and lower support line converge as the pattern matures. The advances from the reaction lows (lower support line) become shorter and shorter, which makes the rallies unconvincing. This creates an upper resistance line that fails to keep pace with the slope of the lower support line and indicates a supply overhang as prices increase.
Support Break. Bearish confirmation of the pattern does not come until the support line is broken in a convincing fashion. It is sometimes prudent to wait for a break of the previous reaction low. Once support is broken, there can sometimes be a reaction rally to test the newfound resistance level.
Volume. Ideally, volume will decline as prices rise and the wedge evolves. An expansion of volume on the support line break can be taken as bearish confirmation.
The rising wedge can be one of the most difficult chart patterns to recognize and trade accurately. While it is a consolidation formation, the loss of upside momentum on each successive high gives the pattern its bearish bias. However, the series of higher highs and higher lows keeps the trend inherently bullish. The final break of support indicates that the forces of supply have finally won out, and lower prices are likely. There are no measuring techniques to estimate the decline – other aspects of technical analysis should be employed to forecast price targets.
ANN provides a good example of the rising wedge as a reversal pattern that forms in the face of weakening momentum and money flow.
Prior Trend. From a low of around $10 in October 1998, ANN surpassed $23 in less than seven months. The final leg up was a sharp advance from below $15 in February to $23.50 in mid-April.
Upper Resistance Line. The upper resistance line formed with three successively higher peaks.
Lower Support Line. The lower support line formed with three successive higher lows.
Contraction. The upper resistance line and lower support line converged as the pattern matured. A visual assessment confirms that the slope of the lower support line is steeper than that of the upper resistance line. Less slope in the upper resistance line indicates that momentum is waning as the stock makes new highs.
Support Break. The stock hugged the support line for over a week before finally breaking with a sharp decline. The previous reaction low was broken a few days later with a long black candlestick (red arrow).
Volume. Chaikin Money Flow turned negative in late April and was well below -10% when the support line was broken. There was an expansion of volume when the previous reaction low was broken.
Support from the April reaction low of around $20 turned into resistance, and the stock tested this level in early July before declining further.
Explore the basics of Point and Figure charts, including scaling, timeframes, and trend lines.
Point & Figure (P&F) charts focus on price movement using X and O columns. The X columns represent rising prices and the O columns represent declining prices. These columns make it easier to identify price breakouts, which in turn can generate buy or sell signals.
The P&F charts available from StockCharts.com can be modified to suit your needs. You can change chart attributes, chart scaling, and add overlays such as trend lines, moving averages, and Volume by Price, to name a few.
In this section, we cover all the basics of P&F charts so you can create a P&F chart, use the appropriate price intervals and timeframes, and better understand the automatic trend lines.
Introduction to Point & Figure Charts. Learn how to construct P&F charts with a step-by-step example. Understand how to identify support and resistance levels and draw P&F trend lines.
P&F Scaling and Timeframes. Learn to apply different price intervals to choose a charting timeframe. Intraday intervals can be used for medium-term timeframes, while daily intervals are often best for long-term charts.
P&F Trend Lines. P&F trend lines are unique because they are drawn at a specific angle to represent a certain rate of ascent or descent. Understand how automatic trend lines appear on a P&F chart, when they reverse, and how to identify a break.