Stage 4: Market Analysis

No one can predict the stock market with 100% consistency, but a logical chart-based investment methodology will significantly shift the probabilities for your investment success towards that direction.

Tensile Trading: Stage #4 How to Put the Winds at Your Back with Stock Market Analysis Don’t ever try to stand in front of a fire hydrant to quench your thirst – you’ll hurt yourself! The same...

The Best of Breed Methodology: Stage 4 - A Significant Enhancement A quarter century of investing yields one paramount conclusion. Venture capitalists have known this forever..

Double Your Money - Buy on Rumors I doubled my money on the very first stock trade I ever made. With luck, this is something that everyone should do at least once in a lifetime.

Are You Too Educated to be a Successful Investor? Highly educated people are, for the most part, trained to ask the question “Why?” Engineers, accountants...

The Investor's Curse: "If It Ain't Broke, We Fix It Until It Is" This phrase is most often heard in reference to lawmakers and bureaucrats in Washington, DC, but I think it’s an...

You Can Talk The Talk But Can You Walk The Talk? I attend investment seminars as half-monk, half-hit man. My time is a precious commodity, so if you are a...

The Probability Buster Chart: Improved & Strengthened A powerful profit-enhancing tool has just been refined and put on steroids. Back in December of 2013, I wrote...

The Probability Buster Chart: Possibly the Single Best Visual Analysis Chart Ever If there was one mantra to embrace which would make you money it would be “let the probabilities work for you” or...

Fundamentals versus Technicals: This Ends the Debate! In one corner, you have investors. In the other corner, you have the stock market. When the two...

Market Timing Tools That Work: Pullbacks versus Corrections Here is how to tell if it’s a regular market pullback versus a serious bearish correction. I strongly disagree with...

Believe Your Eyes, Not Your Brains Ask Yourself What, Not Why Seventeen thousand money managers around the globe pay to use BlackRock’s Aladdin risk assessment platform to manage... How Life Hacking Applies To Us As Individual Investors Life hacking was a term first tossed around by computer programmers in the ‘80s as the label they used trying to get...

The Most Important Question Every Investor Must Answer! Have you ever met a famous investor at a cocktail party or event, taken his or her advice on a stock and lost money?...

Smart Beta Funds Leading to Stupid Choices The latest wave on Wall Street’s beach of complexity and opaqueness is a new type of ETF fund referred to as a Smart...

CAN SLIM on Steroids Profitable investing demands a unique type of profitable thinking. Once you’ve achieved this consistently in...

Wizard Investing: Assembly Required, Construction Prohibited Read the Market Wizard books. These remarkable investors use proven off-the-shelf tools and indicators which...

Five Advantages Individual Investors Have Over Institutional Investors The walls of advantage once held by institutional traders over individual investors have come crashing down...

Stock Market Mastery: Blending Fundamental & Technical Analysis Part I The Harvard Business Review (November, 2014) just published its list of the Best Performing CEOs. This list...

Only the 58 Navigators Matter Of the approximately 6,000 stars visible to the naked eye, only 58 are considered navigator stars. Since...

Former Wall Street CEO: Guest Blogger For over fifty years, Harvey Baraban has been an active stock market investor. For over twenty-five years, he...

The Vincent van Gogh Trading Toolkit - Refurbished This popular blog was first published over three years ago. I thought that a timely update was called for...

Trading the News: Lessons From My Personal Trading Journal The motto in the news business seems to be “If it bleeds, it leads.” Investors must appreciate that our news...

How to Profit from Momentum Investing: Guest Blogger, Harvey Baraban Harvey Baraban is a Wall Street insider. As the former CEO of Baraban Securities, he managed...

Ben Bernanke Speaks, This Trader Listens A good friend of mine who is a professional money manager recently invited my family to hear former Federal Reserve...

The Best Source of Investable Ideas A mongst investors these days, there are a number of lively debates going on. Fundamental analysis versus technical...

The "WHY" Investors Versus The "WHAT" Investors: And The Winner Is... Highly educated people are, for the most part, trained to ask the question “Why?” Engineers, accountants...

The Single Most Important Lesson I've Learned Trading the Markets for 25 Years My Thesaurus lists the same two words – enhance and augment – as synonyms for both words “improve” and “more”...

Five Advantages Individual Investors Have Over Institutional Investors The walls of advantage once held by institutional traders over individual investors have come crashing down...

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