Stage 8: Monitoring Your Investments
If the trend turns against you, the first loss is always the cheapest. Don’t wait for a gift wrapped invitation to the selling party! Monitoring is all about you, the investor.
Tensile Trading: Stage #8 You Bought It - Now What? “Yesterday is a cancelled check, tomorrow is a promissory note, today is all about the equity in your hand so watch...
How History Unlocks Deep Insights Within Today's Price and Volume Charts History matters because markets do indeed repeat themselves. John Kenneth Galbraith was interviewed in the PBS...
You Bought It! Now What? I’ll confess that my students have referred to me as tough, irreverent and leathery – and those are the kind...
How to Make a 100% Return on Your Equity You watch your equity position tear away on a 200% parabolic run and then you allow your greed and fantasies to kick...
Monitoring Your Investments is a Sisyphean Task "When Google’s co-founder, Larry Page, famously asked Steve Jobs for advice, Job’s reply was “Don’t get...
Why Successful Investors Embrace the Laws of Grouping Fish swim in schools. Birds fly in flocks. Humans follow grouping principles too. Gestalt...
Yes - Successful Investors Must Be Like Loving Parents As any accomplished trader will tell you, investors should think of their equity positions as their children...
Can You Believe 90% of Fortune 500 Equities Have Vaporized? Be careful where you sit. I shared a table at Starbucks last week with two investors who became very animated...
Your Investing Pipeline to Profits It might be human nature, but it’s not a good thing. In my Tensile Trading seminars, investors study six...
You Bought It...But Here's How You Increase Your Probabilities of Making Profits! I think of this weekly blog as a sort of view from the kitchen. Mine is not some candy-coated representation...
How History Unlocks Deep Insights Within Today's Price and Volume Charts History matters because markets do indeed repeat themselves. John Kenneth Galbraith was interviewed in the PBS...
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