Market Indicators
Market Indicators are datasets that contain metadata about the health of various markets or groups of related stocks. Examples include βAdvancers,β βDeclinersβ and the βMcClellan Summation Index.β A list of our essential market indicators appears below.
If you are new to market indicators, the following articles will help you get going:
Introduction to Market Indicators An in-depth introduction to popular market indicators found on
Market Indicator Dictionary A list of ticker symbols for some of the more common market breadth indicators that we track on
Market Indicators
Advance-Decline Line A cumulative breadth indicator derived from Net Advances.
Advance-Decline Percent A breadth indicator that measures the percentage of net advances within a particular group, such as a SPDR or index ETF.
Advance-Decline Volume Line A cumulative breadth indicator derived from Net Advancing Volume.
Advance-Decline Volume Percent A breadth indicator that measures the percentage of net advancing within a particular group, such as a SPDR or index ETF.
Arms Index (TRIN) A breadth indicator derived from the AD Ratio and AD Volume Ratio.
Bullish Percent Index (BPI) A breadth indicator derived from the percentage of stocks on P&F Buy signals.
DecisionPoint Intermediate-Term Breadth Momentum Oscillator (ITBM) The ITBM gives a different perspective of breadth than the shorter-term McClellan Oscillator.
DecisionPoint Intermediate-Term Volume Momentum Oscillator (ITVM) The ITVM gives a different perspective of volume than the shorter-term McClellan Volume Oscillator.
DecisionPoint Rydex Ratio Measures sentiment using the ratio of Rydex bullish/bearish funds.
DecisionPoint Swenlin Trading Oscillator (STO) Overbought/oversold indicator that can assist in identifying short-term tops and bottoms.
High-Low Index The 10-day moving average of the Record High Percent Index, which is a breadth indicator (see below).
High-Low Percent A breadth indicator that measures the percentage of net new highs within a particular group, such as a SPDR or index ETF.
McClellan Oscillator A MACD type oscillator of Net Advances.
McClellan Summation Index A cumulative indicator based on the McClellan Oscillator.
Net New 52-Week Highs A breadth indicator showing the difference between new highs and new lows. Percentage, cumulative and smoothed versions can be used.
Percent Above Moving Average A breadth oscillator that measures the percentage of stocks above a specific moving average.
Pring's Bottom Fisher A market momentum indicator designed to help identify market bottoms.
Pring's Diffusion Indicators A family of breadth oscillators for various collections of securities including major indexes, commodities and currencies.
Pring's Inflation and Deflation Indexes Two oscillators that show the overall health of inflation and deflation sensitive stock groups.
Pring's Net New High Indicators Two oscillators that measure the current strength of the overall commodities market.
Put/Call Ratio A sentiment indicator found by dividing put volume by call volume.
Record High Percent A breadth indicator that shows new highs as a percentage of new highs plus new lows.
Volatility Indices Indicators of implied volatility designed to measure fear and complacency for a range of indices and ETFs.
Note: We also have a vast collection of documented Technical Indicators and Technical Overlays.
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