Performance Spread
Have you ever wondered how much one of your portfolio positions has outperformed or underperformed a benchmark over a specific time frame? The Performance Spread can answer this question.
The Performance Spread is a relative strength indicator that looks at the difference in percentage changes between a primary security and a baseline symbol. The baseline could be the SPY, QQQ, or an index. If you're looking to add to your portfolio or sell some of your holdings, the Performance Spread indicator can help identify strong and weak securities. Ideally you want to hold on to strong positions and well weak ones.
Using Performance Spread With StockChartsACP
Select the indicator from the Standard Indicators list. The indicator can be placed below, behind, or above the price chart. From the indicator settings, choose the comparison symbol, line style, opacity, and up and down colors.
Below is an example of a chart with the Performance Spread indicator comparing the security with the S&P 500 ($SPX).

When the Performance Spread indicator is above zero it indicates the security is outperforming the benchmark it's compared against. In the above chart, the security was outperforming the S&P 500 index since June 2024.
Last updated
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